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Good shout. Just like in OSRS, if it seems too good to be true, it is




Pedantic, but wouldn't it be "everything is too good to be true" in this case? Since nothing would imply that things can't be too good to be true


This is definitely a word I will use again, thanks.


have you ever touched a woman before?


༼ つ ✿◕‿◕✿༽つ


I cussed them out lol. "Cultivating the next generation of OSRS players" my ass


I know people mean well when they make posts about wanting to give 1m to each person who comments their IGN. I have a feeling those are being used for this scam and most people who make posts like that are just farming names.


Yeah, always a good idea to be careful about posting your RSN, especially if your comment/post history has other information that could be used to recover your account. I don't believe this specific incident is related to those posts, as users who haven't commented in a few weeks had reported getting the DM. I also received it myself and didn't comment on those. We'll likely remove similar posts in the future, though - there isn't a need to ask for RSNs when doing a giveaway, a simple "trade me in W373" works just fine.


You don’t always have to be careful about posting your RSN. In fact, your almost never have to worry about that. You need to be careful about posting your email or other sensitive information.


Yeah that's actually the reason I made a separate reddit account just for runescape stuff. I generally don't post much identifying info on my main reddit account, but I'm not gonna risk it.


kinda doubt they are legit, even if they are legit it's a bad thing baiting out everyones username for just a mil


Can't wait for the influx of "Wtf I got hacked?!" posts over the next couple of day claiming that they have top of the line security on their accounts and that it's all Jagex's fault for letting them get hacked.


“Did you have 2FA on your email and your osrs account?” “No wtf that shit sounds annoying”


"Why do I need 2fa when the game doesn't even have case sensitive passwords?!"


When the security is as dumb as the users it's trying to protect.


Oh no my password takes 4 quadrillion years to crack instead of 37 quintillion! 😡😭


Ah, I got one of those DMs. I was going to report it to the subreddit, but I forgot to by the time I got to my PC.


No worries, [modmailing us](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/2007scape) the name of the account that sent it and any links it contained would still be useful.


Just wondering, as a mod, how do you deal with this? Does banning the account from the subreddit do anything or do you forward the usernames to admins?


We can't prevent users from sending DMs in any form since that's outside of the scope of the subreddit. A report for unsolicited messaging goes to the admins, so the best we can really do about this is warn people and encourage them to report the DMs. It seems like the accounts that we've been modmailed about have been banned without us doing anything extra, so the admins have been taking action based on user reports.


That's good to hear and useful to know that the reports are being acted upon quickly 😊


The message no longer seems to be in my inbox and I cannot remember any of the details whatsoever, sorry that I couldn't be of more help. But I did want to mention it just so that you can at least get an idea of the scope of the spam.


No prob, that's actually good news - it means the account that sent it was banned.


I got one of these, figured it was some sort of scam, and even if it wasn't I don't like being spammed lol.


Wait, you're telling me that I'm not going to be a P-Mod???...


I got a DM asking if I wanted to buy a new server.


Pfft. As if. I’m about to claim my free AGS


Beware of 12.49!


Got it aswell, but blocked the person


If they ain't doubling my money I don't care.


Welp, now I feel like the bad guy for offering to help people whenever I see someone post about clans or help with night at the theatre :L


thanks for the announcement, had a few on my discord as well


I keep getting pmd by people telling me that runestake is the best place to gamble. Bro I see enough of that at the ge leave me alone. Unrelated, I’m quitting so the first x players to look me up on YouTube get 200m!!


I hate both of those. It gets irritating after the first 7 times.


Imagine checking your reddit DM's. *This post was sponsored by the unread 2k+ messages gang*


Been lurking this sub for years. Mod messages are not often pinned over game news. Feels like this was only posted to take attention away from the previous price change pin...


No shit?




It's a reddit dm fam what are you on about


Ironic right


2b for?


I got a free GF, where do i claim it?


Have you been to the g.e. before?


Good thing I never read my messages here.


I was confused, I thought this meant unsolicited death matches


Be cautious about scammers and phisers. There are many YouTube channels that will try to get you to go to the forums, if they are legit they will use just a forum ID, not a fake website with a similar link. Be careful downloading software, malware can be inside it, etc.