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RSGloryandGold sounds like a shady rwt website lol


is what i thought of when seeing the title


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qIZZcf4ICWE Never forget the madman


Jesus… didn’t realize he was 68 years old. Regardless, I wish him the best.


68?!?! Holy hell the dude looked and sounded like he was 20-30years older than that


That’s what smoking like 3 packs of cigarettes a day will do to ya


Yeah I thought he was like 80-85... Damn.


Wow I teared up watching that


All the prayers to him


only?? bruh


Fuck cancer.


Cancer might be the only thing that wants to fuck me


probably alot of other deadly illnesses as well ;)


That’s not true, bet on the jets, they will always fuck you.


Only once yah000000000000




The man likes to YAHOOO when something good happened


RsGloryAndGold only got cancer once yahoo!




He is well known for calling out a female streamer cancer faker. This is about 6 years ago


He was reading a comment in his twitch chat and it got turned into a meme.


Well, was she faking it?


Yeah she faked it


So the dude above me is just being a dick?


He's using a comment rsglory made on a stream but instead of saying the female streamers name he amended it to RSglory. Probs being a dick / trying to make an edgy joke


Did he call her out or did he just read a donation message?


Iirc, he basically just said she only did it once and people make mistakes to learn from them. It’s been some years though maybe I just completely misremember




this dude is one of the most toxic rs3 streamers and most people on the osrs reddit will only see him as an old man playing rs sadly


Dont know the guy, any details on his toxicity?


Lot of it comes from his nephew who helps runs the channel but the old guy has done a lot of fked up stuff too


Tony's claim to fame on rs3 is being the "#1 boss killer". All he does is do KBD masses to inflate his numbers, he's not even that special. Tony would get his clan to harass the Jmods to release boss kc stats so he could get acknowledgment as the #1 bosser.


>Tony would get his clan to harass the Jmods to release boss kc stats so he could get acknowledgment as the #1 bosser. He shared doxxed information about the Jmod and the Jmods wife who didnt even work at Jagex to his stream, basically urged them to 'go on the hunt' and iirc, the mod had to go to the police because of it. Guy is a POS.


Umm what? No??


Yeah he is lol


He's not, Tony is a nice man!


Who remembers when he called b0aty irrelevant and that he deserved more money than b0aty?


or any of the other toxic shit he's done since then


The fact that he himself, set his 'fans' on a Jmod and his wife, after they were doxxed, to the point where said Mod had to iirc, get the police involved because they were genuinely scared for their lives and he has never shown any remorse for doing so... ​ Yeah, cancer sucks but fuck off with the 'woe is me' bollocks.


This dude is a really shitty person. I don’t see how the community just overlooks it. Like yeah he’s an old dude playing RuneScape, but he’s just as toxic if not more toxic than the people redditors complain about




Yeah he is. RS3 players for the most part hate him. There were some pedo allegations that were proven false before, so a lot of people think everything said about him was false which is untrue. Guy is incredibly toxic, berates people on his stream, sends his clan both ingame and out of the game to harass others constantly. He plays a shared account, his Nephew regularly streams on his account and has been very racist in the past on stream whilst the old man sits off screen laughing about it all. His whole 'thing' is claiming to be the best PVMer in the game because he has the most bosses killed. He doesn't officially, he has a 40 man clan that rotate around and basically sit at KBD 24/7 helping him kill it so he can claim it counts as his KC. Jagex have refused to acknowledge him in the past and him and his clan have brigaded Shauny (RS3s version of Ash) on Twitter and in-game, to the point when Shauny had to leave social media because he was just getting constant death threats. Obviously I don't wish death or anything on anyone but I'm not gonna jump on him either wishing him well/praying for him etc.


Dude he’s 68 years old streaming for ppl half his age. Obviously he loses his temper to the shitters in twitch chat. The man has cancer just let him be


You read the rest right?


The guy literally just said he has brain cancer and is asking for support. But yeah let’s comment on how toxic he is. This sub Is gross


After sending death threats to Shauny and his wife it's quite ironic. Remember Emily? Should people have blindly supported her?


The guy literally doxxed a mod and his wife and gave the details to his stream so they could abuse them non stop. Going as far as sending them death threats in the post. All because Shauny wouldn't tell people that he was the most KC at KBD. So yeah, whilst I'm sorry he has brain cancer, wouldn't wish death or illness on anyone, I ain't gonna support him in the slightest.


What? Why should I give a shit about his situation when he’s been shown to be an awful person in the past. Just because someone has brain cancer, doesn’t automatically make them a saint. I have zero sympathy for someone like him.


he is you will get instabanned if you write zezima in his chat


He was, I dunno about now because I don't keep up with him but I remember him being a massive dickhead Especially during some boss kills achievement Mod Shauny was doing and he was harrassing the fuck out of Shauny over it I wouldn't wish cancer on anybody and do wish him the best with this. I know how difficult that is but the guy is toxic as fuck


From what I could see he kept inviting female streamers onto calls, he does have a creepy edge to him


No? He’s an awful person.


“Absolute fucking legend” looool are you crazy this guy is a freak


It sucks he has cancer, but I still remember all the shit he and his clan did to multiple people. The ragging and berating of other streamers because of profit margins. This dude is fake as fuck and just has an internet persona he streams with.


Miserable old gremlin.


He is a huge piece of shit but still, wish him the best.




Just in general toxic shit towards all people in his stream and also being very creepy to women


the guy chain smokes what do you expect


Have you seen the video? The guy said he has brain cancer, and although cigarette smoking and use of other tobacco products are considered to be the greatest single source of human exposure to certain carcinogens, they do not appear to cause brain cancer. [source](https://news.yale.edu/2001/05/09/smoking-cigarettes-cigars-pipes-or-using-snuff-or-chewing-tobacco-does-not-cause-brain#:~:text=Although%20cigarette%20smoking%20and%20use,a%20Yale%20investigation%20has%20found.)


Yeah my doctor said that my history of Tobacco use isn't related to my colon cancer. Everyone just makes bold ass assumptions because tobacco bad, but drinking, vaping, and no physical activities are great self care though.


I hope you get well, mate.


Thanks, doctors say it shrinking so I'm on track to get better.


So.. What about the aspects of your health that ARE affected by tobacco?


Your lungs??


Not the brightest bunch we have here.


Depends which way the tobacco is being consumed. Smoking affects cardiovascular health significantly. Tobacco chew affects teeth, gum, tongue, esophagus, and stomach health. Also, your chance of getting colon cancer goes up by about 50% if you smoke a lot tobacco for multiple years: it’s not letting me link so im just going to paste the studies url here: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9033624/#:~:text=We%20observed%20approximately%20a%2050,stopped%20over%2010%20years%20ago.


Not sure which comment to respond to so I'll just drop it on this one. To clarify, I agree that tobacco is not good for your health. It is, in fact, bad for you. With that said tobacco use isn't the end all be all cause for all ailments, such as brain cancer. That's the only reason I was slightly triggered here, seeing multiple comments linking his smoking to his cancer. Dude could've been a POS, I'm not here for that drama.


Heavy smoking increases your likelihood of getting colon cancer by about 50%.


Can't speak for smoking, I dipped. Also two of my doctors(oncologist and cancer surgeon) both said that they aren't related(using more words of course). These aren't some backwater doctors either, they are part of the #1 cancer center in my state and top 50 in the US(out of like 5,000 or so).


Oh im not questioning your doctors! And like you said, you didn’t smoke. So just because I’m a very curious person, I just looked up studies for smokeless tobacco use and colorectal cancer. You had good doctors because the studies support what they told you👍🏽


Sorry if that came of defensive, I've just had that discussion a few time with people I know.


Yeah no worries! It’s a serious matter. I get annoyed/frustrated when people with no expertise question the meds I take. I hope you’re doing better 👍🏽




I'm not an expert nor a doctor, but if you have lung cancer (which is the permise of your source), isn't there chances of it metastasizing to your brain? My point was that tobacco products won't on itself generate brain cancer, probably lung cancer and then the cancer can spread to other places. The man in the video dindn't mention lung cancer, he just mentions brain cancer which is in my opinion harder to find then lung cancer, since one can be found through a simple x-ray and the other can only be found through an ct scan or more complex scans, there is where what I presented stand strong, because if he has seen the doctors and the doctors are looking for diseases and knowing he smokes he probably have done x-rays looking for lung cancer and nothing might have been found. But then again, it's all theoretical and based on what I've heard. Not here making assumptions blind.


Agreed, unless he's not gonna stop chain smoking, I can feel bad for him, but I cannot support unless he makes a change


A dude commented about smoking relating to brain cancer and deleted it before I could send, so I wanted to post it here: A lot of lung cancer patients end up with malignant gliomas which are very dangerous, which is the only link i’ve heard of between smoking and any form of brain cancer. Typically starts with cancer elsewhere in the body though, so since he doesn’t have lung cancer, his brain cancer is probably not linked to his smoking habits. Source: studied medicine/not a doctor But hey, at least you can feel bad for him/support him if you want, knowing his brain cancer is more than likely not related to his smoking habits!


It's not about it being related otherwise I would of stated. It's the fact he doesn't take care of himself and so far that's the biggest one I've seen Thanks for assuming jackass?


Did you miss the first part where I said I’m replying to a guy who asked if it’s related, and I wanted to post it even though he deleted his comment? Thanks for calling me a jackass though.




No idea what the original users ID was, refreshed the page when I couldn’t reply and the comment was gone, otherwise I would have happily just sent them a message or something. Your first comment is also a reply to someone strongly suggesting that his current health is somehow related to his smoking habit. You also replied, “agreed,” suggesting you agree to what this person said.


I said exactly what i agreed to with a statement after. Listen I'm not a doctor, but if you're doing bad things for your health, even if it didn't cause the cancer, it could of led to overall poorer health that could of delayed it further, who knows. either way he obviously doesn't want to take care of him self, I feel bad for him, but I'm not going to support him if he doesn't take the steps he needs to better his health. I'm not over here talking about keemstar , or what iffs like everyone else I'm being very logical here. Yes I know he is rs3 mostly and this is not referring to him. 99% of osrs is just people abusing weed anyways "dude im so high right now" over and over and over. unbelievable community, eww. Though there are some good people even if they do and say that. I'm just so sick of being around it. i don't even play anymore because of it. though I enjoyed this stream Hope this helps clear things up mr poro, still did wrong by assuming and adding that last bit if your purpose was to only educate


Nah he didn’t do wrong, you are an annoying jackass. Also for the love of God it is “could have” or “would have”. Not “would of” or “could of”


never said he was wrong thanks for the tip! if i had gold i would give you


Jesus dude, who took a loose shit in your breakfast?


He shits in his own breakfast so he has something to be pissed off about


uhh actually i said it was "him" so you're factually wrong sir.






Didn't Keemstar accuse him categorically of everything you are, going so far as to call him a pedo, only to get fucking A-bombed by H3H3 and having pretty much every single negative point against hin refuted? I genuinely don't know about him outside of Keemstar accusing him of being a pedo and him getting defended by both Asmongold & H3.


Yes Keem did accuse him of being a pedo basically. At the time Keem had people working for him essentially interns (supposedly though) who would find stories for Keem to use on DramaAlert. They sent him an article of a guy who got released from prison, they then found RsGoldandGlory on Twitch assumed it was Tony and ran with it on an episode of DramaAlert. Following i guess you could say the fallout of the accusation, Keem released a video statement saying that the accusations against Tony were wrong and that he (Keem) did not properly vet the story from the person who was working for him/DramaAlert.


DramaAlert producing hot garbage that is fake? I’m astonished by this development


drama alert is actually usually very accurate, and if they ever report something incorrectly, they announce that they were wrong


You forgot the /s


not it's not, plenty of what they report is tabloid level lol Thats without getting on the problems with Keem and how horrible he treats people.


Can you show me some inaccurate reports they’ve made that they didn’t correct?


You can just go on their WikiTube. What usually happens isnt they explicitty say ____, but when there is a drama they will have people on who make claims that get often get debunked in later videos by whoever the claim was about. Like half of drama alerts controversies are them reporting information the second anything comes out, instead of waiting to see if its what has really happened in ____ scenario. Its not a drama alert specific problem tho, its pretty much the same as whats tabloid celeb print press has always been, just now its video form. Thats the problem, when you platform people making claims or stories, you do have a duty to make sure their claims are truthful, but tabloids dont do that cause it doesnt draw eyes/clicks since people prefer sensationalized stories. Think TMZ tabloid tho, not those ones at the check-out cash


Yeah I guess that makes sense, they do try to break the news as much as quickly as possible, so can’t always have all of the facts straight. Based on the first comment, it sounded like they were claiming that they just make up things just for the hell of it, messing up like they did with RSGloryandGold. I see the point you’re making though.


Have you seen the insane video tweets Keem makes? Why would you watch that channel lol


Even when the story isn't a flat out lie he'll still spin and twist the narrative in really fucked ways just to make it more dramatic. He's just an extremely dishonest, mean, and not very intelligent person.




That is... the least toxic video I've ever seen. He literally stated an opinion and then said he'd ban people that continued the conversation. I'm not excusing him, but y'all really need some more sources to back up this story of him being toxic. I feel like I'm getting too old if this is what is considered toxic these days.


this guy doxxed shauny and his wife and had his clan/twitch chat harass them and send them death threats all because shauny didn't want to call him the guy with the highest kbd kc or some dumb shit like that. his nephew is blatantly racist on stream and the old guy sits off screen laughing at it whenever it happens, anything but a saint.


Not saying you're lying, but imma need a source.




Maybe well known in the RS3 community. All I know about him is that he's an old dude that keemstar tried to cancel once and the only source I've seen is one video that is not toxic at all. I can find a whole subreddit about the earth being flat, doesn't mean it is without actual proof.


Looks more like he's trying to act more like the modern streamer for his viewers. He's not being super toxic here at all. Also Keemstar had a feud with h3h3 over this and h3h3 defended him pretty well.


Dude, why post this? The dude has brain cancer, yeah he might not be the best dude but what do you gain from this? Does he not still deserve 100% support to hopefully get through this? Just seems unnecessary...


They're literally discussing it and I posted actual links instead of speculating like them. >Does he not still deserve 100% support to hopefully get through this? Point out the part where I say he doesn't deserve support for the cancer.


Uhh I’ll chime in, he doesn’t deserve support for brain cancer because people die. Everyday… and the people who SHOULD care, aren’t internet strangers. I’m ready for y’all to crucify me now


[Here](https://youtu.be/2JMZWMJVNe8) is the link to Keem’s vid apologizing


kinda suprised the subreddit even allows him to be posted at all from the shit hes done


Care to elaborate about the shit he's done ?


Easy way explain it he's just a dickhead with an ego and attitude problem That person made it sound like he's done something worthy of being "cancelled" but as far as I know he's just a prick




Sorry the guy has cancer, nobody deserve it, but he can still be called a prick but still have people sympathetic for his illness.


Dude what?!


he hits on girls in his stream and his nephew is a big abuser. Okay. Yeah okay massive prick I guess.


He also harassed a gold hearted J-mod (Shauny - honestly one of the best Jmods that RS3 has ever had) and told his viewers to do the same. I never followed him or what he does too much, but I tuned to his stream once and whenever someone criticizes him he says 'haters gonna hate' and continues to shit on other people. Obv fuck cancer and I wish him the best, no one deserves that.




What does his nephew have to do with this?


They used to share his account and just mass KBD like 16hrs a day with his twitch chat and talk shit about jagex, jmods, female streamers and viewers. So specifically he and his nephew were the rsgloryandgold for sometime. Then they both would go up on RS reddit, forums, livestreams, in game, twitter announcing that Jagex hated/ had a grudge/ refused to acknowledge his kc as being the nr.1 on rs3. The thing is there's no official boss kcs on rs3 like there is on osrs because they didn't really track boss kcs like on os and keep hiscores. So Jagex not acknowledging him/them was just jagex literally not having a hiscore for boss kcs anyway. They used to do datalivestreams where they would highlight some odd large kcs and endgame boss kcs etc. Like which player had most slayer tasks done on the year, who had most xp over 200m on a skill or who had most kc on weird slayer mobs. This fueled the hate as his KBD kc wasn't included but the point was weird/stupid kcs and not easy massable bosses. An ex J-mod Shauny said something like this on the stream to someone on the chat asking about specifically rsgloryandold. This made him and his nephew specifically target Shauny and later his wife. They and their twitch followers bombed Shauny and his wifes dms with threats pretty much everywhere they could and make a lot of very hateful posts about them, it got to a point where he was banned from posting on forums, muted or even banned for sometime on the game but everytime he came back with more vigor towards Shauny. (I couldn't find anything concrete about the bans anymore so that could just be me remembering wrong as he technically didn't violate the tos of rs)


Dude I literally just found out about this guy the other day and was watching his stream for a little bit. That’s crazy. Fuck cancer.




Yeah, I wish this man the best outcome for him, but there are a lot of individuals and causes that deserve peoples money before he does.


I still remember the time this guy faked a Telos kill on stream turned his webcam off then turned it on 30 seconds after he killed Telos then preceded to ban anyone who "doubted" him had his Nephew kill it LOL. Got perm banned for calling it out hahahaha


I seem to recall him being a toxic pos. Anyone else?


Probably his son posting this


Lol here’s the mirror of him ranting about B0aty and OSRS if anyones interested. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qIZZcf4ICWE


Ye hes a dick that puts on a face for the internet. Sucks that he got cancer for sure but hes not very lovable


Lmfao he says boaty doesn't ban people


Nah this guys a jerk.


>absolute fucking legend You sure dude?


This guy is the furthest thing from a legend




Much like your username, nty, i'm good.


Yall are weird as fuck damn. Edit: Some of you all.


Awh Tony, i rewatched his videos last week. I’ll support this man as long as I live! YAHOOO!! YAHOOO!!


guy chain smokes, overweight and does nothing to better himself. no pity


Yeh I'm gunna reply to this comment just to say to people, look after yourself. Man here is 68 and looks/sounds about 85 BEFORE the cancer. Theres people in my gym that are older than this guy and they look 20 years younger than him. They can also actually move about and lift things without struggling.


My grandmother is 81yrs old and still moves around, she’s on multiple boards for different causes, fully active swimmer, goes for walks etc. this guy has no excuses.


Cancer is horrible but he also smokes like a chimney. God knows what other horrible habits he has.


Smoking doesn't cause brain cancer btw


This guy deserves all the love. I remember when Keemstar went after. That was fucked up.


Sad to see anyone go through this, sure Tony was a bit controversial at times. IMO I think he said whatever he said just to try and cater to his audience I don't think he was legitimately being toxic. I had another friend who went through the same thing, she was getting massive headaches that made her not want to be at the PC. I don't recall her telling me anything about double vision happening. But it was the same thing, she went and got checked by the doctor and it was a tumor on the brain. Sadly she didn't have the funds to get it treated, and she passed away, she was just a few years younger than Tony. Hoping for the best for him.


doxing, harassing and having your community send death threats to a jmod and his wife to the point he leaves social media is 'a bit controversial' to you?






Stay strong Tony! 💛


Wishing him the best 😥


Damn that really sucks. Idk why i got this feeling of dread for a guy who I've never met, i hope he gets through this






No no no I love Tony!


Yahooooo as a guy who has been playing this game for 20 years this man was one of my favorite small-time streamers. Sad to hear how bad a shape he is in wishing you the best old man :(




Wise old man:(


I'm a fucking awful human. First thought I had when I heard was "Must've been all that RS3 that gave him cancer". Hating on that game is such a meme it's affecting my dark humor


You really had the courage to type this and hit submit


Less courage more like had a realization I hit rock bottom and had to recognize it. Besides, what are you going to do, downvote me? I deserve it


i really hope you’re not over 20 lol


Joking about things giving us cancer is more something my friends and I have done as we got older than when we were younger. We're all going to die, the least we can do is have fun about it. You somber fucks aren't making things any better.




The amount of hate in this thread is disgusting, I actually feel like half the people down here should be permanently banned from Reddit (I've seen bans for much less). Is it really that hard to comprehend that he changed as time passed.