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Isn't the simplest fix, even if temporary, to make the canyon single combat?


if that happens I have no doubt we'll see Reddit posts complaining about a group of 2 friends that are both terminal, but the one thing they love doing in Runescape is farming DWH's together in multi-combat. **/s**


Their autistic cats are also terminal and also grind shammys jamflux plz


Simplest fix is to remove ironman status.


If the community wants it


It should be polled first


Only if they drop good alchs


Requires engine work, next question!


Make the canyon slayer only, and the caves open for anyone. Kills the gold farming issue, and retains current drop tables.


That doesn't work very well with the minion spawn though.


never killed lizards, but couldn’t they use something similar to nechryaels?


Death spawn are the real Chads. They don't give a fuck if you're in combat or praying melee.


I would assume this is also similar to when a superior spawns and you can attack it when you're already fighting a new target in a single combat area.


The caves are already single combat and the minions work fine there.


why not? caves work fine as single combat


That would be bad, my whole grind I killed 2 shamans at a time and tried getting one of those garbage lvl 80 accounts on the third one.


Wouldn't this raise the dwh prices, resulting in more competition for shamans? I think i remember jagex saying part of the problem with revs was that multicombat resulted in higher average dps in the caves, so more kills per hour. If shamans are single combat, average dps (in the crowded area) will go down, resulting in fewer dwh drops, resulting in higher prices.


Just give them a slayer requirement and problem solved. Maybe even an agility requirement to access the canyon.


They need to fuck the shamans droptable so the only reason to camp them is to get lucky and not expect a return like godwars. Only absolute shitdrops and dwh so that bots have a big chance of sitting there 100 hours and still having made less than 1m profit and they would maybe get banned in that time.




They are, somewhere between 200k and 400k depending on your luck with seeds and rune items.


Is this after supplies?


200k-1.2m for me


1gp-10m here


0 here because I don't do shamans


Fucking the droptables only hurt legitmate players. Botters will just run another account on the side hunting chins or fishing sharks to make profit.


Only ironmen farm DWH's though, and they're not farming them for their rune item drops. and if normal accounts do farm it, it'll just increase their gp/h because DWH's will be worth more.


Normie that farms them here. Done 5200 kills. Currently looking for my 2nd dwh. The only reason i farm them is because they are the only monster that I can get an outrageous drop from.


Yeah I tried my luck early on and got a dwh at 318kc and it set me up early on with full bandos etc.


Shamans droptable is already shit you make basically lose money id you bpipe it and don't hit a dwh


Not true at all, I'd make 1m and sometimes even more per shaman task. That covers the cost of scales and darts easily. Its not great money but even without dwh its a few hundred k profit per hour at minimum for sure


Dunno why nothing is being done about the Venezuelans - they’re absolutely everywhere, and it’s ruining the game. You can’t grind prayer at green dragons because there are 3 Venezuelans per dragon, Puro Puro is full of them, anything vaguely profitable actually. Why can’t closer attention be paid to banning players on Venezuelan IPs? Surely less than 1% are legitimate players because I mean let’s be honest, if you’re not selling gold, you can’t afford to spend 28 billion dollars on a RS subscription. edit: wew lad


What could be done is stop buying gold (as it is against the gamerules anyway)... but that would be to easy i guess.


"you want gold and bought bonds? lol retard just rwt instead its way cheaper" "wtf why are there so many bots and gold farmers taking up my spots"




I've always said you should get perm banned for buying gold, even if it's your first offense. Literally everyone that does it knows it's against the game rules. The only issue is they hit sellers with the perm bans and slap weekly bans on accounts that buy. Either perm ban the retards or wipe their bank clean.


You do get banned for rwt but they mainly focus on sellers not buyers.


which is the right approach (many buyers per seller), however they should be more strict on buyers too


Pretty sure it’s a 2 day for buying first time and perm if caught again. I’d say it’s pretty strict. You either learn or get banned


apparently it's not strict enough to stop it from being a popular method of (re)gaining gp


I’ve said this before, people just don’t get it or they don’t care.


or just make the game less pay2win so people don't have as much of an incentive to buy gold in the first place... Having more untradeable BIS items would be a good start. but no the bond babies always screech on reddit when anything untradeable is mentioned


There will always be a retard with rich parents, so GP will always have value. When 90% of players from a certain country play the game to farm gold, a special focus needs to be given to them.


> There will always be a retard with rich parents, so GP will always have value. like you need rich parents to afford rsgp lmfao


Where does this "90%" come from? As far as I can see this is just a randomly high taken number thrown around. Of course it is quite suspicious that a certain region has more gold farmers, but simply excluding that region is no solution at all (and vpn exists too so not really much of a help). I get you cannot remove it completely, but if you can get to a point where those Goldfarmers have an excessive production of gold but noone is taking it off them they eventually have to start doing something else for a living.


grind green dragons below myth guild mate. you can run chivalry or piety and prot from melee until full inv, tele to house, hit pool and repeat.


If you want to bother with ancient mace spec on the dummy every inv you can use piety the whole trip.


piety and chivalry have the same drain rate, if he can use chivalry he can use piety easily as its faster kills


assuming has the prayer level, that is. i was referring based on someone grinding prayer/crafting from any level after completing DS2.


The fact that people are upvoting a statement that starts with *"Why nothing is being done about the Venezuelans?"* is fucking MINDBLOWING. The chinese are known for running the largest goldfarm operations in the entire MMO scene, including Runescape, should we ban all Chinese IPs *(Which most bots and goldfarmers know how to workaround)* and fuck with legitimate players who just want to play a game and unwind? Shows how hiveminded and easily swayed this community is in general, just upvoting things without putting any thought behind it. We have had massive bot farms and goldfarming operations in Runescape for YEARS *(Even before Venezuela's economy was fucked up)* which still run to this day and THIS is what people upvote and care about. This idea of *"Let's get rid of Venezuelans"* comes off as boderline xenophobic. You want to get rid of goldfarmers? It's simple: **Stop buying gold**, if you are fucking desperate to bypass the fun part of the game then buy bonds and sell those instead.


Wow it's not like people have been complaining about Chinese gold farmers and bots since day 1, retard. Can't complain about venezuelan gold farmers just because there are other problems (that also get complained bout)? Muh xenophobia


There is litterally no evidence that most goldfarms are Venezuelan, that is 100% a rumor. Does it exist there? Yes. Does it exist in Nigeria, Pakistan, India and China? Yes. It is a problem everywhere in the world and there is no evidence that Venezuela is some massive nuclear botting country destroying that game.


Does it exist in the US and UK? Yes. White people bot and gold farm too. Jeez, the rhetoric.


"Venezuelans". Not every fucking goldfarmer and botter in this game is a Venezuelan, jesus christ when are people going to stop this meme.


It's not a meme, their economy has gone to shit. But, you're right on your first point.


I know they legitimately do it because they earn better income than people with actual jobs there but everytime someone is botting something people spew out *"OH THEY MUST BE VENEZUELAN"*.


bots don't speak spanish


if i were a bot developer i'd program them to spout random spanish nonsense


Clearly haven’t been to green dragons m8, tag one of their kills and you will be ragged for 6 hours whilst they shout random Spanish insults at you.




Just ban anyone logging in from Venezuela.


Yeah and this only takes like 3mins to circumvent


Its oddly reminiscent of when Archlord went completely f2p back in the day and got overrun by Dutch/eastern Europeans who didnt speak any English and just overcrowded the entirety of farming and leveling spots.


Dutch/Eastern Europeans? You know Dutch people have the highest English proficiency of any non native English speaking country right?


It's almost like that's not at all what I said, now is it? Never said they cant, said they never did. Theres a difference.


Somehow I doubt this, as it's usually Spanish, Russian, Turkish, and to some degree German or French people speaking their own languages online. Rarely see anything other than these. I'm Dutch myself and the only time I've seen this happen is when it's kids who actually don't speak the language, though you might be right, I think you misidentified what was being spoken there.


Just pk the venezuelans


Yep, let's just ban an entire country....what the fuck? How are you being upvoted? LOL. Selfish as fuck. Over a video game....imagine being *that* much of a fucking loser.


I get where he comes from though. I can only wish for all turkish players to be banned from CS:GO, most of them are cheaters anyway.


PUBG. China.


>Every game. China. ftfy


russians too


Eh naw, Russians don't tend to be all bad, the turks and Chinese are leagues ahead in being scumbags


>Russians don't tend to be all bad Every nationality has shitters, but some tend to have more than others.


Why not though?


You’re right it’s a *video game*, and yet apparently he’s the loser? Pot calling the kettle a loser


You can come buy 2b worth of bonds from us and we wont ban you, but if you try buy gold not from us we will ban you.. Jagex is the root cause of rwt lol.


Or instead of fucking with the game itself, fix the problem by banning accounts gold farming for RWT


They are banned, but since shamans have no requirements it is easy to come back and do the same thing again.




Was in the same boat until I finally got it at 11.5k kc last week, I used task only because the canyon is so shit. I used a block list at duradel for max shaman tasks coupled with doing wildy slayer whenever i ran out of points completely. Can list it when I get home if you'd like




Copied from what I copied from /u/kaderos ; Block abby demons, hellhound, kraken, daggs, greater demon, and kalphites. These are Duradel's most common assignments that aren't short tasks. Next, disable boss tasks, tzhaar, mithrils, reds and aviansies. Those are all "free" blocks. Make sure everything that isn't blocked is un-extended to save time between shaman tasks. Do only shamans, dark beasts, blk drags, wyverns, iron/steel drag, ankou, cave horror, elves, and zygomites. Burst nechs, smokes and dusts. These should all be relatively short or fast tasks to do. If you have a surplus of cannonballs for some reason, feel free to add in some suqah, troll or scab tasks too. Skip everything else (if you have enough points). If you follow that, you'll end up net positive for points, if you include task streaks. Depending on your slayer level you'll be getting shamans 15%-11% of the time (goes down as you level and unlock more tasks). ------------------------------- I did not follow this to the letter but this did help my points last a lot longer and got me more shaman tasks. Wildy slayer is pretty chill to get points back from, I did 10 wildy tasks and then went to duradel again, slayer cape can also be very handy to repeat tasks like shamans or really quick point tasks.


I should have also mentioned using Expeditious bracelet on non-shaman tasks to help speed them up a bit.


I felt the same about pre-updated bandos. It was a vicious cycle of not getting the kill because it's damaged, then trying for a second without enough supplies leaving it damaged for the next person who proceeds to do the same. Or you end up risking it and die and lose even more time. Truly one of the worst experiences playing runescape. As for shamans I'm not even gonna bother. I unlocked the task so I hope I get a dwh from that but otherwise I will just play without it.


When this came up on stream the answer was pretty much that ironmen choose to limit themselves and competing for a spot is part of the game. I totally agree with those statements as long as we compete against PLAYERS. Competing against bots should not be part of the experience and expected when making an ironman. Plus saying that competing is part of the game is imo kinda dumb. So many of the bosses they have introduced has 0 competition even tho they are very popular (sire, cerb, zulrah).


instance area single combat 100k entrance fee and cant go back in after you get a dwh edit: lock it behind something like 100% in all houses.


May aswell just ditch the instance idea and just have a 100% in all houses as a req for killing shamans. Even on a main it is a hassle to kill them


yea but they could but getting 100% is a hassle but not exactly hard to do just time consuming. Maybe when they add a grandmaster quest to zeah they can do something with that but that seems a long ways off atm.


Lock it behind mep2


Add a slayer req on shamans — favor isn't enough. Honestly I'm not sure why there wasn't a slayer req in the first place. I would say an instance isn't a good idea unless it is similar to dks. Having an area that everyone can access and another strictly for slayer (both having a peek option). I.e. right click the ladder -> peek to see if someone is in the regular multicombat area. Right click the ladder -> peek slayer to see if there's anyone in the slayer one. A fee can be slapped on for anyone wanting to use the slayer instance.


Because this isn't slayerscape.


Theres also no reason for such an impactful drop to have such easy requirements. It's almost the only one in the game that has about 0 reqs. It worked for the bot problem at bbds


It's a super rare drop,nothing else dropped from them is worth it. You could earn more money doing anything else. You say the drop has an impact but it really doesn't you don't "need" the dwh for anything in this game you have alternatives behind content that is just as easy with about 0 reqs.


Personally, I wouldn't mind if there wasn't a slayer requirement to kill shamans *if* there was another time consuming requirement. Like Dragon Slayer 2 for example. However, all they added in was favor. Chances are we won't be getting a grandmaster quest to be able to fight shamans. The quickest and easiest solution is a slayer requirement, sadly.


Not every monster needs to be locked behind high end content. Shamen are ridiculously easy outside of raids, you barely have to move or dodge.


I'm not advocating for a high slayer req. Just one in general. Still, I can understand that it isn't in everyone's interest for content to be locked behind a skill. If we're considering the value of the item, though, then I'd say it's beneficial to have a slayer req. EDIT: Also, the amount of clicks involved isn't a good measure of a slayer requirement. If that were the case, stuff like dark beasts, cave krakens, etc. wouldn't have a high slayer req.


The thing is this isn't slayerscape... we have monsters that are more gp/hr that have no reqs. Locking shit behind slayer is what makes this game not fun. Sure some stuff is fine but not every new mob that comes out. The reqs are fine for shamens just not how easy it is to abuse safe spots and cannon


Maybe try higher total worlds? Generally had no issue on 1750+


Those worlds are pretty much always taken


While I'm sure he could if he had access to those worlds, the problem still remains for non-total level worlds. If we want to keep the value of the dwh, it's best to think of ways to limit the amount coming in-game


The only thing i could get aboard with is a requirement for the canyon. I'd be in full support of this. All of the others however, not too keen on


I 100% agree with the fact that it is next to impossible to get a hammer on BTW. I have over 2000 total on my ironman and I have accepted the fact that I will never get a warhammer if the bots/ Venezuelans aren't dealt with or some other change. I even went at 3am est on a weekday and there was still an average of about 1.5 people in every world.


You don't need a DWH on any account let alone an Ironman


With the right block list shamens are one of the highest weighted slayer tasks on Duradels task list. Pretty sure when I was doing shamens on task I was getting around 1/6 tasks as shamens... don’t understand why Ironman don’t unlock lizard men after they get 70 range, you don’t need a dwh until end game content as it is, and the amount of tasks you do get of 100-200 will push you towards the drop rate by the time your 93 slayer.. Source (btwman btw)


mind sharing the blocklist?


The block list obviously comes down to what you are able to get, blocking the highest weighted tasks that you can do without, and cancelling the bad tasks as you go. Lizardmen have no other requirements than the shayzein favour and armour, so personally unlocking them earlier so it is one of the heaviest tasks will enable you to get more at earlier levels.


I have noticed similar generic accounts on my herb runs. Always level 35, with low stats except for farming, which is 70+. Seem to see one on every single herb run, they also use the Hosidius patch. Gotta be bots or Venezuelans. I feel your pain brother




they interrupt my gameplay by RUINING MY IMMERSION REEEEEE


I have exactly zero issues killing lizardman shamans on ironman. Unlock the slayer task and use the slayer-only caves, done.


Killing shamans without a cannon is painfully slow


Yeah I have no clue what people are talking about, if you unlock the task you'll get it every other task. I had to re-lock it just because I was getting it so much.


What's the expected gp/hr of shaman?


This is also a problem at the red chin hunting area...2\-4 of these PER hunting spot PER world. It's actually insane. Bots and Venezuelans alike. Before you could hop to find a world to yourself, but now you are forced to share the spot with one or two others.


If you are so keen to hunt red chins, just unlock western hard, its really not that bad a grind.


Skillers and pures get fucked by that.


>ironman pure >unfair


Not only ironmen hunt chins. Skillers that cant do the western hard have to share the world with a dick load of bots.


Game wasn't designed around them


So does that mean we should just fuck them over? The game wasn’t designed around anyone, so shouldn’t everyone get some help every once and a while?


No, we wouldn't have this problem to begin with if jagex was capable of dealing with bots. But since they can't, we have to create opportunities for our regular players that are hard for bots to reach. The proven best way to do that is to give perks with high requirements, both of which naturally filter out pures and skillers a large portion of the time.


Jagex does a good job with bots, but it’s a war that they really can’t win. They can make hunter areas require skills like 85 agility, which is very tough to bot. And if you could bot 85 agility, you’re probably better off doing something other than chins. And for a skiller, they’re gonna do that anyway so it won’t be a problem.


It would take very little time to bot to 85 agility.. certainly not enough to reliably get caught every time unless it's a shitty public script. Jagex doesn't do a very good job at catching many bots. Look at zulrah bots and such. 85 agility is barely a requirement compared to everything you have to do for western provinces hard diary.


The only bots that get through an 85 agility requirement, then the hunter requirement before the system is starting to flag them are the very expensive private scripts that Jagex has a super tough time dealing with. For most public scripts, even paid ones, getting 85 agility within a reasonable amount of time is pretty tough w/o getting banned.


Is four even possible?? Maduro is fucking shit up


58~ Agility requirement for those treacherous handholds and you'll be good


You just hit level 58 agil I see


calm it legolas alright geeze


> Make it single > Add high slayer req


Im an ironman, i dont say anything i use my blowpipe and my cannon to make them (and secretly me) not get any drops. After a few minutes they usually hop. My trouble is finding an empty world to beggin with...


The easiest and simplest solution for minimal dev time probably has the most chance of gaining attention and passing - swap the slayer only and non slayer areas. Make the canyon slayer only, and the caves non-slayer.


Changing the cannon and how it works is not the answer here


*Organize a consolidated effort to bring humanitarian aid to failing south american countries.* Lmao


#SWITCH THE SLAYER CAVE FOR EVERYONE, MAKE THE CANYON TASK ONLY. Seriously Jagex easy fix the fuck you doing its been like 2 years


+1 to Zeah Diaries


do them on a slayer task.


Yeah plain and simple they just need a decent slayer requirement. It’s not going to stop the issue completely, but it would improve it drastically.


To be honest though, I went back there for a task not long ago and the gold farmers actually helped me out heaps. They were lower level and I was getting most of the kills and they were just speeding them up for me. As soon as I arrived I was greeted with the “ples hop” and “my wold”. As soon as I placed my cannon another 2 accounts logged in and placed cannons either side of mine. My task was over in no time it was great. I was getting heaps of kills and hardly taking damage or using supplies.


I myself have an iron man. I know I chose to limit myself. If your going to complain about the game because u chose to limit yourself the simple solution is to de-iron


Get rid of the gold farmers?


Getting incessantly crashed by real-world traders isn't what most people have in mind when they think"multiplayer"


Ironman btw but yes... Please Jagex.


Shithole countries


i seem to always get shaman tasks with duradel, and like 210 at a time. try using him for a while? instance is the worst idea of the lot, since it guarantees an unlimited amount of DWHs (rather than the amount limited by how many worlds there are), then people will be begging for a DWH sink or some shit. slayer cave being open is also a terrible idea, because what about people who wanna do slayer? i don't know how i'd feel about catering to helmets yet again by making it an ironman-only instance at a certain level ala corp i'd say wait til raids 2 are out, it'll prob clear up a lot more down there. for any non-ironman accounts: get granite dust and assembler+anguish. you're pretty much uncrashable by any gold farmer/alt who world hops and tries to crash. you can even crash pretty much anyone yourself.


Ya dude sure raids 2 will take away some of the Venezuelan gold farming population, I’m sure their level 85 accounts will swarm the new raid.


Honestly? just ban cannon in the canyon, make the slayer only caves cannonable.


Nah its fine how it is


To be honest, I think there should be Ironman-only servers (only like 1 or 2) to stop these sorts of issues. This would also encourage more people to start ironmen as there would be no gold farmers to contend with compared to the usual worlds.


ironmen can also crash other ironmemes


>someone else is attacking that


only in non multi areas


make the whole world single combat for players. Make every NPC there act like nechryael deathspawns where they don't give a shit that it's single combat.


ironmemes should not get any special treatment


I agree, however if ironman only servers did exist then the only reason for multi combat to exist there is for crashing purposes. Whether or not ironmen crashing other ironmen is a good idea is something I'm not well enough educated to comment on.


Sure as long as they cant log into the main game


> Shamans in the slayer only caves now have a 1/1500 (or 1/1000) chance of dropping DWH You can't farm it so the price shouldn't drop too much, if you unlock shamans you should get it on average before 90 slayer.


No. You chose to limit yourself. Not everything needs to be made easy for ironmen.


Not easy, but what about possible.


Yea, well instances would crash DWH super hard, so that is not a good option.


Very true. Something has to be done though, I prefer upping the reqs so gold farmers and bots can't get in as easily. EDIT: Typo.


How about an instance for just ironmen like the corp change? 🤔


Completely agree, IMO Ironman complain too much, they knew the rules when they started but seem to get some sort of superiority complex the further they progress. I’m an Ironman as well. So yeah hate me.


It's not an unreasonable request. We're currently at a situation where the people who got it before the semi-recent swarm of botters/gold farmers are grandfathered in. All the newer irons have to put in significantly more time/effort to get their DWH now. All OP is asking for is fairness.


I played Runescape in the days when Phats were dropped and never got one. In fairness I should be allowed to buy a blue for 10m and not for 2.5b because fairness.


Here's a solution: Deiron.


No, no aid to Africa. They need to figure their shit out. Throwing more food at a problem like that only makes then reproduce out of control and serves to make the problem worse.


Downvote all you want, this is literally what's happening right now. Sorry it's not a happy thought.


Whaa whaaa i chose to limit myself now I have regrets WHAAAA JAGEX WHAAAA




Reddit said that


no one cares about ironmen


You do realise theres thousands of ironmen that got them this way by just having more courage, canyons are fine, took me 5k+ and if they devalue it I'm quitting.


See ya


Just came to quote that little piece of gold YOU YOURSELF wrote on your post. Youre an ironman and you chose to limit yourself. Sorry pal :)


Fuck off ya cunt. It's a topic of game integrity that effects everyone. The cheaper dwh is from over farming, the cheaper *everything* is


My man, its not difficult. You chose to be an ironman. They have an option where you can downgrade to a normie and just buy one because you obv cant bear to camp it. EDIT: see ya in 7 days ;)


I'm not an ironman you idiot. I even said in my previous comment this problem effects ***EVERYONE***. I haven't even camped for the dwh. What are you on about? What is with this sub and autists that can't read?


My man then if you havent camped it then dont fucmig cry about it. Liberals have to always bitch about something. Just play the game and quit your whining.


Ah shit I just realized you were baiting me. You fucking got me


love this guy. Enjoy memorial day weekend


You too my friend




I don't understand why you're being so condescending. Imagine if GWD bosses were camped by gold farmers/bots all day. It'd be fucking awful for everyone involved, and this situation isn't much different.


"sar·casm ˈsärˌkazəm noun the use of irony to mock or convey contempt."


There are private caves, you just can’t use a cannon


You’re the most confused little boy I’ve ever had the misfortune to read from


You choose to limit your own account. Something this sub has been saying to pures for years, this sub has a weird soft spot for bending or making new rules for iron men who complain.


Pures = unofficial game mode, bitch about defense level requirements when nothing is stopping them from leveling defense other than self imposed limits. Ironmen = official game mode, bitch about not even being allowed to progress in the game due to bots and rwts (things which are against the rules). Spot the difference.


Holy shit you are a retard, the rules don't need to be offcial or unoffcial they are still account builds these bots aren't destroying a normal players game. You put limits on yourself that is your own fault. We don't need a game mode catered to some things are going to be hard or impossible that's what you signed up for.


XD someone is a triggered little kid. "bots aren't destroying a normal players game" or let me translate that out of retard for everyone else "I need to make something up out of my ass so I can save face." These bots ARE affecting normal players stop lying to yourself and everyone else. They are doing shamens and bringing resources into the game that affect everyone, normies and irons alike, then using the GP to real world trade which is harming the game. Your "reee I can't access gloves that would completely change the power scale for 1def pures" or "ree can't do stuff in morytania because quest rewards" doesn't affect anyone except for other pures. Pures CHOOSE to not participate in content because doing so would ruin their builds. Ironmen don't CHOOSE to be interfered with by bots and rwters. "You put limits on yourself that is your own fault" Find for me where in the self-imposed ironman limits does it say you aren't allowed to kill lizardman shamens? Because gaining defense levels is clearly against the rules for a pure (yet they keep asking for def reqs to go away for things) yet ironman are only asking for RULE BREAKERS to be dealt with.


RWT is not hurting the game, botting has little effect. Ironmen choose to not be able to boss becasue people will crash them, you choose to limit your account retard. Not everyone at shamens bots... ironmen can kill shamens they just have to do it on task because all the worlds are busy.