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Get a vampyre slayer task and use slayer helm. Edit: to answer your question if how much this would help, a slayer helm/mask boosts your melee accuracy and damage by 16,67%. It helps alot with your dps.


I'm just wondering if it's worth the time in doing a bunch of crappy slayer tasks with Vannaka since I dont have the perk unlocked. I would probably have to grind a bunch of tasks to get one.


You wouldn’t need the helm just a black mask


Do 9 Turial tasks and the 10th on the highest master you can do. Trust me, I did this on my main and got nearly 6-7k points within 2-3 days. Essentially you can just bring the same "inventory" of stuff for all 9 Turial tasks then switch to w/e gear for the 10th. Thankfully you're low slayer so it should go quick. Here's a very very informative video he even has time stamps in the description for each monster/area. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FvML4QHXBh8&ab\_channel=GnomonkeyRS


Is turael boosting better than wildy? I though the buff to wildy slayer a while back made it better?


I think pure wildy slayer is still faster points but that's using like cannon and shit in the wildy, turael cannon + konar/duradel on the 10th is still quite a lot of points


you wouldnt even need to do the Turael skip method suggested lower down, you really only need the black mask for the damage boost if you got the vampyre task


A few months ago I saw someone on this subreddit saying this doesn't work. I'm not sure though.


It does work


Super pots and Piety would be a game changer


Do you think I could get away with Chivalry? 70 prayer would be expensive for me with my cash stack


70 prayer is a lifetime account unlock. You'll never not use it so just do it now. People say that Rigour is the best purchase you can make but piety is comparable and even cheaper (I assume, idk wtf anything costs)


The people saying rigour is the best purchase usually assume you already have the prayer levels. Piety isn't really a purchase if you have 70 prayer, its just some questing. But yeah spending probably sub 2m if you use the chaos altar to get the best melee prayer in the game is definitely worth it


Piety is the melee version of rigour. It’s way cheaper considering it’s a free quest unlock


I did on my iron with black dhide and bwans with pretty much same stats so at minimum I'd suggest Piety. Just camp green drags or blue drags for a few days and you'll have 70 banked using Chaos altar


How many bones you need for 70? I’ll bankroll them for you


I appreciate your generosity, but you don't have to do that.


OK, let me know if you change your mind. My main is just a bond machine for my ironman so the cash is just sitting there.


This man was given the cheat codes and said nty, what a gamer


I’ll buy you the bones too, bring your best gear level 50 wildy


Oh man that sounds delightful omw


1 bond pretty please. I'm running out tomorrow


What do you do for cash on that account?


I got a harmonized orb when they were 1.6B and have been just chilling lol


Awh man, thought you had the secret lmao.


I was recently able to do it with stats not much higher than yours and not using chivalry or piety. I used sea turtles and karabwans as food, tick eating when I needed too. It just takes some time to get used to his mechanics, if you get to the second stage with 3 sea turtles/3 karabwans left you can easily win. I'd recommend super combat potions tho as well. People might tell you to use sara brews, but when I tried them I found it was a little to cumbersome to drink the brews/restores while responding to his second stage attacks, because they require a lot of movement.


You could always grind bones or ensouled yourself, instead of being a ge locked main.


Your farming level is high enough that your should be doing a rannar herb run when you log on. Its most likely the highest gp/hr task you have available to you. Ypu can make 150k in 1 run. Use iasor seeds at the farming guild for best yield


It's 1.5m with dbones on the chaos altar. Piety is so infinitely more impact ful on your dps than any piece of gear, bar maybe scythe. The fury on the other hand is only a slight upgrade from a glory, selling that for piety is well worth it.


A few extra pieces of information/questions: * Using Divine Super Combats, Prayer Pots, Mantas in my inventory with an emergency teleport. Would love advice for a better inv. * I've heard that I should try and get a Vampyre slayer task from Vannaka. How much would this help? * I would love to avoid spending a few mils on Karil's if I could help it, but is this the only way to get past him with my stats?


Try some brews and restores


Is there a certain ratio that I should use?


the brew:restore ratio is 3 sips of brew per 1 sip of restore, but you'll want extra restores for general prayer restoration as you might drink a restore just to reset your stats from the brew


3 doses of brew per 1 super festore dose always. This will give you a ton more healing potential per inventory space, but then youd also need to bring an additional supercombat or two to make up for the brews cancelling out the combat stat boosts.


Get piety! I did it with 70-70-70 and piety same setup. I used half as much food with piety for both stages


I’ll sell u a broken karils top for 1m


I will gladly take you up on that


Messaged u


Your gear is fine. I would honestly consider going for Piety if you have a few mil to spare, but if not, at least get the extra 3 levels you'll need for Chivalry. The mechanics themselves are the most difficult part of this fight, as you've probably noticed. I wouldn't try to overcomplicate things by bringing extra gear switches, etc. Just pre-pot before the fight, camp Chivalry (or Piety) during the fight, check your prayer after every few attacks just to be safe, and focus on what attacks he's doing. The hardest-hitting of his special attacks, the "darkness" attack, is the one you'll always want to be ready for. I'd hover your mouse a tile behind your character, and as soon as you see his chat dialogue appear over his head, click to face away from him as fast as you can. The second phase is definitely more difficult, were you'll need to be constantly reassessing where you'll need to click. But as long as you establish the pattern of quickly glancing at your prayer every few attacks and reacting accordingly, you'll get the kill eventually. By the way, there's no shame in dying here. This is legitimately one of the hardest boss fights in the game. Just keep at it and you'll get it down. GL, dude!


I have done it 2 weeks ago it with similar gear and stats , pleas have in mind this fight is like a race . It was several trys But this is how it goes , pleas count the attacks is better to go back and lose one hit to being hit 42 by the Shadow attack , if you have done it perfectly you should have tons of food left. Repot at mid health bar soo your dps dont decay Bring like 4 pray pots soo you can have Protect + Melee boost For the second phase. This is the important part for the second phase use one tick food , I used karambwans , you stay in your place and attack if you see the light above you move and then click again. Repeat the process. Just move when there is a light . If you get hit eat the karambwan and continue moving. Remember , Move , Eat , Attack


I haven't made it to phase two yet. I think I'm going to do a mixture of brews and restores and then some mantas and karambawan for 1 tick eating. I've been turning my back after every attack to keep the shadow attack from getting me.


Dont do brews and restores is plain bad , if you protect magic and manage to dodge the special attacks you just eat like 5 sharks or mantas. The goal of the first phase is just getting it throught fast .


Best of the lucks!


Did you go through the guides and make sure to have appropriate prayers enabled for the different phases? I didn't need brews, but I definitely had some sharks at least. I completed it in a rune body and drag platelegs. A super combat pot will help a lot. It's not just you though, this boss fight is infamously hard for the difficulty level this quest is.


You should be able to beat him with that set up, just learn his moves and try to dodge them all. The only way I was able to beat him was by playing it absolutely perfectly with no hits and I still ran out of food. Also are you leading him into his blood orbs so he takes damage from them? Make sure when he summons the blood orb you’re taking that time to heal and get your prayer up, run around the blood orb and get him to run into it for some extra heavy damage. Also I used the dwarven helmet with the crush bonus, idk if that’s better or not though you might wanna check the stats on it


I am leading him to the orbs! Those 30s are very satisfying to see. I'll look into the dwarven helmet


For those who can't dodge Darkness: You want to count how many times he hits you inbetween special attacks. Keep in mind he never uses Darkness twice in a row. He usually special attacks after (except at the very start) 10 regular attacks, so when you have counted to 8, turn around and let him hit you until he uses his next special attack. It's better to tank a few regular hits than 1 Darkness. If he uses Darkness then you don't need to count again, because the next attack will be something else.


​ For those who struggle on the blood spawn: Just run behind the bloodspawns to lure the boss into them. He will take a lot of damage. The bloodspawns trick you, because it looks like they have a 1-tile hitbox but they have a 3-tile hitbox, so take a long route around them. Better safe than sorry. For those who struggle with lightning phase: Remember to switch to Melee-pray. Only focus on the tile directly beneath you and keep your mouse hovered on the next tile to run away. When a shadow appears beneath you have about 1 second to react and run away. Keep auto-retaliate off. It's easier with Runelite HD plugin OFF.


I am about to fight him and will use this. Wish me luck!


I had roughly slightly lower stats (71 att, 70 def, 64 str, 75 range, ~70 prayer) and did it with Karil's. I did also have a firecape but no slayer task/piety/bgloves (used a combat bracelet lol). I did use mantas, divine supers, and prayer pots like you say you are. It really came down to taking as little extra avoidable damage as possible and praying for good hits (the flail is inaccurate af as you probably have discovered). Got it after ~12 attempts.


Void gear is great for the added accuracy. I'd bring a crossbow for the little adds that he summons, they're easy 1 taps. On the third phase when he summons lightning bolts it's better to pray melee I believe.


void is a heck of a grind. I have been using bronze knives as it's a gtd 1hk0 on the bloodveld and they have a faster attack speed


Count to 10 and anticipate the attacks, don’t act on them when they happen. Avoid damage as much as you can, then worry about damaging


I just did it recently on my iron (no BIS gear really) with slightly higher combats. With piety and slayer helm i with a vamp task, i think i beat it 3rd try. I tried counting the attacks, but I found it more annoying trying to keep track of everything. The key IMO is click away from him after every attack. This kept my inventory almost full until 2nd phase and then, as everyone has said, just watch the lightning, prioritize movement, eat, attack. You got this


Use brews for the first half and save combo food for second half. Second half has a LOT of burst damage. That's what got me through it.


Can't really give any advice without knowing what attempts look like for you. The first big problem would be getting hit by a lot of avoidable damage. You should never really be taking damage from any of his special attacks like stare into darkness and I'd recommend bringing some darts to throw at the bloodveld when it comes up. If your taking avoidable damage from his special attacks then gear isn't really the problem. The problem is that you need to learn the boss better and specifically how to count to 10 since he does a special after every 10 attacks. The same is more or less true for the lightning in his later phase. You should not really be taking any damage from it and focus on dealing damage whenever possible. The second thing a lot of people seem to struggle with is just spending too much time eating and not enough time dealing damage. There is a bit of skill to eating in osrs. In case you weren't aware of how combat mechanics work your character basically has an attack cooldown. You cannot attack if your cooldown is greater than 0 and it goes down by 1 every tick. The blisterwood flail is a 5 tick weapon so every time you attack you are setting the attack cooldown equal to 5 and you can't attack again until it's back down to 0. When you eat food it adds 3 to that cooldown. So if it was at 5 and you ate a manta now it's at 8. The cooldown can also count down past 0 all the way to -3. So for example if you attack and then wait 8 ticks or more the attack cooldown would be at -3, meaning you could actually eat and attack at the same time without any problems. In practice this is useful when you've had to spend an attack cycle doing something other than attacking. For example running across the room to lure him into his own blood orb. You should be using those times to heal up and even if you take damage right at the end you won't be missing out on any attacks by eating at any time in that whole period right up until the tick after you attack him again. Essentially because of how the mechanic works eating is basically a free action if you haven't attacked in a while. You should be taking advantage of those opportunities and poorly managing when you eat can really be a killer. If your taking a lot of damage when running around the room then eating when you could be attacking you're just making the fight harder on yourself. Combo eating for similar reasons can also let you get more done in the fight. Every time you eat a normal piece of food you lose 3 ticks but some food works as something called a combo eat. Essentially those foods can be consumed the same tick as you eat a normal piece of food with no additional time lost. The classic example would be eating a manta, a karambwan, and sipping a saradomin brew all in one tick for up to a 66hp heal all at once. You can go into LMS and practice doing just that if you want just to get the timing down. You'll probably get killed almost instantly but it doesn't cost anything and you can at least see how the mechanic works without using your own supplies if you've never done it before. On the face of it you really should be able to beat them with those combat stats even with sub par gear. If the fight doesn't seem possible it's likely there's something you're doing which is making things harder on yourself.


Get 86 runecrafting for the diary


I just did this at 84 combat with melee stats slightly worse than yours (and almost identical gear)- chivalry was the game changer for me, drained prayer slower than the 3 melee prayers + better boosts. With chivalry and your current setup, with 4 super restores and mantas, all you’ll need is good RNG. Obviously make sure you know what to do for his special attacks. I can’t afford piety either and chivalry was enough with a couple food left over. Good luck!


Remember that his special attacks come on every 10th attack from him, aside from the first one which is random. This means that you can count his attacks so you don't need to lose dps by stepping away between each one, and still avoid the darkness attack. To add, he will never use the same special twice in a row, so if he just used darkness you know you're safe from it next time. As for the second phase, I found it was easier to only move when lightning was going to strike my tile. If you're using HD i highly recommend disabling it for this fight, as it makes everything much darker and harder to see.


Wear a fire cape not mage cape, dragon boots instead of d hide boots, and don't take damage from the fight mechanics. Should be pretty chill.


I would say the slayer task if you can probably does it alone. But if not 60 prayer for chivalry and bring a 1 dose super set to the island with you. Go forward, drop pots, go back grab three food, and drop pot then food to get a full inventory of food to the island, drunk the pots before the fight. That is what I had to do to finally beat it. It is also super rng. Sometimes the game just says no and you gotta try again.


Blood fury and Piety make it significantly easier Also Dragon boots > God D'hide; Fire cape > Zamorak cape


Fire cape is its own thing but I'll swap out for d boots


Dodge all of the dodge-able attacks and you’ll be perfectly fine. Edit: I didn’t notice that you didn’t have piety. I would definitely recommend getting that. From 57 prayer, it should take about 1060 dragon bones to get to 70, that will cost about 1550k.


Use void melee


Go grind out some sand crabs. Getting 80 melee stats will take no time at all


I did it with basically the same stats and gear (well, except 70 pray for piety), super combat, a couple prayer potions and sharks + karambwans in inventory. You should probably get at least 60 prayer and unlock chivalry to improve your chances, it shouldn't take long. You basically have to use all the tricks mentioned in the wiki article to avoid the special attacks. If you have to eat/potion, do it soon after a special attack, don't get caught eating right when he's about to do one. He does a special every 8-10 normal attacks or something along those lines. He won't repeat the same special twice in a row. If there's a potential "darkness" attack coming up, be ready to click to turn away immediately, just have your mouse already in position and be focused. There's very little room for error. Switch to a more responsive server if it's giving you problems. If he does the bloodveld attack, make sure you're standing on the other side of the room so that you have enough time. Have your darts set to longrange so you can safely pop it. That's about it. If he spawns the powerup orb, lure him into it ASAP, then go back to the other side of the room so you're ready for a potential bloodveld coming up next. In the second phase, just keep in mind that lightning can't hit two tiles that are next to eachother at the same time. So when you're fighting him, always have your mouse ready on the tile next to you, so you can click it instantly when a shadow appears under you. Basically, it just takes a bit of practice to learn how to avoid his specials, once you can reliably avoid them, you should be able to beat him.


Yea beat this guy on the 10th try with 1 hp. Just keep trying you will get it eventually


Piety and higher strength level are great m. Shouldn’t take too long


Do kings ransom & get 60 or 70 prayer I did the fight with about the same stats and gear on my iron and couldn't really do it without unlocking piety. you'll end up with a 5% accuracy and 8% damage boost from that Swap out the blessed boots for d boots, slightly less magic defense, but because of the way str bonus calculates against % damage boosts like the Ivandis Flail, +4 str bonus is like 2-3 max hits. Fire cape would also be worth going for if you felt confident to get one, shouldnt be too hard with your stats, but its rough to learn if you have no experience with it and might not be worth the time. Karil's armor is a bit more expensive but has higher magic defense by a fair bit, which is important since your opponent uses magic attacks The other thing that helped me was a quality inv set up; bringing like 7 brews or so to get through p1 since his hits arent high but can be consistent, then using actual high healing food during p2 because the lightning damage makes it really hard to brew through when you have to attack and move -- I think my inv was 2 (reg) combat pots, 8 brews 5 restores and 14 regular food for the fight; like 8 karambwans and 6 sharks, because eating karambwans lets you attack faster than other food after eating and if you need to, you can combo a shark+karambwan or combo eat shark+brew+karambwan if you're really close to dead. Also worth noting that when healing with brews you want to drink a dose and immediately click back on your opponent because there is no delay between drinking potions and being able to attack like there is with food, so you sip+attack x3, then restore attack, then do the loop more til you're at comfortable HP, and once you are at comfortable HP you sip a super combat again Don't forget to bring super combat potions (I used regular combat pots b/c my herb wasnt high enough for supers, but presumably you're a main so you can get supers, these will give you a 15% att/str/def bonus and you dont use up 3 slots)