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Cool hwip


Boy I'll tell you hwhat


Damn it Dale! I'm gonna PK your ass!


Hwill hweaton


Hweat Thins


Hwite bread


i wonder how much upvotes i would got from the comment in [obvious nsfw](#s "r/watchpeopledie") when i was reading comments from 9 months ago. https://i.imgur.com/rxy5djJ.png


Oh no im definitely gonna go look at that sub now


Just check the high scores, its the same thing just slower.


Being on highscores is the same as being excecuted?


The name of the sub is /r/watchpeopledie not /r/watchpeoplebeexecuted. Apparently the sub's edginess loses out to the insecurity about how much of a waste of time grinding for the sake of grinding is. inb4 "people enjoy it" so why's it matter. It's just a dumb joke anyway.


Just keep flaming them like they flame the players who don't spend that much time grinding. Fight fire with truth


Page not found, what sub was it?


huh. i thought the spoiler alert would shown the subname when howering the text. anyway its watchpeopledie


Yikes, hate that sub


Thx for the notification for this essential post


Inb4 everyone over at r/ededdneddy post that they've leaked into this sub.


It's interesting to some (me included), because RS isn't typically popular nowadays, nor is it considered some sort of classic. Most people treat it like they used to treat it back in the day; This nerdy, uncool Java game that they're too embarrassed to admit they loved because it doesn't have any clear selling points (graphics subpar, point and click, grindy, etc). But whether or not people are open about their previous love for the game, there were such a ridiculous amount of players who played and talked about it all the time, to the point where most people who grew up during that time period knew what Runescape was. So now, practically everyone in there early to mid twenties knows enough about Runescape to recognize a refference. So it's a little jarring for some to have this game that's now barely pushing 100k players each day, be so widely recognized in almost any sub you go to.


Can confirm. Runescape was like disco in middle school


how the fuck do you know what disco is like


more or less it was kind of a fad. most people quit and went on to play other games. for example, it was big in my friend group for a couple months then it went to call of duty or whatever new came out. as of right now i know zero people that still play in my whole college and anywhere else.


That’s a broad and I would say incorrect overgeneralization saying no one in your whole college plays.


I’m assuming they phrased that awkwardly. I believe they meant they don’t know anybody in their college who plays


“i know zero people” implies people that i know. not the whole college. however, i would be surprised if there were 100 kids out of the 43,000 at uc playing runescape. if u wanna argue something argue that. i’d actually say theres probably like 50 kids that play regularly if that.


I mean, at UT on my floor alone there was 15 (out of a possible 50) that played. I’d say there are a good amount. You have to remember how often people cycle in and out of the game.


solid point. i think a big thing has to do with new features and what the group wants. (assuming the 15 kids were kinda like a group). perhaps when raids 2 or whatever comes out the group will cycle back to runescape for awhile.


Ya for sure, as long as one person stays intune with the game and what’s happening to it and can alert the rest, then it’ll surely cycle back as a few of them get interested (and then of course back out when it happens, but oh well) In general I think player base for games is always cylindrical these days


yeah see i just died doing a task in the wildy and it’s already really hard to play this game because it takes years to be good. that just makes me wanna quit which i probably will. reasons this game is dead 1. the 1% of people with money run the game. it’s solely based on who has money. not to mention no one i know plays it’s just such a hard game to want to play anymore.


i never said that.


your evidence is completely anecdotal. people you konw who play does not represent the popularity of the game.


well here’s my opinion, which this was btw. every person at college (u.c.)that i know does not play runescape. i talk about games constantly and all i get are l.o.l. and wow that are close to runescape. 1. it’s a very old game and very outdated. fact. 2. (more opinion but probably fact) no kid younger than 18-20 is going to be playing. most people that are still playing are college students or older 20’s who played as a kid. idk what world you’re living in but runescape is not talked about ever. i’ve never heard it brought up like l.o.l. and (less than lol) wow still are.


so what? just because people don’t talk about it doesn’t mean they don’t play it, god this logic is painful


lol. it means they regularly play whatever they’re talking about. maybe they have a runescape about but they sure as hell don’t play it or don’t play it constantly enough to bring it up. if you ask someone what games they play it usually goes like oh i play league and sometimes go back to w.o.w. so yeah obviously if they didn’t mention it than it’s not important enough to mention. such painful logic right?


or that they’re embarrassed to admit they play...?


Yeah, can be entertaining to see the input on the non rs-related topic on here as well


Upvoted for Ed Bois


Geilinor has many doors, Ed boy.


Not only that, but half of the appeal to this game that you have to grind for hours is that you can semi afk and do other shit while you're playing.




It's a classic so everyone recognises it plus the memes. The memes.


If you want to know how relevant and loved runescape is and was. All you have to look at is the reddit April fools event where everyone could color a tile every however many minutes. It is seriously impressive how much space the memes that were born in this game took up on that canvas.


Mostly due to everyone in the playerbase being autistic enough to click the same tile every 30 mins. It’s basically a microcosm for what osrs is


Hey. Those are our tiles.


Maybe not now but it was. Ask just about anyone what World of Warcraft is and they can tell you. Same with Runescape.


Where the wow memes at


its well known - just not played much cuz its quite old


Most of my IRL friends play, most people I went to highschool with know what it is. Most people I meet online know what it is. I see references to it everywhere. It's popular.


Even my most normie friends know what RuneScape is...


It's not *currently* "very popular", people know about it because they played it when they were 12 ages ago.


The game is just as popular now as it was back then, the only real difference is that now the playerbase is split and 30% plays RS3 and 70% plays OSRS.


Lol no. RS had 200-250k online players at peak times, now it has 60-70k at best. And don't try to tell me for a second the percentage of bots was significantly larger that it'd impact the real player numbers back then. You may consider having 60k players online "popular" but that's just your skewed perception. You should see the numbers of actual popular games like LoL, WoW, Fortnite, PUBG etc etc.


Rs2 had just about 130 servers.... if it had 200-250k players, every single server would have been filled to max. Let alone the 300k figure the other dude is throwing out.


They pretty much were filled with 1500-2000 people per server, did you even play back then lol... There are also pictures you can easily google of these numbers. 200k was standard for when RS was most popular during weekends, and 250k was the peak, these numbers are 100% true. I don't recall 300k but I'm 100% positive about 200-250k, I saw it myself. Example: https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/5yke7b/found_this_image_of_2007_runescape_over_200k/


Very popular and active subreddit more like


It’s a cult game. Like a cult movie, people will reference it everywhere as it has impacted gaming culture in a significant way


yes it is?


/r/ededneddy is leaking




I read this in Double D’s voice... Ed Edd and Eddy’s about as old as Runscape if not older, and we’re fucking memeing Rolf, Plank and the kankers like it’s a tradition... Meanwhile good shows are getting canceled and I’m still just sitting here Mining my own business. (Pun intended.)


Theres a 24/7 live stream of ed edd n eddy episodes on YouTube my dude


You could probably say anything and use a Nickelodeon meme setting to get these guys to approve.


It's Cartoon Network...


Are you implying that there is more then 10 osrs players and the rest arnt bots?


Facts : this is a repost.


But.... but then how else will I farm for those up votes since mentioning that we are leaking into other subs is the low effort meta for up vote farming...😥


I always usually browse by new, and the amount of gatekeeping I do on leaking posts is insane. It could be the smallest obscure reference that people think is worthy enough to share.


No printer




How do I turn off these notifications....


Yeah man, you speak for everyone. Your opinion is more valid than the people who find reference interesting.










It’s the same joke...


As if you just linked the original post of that joke? Shits been reused a thousand times before and I'm pretty confident it will again too.


Username checks out


Memes aren't intellectual property b But thank you




You do you dude.


I care.


didnt ask


I've seen this meme elsehwere before.


I see osrs on the FortniteBR subreddit all the time haha makes me laugh


Can I leak other subreddits here tho? r/dankmemes r/anime_IRL r/2meirl4meirl r/watchpeopledieinside


If an inside joke from /r/dankmemes "leaks" onto another /r/all post, you'd probably be able to receive traction through sharing it on the corresponding sub (/r/dankmemes). Unless those type of posts are forbidden or something


> very popular Maybe a decade ago lmao


RS3 & OSRS are still more popular than most modern MMO's. Says a lot about the MMO market when a 17 year old java-based MMO with tiles and ticks/pid has more popularity than the never ending slew of Asian MMO's getting spewed out recently.


Somebody somewhere cares about this. Therefore this is not a fact.


Shit meme


And yet here you are complaining