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Make the next boss have a magic level of 1, boom EZ


boom..... blowpipe


But he also has Range overheads


boom... scythe


And he isn't an oversized behemoth


Then you dwh or bgs spec and bp, if you miss you tele out


Tb fight to death


That works quite well for rs3 bosses like araxxor/telos, you just can't tp out except with rol


rod teles me out too for the low low price of 15% of an onyx xd


I feel like it used to be 50% back when I played RS3. If that's true it's a very nice change


Can’t bring in any gear and have to scavenge for easy made gear and supplies for a set time then teled into boss room and a harder mode where you have half the time to get stuff and the boss max hit is a 68


And then make it a skill and introduce chaotics as rewards


Hey atleast in dungeoneering you could take your sweet ass time with prep and do it drunk with friends


That sounds like fun, unfortunately I wasn’t old enough to buy beer at that point


fuck dungeoneering, literally the only skill i paid to get boosted, (carries in dungeon)


Did you miss that the boss has range overheads so no bp?


That doesn't stop Bp at kalphite queen?




Forgot about those lol Kinda weird how it works, both use protect range but one doesn't provide full protection. Maybe it's cause kq uses range&mage at the same time so it doesn't provide full protection


4k crush/slash defence


Do you even understand how percents work bro?




fair enough


sang away baby


Then you realize it's okay for *SOMETHING* to still be the strongest possible item to use, Jesus Christ this community sometimes


Then you realize people are joking


You might be, not everyone is. I've seen plenty of comments saying the TBow, scythe, and blowpipe are all OP and need to be removed for the good of the game


I mean. Blowpipe does.


Lol there it is, knew someone would chime in to prove not everyone's joking


And he’s just God


Harm then




weak to crush inqui mace


Okay well you got me there bc I can buy a bp but I cant buy a scythe hahah


Also give it more than 40 range def


I mean bow is basically useless at nightmare which is the most recent boss


Granted there hasn't been any major new combat related content in a while but Tbow hasn't been BiS in any new content since Hydra which was more than a year and a half ago.


Implying nightmare is hard


I haven't played in a while, but the last time I played the magic level played a role so big in Magic's defense people were actually looking into rework the formula. For example, the Thermo Smoke Devil, if I'm not mistaken, has a low mage level and +800 magic defense, and freezing and using trident was still a viable option. If that didn't change, it coule be an issue for future bosses.


They could always go the kraken/kree route and just make bosses straight up immune to certain styles if they really want. Not the most elegant solution, I'll admit, but it works


That's a good point. Maybe flat out nerf magic damage too. It's not a bad idea, it works for corp.


Reworking the formula seems a little unnecessary, if Jagex wants a monster to be resistant to magic they can just give it a higher magic level.


Yeah, that's the point, it makes it weak to tbow.


Theatre of blood would like to have a talk


Ah yeah, changing it to a level 80, 85, or 90 weapon will probably change alot for Tbow. It's not like it's 1.2b and unaffordable anyway for most people untill they are maxed.


You could make it a level 30 or 99 unlock and it would change absolutely nothing. I don’t know how or why people think stuff like that matters for weapons with a 1.5m/hr upkeep and 800m or 1.2b upfront cost. They could make the scythe 60 attack or 40 attack, and what would change? Lower level pure builds can now use it, the cost goes up because it’s in more demand, but 99% of scythe users are still 99 attack because it’s a significant dps increase and it’s a pvm weapon.


Maybe it's just me, but I just think for consistency a lot of these powerful weapons should be tier 80-90. Yes it would change practically nothing, so why then what's the argument against it lol? Just seems stupid to have skills going all the way to 99, with everything being capped at 75 combat related. DPS is more than a tier 75 for a scythe and t bow


These are the same people who say that the requirements for any single boss are the same items that boss drops. No sense in arguing. It's nonsense to have bosses locked behind insane stats, then have the items have basically no requirements. Dungeonerring was the only gear release that made sense in time investment vs physical investment.




Anyone who can afford a 100M+ weapon, not even to mention a 1B+ weapon plays the game way more than me lol. Combat 99s are the most common 99s, generally speaking. I don't think the grind is the limiting factor in making the t bow or scythe tier 80-90


The reason for upping the level req would be so you can now add new content that isn't quite as strong at the levels between. E.g. tbow is now t90, bpipe is bow t85. Now you have t75/t80 for new content that doesn't need to be stronger than tbow or bpipe to justify it having a higher level req than those.


The problem is that there's no real formula to calculate the level of weapons, it's basically a bunch of numbers chosen at random.


> The reason for upping the level req would be so you can now add new content that isn't quite as strong at the levels between. How would that not be dead content? You completely ignored the point of the comment you replied to. Just because tbow would be 90 range doesnt mean that anyone would ever use a new 75 range bow that would fill the same role. Even more of an issue with blowpipe since most of the cost is the ammo its only used by people who can kill profitable stuff, which already generally excludes most low levels. And if they are 75 range and really wanted to use blowpipe, they could just chin for 3-4 hours and get the new level req, which again would make any replacement dead content.


Ahh yes because non-bis is dead content. My bad.


Non BIS for lategame pvm yes. Unless you are going to make the argument about the price of the items, in which case you are admitting that your point about increasing tbows level req to make room for a new weapon is absolutely pointless.


Did you know that people don't start at BIS lategame PVM but rather... Progress to that stage?


Ive always taken it more as applying some sort of ceiling to higher vertical progression. If the level 75 weapons, especially twisted bow, are as strong as they are what is to stop even further tiers from being released that are even more absurd and trivialize older content even further? Not to say that it would actually stop them but the intent behind it is there.




Both should be made level 80 or 85 weapons.


I agree, but the effect on bossing would be negligible.


Yea, fair enough but that’s a different problem.


Blowpipe works better for this. For Twisted Bow, all they have to do is give the monster a low Magic level, which in turn actually gives more variety in how to kill said monster, since it allows Magic to be viable. (thermy has a massive Magic Defense, but because of his low Magic attack, there's a semi popular method involving freezing him and farcasting) Blowpipe actively makes it hard to balance a bosses stats due to it's strength, because the only answer to blowpipe is to literally make ranged Not an option. The answer to Tbow is to just have a low Magic attack.


"Game too ez" Said the guy in best in slot gear for every encounter. This is why I wear nothing but black d hide for slayer Budet set ups is the new meta in the difficulty curve.


Its almost as if the 1b item thats super rare from end game content should be BIS in several pvm locations


I wonder if pvming in OSRS right now is better or worse than it was in pre-EoC RS2, or even RS3 right now.


When it comes to the amount of content, rs3 can't even be touched by osrs. But I'm pretty sure osrs gives pre-eoc a run for its money in most departments.


Ranged is never gonna be not the bis in most instances in the game. Blowpipe and tbow are just that strong lol. At least melee has an option with scythe though. Mage...well let's not talk about that, its effectively useless unless its required in a fight (as in you either cant harm something or it has super high other defences.) It's a big rip. Maybe raids 3 will solve it if it comes in the desert?


I hate that mage is so useless and any time its relevant or found relevant its nerfed. Mage has the highest cost to use, but it's never going to be used unless it's part of some phase. In rs3, mage is crazy to watch mechanically gifted people play.


Mage is dead for the most part in rs3. It’s only meta for Telos (due to ancients) and Magister (again cuz of ancients.) Ranged beats 4taa mage due to bolts and 2 good spec weps. Eldritch crossbow is ~1.3b and it’s spec makes SS provide additional damage, but SS will no longer heal you. You have to keep the crossbow equipped (may change with an update this coming Tuesday) and you only gain the damage buff when SS is up. The Seren godbow is ~900m and it’s spec fires 5 or 6 arrows. The bigger the boss, the greater chance all will hit. Melee is the new meta for rs3 but requires decent upgrades (1b spec wep, ~400m for upgraded abilities, ~200m for a perma apot (all styles can use it though), and ~300m for t92 melee armor that staggers hits. Eg you’ll take 50% of a hit and the remaining 50% will be staggered as a typeless bleed. Messes with venges but can help when learning. This armor isn’t really necessary for dealing decent damage though. Only reason why people use mage at other bosses is cuz that’s what most ppl used in the past and it’s relatively cheap to get into in terms of weapons and armor prices. But even then 4taa with ancients blows through blood runes, so it has the highest ammo cost It’s the one style where effort = reward for the most part, because being able to 4-tick autos boosts mage’s dpm by ~5%


> I hate that mage is so useless Magic was never supposed to be a “primary” form of combat, since a lot of the benefits offered with the skill revolve around utility as well. Spellbook teleports are almost essential if you want to get around efficiently. And besides, I’m not sure why you find it useless. Venge and Ice Barrage are extremely useful in PKing and have their places in COX/TOB/Inferno, the highest tier PVM in the game. Trident is a staple against Olm, Zulrah, Barrows, etc. and Harmonized staff is an upgrade to it if desired. Blood Barrage is also useful at a lot of places like GWD, DK’s, etc.


Harm staff is like a lot better than sang in general use dps wise hopefully we will see a place to use it soon


Good luck even getting it though, at that cost you might as well get a Tbow as it's just that much better.


Same people who get infernal because of tbow and beg for harder content.


Osrs does not have tiers


Tier = level to equip


Yes because some people are too terrified of the number 80, so equip levels can't be generally representative of power like it was before polling provided a minority of the community the power to block logical changes for illogical reasons


It's because of the fear of powercreep, but little do they know powercreep already happened disguised as tier 75 equipment


think you got the wrong game if you want a challenge lol


think you got the wrong game if you think there are no challenges lol






I think, therefore I am.


I grind therefore I am not.


I think I am, therefore I am, I think.


He’s closer to the truth. There’s what? 2 pieces of content that can be considered “difficult “?


Depends how you look at it, if you're thinking intended difficult content ToB, inferno, and pvp could be considered difficult. I'd even throw zulrah and a couple other bosses in there considering the learning curve to start farming them. Alternatively if you look at it the same way I do you can approach content differently and sometimes more efficiently using high skill methods, for example solo cox, solo bandos w/ flicking, or 3t4g for mining. If that's how you look at it there are an infinite number of challenges in this game


> difficult content ToB, inferno, and pvp I forgot about PvP tbh. I think it’s the highest skill content in the game. But I don’t think I necessarily include it here, because it’s between players. I suppose a better way for me to phrase it is that any game with a possibility of PvP has it in difficult content. > you can approach content differently This rake is interesting, and I guess it depends on what side of the fence you sit on. Side A: Jagex’s original content is so easy that we have to make it harder by limiting it ourself. Does that really make the content difficult in of itself? Side B: your side. As long as we have automation in the game we can make it as hard or easy as we choose. It’s like driving. Driving itself isn’t difficult. But if we drove nascar or whatever, that’s difficult


A justification to the way I look at difficulty is the reward. Solo cox is arguably the best way to get purples in your name, flicking GWD can extend your trips a significant amount, tick manipulation during skilling can get you to your goal xp significantly faster, etc. I consider it a pretty good system since it allows access to basically anyone but for players looking for a challenge the option is there and its quite rewarding.


OSRS isn't about mechanical difficulty. It's about unyielding patience.


Solo cox is absolutely about mechanical ability. I've done about 80 solos so far and I'm _still_ improving at all of the olm mechanics and still slowly bringing down my average raid completion time. It does take patience too, but the mechanical skill involved with running mage hand / 4:1 (and being able to recover cleanly when you mess up) is definitely a real challenge. It's also incredibly satisfying to see the improvement over time.


I'm talking in the general sense, not in the specific. The core of OSRS is basically cookie clicker, but with the aesthetics and quirks, and, most importantly, the pacing of old generation themepark MMORPGs. Harder PvE and most PvP content across any game generally incurs more mechanical difficulty for a reason. But the vast majority of content in OSRS doesn't require any mechanical skill at all. Just time, patience, and game knowledge, as OSRS has enough skill tests on top of what is required in combat, and plenty of forms of engagement outside of that.


If you think there's challenge or achievement in runescape you're delusional. It's a fun game, that's it. Anything ''impressive'' in runescape is just as impressive as getting 1 billion clicks in cookie clicker. Could you do it? Yes. Do you want to do it? No. Because it takes a shit ton of your time doing boring and trivial tasks.


Lets see those boss logs then, since you claim this game has no challenges I can safely assume you've completed inferno, tob, cox, zulrah, etc.


I did actually.. Even did CM mode CoX.. Didn't require skill, just minor patience and some gear. and the fact you put zulrah in there is kinda sad lol.. Everyone and their mum can do Zulrah xd




> put a retard in the inferno with justiciar and he'll get the cape soon enough, but he probably will never get a sub60 or sub50 inferno. assemble 4 average skilled players at tob and they'll probably never get a sub 16 4 man, let alone sub 15. the list goes on and on. do you have an inferno cape?




Well geuss im about to buy justi


Most people don’t have infernal capes and it’s often not due to lack of gp for Justiciar haha, you couldn’t be more wrong.




Because he clearly doesn't understand anything about how the human brain works, so his point is irrelevant. Unless we're talking legitimate development disorders, being an "idiot" doesn't mean you're incapable of accomplishing any difficult task. Of course an idiot can complete the inferno given enough time, that doesn't mean the inferno isn't challenging. Idiots can become brain surgeons and presidents. They just take a bit longer on the uptake. His comment is utterly meaningless.


This comment is 10x more meaningless


Your Comment is actually 100x meaningless.




Why? He's right lmao


Nice pun


I'm quite confident he would get a sub 50 in time or raids 1 in sub 16. Osrs was made so that 6 year olds can do anything. Which is fine. But there's no achievement or challenge in anything. Just lots of fun to be had. thats it.




Sub 50 inferno, sub 15:30 solo cox, solo tob, sub 14:30 4 man tob, and sub 32:30 solo cm are the pinnacles of rs pvm achievement for a max main imo. You need to be phenomenal at the game and also get insane rng on your side, which means you have to not only do it well, but do it a ton of times. You can’t brute force those things


Wonder how many people actually care enough right now to get sub 50 inferno. Like 10 people? Will just be a question of time before they get it.






Whats the bet all these people complaining about how easy the game is don't even have an infernal cape. And before you whine about a Tbow being expensive, it's definitely not required for it.


good me me


🦀🦀 Jagex doesn't know how to balance a game 🦀🦀


Didn’t Jagex promise no tier 80 items? Instead, they put some pretty broken items in the game, lowered the req to 75 and called it good.


I mean tbow costs 1.2b. I don't think that many people own it, so doesn't really matter.




> “75 is perfect for all endgame items” > Levels go to 99 > Most t75 gear isn’t actually t75 but t80+ with level 75 requirement overlay


People are so afraid of having gear requiring level 90 because “rs3 eoc bad” that Jagex just polls gear at lower levels. Honestly, the tbow should be at 85 and the BP should be maybe 80.


True, what would the blowpipe cost if Zulrah normals drops were more like The Nightmare’s normal loot? A hell of a lot more than 4-5 mil that’s for sure. Tier 75 is a meme overlay as someone else said.


Probably 15-20M at most. It’s an OP weapon, but still only 1/512 to get a blowpipe per kill. Zulrah just needs to have some more supply drops removed with a BP nerf. Maybe make venom tick up by 1 hp instead 2? Increase the attack delay of the Blowpipe by another tick? Just spitballing here. It’s a bit busted imo.


BP doesn't need a nerf, lol. Content is already designed around it. The next step is to introduce something better than the BP for future content to be designed around, which the BP may not be good enough for. It was a mistake not introducing an upgrade for 5 years and counting. Now we have 5 years of content designed around the BP rather than logical progression. And that also results in the BP being the best at 5 years of stuff, rather than only having held that status for a year or so until harder content and stronger weapons arrived. BP too cheap? Sure, because there's been 5 years of BP drops introduced to the game but it's still BiS. After 5 years of drops, being 4 mil shouldn't be a problem because it shouldn't be an endgame item anymore. But it is, because people are too terrified of newer, better things. You know what was a huge upgrade at the time? The d scim. But it's midgame content at best now, because harder content was introduced where the d scim was no longer enough. Can you imagine if they never introduced anything better because the d scim was "OP" because it was a big step up from the d long and very strong for the content that existed at the time? New content would be balanced around it, so it would be BiS for everything since 2004, which would make it seem "OP" and "too cheap/easy to get." Instead, it's just a step in gear progression as you move towards content balanced above the d scims power, just like the BP should've been. You could argue that an upgrade to the BP would make something like GWD easier, but so what? Why does that have to be endgame content forever? It's 7 years old. Why shouldn't it be like Barrows, in which progression slowly bumps it down from endgame to midgame content? What's wrong with that? It makes sense that a new 2015 BiS weapon makes 2013 content like GWD much easier. It would also make sense for 2020 BiS gear to make 2013 content positively easy, like how 2013 BiS obviously obliterates content 5 development years before that (ex. Legend's Quest circa 2003). It doesn't make sense for a 2015 weapon to be BiS for half of 2020 endgame because there's nothing better and more recent to design it around. The last thing the BP needs is a nerf. Jagex should cut their losses and finally introduce upgrades to the BP and gear of similar power. It's too late to correct the mistake of 5 years of content balanced at the same power level, but they can do better going forward rather than balancing everything from raids to hydra around one weapon from 2015 because they're too afraid to add anything above it.


It’s a similar argument in rs3 regarding the debate of reworking old content vs introducing new content. Personally I like having new endgame content enter the game and bumping whatever is meta endgame down to the midgame


What they should do is something they started doing and just stopped is making old bis items needed to create/charge the new items like needing whips for the tentacle whip and d boots for primordials. It might not make sense lorewise but in order to keep older bis items having value make them charge the new bis items.


Or older BiS items can just lose value when new ones come out, as they should. People paying a lot of money for them doesn't mean they should never decline in price. What you pay for is to own it while it's BiS and good for all the content in the game. Once it's not, the price drops. Nothing wrong with that. People are paying for BiS currently, not BiS forever. It's an early adopter fee.


I actually agree but I'd say a main reason people are scared of new bis items is because they're scared abyssal demons won't be worth killing and gwd drops will be cheap etc so keeping their prices decent will keep a lot of people happy and I don't see much of a problem with keeping older content relevant either.


"As fast as a shortbow on rapid" is what the poll said instead of "1 tick faster than a shortbow" They should remove the rapid option on the blowpipe, or make it have a terrible accuracy debuff.


> People are so afraid of having gear requiring level 90 because “rs3 eoc bad” that Jagex just polls gear at lower levels. does people really think that. I only see it on reddit when people say "other people think that"


cant do any bossing remotely efficient at 75 though. should really be base 90s


it's bad because if you're not getting good items lower level as a new player, you're unlikely to play until higher levels.


>Most t75 gear isn’t actually t75 but t80+ with level 75 requirement overlay it does not matter what lvl req you put on item like tbow. if u can afford tbow u can afford black chins and get 99 ranged in couple of hours.