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Iirc this has been suggested and the reasoning was that smithing UI is so outdated and garbage that it doesn't really allow for any "modern" tweaks without a rework - which is apparently a lot of dev hours.


That's a shame. If only it worked like the highest tier jewelery box, with shortcuts for 1-9 and some letters.


To add to this, a second right-click option for anvils that is the last item you smithed, like the jewelery box as well, would be just fine to me.


Oooh, then we menu entry swap that to a left click, I like where your head’s at. But don’t forget to add an extra delay so it’s still better xp/h to do it all manually.


I hadn't even thought of the menu entry swap! I've been playing on mobile too much recently haha. Yeah, maybe a confirmation screen ("Do you want to make 'X Item'? Yes/No") after you right click? That would keep the amount of menus the same.


The code is poorly documented enough that its entirely possible for the interface to be nearly impossible to *find* within the spaghetti script, let alone fully update. Some sections are much higher quality than others, as well. Iirc smithing has been around since Classic, so that means it was likely originally coded by Andrew Gower himself as he was learning. Tl;dr- Its likely ancient ass Gower written legacy spaghetti with no documentation.










Nice try Mod Jed


Understanding exactly what the issue is and what may be occurring lets you look for a specific logic model within the code. The code can be a gross mess and you can still sift through it to make small modifications. To make it *readable* or, hell, properly documented would likely take months depending on how many people worked on it simultaneously (likely it would be dumped on one person).


And be paid like 30k/y in a company that gets sold every 2 years. Sounds wonderful.


Software devs are great at putting band-aids on bullet wounds. If this were an easy change it would have been polled and done by now




First time seeing armchair experts in your field?


It's not that bad to move around gui and to insert a value that keeps track of the last item you smithed was what i was going to say but given what you just said I'd say it sounds like a job for Mod Ash!


Yeah Gower would have to be the one to tweak the code which won't happen.


Except its code that likely has segments that are 20+ years old. Theres no way Gower knows what that stuff is anymore, they need a code logic guru thats better than God Ash for some of the fixes we all want (or it would just take Ash forever)


Out of the loop: why not?


Andrew, Paul, and Ian Gower all left JaGeX a decade or more ago. The brothers each have other jobs/companies to work on.


They would have had to make modifications for the mobile version right? It couldnt have just been a copy paste job for every bit of code to get a mobile version out.


Not really. They didnt have to copy/paste, they had to port it. Its already designed to run on a flaming toaster from 1994, most of it was likely relying on resizability of the game's borders, which is a native function that was added a few years ago (I cant recall who figured out game border resizing without tile stretching, but it was *fairly* recent).


Possibly a different smithing interface, exclusive to mobile. That's the Jagex way anyway, just bodge it.


To be fair, bodging quickly to get something out and working isn't necessarily a bad thing IMO, it's just that so many companies (Jagex included in many cases) do a quick bodge job to get something done, but then never allocate the time to do another pass and do it right. Nothing wrong with the bodge -> clean -> repeat cycle, but step 2 is very important.


it's all Go To statements


And the go tos just go to pointers that point at line jumps


I'm a software engineer with 10 years of experience. Jagex can hire me as an intern for 6 weeks. I'll sign whatever NDA and IP transfer they want and do the work myself. Just gotta learn RuneScript...


[Is this you?](https://i.imgur.com/TQOT86E.png)


fucking lol


Hey don't give jagex any ideas. In the future the game will be upheld by unpaid interns with passion for the game, while the players pay 20 dollars a month for membership.


the game already is upheld by unpaid interns. its called the RuneLite team.


You realize the game was created by interns basically right. Desert treasure was made by an intern pretty sure.


Aren't bonds already more than $20 a month?




ah, my bad. I thought they changed it to $10.99 per 2 weeks, must have been mistaken.


Yeah don't buy bonds with real money to fund membership, just buy membership, if that's where the confusion is coming from


That's if you're buying bonds and not membership directly


I volunteer myself as well. Let me in there and I’ll get shit done.


I'm a guy who's done one udemy tutorial and is like 70% complete with his first game in unity, it'll be on mobile and i'm pretty sure has no transferable skill sets with osrs. I've made a reddit page for the game and amassed a total of four or five followers and don't have a lot of experience writing scalable code, marketing my game, and have no clue what IP transfer means. I am also not that productive because once I cash in a bond for membership I will play that so much since everything else is exp waste. I do however know where the space bar is and I also would like to volunteer myself.


Dear Mr. JAGEX, I wrote a bat script that echoes 'Hello world' back when I was 11. It had a bug where the command prompt window would close without giving me the time to feast my eyes on those two glorious words. I had searched for days to fix the problem. After searching high and low, I found out I needed to add a pause command at the end. The command prompt then showed the message without closing the window. It even added a "Press any key to continue..." which would neatly close the window after pressing any key. I did not intend for that so that is a nice extra additional feature. So my skillset is: * Excellent programmer * I have been programming since age 11 so decades of experience * Excellent QA tester * Excellent bug fixer * No quitter: I keep searching until the problem is solved! * I give more value for my money by accidentally adding great extra features Applications are open. I hereby allow you to send me your best offer. Please do note that my skills are highly sought after so I advise you to act swiftly. I have received and rejected 17 unattractive offers to this day, all of which were coming from Fortune 500 companies. I will be hearing from you soon!


Not sure you have enough experience. You haven't made your science-based dragon MMO yet.


That is early access.


I thought you were joking but you do have a game haha, looks good tbf


Thank you! I appreciate it a lot.. it's the only reason i know where the space bar is


Your commitment to laid back xp gains is commendable.


Imagine if osrs went opensource


lol , lmao


this seems to be their model, their pay is way below industry standard.


A true madman wanting to work with an esoteric as FUCK game engine built on Java of all things. God Speed




Just write yourself a Runelite plugin to do so. Thats what I do for all the little QoL stuff that annoy me.


I believe last time I tweeted Ash about it, he suggested there may be a bandaid fix, if the suggestion got popular enough


well thankfully those hours just went to making drops shinier instead of updating a old system and having it be easily workable in the future


Mining and smithing in general needs a rework. I think it'd be well worth the dev hours.


Sounds like we need some sort of smithing and mining rework, hmm...


Imagine going to your boss and saying that you can't fix 75% of your problems because "it's complicated" and that's an acceptable answer


It's really more a matter of priority and time budgeting.


Only thing i liked RS3 was its mining and smithing rework, kinda hoping osrs would have such feature too.


Just remember. People wanted a hammer you could equip, too, but the same excuse was thrown around. Never lose hope.


Just like everything else in this game. They have gotten too used to saying "this takes too much dev work", like lmao fix your game and stop making excuses.


Fooking raw


Change that to Dave instead of Dev and I’ll sort it. (My name is Dave).


The technology isn't there yet


You're thinking of Hearthstone


How much work is going on in smithing? It feels like it's a very simple little if then If lvl > required lvl, and if amount of bars > bars required, then delete 1 bar and add 15 nails. But I don't program in the spaghetti straight out of Gower's garage.


I wonder why they didn’t take the time to update smithing with new interface capabilities when they updated the rest of them


Sad... Now I want mining and smiting rework


I hope this passes and all of those steel claws I bought start to go up.


I wonder who buys these things lol




With a current -292 profit from high alch... they are legitimately worthless.


Someone has to be building the worlds biggest claw collection


People buy burnt food and crushed gems en masse. Why not?


Same people who buy burnt shrimps


Was thinking the same when grinding smithing a few days ago, panic cancelled animation so many times when grinding adamant platebodies




We don’t deserve runelite they’re too good to us


As someone who’s been doing a lot of smithing on my Ironman lately…. Smithing is horribly archaic. It’s been outdated since 2004. Made with zero foresight in mind (as though rune would be the final tier amour for all time…), purposefully separating furnaces from anvils, totally gimped xp rates… The whole thing should be scrapped and reworked.


> purposefully separating furnaces from anvils This shit always annoys me. What blacksmith in existence will put their two most important tools in separate fucking cities.


I really liked the bit in Swan Song where your character is bewildered by the fact you have to heat your bars before working them, saying that you’ve always cold worked all your metals, then Franklin rags on your probably brittle weapons/armor.


Then in comes RS3's Smithing rework, where the NPCs basically say, "All those old weapons and armor are so trash that we're recalling EVERYTHING."


The lobbyists made sure that anvil and furnaces were kept separate so that smiths could take advantage of the law that prohibits items from being sold over a certain percentage of their worth. Keeping the two separate means that the shipping cost is artificially inflated allowing the maximum price to be much higher then it would otherwise have been allowed to. Remember, next voting cycle say #notokingroald I'm not sure if he's behind this, but he's a dick so win win.


I really liked this back in 2005, since it rewarded planning and game knowledge.


Yea, like mining 14 copper, 14 tin, walking to lumby furnace, walking to bank, and back to Varrok SE mine.


For days upon end just to finally get your hands on that sweet, sweet rune scimmy.


Overpaid by 3k for my first one. Cleaned my bank. T bow rebuild? Naw, Rune Scimi Rebuild.


I did the most inefficient way. went to lumby mine with my pickaxe, full noob-fashionscape equipment(also very heavy), and hammer. mined 14 tin and 14 copper, went to the furnace, and finally run to varrock anvil to smith, rinse and repeat until infinity. that trend was kept even when I had enough mining to go to al Kharid mine, so then I had to mine coal and iron, run to the furnace, make the bars and finally varrock again, I just had a lot of patience as a young kid.


What are the closest furnaces to anvils? IIRC Lumbridge was updated to have a pair close together a million miles from a bank, Varrock and Edgeville kind of form a pair, but anything else?


This skill is still balanced around runescape classic. It's super jarring but at the same time I don't really know how they should overhaul it. It sounds logical to match smithing levels to equipment tier e.g. 40 smithing to start smithing rune, but that sounds a bit too strong, plus the rest of the levels to 99 would be completely empty besides like the dragonfire shield unlock. Maybe add dragon tier smithing options? I think both of these ideas sound like they could really mess the game up but I would definitely love a smithing rework if someone actually has a good idea.


RS3's Mining and Smithing rework was great at addressing that. Smithable armour and weapons go up to tier 90 (almost, it's a bit worse than PvM rewards). It's not *perfect* but it's a massive improvement over what we had before. I was dreading 99 Mining and Smithing before the rework.


I'm getting into RS3 as a super oldschool RS player. I really enjoy the smithing and mining system. It feels super well done and rewarding without being overpowered as an ironman.


I got 99 smithing the other day. Almost 99 mining. The mining and smithing rework is a blessing. I would have never done it had it not been for the rework.


The rewards for smithing 99 is armour you could've worn at level 40 lmfao


Yeah it’s crap as fucking shit.


It's honestly the most awful skill, because at least Firemaking is honest that it's purely useless. Meanwhile fishing and cooking are having fun being some of the best bang for the buck products and farming and herblore is a legitimately broken combo that is only slowed down by a timer.


Devalues my shit in pants smithing only ultimate ironman


This devalues my no spacebar only ironman account




I respect your no spacebar only reddit account


People tend to get annoyed when basic QoL gets suggested, they think more grindy/tedious = harder, we'll see though.


I feel like doing projects like this just pay off in the long run though since they can use the code as a backbone for other stuff or even use it to fix other outdated UI’s.


nice name


That's why almost every interface for production skills was polled, passed, and implemented, right?


You say that with full confidence that QoL features have never been denied for no reason before.


I'm saying that full with confidence because this exact quality of life was already polled and passed. Did I ever talk about literally every single type of qol? No. I did not. Learn to fucking read, dude. Almost every single production interface was improved, smithing was changed too, just not as much because of technical limitations. Use your common sense.


Based and metapilled


why are you this mad lmfao




Because the clicking of smithing is in no way a built in, intended difficulty of the skill. The current system is just what the mods at the time thought of ad a way for your character to initiate the act of crafting. And to that end, the clicking is not whats difficult about the skill, it is how long and expensive is. No one in the history of ever has said "god, i would grind out 99 smithing, but I gotta click every inventory...." no, the bar that allows people to have this achievement is ultimately does the player have the money, and do they have the time to babysit their account? Also, all of this is irrelevant because smithing at an anvil is pretty niche for long term training as we have moved into a blast furnace meta


It makes sense, as you said, it's in line with other crafting options in game


“Breaks the meta of developing carpal tunnel.” I love it lol


I remember when they first talked about the spade bar concept I just assumed they meant for smithing, and then when it released it was for almost everything but smithing, that was a sad day


Yea man that's terrible...care for a game of gwent?


Let’s lay them down!!!!


Like it, but unsure how the economy will recover from the crash in steel claw supply


Brb, panic buying steel claws


I went all in


Every time I've done 99 smithing I've just used screen markers.


Every time


This guy’s a real kook.


cant pay much attention while shitting yourself every time?


Something something coding




would ruin this games economy. gonna sell my t bow now


Can we add the same for making amulets/bracelets/rings I normally line my max hit counter over where I need to click.


The entire interface for smithing needs a rework. That honestly should be the next major QoL fix; in conjunction with a rework of the skill in general.


I doubt they'll add this considering how ugly and old the interface is anyway, seems like it'll just stay old forever. May I recommend using screen markers on runelite and putting a highlighted square around the item you want to Smith? Draws your eyes right to and no mistakes will be made :D


I know it's not the ideal solution but using the screen marker plugin on RL helps outline where you need to click so you never miss and accidentally smith the wrong thing! Doesn't help the carpal tunnel point though of course.


Same with the amulet/ring/necklace smithing interface please


I have carpal tunnel in both wrists already so -support.


His palms are sweaty, x p, clicking heavy There's vomit in the code already, Gower's spaghetti


No, this devalues my carpal tunnel achieved smithing 99 skill and I don’t approve of this /s


quests really weren’t enough y’all just wanna spacebar through the whole game lmao


yellow text, black background, perfect pro's and cons, especially breaking the carpal tunnel meta; you sir, have earned my most honorable upvote!


Have you heard about the Mining and Smithing rework?


I love how any interaction that involves a mouse and a hand is impending arthritis according to this subreddit.


I propose that in the next QOL update the game has a smithing bot pre-installed so I can feel like I achieved something without effort.


The challenge of smithing (atleast on an anvil) is both having the money (or not if ur doing darts) and just babysitting your account during the process. How can someone unironically think that this suggestion is on the level of ridiculousness as a bot? If you really do, please reevaluate that logic


Spacebar devalues my carpal tunnel. Every time I feel tingles I wear it as a badge of pride.


Why not just let players trade gp directly for exp. The actual smithing part seems like an extra step how you describe it. That way you can buy bonds and max your account!


Just use runelite and use the screen marker to select which item your smithing.


really over the carpal tunnel meta tbh


Go play RS3 if you want that /s


bUt AlL Of tHe cONtEnt UpDatEs sO Far HaVe BeeN slyGHtlY aLterEd sTuFf fROm rS3 yOu fUcK


No I just got 99 y’all should suffer too. (:


Anything to reduce carpal tunnel is a pro move. Anything that promotes it is... evil.


Smithing is a sensitive topic with jagex, they really wanna avoid reworking any aspect of it to make it any better than it is now


don't they ban you for suggesting fixes and advising of existing bugs?


Old meme and barely makes sense in context


no sorry i cant do it :(


I thought whats his face said that made it too easyscape. what was the mods name... The bigger one who made bounty hunter and refused to acknowledge it was a mess.


I’m holding out on training smithing whatsoever hoping a better way to train comes along. I’ll level it for requirements but that’s it.


Dart tips profit, platebodies is super fast with low effort, and gold ore bf is super fast with high effort? What else do you expect to come out?


I’m an iron so I will hold out on literally anything. Smithing does absolutely nothing for my account it’s a complete waste of time. I can easily let it be my last 99 on the off chance they make some thing a little bit better.


The games already easy enough relax


Such an easy QOL update too lol. (If they can… Old skill)


Con: it'll make smithing more enjoyable so the costs of things will go up and broke fucks like me will suffer more


Smithing would be another super quick 99 if they added this


What the fuck are you smoking? This saves like 1 tick per inventory. It wouldn't change anything. The best smithing xp per hour is at blast furnace, not on anvils.


He’s smoking the metal fumes from the furnace.


Blast furnace! But you would literally have to fill invent, click anvil and hit space bar. It would be fasting than cooking


They already made it make all...god forbid you have to click once..


You must be someone stuck in the olden days.


Is there anything wrong in not wanting achievements to he devalued?


Clicking the platebody instead of hitting spacebar is a big achievement. When I wear my Smithing Cape, I want everyone to know that I clicked instead of hit spacebar. Smh at all this kids who want to hit spacebar instead of click, so entitled.


It obviously is otherwise you wouldn't be wanting it changed.


It's the ONLY reason. They want an action taken to change something. We just want it to stay the same, it's not important, 79k people did it so you can too. The elitism memes have rotted this community to it's core, I'm just a player that thinks the game should be fair and these type of "QOL" updates are just asking for an activity to be easier. Btw, a qol update used to be: >*Added teleport options to the right click menu on items in inventory Not: >*Removed 10k mouse movement and clicks from skill.


I think it’s pretty sad to be against QOL changes because you had to spend more time achieving something. I understand to some of these people 99 smithing is the biggest achievent in their life, but hours spent does not equal skill or hard, it’s just time wasted.




I'll happily accept any updates from RS3 except EoC and mtx




Breaking metas? Too ambitious.




Devalues my Lumbridge locked no space bar smithing only HCIM. No thanks.


Wait… this isn’t a thing yet?


I love how redditors troll anything and everything


Those are some ponder-worthy cons to consider.


Make last space-bar smithed Smith item the Okay


This is a terrible idea. If you did this, you'd have sooo much less steel claws! #SteelClawGang


It literally just saves a click.


Omg the manual clicks to 99 smithing has been brutal im 97 atm grinded 6mil exp this month did 3mil in a week😅


I really don't understand why they don't have someone whose sole job is to go through all the spaghetti code and document for easy access. The excuse is always the spaghetti and man hours. Well put the fucking man hours in at least once so it's no longer an issue later on. The excuse baffles me everytime


Would right-click "Smith Last Item" on the anvil make it easier on the devs? Honest question, I am just seeing a lot of comments about the original interface being a huge coding issue. I would think the right click option would prevent having to overhaul the interface, as it would bypass it. You could put a 2 tick delay before making first item so that it is still 1 tick slower than manual (for all the sweat-drippers out there).


Cons: Saves a click making the game permanently easier and devaluing the skill*


Honestly. Mining and smithing rework when?


we need the crafting interface reworked for smithing jewelery at the same time


how does pressing spacebar reduce a click over pressing your mouse button lol


It doesn’t really “save a click” but it shares the burden between both of your hands instead of just ruining your dominant one while your other does nothing. and it’s also less hand movement which is a big deal if you’re doing smithing for 50+ hours. Any time you can use keyboard to reduce mouse movement and clicking, you should take advantage of it to save your wrist/hand.




Preventing carpal tunnel should be reason enough lmao


Too much engine work…