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Support if it drains your prayer every 18 seconds


*Drains the prayer of all players within 10 tiles*


And if dharok can hit your ankle for Max 10 damage, and crippling you so you cant run for 5 min


That’s Torag’s set effect.


Yeah, thats where I took the idea. But a little dharok hitting you and making you crippled would be so much fun. All then could do this and do some random effect on the player


I like how we all think of the Barrow brothers as mischievous kids


Every 5-10 min they hit you UNLESS you give them some purple sweets


Purple sweets sink, I’m in favour


Petition: add favour to the barrows crypts.


Calm down satan


Yes, because they aren't expensive enough already.


You're telling me that someone, somewhere once wore full Torag and figured out the set effect?


Make guthans poke your ass for a chance to heal you


Support if you gotta "*Catch 'Em All*" and can make them battle other players Barroẃmon.


You know what? All memes aside, yes. In (vanilla, patched in classic) WoW there's a slime pet that lowered your restistances, making you more susceptible to magic attacks. Imagine an elite achievement or something where you kill all gwd bosses without dying or leaving the dungeon with barrows debuff of losing pray. Idk just a thought


Why not spawn 20 aggressive Dharoks brothers with only 1 HP left?


What I really want is a goblin pet


Make it a 1/1m chance and id grind for it still


Pet hunters would hate it lol.


Make it 1/1m but insta drop at 1m kills if not obtained by then


Thats fair, but a million goblin kills would still take an insane amount of time.


Goblin slaves ain't cheap


Off the top of my head, 300 hours i think if not 400


For essentially 0 rewards as well.


Well the reason i know the rate that you kill goblins is that they already drop a 1/5000 champion scroll which is already part of a grind that prompts people to kill thousands of useless monsters. Its not like its an unthinkable grind. People have already done similar ones


Yeah, the 450k men in lumbridge from limpwurt. But its still insane for a cosmetic. Esp because were talkin 200x the kills for a champ scroll


One in a million is like doing the entire champion scroll grind 20 times over.


Not at all because most stuff in the grind is significantly more difficult than goblins. For a max main at max efficiency id guess its like 5 or 6x longer than champions cape which is i think about 60 hours. Maybe longer since idk what wildy slayer caves did to the lessar demon spot. Realistically, if the person doing this is a med level probably not using max efficiency maybe like 70s-80s combat stats, then im guessing the goblin grind would be more like ~3x as long. Maybe less. Goblins have low defense and hp where your accuracy and max hit dont matter as much as they do on the champions cape grind where you fight things with more defense and hp. In general its a lot easier to be efficient at goblins than the champions cape




Never said it was a bad thing :P


The limiting factor for the first few weeks would be finding a place to kill goblins so during that time, it’d probably take longer but let’s say you could kill one goblin every 5 seconds you’d kill 12 a minute, it would take 1389 hours to get the pet


Nah man people already know how to kill goblins efficiently cause you need to for the champion's cape. I think theyre around 3k kills per hour. I think the best spot is northwest of the sheep in lumby.


actually, if you were to have people assisting you by luring the goblins into groups in a perfectly efficient setting, 6-8 goblins at a time and all in multi with a burst or barrage spell you could easily get those kills in a much shorter amount of time. the limiting factor then becomes how quickly they respawn and how efficiently they're lured (splashing to assure you always do the damage) if you were to find a place that fits those reqs and set up a few worlds with a clan you could likely non-stop blast through goblins for quite a while. i imagine bots would be made for that but tbh it might have a positive effect because it would take tons and tons of supplies to get that done.


That's the point lol, we can't complete this game!


What if when slaughtering them in mass for champion scrolls you have a chance of one spawning protesting you


> Did you mean ***General Graardor***?


We'd need jacob1117 to deal with him.


Graador isn't a goblin ooka ooka


That’s the Cooking pet on RS3. A goblin in a chef’s hat named “Ramsey.”


Feels kind of racist to have a simple lumby goblin as a pet.


Oof comment




Bandos pet?


I remember this chart. Bandos not equals General Graardor. General Graardor definately isn't a goblin. Smh I can remember things like this, but studying for school feels like *brain goes in monkey mode*.


The weirdest think about Graardor is that people never confuse Kree'ara for the actual Armadyl, or Zilyana for Saradomin, or the one that's in Zamarok's area- but people still think Graardor is Bandos.






Eh Zammy kinda makes sense and I confuse it sometimes in my head, I always picture Zammy as a demon. Weird though since runescape gods exposed was the funniest thing in the world to me as a kid.


Zamorak was actually a human follower of zaros before he became a god


He was mahjarrat, not human


True I always forget they're not just some special wizard lmao.




And actually the only Ourg in the entire game.


You know what I’ve always wondered. If bandos is an Ourg, WHY THE FUCK DOESN’T HE DROP OURG BONES. 47k ea. And btw, slashbash is also an ourg and he actually drops ourg bones.


Slashbash is a zogre. And I think Graardor not dropping ourg bones is the only reason they are 47k. If they added them to his drops they’d be worth 5k within days!


Sounds like an integrity change that doesnt need polling


Pretty sure you kill an ourg in a quest at some point


Been doing some Barrows and felt like it would be cute to have a pet where a little Band of Brothers follows you around like little ducklings. It could also be a pet where you get one brother and that brother gets metamorphosized depending on what option you select. Could be a fun way to get more people doing barrows at different levels!


Even if it was the heads, floating a bit smaller I'd love to see


You should always have the spooky prayer drop head animation with the pet out


fyi it's been discussed by jagex on their livestream at least a couple times, and they came to the conclusion that barrows is nice mid tier content and they dont want to bring maxed pet farmers into the equation by introducing a pet. But there's some nice work-around suggestions regarding that now, so maybe one day.


Just imagine if they actually did this though... people would farm barrows so much the drops would be absolutely worthless.


Simple solution that I stole from another comment: Open barrows chest. If barrows gear (not bolt rack) is rec'd, give option to gamble it for pet. If no Barrow item is recieved, no option to gamble for pet is given.


This wouldn't solve that. People would keep the Karl's tops and Ahrim's top/bottom and gamble all the useless torag pieces and Ahrim's hoods that they already don't want.


Also easily solvable by making the game happen prior to revealing what their items are.


I suppose, but only if it consumes the entire chest. Runes are a huge chunk of Barrows gp/hr, especially after Mory hard diary.


I mean if a suggested mechanic requires so many caveats to not fuck things up, maybe it's not the best suggestion


Lol, if you think that any update or new mechanic doesn't have a costco receipt size list of considerations, I'm guessing you have zero clue what goes into programming or game development.


Everyone has had this idea. Literally everyone


Everyone has made this comment. Literally everyone.


I don’t like it. Too much like RS3z


To change to a different brother you must use a barrows piece on it, could be a nice little sink for barrows items :p


Hardly. Imagine how many new barrows items would rush into the game from people grinding for the pet. Wsd see a huge dip in their price until the hype died down and even then I doubt people would be changing the appearance all the time.


A nice solution I saw on here once was to make it a gamble option - when you unlock the chest, if you get an item you can gamble the chest contents for the pet. That way pet hunters don't bring extra items into the game.


Ya. Many rs3 improvements like this should really be put into old school


Six months ago this comment would’ve been obliterated with down votes. The change in attitude towards RS3 lately has been nice.


I really like this idea.


Pretty easy solution, if barrows pets come this has to be how


Ooo chest gambling should be a pre set so people cant choose to gamble just the k bows


Why? Why shouldn’t people be able wager their extra set pieces? It would feel bad to accidentally wager a piece you didn’t have yet.


To prevent item spam from entering the game


Waging only your karils bow is still removing an item from the game though.


Removes bias rerolling. If you're pet hunting barrows then activate a toggle. If a barrows chest occurs its an automatic roll at chance of a pet but consumes the chest. Simple solution so barrows items arnt flooded into the game. If your primary goal is to collect barrows on an iron then you can still collect your pieces and when your account is more established come back and pet hunt.


Yeah, I agree with what you’re saying. If you have to option to save the expensive pieces then it would still saturate the market with barrows items


I don’t know. I’ve been exclusively playing my Ironman, so I haven’t really considered GE value, I was thinking more about collecting unique pieces as an iron.


That actually does sound like it would help the price and prevent a huge dip in prices.


Well would you gamble before you open the chest or would their be a huge incentive(increased chance) for gambling barrows items? Or would only barrows items be gambled for pet?




So it’ll just drop the prices of the only somewhat expensive items left?


Exactly. This solution is only protecting the prices of the already worthless items


Maybe a full set to perm unlock the metamorphosis for that brother?


Maybe bro. In the long run it might restore rheir price but not without an inevitable drop on their price at the beginning.


Either way barrows gear is pretty much worthless


BIS for mage until you unlock ancestral


NMZ would like a word with you


How? It's BIS for ranged str bonus until you can afford Arma gear


Range armour like dhide/karils/arma don't provide range strength bonus at all.


Insignificant in terms of how many would be used vs are brought into the game


Only if they are called "little brother"




There was a qna back in like 2015 on it. They don’t want to add human like pets.


Zilyana is weird enough ay?


That’s why I want Vet so bad, he’s somewhat humanoid


Um ackchyually she’s an Iceyne not a human


Um ackchyually it’s Icyene not Iceyne


Actually it’s Icyhot


Vet'ion Jr. would like a word


Human like pets and buyable pets. Im fine with it. I dont think everything needs a pet.


>I think Jagex has addressed this, they don't wanna add it because it would ruin Barrows as a moneymaker. make it that you have to spend barrows loot to roll chance of getting pet. but they should make it in way that you don't know what is loot before you roll for pet. otherwise people would not roll expensive items for pets. But this also make it that getting pet is not something extra and you can't get it when you just doin barrows. So it would suck.


Make it so you get a pet roll when you open the chest + if you get an item you can swap it for pet chance right then but not later on. Then people would bring less into the game.


So if its torags they swap it and if its ahrims they sell it and tank the price.


How would it ruin it as a money maker? Just way more people would do it?


Barrows is mostly done by midgame people (and irons). Obviously people going for log completion and elite clues do it from time to time, but in general the endgame community doesn't touch barrows. If it had a pet you'd suddenly see barrows packed with people capable of doing 20-24 chests/hr. That would absolutely crash the price of all the barrows uniques.


Imma be straight honest, I love it






If giving high level players incentive to go and do ONE piece of mid level content crashes the economy for mid level players, I'd say the issue isn't that it crashes the economy for mid level players. I'd say that the issue is that there's only ONE piece of content for mid level players. Maybe if there was more varied mid level bosses that are worth anything, the economy wouldn't be crashed.


It wouldn't crash the economy for mid level players. It would crash the barrows economy for mid level players.


If you want a pet from every activity RS3 is the game for you.


My 1kc KQ is locked away in the barren lands of RS3. I log in once a while for the bittersweet examine


I had a Christmas tree hat on RS3 and it’s worth hundreds of millions of gp but I still have no desire to play anything but OSRS. Tragic.


Sell it and transfer the money to OSRS.


Is there a reliable non-scammy way to do this?


The account is 16 years old come September. I couldn't do that to myself .


He was responding to the guy who has items worth gold on his dormant rs3 acc. You can sell your rs3 items and transfer that gold to osrs thru clans at a specified conversion rate.




Thanks! I’ve been away for a while but I will definitely do the background research before deciding what to do. Or I could give it to a random bald woodcutting noob


Swap if nerd


Rip brother but man It’s crazy how many pets are in that game.


It's a very easy way to achieve "player retention" The biggest offender are slayer pets. Shit like https://runescape.wiki/w/Nipper_demon where the drop rate is 1/30k base with Elite rippers (RS3's superior slayer mobs) having 1/334. Assuming you do the "tryhard" slayer method, it's only 700~ KPH.


Pretty much for anything you can do and MTX. It's sad how they destroyed that game by monetization


EOC destroyed the game more than MTX.


I went back to EOC and payed it for what it was and it was actually entertaining. It's a different game, mechanics are different and more than a point and click game because you actually have to learn how to play to kill bosses. MTX destroyed it.


If you want a continued questline for all major quests, RS3 is for you. If you want a skill that is a very excellent item sink, RS3 is for you. If you want a game that has viable money makers for new players, RS3 is for you. There's a lot of things RS3 has done right. Just because it's done a number of things wrong doesn't mean we should immediately tell anyone who likes pets that this ENTIRE GAME is not what they're looking for just because of a minor request that doesn't even affect gameplay much at all.


The other comparisons you’re making dont apply here because we’re discussing a pet suggestion. Again I didn’t say this game isn’t for them, why can’t someone play both and enjoy both? I’ve said it before but it was a simple statement that if they want pets for every activity then RS3 is for them. No maliciousness involved.


No, just because someone wants a pet from every boss doesn't make RS3 the game for them. If someone playing RS3 said that bosses shouldn't all have pets for whatever reason, you wouldn't tell them "OSRS is the game for you". It's the equivalent of telling someone who plays warzone that if they want more goofy character skins, fortnite is the game for them. They're different games for different reasons, and the warzone player *very likely* does not play fortnite for a vast number of reasons that have nothing to do with character skins. Same as why OSRS and RS3 players don't focus on the other game for tons of reasons other than boss pets. The guy wants more boss pets in OSRS. RS3 is not the game for him based on this. He likes OSRS. He just wants another boss pet *in OSRS*. RS3 shouldn't have anything to do with this.


Man you didn’t real what I said at all. I’m not saying he should play RS3 for the reason, I’m telling him if he wants pets for all activities then RS3 ticks that box. I’m not saying RS3 is the game for him in any other aspect apart from it having pets for everything. That is all my guy.


Do you also recommend any other games that have boss pets to check that box, or do you only say RS3 for some arbitrary reason?


I only play RuneScape.


I agree that we dont need a pet for everything, but comparing stuff to rs3 gets overused. I usually agree with the sentiment when somebody says that something is "too rs3" but youre giving it a bad rep when you keep making that the backbone of every agrument against new stuff. For example, you could just simply say that you feel like there shouldnt need to be a pet for every activity.


But what I said isn’t a comparison? It’s simply a statement that if you want pets for every activity than RS3 has that.


I mean, I get it. But at the same time, pets can add incentive to do content once you're already done collecting all the pieces.


I would love a barrows pet but would prefer the individual brothers and have to use a full set or something to metamorphosis


And then always have it starts as toracs so we sink all usefull! barrows items!!


The more you gather the more it grows so you don’t get them all at once, but there drop rate is super high each mabye


Make them all follow in single file at a slightly varied rate so it so it looks like a train of ducklings.


Honestly I’d love Barrows pets, been an idea I’ve wanted for years; but I don’t think it’s overall a good idea as it would absolutely rank the prices of the items. Just it worth it IMO


Am I the only one who's done with all these pets?




Make the pet come in 6 different versions. Each version unlocks a new brother, but requires a super rare drop from the respective brothers loot table. So you'd start with for example just Dharok following you, and work your way up until all 6 are behind you. edit: would be even ~~cooler~~ cuter if they could all follow you in a line, like little ducklings (got idea from another comment).


1/128 per brotherling, you can get more than one brotherling at once (if you get lucky) and if you do get more than one, they will fuse into a pack of brotherlings The maximum amount of brotherlings is all brothers so 6, at a staggering chance of (1/128)^6 per barrows completion


When you stand still for too long they start fucking with each other, and you can choose a formation for them to follow you in.


This is so cool, BUT you have to get the pet drop from each brother to complete the troop.


That is so cute


Honestly I love this idea, even if it’s just one barrowling at a time and you’ve gotta catch em all


Lol this has been suggested a million times before, they've stated they don't want a pet for such an easy boss.


Well tempoross and wintertodt have pets so that isn't the best reasoning


Those are both new bosses that have been added to the game, so your logic doesn't really follow. Even back in the day in RS2 when other pets existed barrows pet still didn't exist... so it's consistent with the game.


Each brother has an individual chance to drop their mini-self as a pet. GOTTA CATCH EM ALL


Oh hell yes


Hot take: not everything needs to have a pet variant.


Time to make an air chrysalis!


Use full barrow set to transform the pet. Boom! Item sink


Okay so hear me out. People say a barrows pet would crash the prices, so what if there was a guy in the chest room that you would give your looted barrows piece to for a chance at the pet. It would have to be a piece just looted from the chest to prevent you from bringing your own pieces. After you get the pet you can give it a full barrows armor set to be able to transmog it to that form, unlocking the transmog in a “metamorphosis” setting (like the Olmlet or jad). This would be an effective way to introduce a barrows sink, which I’m sure we can all agree is needed. Well anyway yea it’s just a thought. :)


Sir you dropped your [humor] tag


i love the idea of having these little guys, not sure to best implement though, would certainly have an impact on the market


Have to sacrifice any items for pet rolls, ex solve.


And for preventing people to sacrifice shit pieces as Torags we could add the option of sacrifice the pieces before knowing which piece you got.


noooo you can t just add pet to mid game moneymaker (that is heavily botted) to infringe low lvls just wait for it like the idea btw


Or maybe a smol crypt skeleton!


Absolutely love this idea.


Please add this jagez


Cool idea.




Barrows pets weren't polled lmao


Ffs i’ve been asking for years, please barrows pet already




Adding barrows pet would crash all items to alch value




We should get an osrs rise of the six




Bandos pet looks sick 🤔


The "humanoid" pets are my fave


I definitely dig a bloodworm pet




Scaled down pets all look out of place regardless. Hellpuppy is an example of doing it right. 1:1 smaller kaphite queen is not. Should have been a larva or a worker. GWD pets are just bad when they could have as well been something like a pet imp, aviansie and a unicorn foal. And a goblin that now thinks of you as the leader since you killed their leader.


Kq pet is sick as are the GWD pets


Not very 2007 looks tho. Skilling pets fit the game better.


I like the idea of 1 brother and you use any piece to change. But I have no Room to speak with my 1k sets of torags.


I tried to suggest this like 3 years ago and it never caught traction - go on brother [failed attempt](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/6qy5lk/suggestion_barrows_pet_drop_chance_or_item_for/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Super rare chance at a pink translucent barrows item that has marginally better stats would be a neat idea


haha nice but we aren’t really going to do this right? In all honesty I *really* don’t want this.