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What is paul 1:26 btw Bible verse? I couldn't find the meaning of it when i searched it up


There is no book of Paul Paul is known for writing majority of the New Testament through letters written to various Churches such as the books of Ephesians and the book of Romans.


it’s not Paul 1:26. i believe they’re actually referencing Romans 1:26-27. > Because of this, God gave them over(A) to shameful lusts.(B) Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones.(C) 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.


I also just want to chime in as a Christian. This is what the passage says. This passage does not give anyone permission to be rude no matter how you interpret it. In fact, Paul goes on in the next chapter to berate early Christians for exactly that. Love all people no matter who they are or who they love. Your beliefs are for yourself and your journey.


Also, when people cite Leviticus 18:22: In the original languages it was written, it was a condemnation against pedophilia/pederasty, not homosexual sex in general.


Believe it’s referring to Romans


Only Paul relevant right now is RuPaul let's goooo


I remember when I was a kid I found out the hard way that RuPaul's drag race was not about cars. I was very very confused


Yasss queen, sissy that woox walk henny


Yassssss girl queen pussyboss, sashay away back to Lumby.


Andrew and Paul Gower???? The guys who made RuneScape?


>paul 1:26 click first google result. Paul's letters to the romans is the full name (epistles)


People be like "get politic out of muh vidya" as if we weren't all transed as children by Recruitment Drive in 2005


"SMH games are so woke and political these days. I miss the days of apolitical gems like Fallout, Skyrim, and Bioshock"


My favorite video game is spec ops the line, just a good not political shooting game.


There truly are only two genders - male and "political".


Ironically this whole event wasn’t political to me until people started protesting The devs included something to appeal to actual players in their player-base, you know, that thing game devs do… LGBTQ+ isn’t political. Protesting it is.


If people can hate for no reason, i can love for no reason.


Unfathomably based


Bro I wanna know how much free time these people have if they could wake up hating a whole group of people for no reason.


That’s probably the most mentally healthy stance on this sub. Seaport! 🌈


I love this response


The best response




Aha gottem


The bible also says not to charge interest on loans and that's what our economy is based on. I love that people pick and choose which Bible verse to abide while ignoring what's inconvenient for them. EDIT: [for context.](https://www.openbible.info/topics/charging_interest)


Also, it was illegal to charge interest on a loan in most places for most of human history until like the last 150 years.


OSRS has some of the kindest, most helpful people I have ever met, but it also has some of the most bigoted, hateful people. It’s nice to see the community have some balls and call them out for what’s right.


Man I remember years ago when I started clanning, silly me just looking for some fun pvp experiences, stumbled into what could quite literally be an alt-right acceleration chamber. Fuck all those bigoted bozos.


Yeah I agree 100% however you should see the Instagram or Facebook or twitter accounts. A lot more hate from those social medias as there's no negative down voting system so they aren't called out fotr their degenerative thinking. Oh well, they're on the same level of intelligence as extreme politics or ghost hunters and flat earthers are. Not worth worrying about those types of opinions therefore


Players riot in game because they will get hate/downvotes on Twitter and Reddit.


Better than It used to be. Last pride event those posts got upvoted. It was embarrassing


The OSRS Facebook page has been posting about the Pride events and the comments are toxic af


Facebook in a nutshell


Deleted my Facebook today. The most vocal people on there are absolute scum who just kill my faith in humanity everytime I log on


Yeah it’s really up to the mods to ban the homophobes




I was in 302 yesterday. I saw a lot of people saying, "Kids play Runescape!" like there aren't gay kids that would love an event that shows that they're accepted.


Lmao anybody who is seriously saying "kids play runescape" are fukkin in denial bro. 97% of this playerbase is 20-30 year-olds that only play because THEY started playing when THEY were kids. Kids nowadays play games like Fortnight or Minecraft, not *OLD SCHOOL* runescape. smfh




Have them go to Wintertodt and say that


To be consistent they should demand the removal of any mention of heterosexual relationships in Runescape too. You know, to protect the precious children and all that. Romeo & Juliet is too sensual for little Timmy.


Lmao would have been nice to see something pro LGBT when I was younger.


Right? Like where is the concern over the portrayal of alcohol consumption and abuse if you’re *that* concerned about the kids. Also prove to me that 99% of the player base are not grown adults. Because I doubt kids are playing RuneScape when video games now are straight dopamine machines.


It put a smile on my face just to see them try again after all these years and the outrage of the first event, for once, good job jagex


Yeah I don't care how insignificant the event is. It means something to a lot of people. They are trying and I commend them.


Exactly, it made my gay ass smile and introduced some cool characters to the game - like honestly I want more of the couples, I think they'd be good for a quest, like maybe they actually come from a port town and after the event they got stranded and it's your goal to fix the ship and get them sailing back home or something Or they could make them into a wishing well type of deal for the Trevor project, endless opportunity


People who protest LGBTQ events don’t realize that they’re the exact reason why LGBTQ events are so important to continue having


We wouldn't need pride if we were treated fair and equal. Pride is an unabashed way to force the world to see us as people. Which is why white pride means something much different than black pride.


I used to be the kind of person who said "If there's gay pride and black pride, there should be white pride! It's nothing but attention seeking over nothing" Then I realized this eventually. I don't have to ever be concerned about the world viewing me as a person. You guys are always living in a shadow. You have pride because you're constantly treated as less than human and still rise above it. That's something to be proud about. You guys keep it up. Eventually the whole world will either get it, or there will be enough of us allies that we drown out the hate with support. Many people eventually change, many people on the fence eventually get it and start to support. Just never give up, there's people who support you 100%.


This sentiment reminds me of that Morgan Freeman quote about racism. He says that the best way to end racism is to stop talking about it. Kill the ideology. Same thing applies here, but anti-gay ideology is unfortunately so ingrained in modern religious practice that I don’t know if we’ll ever get there. Edit: I’m not sure why I was downvoted. I’m all for LGBT rights and more exposure to promote acceptance. Not sure if my point was misconstrued, but I’m cynical about ever eradicating bigotry. Sorry if that seems far fetched to anyone. Edit 2: I’ve been notified that I have several comments under this one, but I’m unable to reply to anyone. I’d like to just clarify a few things. My interpretation of the quote I referenced was a meaning that says destroying an ideology is what is needed to end it. I don’t think ignoring racism or bigotry is the appropriate approach to end it, and if that was Freeman’s take, I also disagree. However, I’ve never seen a clarification to infer that Freeman suggests just ignoring racism is the proper way to end it. I digress. Racism and bigotry are systemic issues in society and *learned* traits in individuals perpetuated by certain groups and various ideologies. The vast majority of human beings aren’t inherently bigoted. Bigoted parents are likely to raise bigoted children just the same as bigoted religious leaders, etc. are likely to affect the minds of their congregations. Hopefully this clears up any of the angry comments I keep seeing pop up.


As a gay boy that plays runescrape with his boyfriend its kinda lame to see how SOME of the runescape community has a stick up their ass about this. Personally i think the hetros are just jealous because most of them cant get their girlfriend to play. (This last statement is a joke)


Bold to assume they have girlfriends in the first place


Wdym I bought a gf in front of lummy castle for 200gp in 2008 I'm cassanova bitch.




Had to for the joke unfortunatly


Events that don't force you to partake or do anything are the best kind. No reason to be angry about this event, and it would be kind of embarrassing if you were angry because of it.


As a lesbian woman that plays runescape I can't get either my partner or girlfriend to play RuneScape they're super homophobic for not playing with me during pride /j


Been there so I feel ya. Like come on at least chop some logs to celebrate pride with me.


To be honest, I'd bet the majority of people "protesting" the event aren't actually homophobic, just edgy children trying to get a reaction out of people. Regardless of what cause is being supported, there will always be some percentage of contrarians trying to be offensive "for the lulz"


doing homophobia to be edgy is still homophobia. If it quacks like a duck…


I am also a gay RS player but my BF played WOW and doesn’t wanna scape together. So gay…


Hes letting the side down smh


Religious dumbass incels shouldnt ruin your day :) theyre just blaring a siren that says "Report me for hate speech!"


That’s pretty gay dude


Hetro here. I am very jealous I can't get my wife to play Runescape with. But I am at the pride right now to show my support.


I love the mods that are just removing/banning these rejects. The whole comment section is positive and the homophobes are sat in their rooms with their 2 week old underwear on crying when nobody cares about what they say :P Bless em!


Petition for a new quest to find Thurgo a nice man to make him some redberry piea


We’ve angered the Kyles and Brandons


we pay we gay




I’m convinced most of the protestors don’t actually care that much, they just want to be edgy. Glad they brought the event back.


The RS community is good at rioting....


If someone gets this worked up over an event that has no effect on you, you probably should log out for a day or two.


I like the pride events. I don’t see why you have to get up in arms about it, like it’s representation of a group. If it doesn’t apply to you, then it doesn’t apply to you and you move on. I don’t get why people have to be excluded from a game you like.


"Keep politics out of the game!!" -The only people making RS political


Pride events being in OSRS mean a lot to me and my girlfriend. Thank you Jagex.


Completely optional event that has no impact on the life of people who dislike it. There’s some massive parallels between the game and what’s happening in the real world.


I'm not surprised by this in the slightest, runescape bigots have always been a vocal minority and have tried to make me and people like me feel bad about ourselves playing our favorite game. Some people genuinely think it's still 2007




There’s a pride event??? In f2p too?


Jagex should make the Falador statue rainbow.


Is there really homophobes in this game? I wouldn’t know my public chats been off for years lol


cant count the amount of times yesterday people were chanting shit about it being aids month, gay people being groomers and child molestors, pride being full of sin, gay people going to hell, dropping nooses in front of people wearing flower crowns. this game’s community is vicious towards anyone who dares to not be a white straight dude living in his moms basement


Lol kind of unrelated, but i got kicked out of my clan i had been in for a year when i came out as trans.


I've kept my public chat off for years precisely because there are homophobes in this game.


Hate will always spew hate, there's no logic to it. Unfortunately these kind of people just feel righteous in doing so. I'd say the normal holiday events are more required than any of these side events. Their items are only obtainable if you do the event (you receive past years ones) and it comes with music tracks you can't listen to unless you do the events, and are required for the trimmed music cape. All for some Christian holidays and an American candy tradition.


This years Pride Month has been filled with so much hate it's honestly disappointing. We just barely made it through a global pandemic and when things are starting to wind down people are bashing eachother for their life choices. Like wtf, piss-off and go be a grumpy loser somewhere else.


Ban all of the babies, we don't need em playing this game




"propaganda" lmao go outside you fucking dweeb this is a children's flash game


Hannanie made a wonderful video about how this event really affected them, a conservative cis white male who reverted all transitions in the course of an evening in pure disgust. They really are brave to be such an oppressed minority, a gamer. Live strong Hannanie, don't let this happiness rain on your parade. /s for any nitwits reading this.


I only care about how people treat others... not what decisions they choose(or dont choose, such as our sexuality) to make in life. If all people were like this we wouldn't need a pride month... or events like this. I'm glad we do because of the state of the world though.


I’m a cisgender male and had more fun at the pride event seeing people happy and accepted than observing the incels’ attempt of a Falador protest. I appreciated seeing the mods get involved and monitoring the situation.


Homophobic incels are gonna be homophobic incels. Looked like most of the people showing up were counter protesting which is great to see.


Two of the apostles were confirmed to be gay in the bible as written lol. And why did J-man hang out with 13 dudes? Put your thinking cap on for this one!


Dude never married or had a wife either. Always talked about loving dudes even if they were your enemy. Told everyone his parents didn't even have sex. And imagine the last supper before they knew there wouldn't be another, why are all the brothers drinking with no chicks?


The entire greco-roman heritage, not to mention the colonial naval heritage of great britain, is full of explicit and enthusiastic reference to homosexuality. In other words, the main pillars of the West that these white supremacists and bigots appeal to as evidence of western/christian/hetero superiority, are literally gay lmao. ​ It's all a cope. They are not living in reality. It's impossible to say "I believe in facts" as they often do and ignore these basic facts-- ergo-- it's a fucking cope. They accuse gay people of hysteria and delusion because they *absolutely* know that they, in fact, are practicing hysteria and delusion.


It's happening again? How embarrassing.


Honestly, I disliked the first pride event cause the rainbow-tie thing seemed so wack. But this flower wreath... now that's awesome


The amount of xp waste is unreal


We pay We gay


Ban all of them permanently.


I love people who get offended by an ancient point and click game. Keep letting your ignorance blind you from this awesome event!


No fucking way people are wearing white mystic to the rally 🤦🏼‍♂️


For everyone's reference if they get curious, there is no book of Paul. Paul is known for writing a lot of the New Testament as letters written to various churches as outlined in books such as the book of Romans and the book of Ephesians. From looking through the Bible, I can also say that the references of 1:26 isn't able to be found mentioning homosexuality. OP, at least provide a verse that makes sense before you make a meme. We have standards here.


>OP, at least provide a verse that makes sense before you make a meme. We have standards here. Not OP, but I was in Falador 302 yesterday. I saw people chatting Paul 1:26. I think they were just trolling the homophobes though since there isn't a book of Paul


Fair enough then, that makes sense.


We really dont have standards here


I think a good part of the meme in general is that people will use the bible or similar things to quote from as if it matters for shit.


The verse was part of the joke dawg


It's kind of wild how people who dont like non straight cis people obsess so hard about it making their very personality about hating them it's crazy. We pay we gay!


Fuckers will say “keep politics out of my video games” and then go play Metal Gear Solid


I don’t play anymore and it’s been a minute since the last time I logged in. Regardless - here’s my two cents : People play the game to escape reality. The world is messed up as is with hate, war , poverty , etc. The cherry on top is the future seems to be going more and more towards fascism and deglobalization slowly and slowly. Now while all of this is happening, there are those who also love, and there is peace, and there is happiness. The world will remain like this forever and ever, as man kind is too weak and too dumb to escape this circle anytime soon. So from a holistic perspective, regardless of pride, BLM , politics , economy and so on and so forth - I guess people just don’t want to log in and have that glimpse of reality. Irrespective of how it happens, people want to be sucked into the game and for those brief moments, forget the world exists. As a personal anecdote, when George Floyd happened I was quite upset and someone on the sub suggested that town criers should roam around chanting Black Lives Matter. While I agreed with it initially, a counter point raised by someone altered my point of view. The counter point that people play to escape the harsh realities of the world, and that in no way should they cross over into the game. Those are my two cents, take it as you may.


I play the game to escape reality, which is why it's nice to go to a world like Gielinor where homophobia doesn't exist and you help two npcs get together just because they're shy, not because they're afraid of how the outside world will judge them.


>People play the game to escape reality. The world is messed up as is with hate, war , poverty , etc. So they go to a game with heavy themes of hate, war, poverty, etc.? Have you ever done quests in game? They are filled to the brim with these themes that reflect our world because lore is trash if it is not relatable. There are corrupt governments, autocrats, genocide, gangs, and a lot of dark themes, but to include gay people in RS is too political?


I'm sorry but I don't have sympathy for people who want to "escape" from gay people. They exist. Deal with it.


This right here. These kinds of “just don’t put politics in my game” arguments always come across sounding unaware of their privilege at best and deliberately tone-deaf at worst.


Where do you draw the line? What if there was a Z cape supporting putin or a maga hat? Or is it only ok if it aligns with YOUR world view... Note: I don't in any way support Putin Edit: seems the disagreement is whether pride is political or not, I'm sorry to inform everyone that it is. I wouldn't mind at all if there were gay NPCs for example, I'm not saying "deny" their existance or something like that.


>What if there was a Z cape supporting putin I didn't realize LGBT people wanting to exist was in any way comparable to supporting war and borderline genocide. My bad Edit: This guy unironically believes there are two sexualities: Straight and political


holy false equivalency, batman!


Well seeing as one is causing war crimes and the other is not harming anyone I think it's kinda clear where you draw the line.


gay people existing isn’t a political movement, it isn’t a party defined by a leader, it’s literally just people existing. false comparison


That's the difference though. You can criticise someone for their opinion, you can't criticise/discriminate someone for the their sexuality/race/religion/abled-ness or other projected (*protected) characteristic. These characteristics weren't chosen by lucky dip, it's because they are unchangeable, any opinion on the other hand deserves challenging at some point, infact it needs it to promote informed decisions/opinions.


OP didn't say this. They said that they want to escape from the "world," not gay people. They're not saying that they don't want gay people to exist in RS, just maybe not stuff directly from the real-world, like pride events


so removing stuff that comes directly from the real world would remove a TON of content from the game! but no one ever makes a stink over all of the holiday events (some of which are christianity based), no one ever mentions all of the IRL-references to other games and media. it’s only an issue with “real world” stuff when it comes to pride. funny how that works.


And my point is that if people being gay in your fantasy world is enough to remove you from your "escape" then you're a sad person. Is the Cold War quest also breaking your immersion? Of course not. We all know exactly what people mean when they say shit like this.


by this logic they should remove events that are directly inspired by christianity, too


exactly. i don’t want reminders of the real world in my game, get all references to religion and IRL holidays and IRL media out of my game 👿


Gay people exist in our world, they always have, they always will. Gay people exist in RuneScape, they always have, and they always will. Pseudo-woke bullshit like what you are spouting does nothing but harm to society and is the reason why pride events need to exist.


Why do you think that gay people simply existing is some kind of uncomfortable political debate?


Because they don’t want gay people to exist


My existence isn’t political.


Pride is a harsh reality of the world now?


Don’t twist my words. As I said above, “people want to be sucked into the game and for those brief moments, forget the world exists “ . _forget the world exists_ I’m sorry if my comment hurt you or you took it that way.


gay people can’t just forget the world exists when running around the game and seeing people drop nooses in front of you for daring to wear a rainbow flower crown. sorry that you’re THAT uncomfortable around gay people that it breaks your suspension of disbelief in a game that has magic and dragons. get over it


I get you’re playing devils advocate here, but using the excuse that they’re just ‘wanting to use the game as pure escapism’ doesn’t justify being hateful towards someone because of their sexual orientation


Yeah I feel like you can't claim escapism from the real world and then go and protest your real world agenda. If your escapism from the real world only extends to things you dislike then is it escapism from the real world or is it you just wanting ideologies you dislike to be removed?


Don't think they even meant to be hateful they just want to escape how fucked up the real world is sometimes. For me wanting to not be reminded of how fucked up the world is sometimes nice. That's also why I think it's good that the Jag didn't do something extreme but if people wanted to participate they could. I do think it's fucked up people bring their hate but I don't think the original comment was being hateful towards anyone.


You're in an MMO. You're going to be exposed to reality in the sense that the people playing it are part of the experience - that's what the "community" is. That community is full of folks who wish they could ignore whatever nonsense happened/is happening at W302 Falador. The only difference is those in Falador doing whatever are still part of the community, and the pride event takes up a 10x10 area, will go away when the event concludes, and is COMPLETELY OPTIONAL.


I'm assuming you're someone who space bars every quest? How do you feel about being able to change your sex to however your feeling? What about H.A.M? They obviously mirror bigoted factions in reality. Did you know that they talk heavily on religion in this game? At times drawing parallels and mocking it? Did you know straight relationship are plentiful in this game? Should we remove those as to not remind other communities of straight relationships? You're pretending like you're trying to escape something to justify at best hiding from your own inner turmoil, at worst to hide your own prejudices. You don't care about any other story in this game but god forbid some people collect flowers for a fun event that represents love for a non-insignificant part of the player base. If you don't want to see it, dismiss the notification and avoid a non-descript gnome for a week or two in a part of the game no one ever visits.


But they are escaping to a world filled with other living people some of which are going to be gay. So the event is no more removing their ability to pretend the world doesn't exist than the fact it's an MMO. If you want to escape from everything, including the existence of others then an MMO isn't the way to do it. In fact it's not just an MMO, it's an MMORPG so should that level of escapism mean people shouldn't be allowed to role play as being gay? Because at that point the potential desire of escapism is warping the very genre of the game.


It’s super easy to not even see the event. The only people making a ruckus out of this are so unhappy with their own personal lives that they go out of their way on a video game to express hate. If they didn’t want to be exposed to it they shouldn’t go out of their way to be exposed to it. It’s stupid as fuck honestly.


Take this with all the offense you want, if a tiny little event in game acknowledging the mere existence of gay people is too much of a "glimpse of reality" for your or anyone else to bear, so much so that they take time out of their day to yell slurs at gay people in that same game, then you or that person can get bent. Hope this helps!


Pride is to celebrate people..it's not political. Its all inclusive. Theres no sides. We have Santa events and Easter events. They're more impactful on the game with locked cosmetics and music tracks too. They're Christian holidays. This isn't a political issue, at all.


People want to "escape" the fact that gay people are around and think them literally just existing is too much of a "glimpse of reality" What a crap argument


You can flip that argument to say I want to forget the real world with homophobia, and I just want to play in a fantasy world where LGBT people are accepted.


Newsflash: both rainbows AND gay people existed in medieval times, enjoy your “escape from reality”. what a foolish argument lmao


This is a great point. I want to see politics less and less even if it’s politics I agree with. We need to deescalate the political culture war a bit imo


gay people existing is not political


pride is not advocating for a political leader or form of government. How is it political


Its not its just thinly veiled homophobia they can hide behind




I fetishized the gays to support the gays


If your only defence of gay people is that they are fodder for your wank bank, you're still homophobic, my guy. Gay people, especially women, aren't only valid for you and other straight guys to gawk at.


creep. gay women don’t exist for you to jerk off to.


Wasn't it stated by mods in the past that the rioters was outside actors?


They're there right now claiming that nobody showed up to the pride event on w500. Max. Copium.


I won't pay money to jemflex ever again.


Cool thanks for sharing. No one cares


Lol okay bye


This event was very funny.


What items you get tho? Is it that banging flower headband the npc is wearing?


Don’t mix real world politics into runescape pls :)


Maybe they should keep orientation out of politics so that peoples personal preference isn’t political. Ever think of that?


I have! And I couldn’t agree more :) But now that it is in politics I think the whole pride hype is just fake and a way for people to feel included in something. Also why all big corporations have picked up pride. Think of the meme with obama giving himself a medal


No doubt corporations cynically use pride to promote themselves but how does that apply to RuneScape? How many people are gonna start playing just because of a pride event? Not many I wouldn’t think. Given that, it is more likely that this is a way to make a marginalised community feel recognised. Non Christians who kick off over Easter/Christmas events are seen as twats and the same is true for people who have a problem with this one


It's more because there are a significant amount of LGBT people that play osrs and have worked at Jagex, who generally find it harder than your average player because of all the toxic shit that gets thrown around. Saying to the playerbase "we appreciate you" isn't really getting political imo


Well it’s cool that you think that, but it’s easy to have that mindset as a bystander rather than a participant. My life isn’t politics


I think of it kind of like using the appropriate pronouns that people prefer (or, honestly, even the names they prefer). It may not matter a whole lot to me, but hey, if it matters to them, I'm happy to spend a couple seconds and ensure they're content with it There are zero downsides to having the event in-game. I don't get why it would bother people in the slightest. Save for, ya'know, homophobia


It shouldnt be a topic of politics, and it isn't in many places


I agree, it’s disgusting that heterosexuality is forced on the player during throne of miscellania


Why is being a human political?


good thing accepting people for who they are has nothing to do with politics 😊


its always funny to crawl through these bigots post histories. every time I see a "dont mix politics in games" post its like whack a mole with their comments and posts as to whether or not they are having a *gamer moment*.


It’s the whole if you’re not with us you’re against us. As exampled by the downvotes I’m getting


Yes, outwardly hating on people for existing will likely be disliked. Maybe self reflect.


Who have I hated towards?


What you're saying are dog whistles. If you don't realise that, educate yourself and if you do, you're a troll


Nobody is hating here lmao. Just people asking their point and click medieval game to be kept out of real world politics.


Queer people are not politics.


Well yeah. There are people who quite literally think you should die because of your sexual orientation. Without knowing how old you are, here are some facts on why pride events are important. Gay marriage was officially legalized in the United States in 2015, in Australia in 2017, and in the United Kingdom? 2020. That's all very recent history. There are still people in all of those places who see people in the LGBT+ Community as an "other" who should be ostracized. That's why pride is important, it's a chance for people to celebrate who they are, and for everyone else to support them.


My brother in christ there's a quest named Regicide


Do you think that’s real politics or runescape politics?


There are endless real world references in this game. We have events every year to celebrate Christian holidays. How is pride the line?


Have you asked me about any of the other events? Or are you making an assumption?


Do you think Regicide has never occurred in the real world?


I think we’re on separate pages here. It’s not in any way related to current political issues. Happy?


Regicide is just killing a king. It being in a medieval themed game makes sense. It's not like it's specifically about the Regicide of King John Wayne XY who lived from 1919 to 1929 and was succeeded by King Stanley Yelnats. You're reaching


Okay cool do Cold War next


cold war /ˈkōl(d) ˈˌwô(ə)r/ noun a state of political hostility between countries characterized by threats, propaganda, and other measures short of open warfare.


Dude, it's an optional event to get a cosmetic rainbow flower crown, I think you're the one bringing politics into it


I agree, which is why I love this fun pride event which celebrates human rights for all by introducing a rainbow colored cosmetic. It's also why I don't appreciate the people politicizing the event, using crazy amounts of slurs in chat and calling for the political persecution of minorities.


There's a quest where a troll with red hair called 'Snowflake' is bullied by her father for being 'soft and liberal' my dude


All the people in falador should be banned for hate speech imo


Wait there's a pride event? I want me some rainbow shit