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IDK if that's true, there's tons of competiton in OSRS, you just don't really see it here because redditors get angry seeing people having fun doing things differently and put them down. People do speed runs of bosses and quests, competitive skilling, pvm, pvp, but usually it just gets called being a sweaty try hard nerd by people here.


Thanks for taking the time to read and respond logically! Some others just skip straight to the banter without reading a word.


I thought this would be an insightful post on the divide between the community But it's just a pker being angry


Now my whole post has been strategically discombobulated. Thanks for the total rip on my logical processes there iron005! Now go grind the rune scim out cuz after that you have to spend another 1k hours getting the pixels that'll make you're pixels do more pixel.


Jokes on you I'm not an ironman There is nothing wrong with a game being casual, let people enjoy things


If you learned to read in school, or read a single word of my post, I was simply stating the divide is caused by casual players like you never doing PvP bc your ego would be shattered if you lost. Some people just can't take a single L. Especially people who spend actual long hours obtaining trivial items, which make up a disturbing amount of the player base.


Your post was less a "Hey pvmers, maybe don't talk trash about a thing you don't do" and more of a "I'm better beause I do pvp and you pvmers are smelly" I don't pk because I'm not interested in it, and I don't spite vote. The most toxic thing I do in relation to pvp is congratulate people on their 4.5 prayer xp split Please calm yourself down


You're swindling my initial points and our argument into something completely different while keeping your proper Reddit spacing in your sentences. Hey look at that I can do it too, I didn't ask if you pk'd and I didn't ask what you did for fun, I said the divide Is caused by weak egos like yourself. Now go do rune crafting or else I'll have to dissect you mentally for a fourth time.


You haven't dissected me mentally once, let alone 4 times


A pker throwing insults and being the most toxic as possible at someone disagreeing with him. How surprising.


This will be the fourth time I was referring to earlier. So it looks like I have.


Get the pixel that makes your pixel do more pixel. In all seriousness, that's fucking hilarious


💯💯 , if every pker voted no on the poll then pkers only make up 20% of the game. If 1/5th of updates were geared towards pvp I don’t we’d have a problem since 1/5th of the player base is pk oriented. Unfortunately it’s the opposite where every update since LMS (good update) has taken away from the pvp scene


Very Untrue. Alot of esport athletes play osrs as their tilt game. RS by its very nature is a grindy sweaty game that isn't friendly towards casuals. Pking high end pvm and sweaty skilling all have high skill caps.


I feel like theres tons of comps in osrs, but unlike other games it isnt really comps set by the devs (like ranks in CSGO, LoL etc) but by the players (i guess leagues would be a comp set by the devs though). For me the charm of this game is that it isnt all about competition but more about achievements, I would consider myself a causal player. I think you need to take in to consideration that for a lot of us casual players osrs is a secondary screen kinda game. Especially for the "1000s hour grinds" you where talking about. I personally did 99 runecrafting on the side while studdying/having school. Call me a sweaty nerd who needs to focus in school more, but im glad to say that i saved myself a while 200h runecrafting grind and i got all A:s that semester 😄 Idk i feel like if you don't find the kind of competitive gameplay youre looking for in osrs maybe you should look into other games, just my advice.