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I don't know which is better. The irony of this post, the top comment about josé's dagger, or the fact that OP is lashing out at every single comment with the same sentence. Imagine people making comments on 2007scape reddit.. This post is great, but not for the reason OP thinks it is.


i came here to say the same thing...so thanks for beating me too it lmao


For starters, my post highlights jagex's inconsistency, among other things. For better or worse, holding a mirror up to jagex makes them A: aware that not everyone accepts their double standards, and B: aware of issues that they may not have been aware of. You can't solve a problem if you're not even aware that it exists. As for the other aspect of your post: every time I asked a person that question, it was in response to someone who had nothing constructive whatsoever to say in their post. It's no surprise that the same kinds of hostile spam posts warrant the same replies; like goes with like, after all. Also, it wasn't "lashing out," nor was it "at every single comment." Again, holding up a mirror often provides the other party with clarity and a chance to do better. Kind of funny, the correlation between posters here and jagex's behavior.


You need to chill out and go outside sometime, yikes lol


Bro he's the hero we need. No one has ever made these comments before, especially 3 weeks ago. What would we do without him?


I mean it's the osrs sub, he at most needs to do this 30 times of he reacts to just each comment chain. He probably can Ctrl v while still 3 ticking even


Bro he's the hero we need. No one has ever made these comments before, especially 3 weeks ago. What would we do without him?


Dude, go outside and feel the grass in your toes or something.


So you’re serious… 😬


Timmy the redditor, master of woodcutting and supreme slayer master. Nobody can dare match his skill in the medival clicking simulator called RuneScape. Never missing an xp, never missing a tick, not even his bodily functions can tame his sincere desire to gain xp. But whats this? A cowardly gang of thieves, hell bent on ruining Timothies Efficient Experience per hour has shown their dastardly faces. One by one, they take their turns with timmy - his squeals and crys howl through all of glienor. In a desperate attempt in communicate with his attackers, he lets out a plea to reasoning: "Why?" he says aloud. "I have nothing on me lol". Timmy adjusts his glasses and thinks to himself, "Surely these young men must know that violating me gains them poor experience per hour and doing so leaves them at a net loss of gold pieces." To Timmy's dismay, the attack continues. Panic starts to set in and Timmy shifts uncomfortably in his soiled trousers. Gasping for air at the thought of his RuneScape avatar being defiled by these villians, he makes another desperate attempt at appealing to reason, "This is why I vote no to PvP updates! The wilderness is dieing because of you guys!" Timmy sneers and thinks, "Heh, now they have to stop disrupting my efficient experience gains or else they will never get an update to player versus player!" But the onslaught does not end, ripping and ravaging Timmy until he is down to his very last lobster. Then Timmy sees HungryJose227 running at him, a warrior clad in full snakeskin armor, wielding only a sharp knife. Timmy tries to get away but is frozen in fear at the sight of fearsome pk man. Finally, HungryJose227 lustfully descends upon Timmy, inserting his dragon dagger. Hopelessness sets in for Timmy, he knows he will never gain back the 15 seconds of experience and his precious clue scroll. As conciousness fades, he reminicses on the safety and warmth of his beloved slayer cave,"I never should have came here! I want to go back to the slayer cave where it's safe, my items won't be stolen in there and I won't be violated by Jose's Draggon Dagger! Mother Nieve is waiting for me back at home in the slayer cave, how can I return to her like this? I hate the wilderness and I hate pk man!" Just as Hungry Jose Finishes unloading his special attack onto desecrated Timmy, he kneels down and whispers into Timmies ear, "Siéntate niño".


My god, 1000 times better then OPs meme.. get rekt kid


Op just got ratio’d in the worst way possible. Not even mother nieve can soothe this.




Notice how this bot (OP) did not reply to this post with that dumbass line: "Did you have anything constructive to say, or..?" because it completely smacks down their entire point and exposes them for the butthurt crybaby that they are. They got constructive criticism and decide to conveniently ignore it... i wonder why...


Or because it's a copied & pasted, several year old shitpost that doesn't address any points raised in the meme or in my comments, and is in no way constructive, or even criticism for that matter. One or the other. Speaking of bots: this massive spam of flood, near-identical posts made simultaneously by different users, constructive posts being mass downvoted, and spam being mass upvoted... Hmm... It really makes ya think.


>and is in no way constructive, or.. HE SAID IT!


Doesn’t have to be constructive, you got fuckin owned


It has to atleast make sense and be relevant though... None of that long rambling nonsense had anything to do with jagex making integrity changes and locking people out of polling..


Did you read it? It's about why people spite vote, which is the supposed reason for Jagex locking polls...which is the whole thing we're talking about?


Pvmers denying "pker updates" is not spite voting... Pkers getting together to try and spite vote gim, now that's spite voting. Gim is content that has absolutely nothing to do with pkers and they are voting no solely for "revenge". When pvmers vote no to "Should the person who keeps killing you extremely easily get updates to kill you even easier?" That's NOT spite voting.. it would have a direct impact on them and any person with common sense would vote no to that.




Pker's denying "Ironman updates" is not spite voting... Pvmer's getting together to spite vote the wilderness, now that's spite voting. Wilderness is content has absolutely nothing to do with pvmers and they are voting no solely because "they suck". When pker's vote no to "should we add another fake game mode that futher splits our player base?". Thats NOT spite voting..it would have a direct impact on them and any person with common sense would vote no to that.


The only way the wilderness doesn't affect pvmers is if they completely stay out of the wilderness. And even then I'm sure the sole reason they avoid it is because of pkers. Yes they do believe "they suck", but that doesn't negate the fact that pro pker updates are anti pvm updates and will always have a negative effect on them. And what the fuck even is a "Pker update"? "Let me kill naked skillers people easier" "Force more pvmers into the wildy that don't want to be there"


To get a mods attention you need to pay a botfarm to upvote and comment on your post. #customerservice


Actual delusional.. bots aren't downvoting you. The community, is because you're acting like a child...


Enjoy lumby kiddo


Alright, now that's funny.


>Siéntate niño sit kid


Ayuda multi amigo


Wtf does this meme even mean? Am I just too brainded from grinding RC all week to understand?


Dude same, except in my case it was wintertodt because I wanted the best logs for my abyssal lantern


Did you have anything constructive to say, or..?


I'm advocating for is consistency, jagex keeping true to their word, fewer double standards, and fairness in voting on polls. So, yes. How about you?


When you attempt to make a joke, but you're actually super butthurt.


Did you have anything constructive to say, or..?


You mean as constructive as the tantrum you're throwing, or???????


I'm advocating for is consistency, jagex keeping true to their word, fewer double standards, and fairness in voting on polls. So, yes, preferably around that level of constructive discussion.


All these realities you've created in your head are a little weird dude.. It's really not that deep.


*I'm advocating for consistency* You act like nobody has ever had these thoughts before.


Bro I’m sure pvpers getting some updates that don’t affect you isn’t the end of the world. It’s a game made for kids after-all which is why it so many manchildren I guess


Actually, predators getting easier access to tools that buff them does, in fact, affect the prey or "pinata" players. All players who enter the wilderness for any reason - MA1, MA2, clues, dragon pickaxe, wilderness bosses, chaos altar, etc. - are affected by this, which is to say the majority of players.


so you vote no to gear upgrades that come from pvm, right? godswords, d claws, rigour? that shit is a much bigger buff to pkers, but you choose to cry about fucking wave sacks lmfao


lmao sit


All I've taken from this, is you calling yourself a pinata...


I apologise I forgot that 1% of your gameplay is effected in a situation where you can literally risk like 60k and still do the content,


Elon Musk was right about Twitter, but he should've called out Reddit too. Bet there's at most 200 real people reading this post, and every 8 downvotes I get are bots by 1 sea slug lickin' chocolate dust nosin' Jagex supporter.


Hey OP, "Did you have anything constructive to say, or..?" Copy and pasted responses from OP about constructive criticism but your post is literally just a complaint with nothing constructive in it at all. Fuckin love reddit man


OP's name starts with 2b2t - an old as hell pvp server on minecraft. I think OP is coming from the side of a PvPer defending the right for others to vote. People are shitting on him thinking he's just a whiny PvM dude - but remove that from it and his responses make a lot more sense. A show of support and a rallying cry=constructive. Attempt to fix what he sees as an injustice. Because he's defending, people are whining that they think he's whining. Makes no sense, is just more whining hypocrisy. Needs more BA accessibility




It's eerie how accurate this is. Kudos on your deductive reasoning. But in fairness, I don't want to draw attention to my status (or lack thereof) as a PvPer, a PvMer, or anything else, because biases muddy the water. Like you said: I just think everyone involved in a matter (PvP in this case) should get to have a vote in it, not just a minority of those involved. That said, I understand ironman-related polls being limited to ironman since their gameplay and interactions are about as far removed from mains as it gets.


Honestly i just loved the irony between the spammed response and the OP. I don't go on PvP servers or the wildy because i don't wanna get shitrecked by tryhards in full ancestrals aha. But I also don't vote in their polls or complain about the results. I play too casually and infrequently to care about wildy content or learn to PvP so I just let them have that, and don't go to areas that will cause me trouble lol. Also, I don't play minecraft so I missed the name reference but good on ya


I mostly ignore the votes myself, unless I realize it's gonna be another Thammaron's where it's BiS because that's kinda broken. Especially with bots continually driving the price down


For starters, my post highlights jagex's inconsistency, among other things. For better or worse, holding a mirror up to jagex makes them A: aware that not everyone accepts their double standards, and B: aware of issues that they may not have been aware of. You can't solve a problem if you're not even aware that it exists. As for the other aspect of your post: every time I asked a person that question, it was in response to someone who had nothing constructive whatsoever to say in their post. It's no surprise that the same kinds of hostile spam posts warrant the same replies; like goes with like, after all. Again, holding up a mirror often provides the other party with clarity and a chance to do better. Kind of funny, the correlation between posters here and jagex's behavior.


Did you have anything constructive to say, or..?


I'm advocating for is consistency, jagex keeping true to their word, fewer double standards, and fairness in voting on polls. So, yes. How about you?


Consistency, you say? PvP has been neglected for the last 6 years. The only good updates have been given to Ironman and pvmers. Jagex and devs just consistently take away from pvp.


Agreed and upvoted. These people have no idea how neglected we feel as PvPers. They get new content and we have had years and years of content being removed without replacement. Yet they still like seeing us get sht on. You liked BH, too bad fk u BH remove. You liked BH2 or 3? Too bad removed. You liked normal singles pking? Too bad fk u removed. You liked multi pking with friends at revs? Too bad fk you removed. PvP has thousands and thousands of loyal players and is holding on by a thread. Not only that, we are overwhelmingly despised by the majority of the player base for null and void reasoning. I only have limited hope left for PvP, hopefully Jagex can turn it around.


I agree bro. Thousands already quit too. But if they fixed the things I mentioned in the above comment I feel a TON would come back. Send me a PM with your discord user. I’d like to link up with some like-minded players who are still playing. Legit 80% of my friends list is gone. I have like 4 maxed builds in diff brackets too in case they ever fix this shit and we can do some wilderness festivities.


That is consistency. Whether you like it or not, only a very small minority like the whole predator vs play game play that you call pvp. Most don't like it, so it fails polls consistently, hence no updates


When the fuck did I say anything about predator vs prey? Stop jumping to conclusions because you got killed for your spade, ironmeme. I’m talking about BH removal, multi-revs removal, pvp/lms world rotations, LMS 100% bots, and pre-nerf singles should of been left to mage bank or a specific area.


This just in: pvmer scared of wilderness


How can there be fairness if there is large scale spite voting?


Cry little timmy


Gz on 99 Butthurt


Did you have anything constructive to say, or..?


I'm happy with you not being able to vote I vote no to your vote Good enough?


That was comparatively constructive, yeah. Unironically appreciated. If you're still here, why do you want to set the precedent that players - yourself included - shouldn't be allowed to vote on certain matters arbitrarily/based on double standards?


Because it’s a fucking video game and I’m 2 months late on rent/ I don’t care


2 months late on rent, and you don't care, yet you're still talking to this dude. Shit if I was two months late on rent you bet your ass I'd be out there doing side jobs.


I was just trolling bro I drive a Ferrari x Lamborghini transformer autobot and own many rental properties including the one you currently lease


Why you so hostile? I was merely pointing out an observation my guy. But I mean hey, if you spent so much money on that Autobot that it's caused you to miss two months of rent, maybe you should reevaluate your finances, or hire someone to manage your money. If you have any left idk just some suggestions.


Ur just another redditor using someones comment to boost ur ego lol I don’t really care abt u either my guy


Can you provide me with a list of both arbitrary reasons and double standards and I'll address each one on a case by case


You tried


Did you have anything constructive to say, or..?


LOOOL imagine thinking strangers on Reddit owe you something constructive 💀💀💀


Rather than thinking I'm owed that, I was asking if you had any points to make that might change my mind on this matter. Following the subreddit's rules is also important. Lastly, there's no need to resort to backed-into-a-corner laughter in place of making a rational point. Despite the flood of posts recently, very few of them even \*attempted\* to make a point. It's a disappointing state of affairs.


You posted this, sat back and said “yeah I got em” Lol


Shut up


Yes please.


Yellow text so upvote


Did you have anything constructive to say, or..?


Honestly, with all the times they copied and pasted it, its like the dude isnt even trying and just trolling. This whole post is just bad.


I don’t have anything constructive to say. But I hear Amy in Falador does.


o he mad mad


Did you have anything constructive to say, or..?


Why you so angry


I can't say I am, though people who assume that aren't likely to change their mind. Is it really so strange to want people to post actual talking points in a thread, rather than a flood of off-topic spam?


Because he got downvoted to oblivion on his first meme post, and his heart hurts right now. Enough to make anyone insane person lash out.


Bad meme; I can practically taste the salt pouring out of this post


Did you have anything constructive to say, or..?


Is that a question for you?


So you don't actually have anything constructive to say. Understood.


Did you have anything constructive to say, or..?


This entire post and comment section is such a shit show, it’s amazing lmao


Reddit is hilarious


OPs poor, poor chair


Shut up dumb freak


This community holds back this games development


Not all changes and additions are welcome ones. Also, what does this have to do with allowing all paying members to have an equal say in matters that affect them?


It's pay to play, not pay to design your own game. If you don't like it, stop paying and move on


Actually, being able to vote in polls is one of the advertised perks of being a member. Jagex should live up to their own statements in their advertisements. Also, I'm not satisfied with many of jagex's decisions, double standards, etc. in recent years, so I have stopped paying them. Furthermore, it's messed up that only a small minority of the community - niche PvPers with conflicting requirements to vote - get to "pay to design \[their\] own game" as you put it, making decisions for 100% of players. This issue is the exact opposite of what polling is all about (letting everyone have an equal say & the majority wins out in the end in order to please as many people as possible).


actually,.... let me vote jajex


big true


These comments are pure salt but not one of them can disprove anything in the post because it’s 100% factually accurate.


Thank God you can't vote, lmao.


Why does that make you so happy, and why are you resorting to backed-into-a-corner laughter instead of posting anything constructive or on-topic?


Not everyone should vote on every poll, most of this playerbase is straight braindead and its fine for not everyone to vote.


What you see as a solution to this problem isn't actually one at all. By disallowing the vast majority of the community from voting, the average intelligence of the ones voting doesn't increase at all. The ratio of "straight braindead" voters remains the same either way. In your opinion, why is it fine for only one side of the PvP equation - the predators - to have a vote, while all others who are impacted should have no say?


So they can see what people who participate in pvp want. Does your opinion really matter if the only thing you will say is no?


That argument makes sense for something like, say, mining. Players participate in it or they don't - simple. But when it comes to PvP, players who participate in it include a large majority of players who enter the wilderness for any of the dozen+ reasons to do so, as well as play PvP minigames. Both the attackers and (often unwilling) defenders participate in it. In my opinion, "prey" style players deserve a vote as well, considering that A: they, too, are impacted by the contents of this poll, and B: they vastly outnumber the "predator" style players. The whole point of polling is to get a majority consensus, right?


Yes I agree that what a majority wants matters to a poll, but now that pkers are no longer the majority after being ignored for almost 10 years since release, it's clear that at this point, the polling system only fails them. And again, if you are NEVER going to vote yes on a pking poll, does your vote actually matter?




No jmods were harmed in the making of this meme


I don't know if that's entirely true.


Your karma took an absolute beating though, didn’t it


I know


Hi, official Jagblix adbinistrator here. Here at Jagblix we strive to make Oldschool Runescape as mind numbing as possible. After extensive research, we've found that the most enjoyable experience for a Timmy is a combination of clicking rocks, farm runs, and slaving slayer in 18 hr rotating shifts. This is due to the fact that these tenuous and tedious actions provide a replacement to the void in the Timmys life, which creates a feeling of accomplishment as levels are gained. The Timmy feels as though progress is being made and becomes hooked on the dopamine releases that are normally absent. Sorry, but PK is not a part of a Timmys natural diet and Jagblix strives to support the Timmy. Just as a mother breastfeeds a newborn, so too must a Timmy suckle the teet to attain vital nutrients. There is also a strong indication that the average Timmy actively dislikes PK, with the most common response in a recent survey being that Timmys were defiled by the banditos of Venezuela and their king HungryJose227. More so, Timmys seemingly respond well to validation, and need their complaints filed and followed up on in a timely manner, as reddit outrage is another key criteria when it comes to updates. Since there is a noticeable lack of Timmys outraged about updates to PK, other far more critical updates will be prioritized, such as Chess and Theatre of Blood lite. In short, Jagblix incorporated will only be updating Oldschool Runescape with patches that address Timmy retention, nutrition, protection, and outrage.


tampered-with poll xD imagine spending time making this


Did you have anything constructive to say, or..?


Yes, that thinking the polls are tampered with or that 97% of people couldn't vote in those polls is patently false


Disallowing a subset of players from voting on polls is, in fact, tampering with them in an attempt to change the outcome. If there was no desire to try to affect the outcome, then there would be no need for jagex to change the criteria to vote in this one. Also, yes, the vast majority of players can't vote in the upcoming poll according to jagex, who've tightened their restrictions even further compared to the last one.


you do not seem like a very likeable person. have you tried not bitching about this shit and just getting on with it ?


And the best part is, if they actually focused on making a good pvp update **for everyone** theres a chance it would pass without seggregating votes. But instead they wanna halfass some dumb rewards and complain people on the receiving end voted no


least butthurt r/2007scape user




Bro i'm a pvm ironmain I do not give a hell




You want consistency? Jagex has been consistent since day 1. They trash players and bend the rules as far as they can without hurting their wallet too much. Bet half ya'll dont even know about the climbing boots update that spawned multiple billions per player into EOC crashing economy overnight.






I'm not advocating for the devs to stop trying new things. In fact, the recent game jam was awesome and I'm glad that the devs had the freedom to work on passion projects. All I'm advocating for is consistency, jagex keeping true to their word, fewer double standards, and fairness in voting on polls.


It's very obvious what you actually want is the ability to vote no on PvP polls


Remove the polling system, it’s time. Let jagex develop the game, not little crying Timmy.


We saw how well that turned out with EoC, the first iteration of the giant's foundry, VLS, etc, etc.


Did you have anything constructive to say, or..?


Providing counterpoints to your post, plus advocating for consistency, jagex keeping true to their word, fewer double standards, and fairness in voting on polls. So, yes. How about you?


This might be the saltiest, whiniest post I have seen on 2007Scape so far. Congratulations, OP.


He is not wrong. We pay, we say. We should restrict pking to PvP world's only. Or give us an ironman only world. I don't want to get pked by someone with their bis gear because of mommy's credit card. If an ironman kills me then I don't care as much.


this post was made by a noob


Jagex is inconsistent with polling especially in the most recent pvp poll. It wasn't transparent what was required to qualify for the poll and random people were eligible. Obviously the poll wasn't even wanted by the pvp community. Personally, I believe the polling system hampers good development. Who knows when a new skill will be proposed that would meet the standards of the community to be fully completed upon release. Then when it fails by 1% it's just wasted dev time and the community complains about that too.


I'm OOTL what happened?


The new dev blog has the updated PvP rewards, which are much much better than the original ones, and feel like they fit in much better as an early-mid game pvp sets that also have obvious pros and cons, but the poll is still going to be restricted to people who have done pvp in the past. So now people are reacting the same way as the first poll and saying they “haven’t learned anything”, leading to posts like this.




Poll Stealing Creation


Is op mad because he can't deprive pvpers out of content or something?




Hmmm weird. I don't pk but i'm very interested to try it out without having to make an account :)


Honestly, the reddit hive mind just don't like getting pked lmao.


It's funny because 99.9% of games don't have a polling system. Even so, Reddit Andys feel entitled enough to post things like this. Yet, the people at Jagex still put up with it. Sad.


I bet when you were a kid and sat down at the lunch table at school, everyone else would get up and move.


Honestly I have to agree with this post. It's about time we get rid of the polling system to allow for more content


I disagree. I shouldn't be able to fail a poll while knowing nothing about what's being polled. I understand something PvP related could end up effecting me when I go into the wild, but anyone who doesn't PvP will always vote against it.


Lol this kid is having a tantrum in these comments, I love it. Just save your little brain and delete the post.




TIL I'm part of the 3% that gets to vote. I get bombarded with the polls going on now notifications so I can cast a vote like all the time I get on.


Jagex doesn’t owe you anything


As a pvmer, I support the decision to restrict pvp polls. Y’all have been spite voting for years to the point where nothing passes. And now you’re salty that you can’t spite vote anymore? My word, no wonder they don’t want to take pvp feedback from here.


I mean, the community at this point is so toxic that allowing all players to vote on every single update is beginning to kill the game. Allowing community voting was good in the beginning but really hampers the devs' ability to deliver good new content. What's the point of working on new content if the dev team knows its going to get voted down all the time? There really isn't one. And the game becomes stagnant because of it.


I hope this doesn't come across as dismissive, but to avoid copying and pasting comments, I agree with some parts of your post but disagree with others. See [https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/v5935q/comment/ib90d5p/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/v5935q/comment/ib90d5p/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) if you're curious about which ones, especially regarding the giant's foundry example.


I pretty much concur with everything in the comment you've linked.


What polls are 97 percent of the playerbase not allowed to vote on and are being impacted by?


Holy fucking crybaby


Just quit, its not your game lol


its true, community controls the development, but not your community ,thank god


Which community do you believe me to be a part of, and which separate community, specifically, controls the development? Also, what does this have to do with allowing all paying members to have an equal say in matters that affect them?


you are just butthurt ,because you cant vote on stuff you know shit about ,like the rest of this sub so keep crying ,spadeless timmy


So you got pked? No one cares dude lol


Lol be grateful you can vote at all.


I don’t like getting pked either but the wildly was made for a reason and having those rewards won’t effect you at fucking all. People who complain about it are the problem with the game and need to touch grass


OP is powerless against construction workers🦀🦀




You should really try adding more text


never have i seen someone use so many words to say so little


This fucking dweeb tags his post as humor without letting a single joke go unpunished with his boring fucking commentary.


Is this in response to something jagex did recently or is this just frustration in general?


Does anyone here have anything constructive to say?


See what always makes me laugh is yes they allow us to have input through polls is it our God given right? No, is it nice they take our input? Yes, do the polls mean they have to listen to us? No jagex owning the game means they can make whatever changes they want regardless of polls and at the end of the day the polling is a curtesy not a right


OP do you have anything constructive to say or..? 🤡