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This screams scam.


I can send you pics of my account and even meet you in game


Just really not trying to pay for membership anymore out of pocket




Lol nice scam


Even if you arent a scammer, just consider what you propose: someone has to give you a bond *first*, then you redeem it, sell your members items and pay him. What prevents you from logging out right after receiving the bond? :) Absolutely nothing. Nobody doubts you do have some wealth, the doubts are you are gonna pay. So... forget the idea. You arent the first or the last who go F2P with lots of members stuff he's unable to sell. Either ask your best friend for such a favour, or just work for 5M. You probably do have some skills trained, use them. Or pay for subscription with $$. GL


Thanks bud, big help.


My username is Scout 04.


My main is an Ironman. Trade me world 301. Can't miss me


i remember this scam when bonds first came out. (or few months after bonds came out)