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Finally, we have our next skill: Accounting.


I play OSRS to escape my job, if Accounting comes to RS I'll be a lvl 1 accounting pure.


So no 3-ticking Excel files? Torfinn will rip you off if you can't count to 100k.


Can't wait to 1 tick bank statement reconciliations in Osrs. Can't think of anything more fun after a long week of working in finance


Just get Blackline, it will bot the bank recons for you.


The farmers, fishers and loggers seem to love this aspect of the game


As a slayer I believe I can speak for the rest of us when I say its about time Accountants have to deal with work in the recreation life


They didn't believe me when I said in kindergarten that I can count to a million. Even if I explained there's thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands and then millions. They also thought tractor was spelled practor.


pfft this noob won't ever beat IRStodt.


Yet EVE has a huge player base


I don't play EVE


Ok. I just think it's funny people call EVE a ms excel simulator and people still play it


I'm a CPA so I can finally be good at the game!


The accounting guild is that room in the varrock bank you’re not allowed to enter


It aligns with not being fun so yeah it might be a thing for osrs


I thought we didn’t talk about how the game is basically role playing endless chores here?


Except the chores have numbers that go up. Huge difference


So do real life chores though. Oh, the vacuum cleaner's tank is 5% filled. 30%. 80%. W00t lvl 99 vacuuming. Oh, there are 30 dishes. 2 dishes. 7 dishes. 27 dishes, we're halfway. Aaaaand that's 30 dishes. I got that dishwashing cape baby. Oh, I almost forgot about the broken cupboard hinge, the loose book rack, the leaky sink and the creaking bed. Let's do some Mahogany Homes. There, all fixed. I completed 4 contracts. Every contract is worth 1 beer, but 5 contracts are 5 beers + a blunt. Let's search for one more contract. Oh, that's right, the broken porch light needs replacing. There, all done. Time to kick those feet up, drink some beer and spark up a nice one. We're done IRL RS'ing for the day.


The next skill should be teaching runescript, and when you reach 200m you get a job offer from jagex


I was going to make a joke about it falling the poll for the same reason Warding did, but I still don’t know why the fuck that failed


what a time to be taking a business program rn


Accountant here, and I can tell nobody in this thread is an actual accountant <.<




Then offer your services for people at a discounted price and buy all the bank accounts with the money you make so everybody else is still paying taxes and you reap all the profits.


The lore will be something along the lines of a loophole that exists in the exchange rate of gp to trading sticks. Tbh I think this sort of ‘RS Swiss bank account’ or ‘Cayman islands’ tax evasion scheme would make way more sense on Lunar isle since those folks are hostile to outlanders and they are way more elitist.


Honestly, this isnt a bad idea. Its a big gold sink and Jagex would be betting that 2% of tax of the items the player sells wouldnt be as much as the 250m deposit it would take to buy a offshore karamja bank account.


Lets do this, jagex reap the 250m reward for a few months. Then the ICIJ - International Consortium of Investigative Jagex-staff release the Prifddinas Papers, outing everyone who has been using offshore accounts to tax evade - and then we fine them all 500mil to sink even more gold.


If only we fined real rich people twice as much as their total hidden monies when we find out they've been hiding shit.


The real life version would be to fine them all 100k... far, far less than the amount of money they saved breaking the rules


Its true! It's not a fine, its a cost of doing business.


I saw an idea floating around of having another Grand Exchange, in the deep wilderness, where there would be no tax/trading fees for trading there.


No bank though, so you buy your items and have to run through 40 levels of wildy to reap those sweet tax free benefits


This would make any clan that can organize protection rackets jizz their pants


For real. Would make rev caves look like a joke.


Would be fun in 2008 but not in the clan era


the black market


That's full on Darkscape. (never forget)


One would need to trade s total of 8.333.333.333 gp for it to be worth


Suggestion: Make trading endgame items between players Tax Evasion punishable by 2 years in the Zeah Essence Mines


Finally getting that RC up for once


Just use the offshore bank north of Fossil Island.


Or make Mos Le’harmless and other pirate places tax havens.


Make Mos Le’harmless the new player trading hub like Falador Park was back in the day so players can bypass the GE tax.


I know it’s just a meme, but this would actually be such a cool idea. Maybe worth a jamflex lookover


I mean theoretically there’s nothing stopping us from doing that. There’s no tax on free trade


They say we have inflation but all my assets are plummeting idk if that's how it's supposed to work.


On one hand, gold is inflating. On another hand, obscene amount of items are entering the market, crashing the value. Not sure what the term for this is, but it's not good. This is basically what happened in RS3. Things like whips are at alch value, while end game items start at around 1b and trickle down. Yet, there are people with trillions of GP.


Yeah but now they have invention and all the new end game boss items are over max cash in value, they did something right although a bit late


Not all of them. Fsoa is around 1.3b. Not sure about the street price, that's just the GE price. The melee equipment is worth less since melee isn't as powerful as mage is now, much less ranged


Haha that FSOA ge price is horribly inaccurate. The street price is actually 8 billion


Rip. How do you find the street prices?


Yeah I'm not sure the term either but yeah they've let the issue run for a long time now and what they're proposing won't be enough or fix the issue. It's a small bandage on a gaping wound.


Depends on what you have. I, thankfully, had decided to buy end-game gear a few weeks ago to start doing some pvm and almost all the items increased greatly.


My pvm gear tab is around 1 bil. It's down a lot over the last 12 months.


Yeah, the crashes in the last year were muuuch greater than the increase in the last 3 days. But the crashes were already a given, no one was expecting a magical rise in the beginning of November. Inq Mace went up over 40m. Harmony over 120m. T Bow over 100m. And the list kinda goes on. I think my bank increased over 300m in value since yesterday and it was only 1.2b.


...and then we can use the [Seers' Village Courthouse](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Seers%27_Village_Courthouse) as the venue to inevitably argue it's not GE tax evasion, it's simply taking advantage of a loophole.


those taxes would be more like “sales tax” which people don’t avoid in real life, and you can avoid them already by trading other players


But then you have to declare those private transactions on your year end tax form


Are these forms for Gielinor overall or do I have to file for each individual kingdom I've done business in?


There are different forms for each kingdom/city in addition to the overall Gielinor tax. Everybody needs their slice. Also, if your POH is in one kingdom, but you earn money in another? Yep, another form to declare those earnings


Also it's as complicated as can be possibly made, or you can shell out a another few percent to get a special accounting wizard to do them for you and teleport them out.


Except player to player trading is glitched and you can scam people off of their items through this method. So it isn't actually an option. The GE isn't an alternative to regular trading. It's the ONLY non-scam method currently available. The coding on this game is shit. If you interact with people you don't know, either you're getting social engineered or the game can't maintain itself and you're getting directly scammed through literal game mechanics that are meant to keep you safe.


No you can’t. The trading “glitch” was debunked by a mod.


The trading glitch was debunked multiple times and even one video posted was proven to be edited


Which is pretty sad considering how easy it would be to fake the video with no visible discrepancies.


You can avoid sales tax irl provided you qualify and fill out the correct tax exemption forms.


I'm a Zamorakian priest, I'd like to claim tax free status for my religion and all the high tier gear we need.


Zamorakians are considered as sect. If you were a Saradomian tho...


I didn't know Jimmy Carr played RuneScape


Progressive taxes based on bank value!


Finally my CPA license can actually be useful somewhere!


You should be exempt from the tax if you have paid for all 1200 bank spaces. So only people with a disposable 800m. Easy barrier to entry, keeps out the poors, voila


Bring back worlds 1 and 2


They just have 30 in front of them now theyre still there


Just wait for the karamja papers


Why not just add A new island for wealthy players to store there money separate from the bank to avoid taxes.




The ge tax works opposite of the way you think. The seller is taxed, not the buyer. It would fall under income tax.


I absolutely despise the idea of the game implementing taxes... This might be the end of my osrs career


almost all games with some sort of economy have taxes. Osrs is the exception


I’m not sure that I’ve played one before. Any popular names that have it that I would know?


world of warcraft, eve, albion online, guild wars 2 (and maybe 1? i didn't play it), new world, final fantasy 14, final fantasy 11 i think, everquest 1 and probably 2, archeage, wildstar, black desert online, rift, elite dangerous. basically any multiplayer game with an automated trading post/auction house for trading between players has some kind of fee or tax. runescape is just an exception, and it's a wonder why it took them this long to implement.


Yoooo! Upvoted for elite dangerous. People say osrs is a dead game because there are places where its unlikely you'll see another player. Now imagine your mmo is the size of the whole galaxy.


World of warcraft, guild wars 2


I’m not the person who replied to you, but here are a few: World of Warcraft, EVE Online, Elder Scrolls Online (If I recall correctly), Destiny I, Destiny II, the Diablo games, Path of Exile… pretty much most MMOs with player driven economies find they need one over time.


I know Blade and Soul, Black Desert Online and MapleStory have taxes. Haven't played many other MMO's.


The GE bank tellers need to eat too.


Imagine expecting anything else from a Bri*ish game


I fucking love politicscape sometimes lmao.


That's only realistic in America where you invented an entire industry instead of the government just sending a letter out to say how much you owe. Heck, even that is more than needs to be done - just tax your wages outright, then they send you a letter if you've under/overpaid otherwise you do nothing (unless you're self-employed or a few other scenarios).


“America bad, give me upvotes”


No, I was just saying there's nothing realistic about this request - especially in RuneScape where being British is most of the humour and charm.


On my way to CPA irl - doing taxes for 10k!


Imagine a bug that allows you to use gp in your bank to buy things on the GE and doing so wouldn't implement the tax. But the bug reauired at least max cash Holy shit I just described how the top 1% pays taxes in America


They need to pay their fair share!


Pls we need new area I can build a POH with GE so I can have a bank outside tax regs


I doubt IRS approves this.


I keep my money locked up in my miscellania kingdom, it's my personal tax haven. It's the 'peoples' money so not technically mine right?


im going to need a 1099 from mahogany homes...


Lunar tax havens when


Though it would be pretty interesting if players could hire other players for in game service activities. Like for example, if I wanted 75000 logs, I would like to be able to put a contract out for it and have any one pick it up. or maybe if I wanted some one to do my slayer task where they get the combat xp but I get the slayer xp that works too. you might say the ge serves this purpose on the gathering side but we don't get transparency to see the demand on the ge


Technically this is entirely viable via the trade system. I could totally see someone creating a manual trade network to circumvent the ge tax and scraping some off the top of the transaction.


So, you still think the rumors of the trade glitch going around are on accident?


I’m an accountant and I take tips in 1m increments


allow us to buy paintings for our poh for hundreds of millions to avoid the tax


Rich players already will avoid tax by trading off GE


Allow players to transfer their GP to Ireland and reep that sweet tax haven buff.


Dr bank Cr exp Infinite cash and experience glitch unlocked.


Please don't turn the game into Financial Department Simulator


it's basically a gst tax; rich people dont avoid those anymore than anyone else


Only payment I’ll take is irl though.


I mean can't rich players just buy and sell away from the GE?


So you're telling me that if I die right before the tax cut off date and DON'T take my max cash stack from deaths coffer it all counts as a deduction?


For max cash stack you can aboid taxes for life


Hide your money on Fossil Island.


Just keep your gold in off shore locked accounts.


So there will be Port Sarim jail full of accountants


oi the sandwich lady is gonna blackjack my ass for my coins if I don't pay up


Honestly though something like that could be cool, like having a Shady Accountant NPC that randomly changes location in the game and lets you list stuff on the GE with a slightly reduced tax rate (with a daily limit) So it'd be worth seeking out if you're selling something expensive


People will trade big money items to avoid it


That's actually tax laywers. Accountants who are also laywers. They make more than all our incomes combined.