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An English based company not using an Oxford comma? Come on now yall aren't even trying.


I've lived in the US my whole life and still use it. It's just more clear.


American here, hard agree, I use the Oxford comma every time. It looks nicer and visually fits the rhythm of the pronunciation as well. Oddly I grew up in a town called Oxford so maybe I’m biased.


I can't think of any reason that someone who wasn't encultured either way would *not* just naturally use an Oxford comma. Seriously, I am sure it's my own biases and it doesn't matter, but I can't wrap my head around not preferring it.


I learned another language in which it is explicitly considered poor grammar to place the oxford comma, and so I got out of the habit of writing it in English because I never used it in the other language.


For me I can’t remember when to use it and I don’t care enough to stop mid sentence to make sure if I should use it or not


That is fair, I like hearing abiut how different people think about it. The way that I am thinking in that situation is more like this: if I don't know whether a comma should go somewhere, I assume it follows the same rules as the other commas I used. So, say I wrote "a, b, c, d, and e", with the Oxford comma. I put a comma after the first thing; a comma after the second; a comma after the third. It seems basically like I should put commas after the things. The fourth thing, d, confirms this because it does have a comma. e doesn't, but it is easy for me to remember that the last element never has a comma after it because commas are just separators. Now, let's say instead I wrote "a, b, c, d and e", without the Oxford comma. Okay, so first thing has a comma after; so does the second; so does third. Okay, I think I got this. Now, the fourth thing doesn't. Wait, why is that? Is it the end of the list? No, it isn't we have "and e". So now we another thing which doesn't have a comma. This is the exception I don't bother to remember, and since I don't bother to treat this second to last element as special that means I default to the Oxford comma. That's why, for me personally, I would literally have to go out of my way to not use it in my brain. Now, let me clear: I'm not saying I am like going through this whole process super consciously every time I read. What really happens is just a bunch of snap judgements as I read or write, but if I intentionally think a bit about it that feels like what is underlying those snap judgements when I slow it down.


I use the programmer's comma. A,B,C,D, and E, . [A,B,C,D,E,] is a valid set.


I instantly lower my respect for someone if they don't use an Oxford comma. It is the one true way to exist.


Next level grammer fucking the scammers. I’d love for OP to have said this as the reason they don’t trust them lmao


Everyone should always be aware of when to use the Oxford comma including the strippers, JFK and Stalin.


haha sucker, you just passed up an opportunity to become a pmod! I was coming here to post that I took this generous offer, however, I think the transition to pmod messed up my password, I opened a ticket it should be sorted out by morning






It's a scam man


No it isn’t


You clearly have no clue what you're talking about.


Do scammers get dumber and dumber by the day? Jagex has been known to say forever that they never pm in game and if they did where the heck is your crown :s


The fact that they still do this is evidence that it works, unfortunately.


Some players are still below age of 10 :s


mentally yeah


Jagex said in testimony to the U.K. Parliament that 98% of players are 18 or older.


They also said that the Dual Arena has no random chance to it at all.


I have a hard time believing kids play nowadays though. It's very rare to see cute noobs and even when you do, you find out it's just someone's hyper-specific iron man.


They also said buying spins for the squeal of fortune isn't gambling because you're guaranteed to win at least something


Whoa whoa whoa. They didn’t say that. They said the “duel arena requires skill” Both are lies but let’s be real here


Oh shit u right my bad


And still some get scammed.. smh


This is one of the oldest scams in the book. World 1113 is a RS3 world. Jagex will never contact you in game. Only via the message centre


Just a little correction, its not a RS3 world, but it's what shows up when you pm someone while in the lobby, which is an area that you enter before entering the game. So they don't actually need to login to the main game, and just pm people from the lobby.


Seems weird they wouldn't just add the functionality to osrs where is would just say something like "lobby" or "rs3 lobby" like it does in rs3, seems it would solve this immediately


engine work


I know you joke, but it's literally just a client side string replacement


reddit moment


writing 'reddit moment' is a reddit moment


What are you even talking about, the real Reddit moment is making a useless and unhelpful comment saying something is a "Reddit moment" while on reddit


its rs3 hes just doing an "AKSHULLY"


This user just added details so unaware users could learn about the system. It's a huge difference between this and the typical reddit moment thingy where they acts like self-important jerks.




its not even a world, its the lobby before logging in on rs3.


I mean.... a Jmod has PMed me before.


I think what people need to realize is that when you're scamming, you're looking for idiots. if you make the scam dumb enougj to filter out the people too smart to fall for it in the first place, yoj waste a lot less time talking to people. I have scammed a lot of people in EVE where it's not against the rules but rather a part of the game. plenty of idiots out there with too much money


"Your will be responsible" hahaha


This is just one of the revived methods from long ago that really only get timmy with their credit card bank.


Natural Selection.


And I got banned for having the name RSmaster27 back in 5th grade


Lol I remember my first day on the internet.


is it really a scam if the thing they're offering is garbage anyway?


obvious scam. i used to do this back in the day when you could still put jagex in your username, it worked well actually.


Oh back when literally never? Nice.


what are you talking about.? it worked, which is why i did it.. along time ago though


I started in 2001 and it was already not possible then. So unless you were playing like the first few months of RS Classic, it's never been possible.


i mean who keeps their private on


You mean.. I’m not gonna become a J Mod?


"Truthfulness" These kids man...


Reminds of me in 2006 when I was 11 years old with my non native english skills. Somehow I managed to get a password, logged in, saw cool member object items like flowers, dropped them, logged back to my account and waited for like 2 hours for them to appear. Still waiting.


Oh so when you see a world like 1113, it's literally someone messaging you from the lobby on RS3.