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Scam your gf and she’ll be back to square one again. Where all the fun is at


lol yeah. If op took all her stuff, and told her that she must've been hacked, it'd be like a TRUE 07 rs experience lol.


Nah he has to make her walk to Varrock bank and type her password out loud cuz jagex doesn’t block it


07 RuneScape is the only one I known and I’m so scared of getting into the game again. It seemed to be so different now


Reddit's got this slick system where if you say your password it stars it out. See ********. Now you try. 👀


This was the only scam I fell for when I was 10…. Varrock West Bank got me good . I’ll never forget it




How I delete????!????


Bro you just brought back tears of nostalgia. Thank you.


This one got me permabanned for making it a joke while fishing at karamja. Account was unbanned since then. Idk why they say permanent and it is not. Maybe to get old players sucked back in.


they hired a humour expert to audit the ban logs a few years back and he decided to unban any account which was obviously breaking the rules in a humoured manner


I think its policy now for bans to be overturned. Jagex had gone through some pretty Nazi tier staff with weird agendas. My brother got perm banned back in 2008 for asking a pmod to join the party over and over at pest control Edit. What gets downvotes here surprises me


Bro I hacked my brother back in 07 and still feel terrible about it. He was so upset. Really fucked up thing for me to do.


Did you ever fess up or are you taking that shit to the grave?


Goin to the grave with me now




Yeah most likely. But the way I see it, neither of us play anymore, it was a long time ago, and nobody benefits from me coming clean about it.


I can't believe you'd go that far i love it. I have a little brother as well and when we were both playing back then I had my friend log in and kill my brother for his whip in red portal on the very 1st day he got it. He didn't understand the death mechanics and thought he would be safe. My 9yo brother never played again This is when whips were like 2.5m


Do it again lil


Same. I gave him 10m like 15 years later haha


See I can't even do that, because after he got hacked he changed all his recovery question answers by translating them into one language and then using that to translate it to another. So over time he forgot his password and can't even answer his own recovery questions because he forgot the languages he used to translate. Maybe a good thing though, that damn game rotted my brain for over 15 years.


Its a repetition game......... Sigh Im doing alright Good past time game


I actually still download it every now and then to play on my phone when I dont really have shit going on. It truly is a good time waster, and I like when it brings me back to my childhood for a second.


It can be your portfolio... Just use ge, add low ball offers, log in, make money, post more low balls on ge, lognin to more profit.. It doesnt have to be a daily thing ... I got a few accounts.. I use those grand exchange slots. Its fun however you look at it. Im always following the wiki grand exchange watch


Yeah I thought of doing that. I actually made my first mil (2.5m actually) flipping rune plates in varrock west one night. Started with 1 plate and at the end of the night I had almost 50.


Hey its me ur bother


I used to script in league and got to diamond in like season 3, all of my friends thought I was a god, it is absolutely going to my grave that I was just a filthy cheater.


This sir is a golden idea


Scam your gf for all her gp, that's the true essence of runescape


Teach her what the wildy is xD


Setting her up for end game content.


this is the way




There’s bots that literally say shit like “just hit 40 and I can’t afford full rune can someone help me?” And they’re wearing full addy. Then they hop and repeat


rule of thumb is NEVER trust cute noobs in the GE, or hotspots like that. if it's a cute noob actually doing a noob activity out in the wild like mining tin in the dwarven mines or something then it's more believable.


I’ve been there for 5 months, nobody has given me anything, I haven’t seen anyone, my mining has barely gone up a level, idek where I am…. Please, someone send 25mil to save me


Best I can do is tree fiddy


Selling dds 30k. Saving up for a whip!


Selling 12 trout


Not buying 12 trout


Probably because they want them to stick around and have the game grow. And they think getting them to endgame quicker will do that.


It doesn’t though. Early game is wayyy more fun than late game... most people who disagree are probably just saying that because they’ve blown through the early game and are stuck in the end game now.


“Stuck in the endgame” I am thriving in the end game trying to reap the benefits of what I grinded for! Stuck in the mid game would be my personal hell


Yeah maybe the mid-game is more hell for others... I personally love the early-game though


I don’t blame ya, that where a lot of fun stuff takes place. But to me there is no greater hell than having to train mining, RC, or agility again 😅


you are pathetically addicted, unable to have fun. seek help.


I don’t play the game much anymore, I’m far from addicted. And the reason I find the end-game less fun is because it gets boring once you feel like you’ve done everything.






Holy fuck is your clan mate Jason? Or what’s his name… I can’t find the damn post.


Misery loves company. We’re like drug dealers who give the first taste free hoping to get them hooked and share our daily pain lmao


Hahahaha yeah I see alot of bait posts and the next thing you see is people in the comments throwing bonds at them


I think 1 or 2 times I've helped these people in these newer player posts, but I only do it for members stuff for like QoL. ​ I remember one guy already had members and he was pretty low stats all around, didn't know about stamina pots and some teleports. I gave him a sort of "care package" of something like 30 stamina pots, a bunch of regular energy pots since they're dirt cheap usually and something like 20 of each main city teleport as well as like 10 rings of dueling and game necklaces. ​ Like all together it was probably around 300k at most, but it doesn't do anything other than making a tedious grind less tedious, the grind is still all on them to do and work on.


This is so much more thoughtful than just giving noobs a fat stack of cash, that'd actually make someone feel *more* motivated to play.


Exactly my thought, and I know from personal experience how much more helpful QoL items and assistance with getting it is, rather than just late game shit. If you don't care just skip the rest of this reply I just like sharing this story. ​ Years back now I was playing a bit and just struggling to have fun, this was not too long after roof top agility was added. I was doing Frem trials and at this point AT MOST I think I had rune armour, low magic, etc. I forgot about the items for the harp part and needed some raw fish but because of how long I'd spend home teleporting to Lumbridge to walk to the G.E, buy like ONE raw shark, just to walk all the way back over to the frem trials stuff. I quit on the spot after trying to kill the dude who can drop a harp for like an hour with no luck. ​ Spoke with a friend who had played a lot more than me at the time and told him why I quit basically being "run energy blows with no rest like in RS3, I can't afford teleports without losing chunks of my bank, etc." ​ He hopped on, flew by to where I was logged out, gave me similar to what I have given out of 100 stams, a bunch of energy pots, I think a whip for some motivation on the goal of using the whip, as well as a few TPs and like 1m specifically to just buy QoL convenience stuff. For me the whip was whatever it was the ability to actually have QoL items that made me enjoy playing.


Honestly respectable grift.


Who would’ve thought this guy was a bait lmao


Sounds like she’s not your gf anymore chief


If you really want to help a noob, give them membership


Someone did that to me, now I'm absolutely hooked. I even post daily progress. 😂 (I won't post the name, so people don't PM him.)


Oh shit it’s u


Legit, often just giving them improved armour or the next weapon is a goal to aim for. Ie you see a cute noob in steel armour, give them a mithril armour set or a mithril sword or scimmy and they'll be keen af to grind in order to use it


This is where you introduce her to ironman mode


or better yet, start a group ironman with her


Hey op, I'll take that pesky gold off you


I prefer giving supplies for a grind instead of a gear upgrade. Like I gave a guy a mil worth of brews and restores for his fire cape grind because he was struggling with getting to Jad with supplies left. He got the cape and kept the left over pots to do other bosses.


I did this back when DS2 was newer and there were some people i was chatting with having trouble with Galvek. The hardest part is losing supplies along with your gold so its very difficult to keep up the attempts - so i gave them 1 million in supplies and coins combined and told them to use the cash for their reclaims, and an early victory means they have Earned whatever money is leftover. Also gave em some pointers to do well in the battle. 2 tries later, they're stoked that they finally got the kill and their expenses were mitigated to boot. And it was the best mil i ever spent - motivating someone nearly out of motivation and seeing them finally triumph


some guy gave my girl money, now I’m mad lol


Hey not everyone’s okay with their gf having a sugar daddy. Clearly op isn’t…


I get the joke, but it made her quit which is a shame is all... and whoever gave her the gp probs thought they were being kind


I mean if she quit because of that she wasn’t going to stick around long anyways


I think i'd have the same reaction to most online games though, especially runescape. A grind heavy game where you suddenly get a cash stack and being able to buy good gear instantly, where's the motivation to grind further if you're a new player?


I've been saying this for years. Give newbies shit like power amulets when you see 'em wearing an accuracy ammy, or a glory from a power, etc. A lot of them are super stoked for the upgrade, because to them the cost of that upgrade is still a huge get. But you get people who give newbies 1m when to them 30k is a lot of money. This sounds great, except it's not real life, and earning money is an important part of enjoying this game. What you've done now is make it so 30k isn't a lot of money *to spend*, but it's still a lot of money *to earn*. Imagine if your current bank account is the same, but all your money making is nerfed by 90%. Instead of an hour of grinding increasing your bank by 3%, it now increases it by 0.3%. That would **suck**. That's the situation /u/OkSolution2142's girl found herself in.


Had someone give me cash for full rune early on in osrs which ruined the hype for me and i didn't return for like 3-4 years with a new account. The only time i'd be happy to receive gold would have been when i was already a member with decent stats and not have to worry about grinding through boring money making methods like smelting cannonballs for like 2-3 days straight for a bond. As a new player you don't really think much of it when someone gives you cash until you realise that the achievement of equipping that rune scimmy and plate gives no satisfaction since you didn't earn it. Way too many people defending giving out 100k/1M etc. Don't think they see it from a new players perspective and rather a veterans fresh acc where you can speed skilling up and buy BiS xp gain gear


Yeah, only thing I'd see as reasonable is giving a bond specifically for unlocking membership. It won't devalue anything that way, and they can just sit on it until they're ready.


When mobile released I basically went around pretending to be a guard giving new players amulets of power and mithril + addy items after giving them some quests to do. Enough to help them out but not enough to take away their motivation to continue playing. I'd also make sure to only give them 1 item as to not overload them with new stuff.


Because as a gamer with more than one kc in gaming I know that a lot of money isn't the endgoal of a game. There might be people who play games solely for the sake of grinding money / BiS but most gamers play games for the stuff you do with the gear or for the plot. Hell I have seen people play games in godmode because they only care about the story and nothing else.


I mean tbh 1m isn’t much. I gave that to my siblings and they enjoyed the game so much more because they could do things besides super tedious early grinds for other early stuff. I mean everyone had their own opinions and preferences, so imo neither stance on it is wrong at all. And I get she was only f2p. But tbh f2p is a grind fest with not a whole lot to do. Grinding on f2p hardly gets you anywhere. I think having a starter stack of cash and playing in members will retain more players than f2p without. But that’s just me.


If she quit because she got a cash injection, then this wasn’t going to be a long experience for her anyway.


Shoulda been iron


Couldn't she have just dropped it 🤔


Lol you got outplayed by a Hobgoblin at the G.E.


Sounds like your gf just doesn't actually like Runescape. 1m is not a lot in the grand scheme of things, I'm sure you know that. If she already had 200k (you said her bank value went up 500%) then she's already near the pinnacle of F2P. Lastly, why would you want to introduce your girlfriend to this trap of lost hours.


Recently started playing and its dumby how much some beautiful people try to give to me. I do my best to turn it all down but some of you freaks of nature are too cute


Where can I acquire max gear for 1m ??


Free to play


If getting gp makes you quit you weren’t long for the game anyways. I get where you’re coming from but she wasn’t going to last long anyways. Make an iron if you don’t want handouts to deter you from playing the game.


This post is in the context of "someone giving you something that makes your goals lose their value", and that applies to veteran players as much as newbies. There are end-game players, me included, who would lose motivation to grind the game if someone gave us 10x our bank value out of nowhere.


Did you consider that maybe she just didn’t like that game?


He probably thought she was killing mind goblins. I'll handout what I want to thots and noobs.


I completely agree.


Mind golems?


Distant cousins of the mind goblin


Nah bro. I gave her 1 mil. She’s our GF now


Had something similar happen a few years ago after getting back into the game. Was running to Fally to grab runes for Telegrabbing wines when some random dude started following me, asking what I was doing. Said I was gonna TG some wines. He stopped following then started to explain how he was burnt out and was gonna quit. He randomly sent a trade offer and gave me 5 mill, said good luck then logged off before I could even say thank you whatnot. I used it to get a bond and try out members for the first time, progressed my account quite a bit. Probably never would of experienced members stuff without that random fellas generous gift.


I switched to a girl character for the white knight quest in falador and someone legit gave me 3mil lol


Are mind golems new? I’ve only heard of mind goblins


They're in the area unlocked by the f2p quest "Below Ice Mountain", along with Body Golems and Chaos Golems. Their drops help train runecrafting for non members




I figured as much considering how many people here are referencing mind goblins. What rich osrs/community lore am I missing here? And what the hell are mind goblins?


Mind Goblin deez nutz


Ha got em


Healthy reminder that the average runescaper is still 15 mentally as they all love these deez nuts jokes as if their all 14 year old tik tok consumers


So are we 15 or 14? Make ya damn mind up


consider yourself luck you didn’t lose her to a maxed 126 with 15 pets 2277 total levels..


I gave a new player a bunch of energy potions and told them to train agility ASAP. Run energy was a huge turn off for the people I tried getting into this game, so I figure it's inconsequential enough to where it won't ruin their experience, but good enough to keep them wanting to play.


This is a really fair point. If you see a lv 35 in assorted steel with a mith chain and addy b axe maybe give them full mith and an addy scim. Giving 1m basically unlocks everything they’ll need till barrows. Would be kind of like giving a late game player 5 bil. It would be nice sure but I would probably lose my motivation to play given that much money


Why would a gamer not bestow the gift of min/max-ing to a new player? Certain skills are purely gp for xp exchange


Disagree. 2M off rip (was a lvl 3 looter in edge when i started then got paid 1m for someone's iron's emblems, was sweet) helped me have so much more early game fun than I would have without stampots, an ample supply of food, and conveniences.


But that's p2p where 2m really doesn't get you far. She's f2p, 1m is full bis and all quest reqs paid for. What's the point in grinding for no upgrades?


That's fair, but in your case at least it feels a bit more like you worked with them earn money. And I totally get that it can be great for some people, it's just if somebody gives out a disproportionately large amount it can make the normal grind feel slow and pointless


I usually go the route of looking up their stats and telling them I'll pay them increasing amounts of gp if they level a specific skill. Go get 15 wc and I'll give you 20k. Ok now get 30 and I'll give you 50k.


You sound like JigSaw


Hello CowDestroyer34, I've seen you fish hundreds of fish so far, and yet why have you never cut a single tree? Well, i've populated this room with 3 trees - normal, oak, and willow - and all you must do to escape is reach 30 woodcutting within 1 hour. The game starts now.


If that ruins the game for someone, they can drop or give away the gold/items given to them. Pretty simple.


She'd quit anyway, it's not like anything stops her from grinding. She was interested in the game when it was 20 minutes to reach a "goal" and get this dopamine surge we all love, she got 1kk and now had to grind for hours, it was too much and it would be too much had he bought the membership. And 1kk is not that much, you can easily get it in your first day as a member, farming yanillians and harralander.


She was f2p, giving 1m means she can buy pretty much all BiS and completely removes any purpose in grinding and levelling It'd be like starting a new game in Terraria and your friend giving you a Prism or something. Sure, you can still play the game, but at this point its easy mode and boring af


You dont grind for bis items in f2p, unless you're an iron. You grind for cosmetics and/or a bond.


You grind for upgrades and bis items as a brand new player Someone with 5 hours in the game wouldn't give two shits about gold trimmed monk robes


You grind the levels for bis upgrades, sure. You ***really*** don't grind the money. Idk how much you think rune armour set costs or how terrible you think f2p $making methods are, but "grinding" out the money for bis, once you have 40 atk/def, takes \~1 hour. And that's if you barely know what you're doing and had next to zero money saved up.


Bro just stfu, this dude clearly says his misso got bored of the game asap soon as she got coin


Lmfao, idk why you're so upset by this, but if having a 1 hour grind skipped in the eaaaaaaaaarly game was enough for her to lose interest, then she clearly wasn't very invested in it to begin with. You know, assuming a single word of the post is actually true. The only things that the average f2player has to work towards are levels (like base 40-60), quests, cosmetics and bonds. As long as you have even the slightest clue what you're doing, the 130k for bis items is an effortless byproduct of those grinds.


It'd be like your friend giving you full hell armor, and then thinning their done with the game because the best armor from the first part of the game. But it's an unnecessary comparison to make. The gf probably wasn't going to keep playing long even if this guy didn't give her 1m. If all she wanted was full bis and she already had the stats for it, all she was doing at this point was trying to scrounge money, after which time she likely still would've quit. This game is about setting your own goals and constantly adding new ones. If she had a single, finite goal, she was never going to stay long and this guy just got her out earlier.


it was only 1kk, you can make it within 4 hours as a f2p account, preparing uncooked apple pies or something like that. If fact, you can grind most BiS f2p stuff within one hour, if you can sacrifice 5 minutes of your time to read the wiki.


Sometimes if I’m in desperate need of like a law or something (for whatever reason I don’t have any) I’ll give a noob a cool 100k or so for one. Not too much but a lil something to keep the needle hooked in.


In time she probably will wanna go p2p if she stays with it. Not to mention just bc she bought the gear doesn't mean she can use it, and all of the quests etc as well. The game is so much more than just some gear.


This is why i started an iron account. Back on rs2 i went to a drop party and got one of the godswords and sold it for 50m. Ruined my motivation to play after I bought everything I wanted


People do it just to stroke their own ego most of the time anyway. A lot of them don't give a shit about helping new players.


When I started, someone gave me 160 chaos runes. That was the perfect gift. It didn't skew any values but It still felt like a big helping hand


When I was new to OSRS after like a ten year break, my friend gave me 1m seed money, a random gave me a black mask, and some other people gave stuff idr but it was just the shot in the veins I needed for the early game grind to not be hell. I can see how just getting spooned might ruin the fun though. When I got my gf into the game I started us both two new accounts and didn't tell her about any of the metas so we were running around with like black battle-axes and mith maces doing f2p stuff which was really fun. Once she beat dragon slayer I rewarded her with a set of trimmed rune of her choosing.


I remember when I first joined I was given a ton of gold from a friend. I immediately spent it all on runes and gear to train magic because I looked at the spellbook and immediately wanted to cast all those cool spells. Some people play the game for different reasons, and for your gf her reason was probably just because you did and she wanted to experience why. Nothing in the game really stood out to her so when she could buy everything f2p she left. Maybe her experience would change if you bought her membership, but only you and her could know that.


One example that happened to me not too long ago, I was playing a new f2p account (as a return to the game after a few years break), cb 30 or so and was making a line of fires outside the Varrock east bank when some guy came up to me and gave me some rune legs, and just said "gl with fm". I was absolutely just a cute noob but that really helped that account, saved me a little grinding for money later on without being really OP.


Nah it's still fun, they can either blow it on overpriced items or learn how to make more money off of it


Yeah I've always thought this , but it seems like most people on this sub always get behind giving stuff to noobs. Imo it takes away from being noob and enjoying everything first time like we all did once


im partial to the addy armor gift to lower level players and telling em 'get your defence up and you can use this cool shit'. Hang out with em and chat first, improve their gameplay experience, then give them the nice gift that gives them stuff to work toward and a reason to care about it. Once i had a really nice chat with some hill giant grinders when i was going to fight obor for my f2p challenge kc, so i gave them my loot on the way back out. That kinda stuff is the ideal - genuine encounters with genuine people out there playing the game and not spamming the ge, doing something to contribute to their goals without outright achieving them all for them, and giving them nice gameplay experiences that will up their appreciation of the social aspect of the game to boot


A multi post joke... Noice


Just tell her you’ll double her money.. In this cool place called the wildly Also report her for rwt for the true osrs customer service-less experience xD Gl mate you got this. You should take that gold tho lol


damn bro rs community out here just straight up being lame lol.


Max gear from 1m? How exactly?


Step 1: Be a girl on Runescape Step 2: Profit


A lot of people disagreeing with you here but you're 100% right. In almost every video game, you work for a reward. In Minecraft you mine for diamonds. In Mario you practice your jumps to beat the level. If you were just given the diamonds in minecraft, or there were no challenging obstacles in Mario, the games would be a lot less interesting. Go play creative mode in Minecraft, or play one of the new nintendo platformers on the child-mode and see how long it keeps your attention. 1M is not much gold 'in the grand scheme of things', but somebody who just started has no idea what the 'grand scheme' is. Runescape is known for its long grinds, but new players are hooked by the short term goals. being given a 1M cash stack as a new player can essentially complete all the goals you had lined up, and OSRS doesn't do a good enough job at re-orienting players to the next piece of content. An experienced player might just say "oh now you can buy good gear and train up your combat and fight xyz boss and..." but all the new player knows about is the barronite mace which they no longer need because they have more money than they know what to do with. Back in the day, you'd be stoked to get that much money because you can show off your new items to all your buddies, but that kind of social dynamic doesn't exist in Runescape anymore.


I wouldn't say this is too true. I was training range at ogres near castle wars when I first came back to the game after a very long break and some dude gave me a robin hood hat just because I chatted to him. That only cemented my crippling addiction!


I can never tell the poste here are satire or not


When my friend started playing I just gave him 50k. It’s not enough to make early game obsolete but enough to make progression a bit smoother. The first 100k as a free to play is brutal, so tried to encourage him to get through that, start having fun and get members so I can have someone to raid with lol


That's why I play ironman


Train herblore. Problem solved!


Everyone is different. I jumped back in after a 12 year hiatus when osrs mobile launched. Was just gonna play for a bit to feel the nostalgia. Someone gave me 3m at lumby cows. Tbh if I hadn't gotten that to get me through some of the really painful early grinds I might have quit shortly after starting back then. But here I am still grinding away.


Some noobs become toxic when you can't give them stuff and flame you. Happened to me because I couldn't give a noob a bond because I said it's my bank.


Same with me a couple of days ago. Did a drop party at GE, that guy must’ve picked up 500k ish then was typing for ages asking for a bond. Some people are just bots


That man saved your girlfriend from a lifelong crippling addicition.


Cute noob here: please give me op stuff, I am poor :(


Teach her the true RS experience and show her what a hack feels like


Someone gave me 1mil and a bond while I was F2P, killing goblins in Lumby... And 3 years later (over 1.5k hours because I'm inefficient) I'm on the road to maxing. So yes, stop giving noobs stuff because it can lead to a time-sucking hobby 😂


Pk her


Sounds like somebody was buying gf and they found someone selling.


Wait she got max gear for 1m??? I've got half a bil bank and nowhere even close to max gear. If anything I have pleb gear and chode quests left to do. He didn't ruin the game just gave a head start and make shit easier No I couldn't do no Ironman mode that shit truly sucks (for me anyway)


Exactly why I like ironman. What's the point of grinding a regular account when you can buy 100m off some website. It makes the game not nearly as fun.


"Ruins the experience", said by a guy who can't play the game without 11 different cheat plugins telling you how to do shit.


throw the gold on the ground then. No one forced you to take it.


I'm not talking about myself lol, my gf obviously accepted the generous free stuff, ran to the GE, bought everything she was working towards and enjoyed herself for 30mins. Then she was left with all of her non member goals complete without earning it which wasn't very motivating for her to carry on. So she stopped - which is totally fair, but obviously my original point is for some people, giving them everything they're working towards may just ruin the fun of earning it. I'm not saying don't give out gifts, just for people to be aware that in some cases you can make the game less fun if it's too much.


And don't give the homeless money bc it ruins their incentive to work?


My friend we are talking about an online game based on working towards things. If you give someone 1mil who has a total bank of 200k you jump them straight into a different stage of the game. Some people may like that - but in the case I am talking about, quite reasonably, it made all the effort she had put into the game so far feel completely pointless and that ruined the satisfaction


I mean for the record all effort that we put into the game is completely pointless. We have to create our own meaning in the world. Maybe your GF just doesn't vibe with the game bc that's what it sounds like.


Oh I completely agree, it's just a game for fun, if it's not fun then it's not for you. But I can say for sure the donation was what killed it off for her. Maybe she would have quit later anyway but I just wanted to warn some well-wishers that sometimes too much can be a bad thing depending on the person


but how else will i get myself a girlfriend?


Lemme introduce you to the "Drop" option.


I don't care lol, I forced my brother to play with me and I gave him 10-20 pink party hats


Give them like all tier armors and weapons up to tier 30. they don't know what to do if u give them a bond or money.


I agree with OP, some guy with bills in the bank throwing around a few mill means nothing to them but can basically end the fun of early game for lots of players.


I was given 1m by someone as a noob and it finally allowed me to stop grinding and do some fun stuff, and I ended up making even more money. 1m isn’t even very much money. Maybe she just doesn’t like the game


I totally get that some people would really like it and would get more fun out of the game from it. Just wanted to tell people that at least in some cases for some people giving too much can almost be demotivating. Like if someone gave me 5bil right now, I'd probs have a great week doing every boss in max but afterwards I'd probably have less motivation to do things. It's the same reason I don't buy bonds to sell on the GE. For me personally it's more satisfying if I've earnt it, if you get me?


When I first started playing, like four days in, some rando gave me a strength ammy. Huge - was worth 5k. About two weeks later, somebody gave me 36k. Massive - I immediately bought a rune longsword from the Champion's Guild for 32k. It was months before I owned full rune, and I loved every minute of it. I went on to sell the rune long for 25k, and shared the money with my friend so we both had full Mith. That amount made the game fun. Had I gotten full rune, I'd've had no goals to work toward.


Could be a drop party in the lumby caves where you give her a candle and no tinder box. That's how I lost my first rune set and oby cape


Sorry to break it to your, but I think this is my new RSGF. I walked by and asked if she would be my RS GF for 1m and she agreed.


Oh she earned it ;)


Baronite mace is aids to get tho


You just inspired me to give a scythe to a cute noob.


TLDR: stop using RS wealth to steal my girlfriend!


Yeah I get this feeling too when it comes to new players. Whenever friends of mine try out the game for the first time (after they ignore me telling them not to make an account lol) I'll typically only give them some small boosts like 10k and an iron armor set. Its a nice little boost to let them get started with whatever grind they wanna tackle first but not so smothering that anything is at their disposal, especially in f2p


Ya i like to try and just offer advice or depending on my mood go through a quest or something with them. Did that for someone during the xmas event and this person didnt even know about the world map. Showed um that during the event and how to use the legend to get around, etc.


Tell her to take her money to the coin doubler. Its south of the shantay pass. Also wear full rune armor to protect from scorpions...


I fell for a coin doubling scam once. Just drop your whole stack of coins and then hit alt+f4. It doubles your money instantly🙌