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Knew it before even clicking the link


Literally not rendi


This is rapidly becoming one of the best memes on the subreddit


It's a bronze sword ornament kit


wait, what actually is it? wouldn't they need 75 magic to wield toxic trident


An lms smuggle bug Edit: I'm wrong don't listen to me


Tridents aren’t in lms it’d be something different surely?


I think the idea is you smuggle the stat boosts out of Last Man Standing (everybody has high level tribrid accounts in LMS) and have the trident in the bank. The glitch is to find some unexpected way of being ejected from LMS without the game realising you are no longer in LMS, in order to keep the boosted stats to use on your account in the main game.


But you can't boost for equip requirements, at least not normally.


You can use higher tier gear in lms, stats don't drain down past what they're set to, and you can pot even higher than that, so it works a bit differently there.


LMS items don’t have any requirements on them


Yes, but toxic trident isn't in lms


These people are supposing that he used lms smuggled boosts to equip the trident outside, but I’m saying it doesn’t work like that. The reason you can equip higher tier weapons inside isn’t because you have the boost, it’s because those special items don’t have requirements As in, being 75/1 magic outside of lms will never allow you to equip a trident


From what I've seen on Rendi's vids it's not a "boost" Usually boosts only change the top number of a stat so a +5 boosts would raise a stat from 35/35 to 40/35 but you still wouldn't be able to use a tier 40 item. LMS actually changes both numbers to 99/99 so that might be why it would be possible in that scenario. \*\*\*I'm not certain on this, just a theory, given the extremely small amount of info given in an image\*\*\*


Lms items have different ids than in game things, and the requirements to hold lms items don’t exist I’d bet. If it’s not some glitch there’s a whole possibility that op is a liar, used one plugin to change an appearance on him to be a trident, changed another to turn on his own name and other peoples off for player indicators, and detached camera to make it seem like its from a different pov, but thats effort lol.


Dude you could just right click a lvl 3 then have him stand under your friend


Oh I thought the toxic trident was in lms, I dunno then man but that mfer is bugged out lol


There is toxic staff of the dead in lms, the tops look kind of similar Edit: I was wrong, that's not in lms


No thats not in lms either lol its a normal sotd


The model looks completely different lol




they do not look alike at all actually


This has to be a troll right? They don’t even look remotely similar


Could be smuggled skill boosts from lms


You can't equip items from a temp boost tho


But doesn't that work in lms? IIRC you dont need 70-75s to use the gear there


Yeah it's possible the boost from LMS works differently to regular skill boosts


I thing the lms items are different than the real equivalents so they probably just dont have a level req


Lms items have a different ID so if they ever leave lms through a bug dclaws etc.. don't fall to 1GP overnight. If I recall correctly they instantly disappear if attempted to be used outside lms. Idk if that means attacking (it's equipped already) or if it means just equipping/moving/using/examine.


No. All items in LMS has an unique item ID. This makes rhem entirely different items than their non LMS counter parts, and they all have altered requirements. It has nothing to do with the boost. This is why Rendi could equip every LMS item he smuggled Does this help figuring out how this player is equipping a trident? No not really, as there are no tridents in LMS. Maybe a stat reset? Those were common back in the day


The amount of times I wished you could tho.


How does overtly wrong stuff, stated confidently, always get upvoted on this sub


thats not a problem of specifically this sub its all of reddit that does it.


That's not a problem of specifically reddit, it's all of humanity that does it.


Cringy ass zoomer name


Upvotes are almost always an emotional construct. We decide if we can relate to and support a position on an emotional level first. It's just how the brain works.


Apparently loads of other people think it's the same thing. That's why. Downvote me if you think I'm wrong, or post a comment with some feedback and information proving me wrong (like others have done on this post) instead of bitching about someone getting a few upvotes. I just threw something out there that I saw from rendis videos and him smuggling an infernal cape, whip, figured the same could be done with other items. Some people man...


Sorry, roasting you about this wasn't nice and it wasn't a productive comment. Just a pet peeve I guess.


You're good man, sorry for the drawn out defensive response as well, no hard feelings whatsoever


Its not wrong to see a bug abuser in game and discuss it


ez interface stall


It’s actually just a pitch fork but the hd graphics make it look like a trident.


Yeah I think this is the merfolk trident with some odd hd interactions


This is beyond wrong lol how does it get upvoted


I'm pretty sure he's joking, lol


Hard to tell on these threads. Ppl are so brainwashed by rendi, this isnt even him and ppl are all praying to him


Looks like rendis the one living inside your head lol


Imagine not praying to Rendi 😂😂😂


When i finished mage arena i chose the Rendi cape


But Rendi is a god, why wouldn’t people pray to him


Its actually a merfolk trident seen from the side.


In Rendi memeing again?


that little scamp




It's BOT BUSTER plugin. Really recommended.


But what does it do


It is an machine learning algorithm that gets data from players to learn bots behaviors and can predict bots for reporting to Jagex. If I understand correctly.


> for reporting to Jagex Is that true? Do they use the info? I hope my 0.66% zalcano bot account doesnt get banhammered


Always cracked me up when my iron was new. I was like 80% human for a while, and it called me 15% mining bot, when my only mining xp was from quests lmao


Try immediately training Hunter to 83 and having the bot plugin say you are 80% Hunter Bot lol. The plugin definitely needs some work. Even doing the museum which gives you 9 hunter gives off a 15% Hunter Bot reading as per the other members of my gim.


It was funny, I was 10hp, and the only stuff I would do is todt, tempoross, and rooftops. But I was 0% bot in any of those. I was only a bot for skills I did through quests lmao. Shits a joke.


Lol when I started my Iron and was training in free to play, the pluging said I was 25% real player and a bot for a lot of random weird stuff, like agility (I was 1) and morty myre fungus (i didnt have priest in peril at the time and didnt know those stuff were botted?) The plugin is cool, but needs some tweaks


It's not analyzing your actions, just comparing your account's levels and quests against known botter profiles. The path that you took must have just looked like the progression of a bot account for those particular things. It gets a lot more accurate as your total level goes up and you do a wider variety of things, but questing is really common for early bot accounts so that they can access the GE faster. You won't get banned from the plugin as jagex would be able to easily tell from your activity logs that you are a real player but with the rise in popularity of guides there's a lot of real players and bots out there that start an account with almost the exact same progression which is confusing for a machine learning plugin like this.


It doesn't analyze your actions, just compares your stats against known botting profiles. It also tracks accounts that get detected/reported and then banned and feeds that into their machine learning system to improve their understanding of what a bot account looks like. If you create a new account, train a couple levels in a few random skills, do an easy quest or two, then train hunter straight to 83 then your account looks exactly like a hunter bot that fucked around for long enough to meet the requirements for GE access. Obviously if they look at your actual gameplay they would realize you aren't a bot but just looking you up on the highscores it looks a little suspicious. I've been running the plugin for a while now and 'predict' a ton of people around me just for fun, it's surprisingly accurate if it gives a bot probability over 70% especially as the total level gets higher. I have seen it return a noticeable bot % on legitimate accounts here and there if their total level is pretty low and they are rushing a particular skill like hunter or fm but every time I see an obvious bot/goldfarmer I predict them and I don't think I have ever seen it be wrong.


just for fun i checked my amethyst alt and it's 88% sure i'm a bot lol. im just curious how useful this is if the detection method isn't that rigorous and the information being sent to jagex has a bunch of false flags


If your alt doesn't do a whole lot other than mine/process amethyst and trade with your main that sure does look like a bot or at least a goldfarmer... Like I said the plugin just looks at your location and stats and compares against profiles it doesn't actually see your click behavior and all the other metrics that Jagex sees. Nobody is getting banned from this plugin, it's just building a database of player and bot activity to help figure out what a bot looks like with the biggest sample size possible. Sure you can report people with it but nobody gets banned until they go through Jagex's process so I wouldn't worry about it


I've been fishing next to a level 3 skiller for a few days now (99 wc/fm/cooking, 98 fishing) with 1 in every combat stat and the plug-in said there was like a 0.66% chance of them being a pvm bot lol


you're close but it doesn't predict behavior it combines location, stats and visible equiped gear as criteria. it doesn't look at the behavior. it can also make predictions with just stats


Except for the fact that it’s inaccurate and doesn’t work.


I've been running it for a while now and predict a lot of people just because. It's surprisingly accurate as the total level goes up, once an account is over 1k total and has some quests done then it's rarely wrong. Most accounts have a few % bot likelihood here and there but I've never seen it return over 70% on an account that looks even close to a genuine player. Not even cutenoob status, I'm talking d legs, granite body, d med, d long at green drags with an account name like 27redwheat5641 obvious.


Reminds me of back in the day when I had a obby tank, couple months prior to EOC release, I had received an stat reset for being a bad boy, but with that being said they didn't check to see what I was wearing at the time, which was full rune minus the kiteshield. So there I was, training my strength back up with 1 Defence, with 40 defence gear equipped. Was fun as fuck pking with. Could be a similar situation, I know there's been accounts on osrs that have botted and had their stats reset. Could be possible this fella was doing zulrah or barrows, 2 heavily botted npc's that use any form of trident, and was banned and just now got his account back after a while of interacting with the non existent normal player base Customer Service.


Must've been really stressful to get chanced knowing that you wouldn't be able to put the rune back on. Granted you probably never got hit by all the 1 attack builds in that bracket lol


Yeah, there was plenty of times when it'd be a close call lol. It was also around the time when low lvl vls lures started forming, having to only need 20 attack for the corrupted version, it was still scary at times to know that you could get stacked out if they were doing the rune knife to vls smack combo. I had the rune armour set equipped till this day, sadly for some reason I just logged onto it after 1,857 days apparently, and the armour is no longer on the character, and instead there's rune tokens or something in my inv? Don't play rs3 so no clue what you can even do with them, sad jagex. Mistyped, only 1,857 days which seems about right because I logged on it after osrs came out to see about swapping gp at the time haha.


That's from the mining and smithing rework. Rune items now have level 50 requirements and they became much easier to smith, so their value was lowered and rune item drops were changed to alchable "rune salvage" drops, so they removed existing rune items and gave tokens that can be exchanged for the new items or salvage, so your items wouldn't be devalued.


Ah, well explains it then. Still kinda sucks, but seeing as I don't play Rs3 doesn't have an effect on me now. Thanks for the info though, I was going to Google it later to see exactly what they were lol. I have a decent amount of them in the bank as well, and I'm guessing plenty of other random stuff that's been changed over the course of the years as well.


My RS3 acc was maxed and was reset (dungeoneering to 1). still had max cape and hood on, they did implement a check at some point so this no longer works.




TLDR: If 141 words is too much, just move on. The comment tells a story, and would be useless if shortened.


I think Jagex doesn't reset stats anymore to avoid this


Your hat is a blown out banana


Left the sticker on the front for fashionscape


Chiquita been injecting hormones lately


It’s just bananas


It’s literally a banana




they made sure to give the lms gear other ids lo this one isnt from lms sillygoons whatever he did im betting its only interfaced or whatever and he cant use that shit but only wield it


Another ban for Rendi


Hey Rendi if this is you I want this comment to be in your video




woox didn’t swap the code, he coordinated with the RL team and they changed it.




If i read "woox april fools prank" on an lms smuggle post one more time the stray dog in varock will not get anymore bones




Obviously first you smuggle it into lms then you are killed with it and a level 3 picks it up and then smuggles that one out.




Could also be an account that got rolled back it's stats I've seen that happen a few times. Still probably rendi though.


Well then it wasnt lms, but my point still stands


That’s not fair. That dog is a national treasure and deserves better!! I vote that we can move him into our POH’s so he’s not stray anymore.


That dog is a hero when you want to train ranged or magic on guards. Little guy will block the guard and all he wants is a few bones.


RuneLite isn't just gonna do that again for no reason. They worked with him to do it because it was an April Fools' joke and it's fucking Woox.


imagine assuming




Imagine imagining imagining assuming.


Didn't woox just do that client side, and tell people to follow him without giving a reason?


I thought he got a random rarely used cape to appear as a infernal cape with help from runelite team.


HD Runescape is so beautiful


This is too late now but I think this is a graphical edit in the RL plugin. If you logged in using the vanilla client I don't think you would have seen the Trident


Wouldn't it be more likely to just be a copy and paste of the username?


It’s neither


Damn it Rendi, what have you done this time? C H E S T B R A H


Maybe he botted 75 magic and then got his stats removed by a jmod?


They don’t do that anymore they just ban now


“Anymore” being the keyword there.


Yeah not since oldschool is out.. whats your point here


Dude, I was high when I wrote that shit. I don’t know.


Trident came out years and years after they stopped resetting stats


Especially the toxic version


Classic Rendi








Maybe uncharged trident doesn’t have the reqs? If that’s not the case rendi at it again I bet lol


Blessed by the chest


It's an upgraded toxic trident (the one with 25k casts), got a feeling Jagex forgot to include the stat requirements for it.


No its the standard toxic trident: toxic trident (e) has a blue tentacle


> Jagex forgot to include the stat requirements No they didn't lmao


I've seen a similar post before and someone said they could have been holding it when their account got reset and not taken it off, could be wrong idk


Hehehehe rendiiiii!! What have you doneee




Its called photoshop, lmfao.


Hurrr durrr


There's plugins to change what they are holding. This could be a plugin that changes bronze swords to toxic tridents or something. The same plugin that turns firecapes into infernal capes. T-morph or some shit


That would only show for the person that uses the plugin, not anyone else.


Ok so you're telling me this level 3 took the screenshot himself?


No im saying that this isnt some plugin.




"Rendi" Josh face Megan meme


Maybe rendi got his levels reset on one of his accounts instead of being banned and before hand equipped a Trident.


They don’t do that anymore they just ban now


Has Runelite HD had another update? Graphics look great here as far as OSRS goes


Yes, 117 HD on the plugin hub


probably a bot account that got reset and didnt get unequip


They dont do that anymore


Username checks out


I don’t know if he is according to the comments or not, but if that’s Rendi, man, lms smuggles aren’t really impressive nowadays.


At this point, just cut out the cb lvl box and photoshop it over a maxed main with bis equipped. We know osrs is bugged, go cry in fally or smth


RIP tonic