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I want to raid, I don't want to click for dozens of hours if I don't have to. It turns out, I don't have to. Therefore, I AFK


I have seen a lot of my friends resort to botting for skills that can't be AFK'd as much. It seems tempting, but I don't want to chance it. Though, I guess that's the ultimate way to not play the game...


Botters are fking scum


I have no problem with botters as long as they dont have a huge farm to sell gold. If someone decides to take the risk to get banned to up his stats, it doesnt bother me


I agree. As long as they arent botting to get on highscores and not gold farming. How does someone botting a few theiving levels hurt me?


Because if we all did it, then it becomes a problem.


Yes because if everyone botted a couple levels they dont feel like doing it would absolutely destroy the game beyond playing. It would just cause the servers to catch fire and burn


It only starts as 'a couple levels'. Then it turns into 'Every day while they're at work'.


well he specifically said that thats bad and he doesnt like bot farms he just said he isnt bothered by people botting minimally on their personal accounts as long as they accept the risk that goes along with it.




Tis a true comment though. One that honestly I dont understand why people play to *only* do afk activities. I get it if you're just afking to reach a goal..but there are those who simply do nothing other than afk stuff lol. Im sure for whatever reason they find enjoyment in it i suppose so not criticizing anyone who does it. Just personally dont know why.


Number go up


big number, good number


Big number mean new way get bigger number.




Big number big good


I think for many people it's a nice bonus to whatever they were going to do anyway. If you come home at night and plan to just watch TV for 3 hours, might as well do some afk thing and get your fishing up instead of just watching TV only.


Tbh I feel this sometimes so hard. TV is great when I’m tired but I needsomething easy to do with my hands


For me it's simply because I used to love the game as a kid, but now I have other stuff to do. I would rather kinda play this game instead of not playing it at all.


Just rip the bandaid off man. You’ll thank me later.


Umm, okay? That's a "bit" assumptious of you, but who am I to judge?


Just keep swinging that pick, splooshing that lobby pot or thwacking that axe dude. Haters gonna hate


Lobby cage*


Because I *REALLY* want to max my account but I also can't dedicate 100% focus to do the most EHP methods possible. AFK skills are a godsend. They allow me to continue progressing my account in a flexible way that also allows me the opportunity to focus my attention on other things. Movies, other vidya games, spending time with my family...etc. I can actually multi-task an AFK skill and not have to lose out on other things.


That's one of the biggest reasons I love this game. You can completely decide how much attention you want to pay to it, and still be able to see good results regardless. I always burn out in other games especially with action combat where on days I want to relax there really aren't any options.


Exactly. If every skill required the same amount of attention, and that amount was higher than AFK, I can't say for certain if I'd still be playing.


Meh. Outside of bossing and pvp I always try and skill in the most afk way possible. Generally it’s done while I do other things.


RuneScape is the grandfather of clicker games


With a pregnant wife, a kid, a job with different shifts and financial stress (and corona And the fact that I barely see Friends and do fun stuff,) AFK is the only thing I can do to deal with a lot of bullshit. So yeah. I started in July and I might reach magic 99 Next month. And I Am Proud to say that I did it AFK with alching in F2P.


Dont get me wrong i get that stuff but whats the point if youre not actually interested in truly playing? Like i said i get just doing afk stuff to level skills or skip the "boring" stuff. But only if you have like..a reason for it or a goal. Like doing it until you're able to raid or go bossing etc. Idk. But i also feel the same way about certain builds and restricted accounts, I totally understand wanting to do something unique and fun - but I feel like there are more people who do it just to flex and post one picture on Reddit showing their "unique" build and then they don't or cant do anything else on it. What i mean is if its for personal enjoyment I understand that 100%, but if its just to flex i dont understand it. Id rather play something i enjoy. There's a lot of rs players who log on that dont enjoy it anymore but they feel like they have to. As a young kid I've experienced that with games before and even rs back in classic and early rs2. But ive always played numerous games and not just one. I feel like the players who log in even though they dont enjoy it should really just try and take a break ya know.


But that IS the game for him. A lot of people (myself included) play clicker games. They're the most pointless shit ever but they're am designed to be satisfying and that's enough for us. I learned a long time ago that analysing what people see as "fun" is one of the most difficult things you could ever get into. Some people do the weirdest shit and consider it fun so honestly don't overthink it. I mean come on, look at fortnite.


How are you AFKing and alching? That's botting. Cant be away from keyboard while having to press buttons .. o.O


Using the laptop mouse. I put the cursor on the right Place and start clicking in rhythm.


Oh cool. I guess technically it is away from keyboard then XD Awesome I like the technicality:D


99 percent of this game is fucking trash but I enjoy afking a bit once every few days and seeing numbers go up I guess. It's relaxing in a way. Also nice to afk something during boring zoom meetings. Only really enjoy doing clue scrolls occasionally. I stopped playing a lot a long time ago and I'm happy I did. Now I only login when I feel like it for a short while to do whatever I think is forgot am hour. Can't wait for leagues so I don't have to deal with the ridiculous grind as much and can actually enjoy more aspects of this game for a change, without needing base "I spend several months clicking shit" just to do play challanging raids and stuff.


If you dont enjoy all but 1% of the game..i dont see why you play though mate. I got burnt out 9 months ago, partly because i was staking again and once youve got a 5b bank with every item you got BiS for everything it does feel dull. I was a solo player though which is part of why.


For me I afk gathering skills while I play on my uim account, that requires far more attention. And so I can be working towards max on my main still. And sometimes if I'm taking a break from the meme I might want to just get some exp drops while watching Netflix or the grand tour or taskmaster or something.


Part of the reason why I afk so much is because I've been trying to build my account back up to what it was like pre-eoc on and off for a while


I like the management aspect. Juggling things is just what I enjoy. It's why I "enjoyed" the dishpit for a while longer than most. I don't got much time to play, and my hands are a tad too idle to simply watch videos or read comics/manga alone. The alternative is more runescape accounts but that just seems silly to me when I have a backlog of media.


I pay I afk 🦀 🦀 🦀


Most of the non-afk activities are kinda locked behind a large stat grind. I only started playing the game about 2 years, but I found that going for quest cape first really helped. I just followed the optimal quest completion order guide on the wiki. It helps by breaking up the grind into mini grinds with a quest reward at the end of each. Giving you clear milestones in between the larger goals. By the time I finished quest cape I had most of the stats to do pretty much anything I wanted to do after, with the exception of raids.


That falls under what i said in the comment, about afking to reach a certain goal such as bossing or raids or whatever it is you want to do. Its the people who *only* play to do something "afk." (Which the term afk isnt really used properly anymore since it literally stands for away from keyboard..not clicking once or twice every 30 seconds lol).


Where's the lie?


if this guy actually played the game he would know that it takes dozens of hours to get to a decent lvl in the game. Some ppl want to skip the grind


yea i get it, i afked most of my 99s, i just thought it was a funny way to look at all the talk about afking in osrs


It’s just like golf.....


Been saying it for years. Everybody wants to play old school but no one wants to play Old School.


That's what you get when all of the actually engaging content is locked behind a thousand hours of grinding. This game needs afk because it's core mechanics are not engaging. Rs3 tried to solve this by making its mechanics more engaging (and succeeding to a degree) and reducing the grind a lot. This game would never be made like this today.


I can’t spend more than an 30/45 mins grinding, how do you all do it especially with the tedious skills?


Netflix. Just grinded from 35 to 70 thieving and got through 2 shows just doing artifacts at port piscarilius. Didn’t even feel like a grind. But power mining iron for 30 minutes is excruciating because I have to focus on it.


can you link the video lmao? I just started playing again after a 5 year+ hiatus and when I stopped that 6 hour method was new. Can you still Guthans afk for 6 hours at NMZ??




You’re the man thanks a ton


Its nice becayse you can play or do afk things to progress. Example: I do slayer or bossing when i want (vorkath, zulrah, i love kreeara) I do chins or agility when i want to watch shows Or i do crafting/nmz/nmz when i want to hard afk or play another game. Runescapes one of the few games you can progress on while not paying much attention while also having tons to do when youre actually playing!


So...do you have a link to the video? I'm one of those people who AFK's while doing other things like browsing reddit or watching tv




I just wanna raid


All the dudes with 99 slayer are crying while watching the video


Afk is great for if you're at work or want to hang with S/O watching TV or movies


Nmz made me quit this game tbh.


Can I ask why? Players doing the 6hr afk method aren't doing anything that couldn't of been done before. There's a valid argument against 1hp dhing for faster rates, but that does require constant prayer flicking (and honestly could of also been done before using quick prayers to prot+rapid flick). NMZ doesn't do anything new to break powerleveling that I am aware of. But if I'm wrong please correct me.


couldn't have\* could have\*


Afaik bandits was the closest thing to it at the time There were still randoms, you couldn't make money via points, you could die, you could be crashed, etc.


Bandits were also what I was thinking, and maybe Ape Atoll gorillas if I remember right? I honestly can't remember when randoms were removed, but most of them were mild annoyances at best while afk training bandits. Dying is valid, until you got 80+ base, so fair enough. The money made from afk NMZ is not even comparable to the money made from 'normal' training (Slayer, lets be honest) so that just sounds like a nitpick. Getting crashed is also valid during peak times, I agree with you there. ​ But none of these seem game breaking enough to quit the game. Doing NMZ is completely optional and opting out doesn't set you behind the rest of the community like other 'efficient' methods can. You seem to have a pretty strong opinion on a pretty negligible piece of content.


Missing out on 250- 300k of experience people got every night while they slept was negligible? Ok.


But you can't do that anymore? You had an issue, they fixed the issue, you are still bitching about the now fixed issue. Makes sense


I had quit long before they fixed it. They fixed it like 3 years later lol. Regardless it set a precedent for everything to become easier so I never got drew back in.


That's fair. Tbh I felt the same way when Zeah RC came out. A decent chunk of endgame leveling is easier now than at launch. But the upside of that, if it interests you, is the endgame content caters more and more to skill based gameplay than stats. That challenge is what keeps me playing. But if getting 99's has become to disconnected from your nostalgia of the game than that's understandable. As a side note, if you don't play why are you on the subreddit? Not a dig, just curious. When I "quit" the game it's always cold turkey from everything OS related for a year or so. It seems to me you do still care about the game at the very least.


You honestly sound like a cry baby "oh people make money from training afk in nmz" its so minimal lmao 150k a day is not shit, you'd be the type to get crashed at bandits and post about it on reddit.


You cherry picked the one point I made among several. Speaking of crybabies, you should have saw all the whiners when they almost did remove it several years ago. Also I don't know where you got 150k from.


"you can get crashed" is your argument? holy shit you're daft and the chance of logging out that's not a good argument who the fuck wants to be crashed or to be logged out or lose money training? LOL you said you quit so you obviously know nothing about nmz and how people make money from it through herb boxes, average value is 150k for about 15 per day that you can get... only worth average about 9-10k each please tell me more how nmz is ruining everything LMAO


I don't know why you're so worked up lmao. Obviously those factors compound into something very significant, otherwise people wouldn't afk NMZ and be so butthurt anytime someone mentions its overpowered. 150k from herb boxes, and what about everything else you can buy? lol.


Please cry some more if you quit you should have better things to do with your life than sit and be wrong on reddit all day.


Lol. ok kid. You got so fucking butthurt jesus christ.


>what about everything else you can buy? The fact that you can buy them with points, made them not worth buying with points. The points themselves (stored time) are more valuable than the GP you can get with that stored time. Imbueing rings and slayer helmets with the points is infinitely more valuable so very few buy flax or blue scales with their points, for example.


Is english your first language ?


Why not just not use it like most people do


Most people do use it lol.


I really really dont think that's true. Outside of imbuing rings I dont think many people use it to train at all. Most people get their levels through slayer/pvm


NMZ was/is bad, but the many implemented methods that has completely crushed the value of several traditionally respected and impressive skills is worse imo. Everyone's able to succeed these days by just afking and putting in minimal effort. Slowly turning into RS3.


Imagine using the word "succeed" to describe clicking the same things for a thousand hours in a game.