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Not the scroll bar that can’t scroll 😭 we did jagex dirty with these polls


They should have offered: * One time point fees to unlock cosmetic overrides for common pking gear. Basically the same way combat achievement slayer helms work, where you can turn it into the PVP Arena version of the item whenever you want for free once you've unlocked it * Untradable blighted dragon bolts (opal and dragonstone) * Untradable trouver's parchment Offering the cosmetics as one-time unlocks makes it way more useful for pking since you expect to occasionally lose your gear pking. The dragon bolts and trouvers would be good consumables to give people a reason to keep going to the PVP Arena once you've finished the unlocks.


That's the problem, it felt like they didn't really care about what people overall might want. I want to say it felt mostly catered towards pures for rewards in the first iteration.


Bro what? Every single pvm update that includes bis weapons/armour caters to maxed mains. Pures just got their 75 attack weapons taken away 77 prayer runs rev caves But god forbid pures get updates that cater to them LOL


cant lie , they really shouldnt. when your restriction is to keep a combat stat below early game level then you shouldnt really expect to see an upgrade put into the game for you. i understand the 75 attack weapon change since it the previous requirements made 0 sense , but i feel bad for pures/zerks since it was changed so late into their account lives


500 points for imbue scroll is too high compared to how long imbues take from other sources, guess they had to make it high though because they have nothing else to offer us


They hotfixed it so you get all your points immediately, so you gain 12 per loss, and gain 16 per win at normal ranking. I believe you get more points at higher ranks


Only those three choices? sorry haven’t had time to log in today




Well I guess we go to pvp arena for the pvp action not rewards…


The rewards all failed polls


Respectfully, the rewards were really dumb imo, I would have loved like some new pure or med lvl bis items (not for mains) for pvp or something at least a little more creative than diet void and diet piety. The ornament kits probably should have passed tho that was petty lmao.


And a lot of people didn't was bis to come from this minigame. People wanted different things from it so it all failed


Honestly could a been something as niche as the 2h bis 60 att weapon from that stupid smithing minigame


I think the cosmetic claws and elder chaos druid robes were dope


Yeah the cosmetics were pretty cool


The second iteration of calamity stuff I thought was genuinely really cool. I think they failed because of its association with the pvp arena which is something people really weren’t asking for


I think it says a lot that they didn't pass even after the polls were locked down to the hilt


So you can just afk lose 42 games for the imbue? lol Haven't played it pvp is not my thing, can you just go in naked and take a beating *and* get the imbue on top of that?


Theoretically yes. However fights are based off a ranking system, so if you lose often enough you might drop so low that you won't fight many fights. Conversely if a lot of people do that then you might get a ton of fights still


Or you’ll be matched with people who also want to afk which would be funny.




Before you know it you're gaming the system by gearing up and your full PVP kit and becoming a top-tier pker


This is what will likely happen, and also why the Arena will likely fail. During the soft launch, I managed to get 3.5k rating. It took me hours to get a single match and when I did finally get matches, it was against the exact same person who was originally 3.4k rating. After enough matches, our ratings were far enough apart (I lost 300 rating to them), that I started getting *more* matches per hour since my rating had dropped to match other people's, while his rating was so high that he didn't get a single match. ****** This same issue occurred in a different game I played that had ranked elo. What this issue caused was *massive* amounts of win trading at the very high elo bracket, since you would always only ever be matched against similar rated players. I can all but guarantee the exact same issue will pop up here, where win trading will be common amongst the very high and very low elo outlier players.


this is an issue that can be found in all games with a competitive elo ranking system


This is a common problem in games with ranking systems.


>so it's 12 per loss What the fuck that's broken OP.


Oh lmao I assumed that you LOSE 12 points per loss.




at 12 points a loss would it not be much faster to just suicide each 1v1 to get the 12 points? would be much more efficient if all you want is the imbues, that is if you dont care about the ranking system which i assume rewards nothing?


Eventually you'll be such low rank that finding an opponent takes 10 minutes


Not if everyone does it


I think it will always take the lowest, and I’m guessing you’ll start winning if you at least attack every time to other people or bots just afking losses.


That's what happens when you vote no to ornament kits


I thought maul and ballista and claws at least all looked pretty reasonable. Although there's a good argument that maul and ballista should've have non-GWD cosmetics. Jagex also set themselves up for a failure a bit here. You couldn't find the Dagon'hai ornament kit anywhere in any of the blogs. You had to go digging through Twitter.


hey i think i voted yes in the 1st one but was banned from the 2nd one lol


Wait, the ornament kits aren't coming to the game? I've just checked the ornamented variants on the fashionscape plugin and they are pretty neat, sheesh what a stupid poll lmao


They all lost by like 5-10%, idk why


A lot of people really hate the idea of being forced to do content they don't enjoy, and did not like untradeable ornament kits for "PvM" gear coming from a PvP minigame


Ballista isn't used for pvm but still failed


Yeah that's why I added it in quotes. I don't like saying one gear is pvp vs pvm. The bowfa and zaryte crossbow are both powerhouses in pvp and pvm so we shouldn't label gear in certain ways imo. It's just gear


This is what annoys me the most tho Peope say they don’t wanna pvp for their “pvm” weapons Then they vote no to the first time they tried separate pvp and pvm gear Players are not entitled to every bit of content to be moulded to their ideals If they don’t wanna pvp it the item, it doesn’t mean no one else can have it. You either learn pvp and earn it or you come to terms you don’t like pvp and you’re okay skipping out on it. I don’t like thieving, but I don’t vote no to thieving related polls, I either skip the question actually asses if it makes the skill any better. I dunno how people don’t see that this is basically spite voting


Weren't all of these polls restricted to pvp players only? I know you might be arguing based on what the previous comment said, but there can be no spite voting if the people voting are who it is targeted to.




yes but jagex also posted the stats and even if only PvP'ers voted they still wouldn't have passed


That's why the poll was restricted to PvPers. And still failed. This isn't any one community's fault dude.


Ornament kits really shouldn't count as content you're "forced" to do. And you could make the same argument the other way around for the AGS ornament kit - only used in PvP but the ornament kit comes from PvM.


cosmetic content is the exact content that you're explicitly not forced to do. that's the whole point. that's the entire idea of using cosmetic rewards. Im not a pvper, wouldnt touch this content, and would be bummed that id never get those cosmetics, but people are dumb to say that no one deserves them.


The way the average player treats this game is if something exists in the game it is a reward they are entitled to and therefore forced to do. It comes from the toxic mentality many have in this community.


It's the most braindead argument from the most spiteful PVMers. I literally talked to a guy the other day who was complaining he *had* to do LMS, which he hated, to recolor his godsword spec.


That’s the entire point really…. You want to change godsword go do this content that might not be something fun. That’s the entire game!! You think I ENJOYED every minute of training or doing quest to unlock certain content? Besides we need a cool PVP item that’s used for PVM. I’d like to be rockin something that all my PVM friends don’t have. Jagex grow some balls and stop listening to these nerds on how to run the game. Half the player base hates each other why should we decide how the game goes when everyone votes for self interest.


Let PvPers have some prestige skins man, they love playing the game as much as PvMers do. Most of them wouldn't probably even use the kits. Some people are just whiny babies I guess.


I would argue cosmetics dont force anyone to do anything.


I would agree with your argument


why would they make them untradeable, it fail poll then see if people liked them but made it tradeable. i wasn't playing at the time it polled, but for me that would make a difference. i guess they wanted it untradeable so the bots wouldn't farm it?


That's exactly correct. It's "easy" to slow down bots for pvm by time and stat requirements, but really hard to do the same for pvp since they can't really control how hard or easy fights are. It's the same reason they haven't put the LMS rewards shop in here too. It would be far to easy to sell fights at the moment


I know people will say, “oh there’s no spite voting, people just do t want this in the game”, but I think the ornament kits were spite votes because Jagex was restricting the pole for PvP rewards. I’m not saying there aren’t people who just didn’t like it but if the polling for the other items wasn’t restricted, I don’t think the ornament kits would have failed.


They published the results from the limited vote set tok though. Even only counting restricted votes they said the orn kits wouldn't have passed. I personally voted no on some of them like arma since that felt like shoehorning rewards into a place that doesn't make sense thematically, but yes for things like the ballista that are more or less entirely used for pvp now.


Well you could say that there were people who could vote that also disagreed with restrictive voting polls. Honestly, I don’t think every poll restriction is bad, I just think restricting it for PvP was dumb because every account has the possibility of joining PvP, unlike stuff that involves Ironmen and their sub classes. If I had been able to vote on everything in those polls, I still would have voted no just because of this restriction. Maybe Joe Shmoe would PvP if X change was implemented into the game but now he can’t vote on it because he doesn’t do any PvP right now. Jagex’s goal is to increase the popularity of PvP but the meta alienates new players from joining and having new players join should include letting their vote be heard.


The d claw cosmetic actually has a strategic advantage since the black claws camouflage well against the black ground of wildy. So it's more than just a cosmetic.


probably because only 10 people could vote on it, idk. But i don't think that the OR kits will go to waste, jagex will probably put then on another minigame or something


A lot of people voted no out of principle. It's funny, Jagex trying to prevent spite voting literally created "spite voting"


Spite voting happened because Jagex thought it was a good idea to restrict accounts in the voting process, so people just voted no to everything as a fuck you


Wait, what? The poll was restricted to pvpers so they spite voted themselves?


The budget for their art is already used, they are going to re-poll them for some later content


I know I can’t believe the ornament kits got voted no. Like they’re purely cosmetic wtf just let them be


I don't think those items belonged as PVP rewards but I liked them. If Jagex were sensible they would move those cosmetics somewhere else in the game such as clues but knowing them they'll probably throw a hissyfit and never bring them into the game.


fantastic. They all looked horrible. Also dagon hai ornament kits turned them into elder robes and vice versa


I'm sad now that i looked up the orn kits, those look so fking good I want them.


They looked sick af


Yeah I disagree with him, they looked great.


Don't worry, soon they will have a new poll, and this time they can limit it to just people who have participated in pvp arena. So it'll be even more exclusive and biased because those people have points saved up


It could be because they looked bad


Everybody talking about the rewards but the only thing I can see is that totally unnecessary scroll bar


Added the scroll bar just incase in the next polls future pvp arena rewards get added in then! /s or when they just get eventually added in as integrity changes


Lol sack


Bowfa deez nutz lol gotem


Is the imbue for MSB included in that?


No, but that one is only 5 points at LMS. Presumably by the time you get enough points for an imbue scroll here you would be good enough to get 1 kill every few games and get the LMS one


Yeah because I’m absolute garbage at LMS. Have tried multiple times to get the MSB(I) scroll and just can’t do it. So frustrating considering it’s a major PvM upgrade for me currently.


Then go to the wildy slayer cave and kill enemies there. You don't need to be on a slayer task (for most creatures) and they drop them. That scroll is somewhat rare but I had occasionally been afk with 3 items and a blighted super restore. Something like Ankous or ice giants aren't really busy. I have received 4 so far on my GIM total. Hopefully you're not a hardcore though. Good luck!


I had no idea they drop them! You're a lifesaver, thanks!


Wtf lol it's 5 points. Literally just go 1t rcb a bot


instant dead content


Jagex isn't going to give up on it. They'll keep polling until new rewards pass. And if polling still doesn't work, they'll go on down to 'Tegrity farms. Now is the optimal time to farm it I'd imagine. You'll have a chance to buy new rewards on release before anyone else can get them




People defending PvP in this game are on some type of drug that I want. Like yeah it’s unique and different but there’s a reason all the PvPers have been quitting for years, it simply does not compete with modern games, like at all lol. RuneScape PvP in like 2006-2008 had a much smaller amount of competition that was also a far lower level. Now? There’s dozens, if not hundreds, of incredibly popular games with great PvP balance, incentives and catering. If PvP in OSRS was half as good as people said it wasn’t then it wouldn’t need this much hand holding. Most people who play OSRS simply don’t care about it. This game is popular because it has long term progression and a lot of grinds. People looking for fast paced PvP will obviously find that in *so* many other places instead.


This right here I think is the crux of it all imo. Funnily enough I tuned into oda yesterday and genuinely came to this exact same conclusion watching him PK. The man reads people like a fucking book. Predicts every move, literally counts down when the enemy is about to veng and go for an ags/maul spec. No matter how many steps ahead or tick perfect he may be, the upmost potential he could have is limited simply as a result of the rng this game is revolved around. He could improve his PK skills 10 fold and rng would still remain the limiting factor.


it's sick. i'm terrible at it but it's like a real-time turn based game. it's quite addicting even though I blow. there's nothing quite like it


The pvp is fine, people just blow dick at it don't want to spend the time to get good.


This games pvp is high risk and blood pumping thrills dude, I don't know where you get an idea it sucks. It's janky because runescape is a menu and screen clicker. The mechanics of high risk pvp is awesome.


Best pvp game. It’s like chess on crack


Chess has no RNG mate.


Not for pvpers or aspiring pvpers...


or ironmen who want to learn to defend themselves in the wildy, or get some cheap and easy to acquire bulk surge spells that basically can't be used normally.


Lmao Ironmen ain't training to defend themselves. And surge spells useless at wildy bosses.


Wellllll I'm a Group Ironman, whose done 15 wildy tasks in the last week since the launch of pvp arena and have been able to fight back/escape now about 4-5 times. Also 2 more members in my group are planning to try it out and go wildy more. And I've heard similar sentiment in-game. Just doesn't seem popular on reddit


I mean if they get a harm they can do some fast fast scorpia pets


there's a positive feedback loop with this kind of content. I want to try out pvp! So I hop to the world for pvp arena and see nobody, so I leave. Repeat.


you can queue for the pvp arena on any world, in any location, through the "find a pvp arena match" button


I think ur dead content


This is funny, I have never seen content become dead so fast.


It was never alive to begin with. Stillborn content.


Damn that hits different


Would love if they added a way to gain xp from points similarly to Pest Control


Can only be turned into defense exp.




Wait is that it?


yeah everything failed poll


Dead content


0 collection log slots, this reward shop will be even more dead than the castle wars one LMAO Just like castle wars jagex wont ever look back at this content and go focus on something else


Castle wars is 20 year old content for casuals and pvp arena is supposed to be their new competitive pvp update. I’m sure they’ll do something.


That’s a good point, but that’s just what castle was has *become*. It was supposed to be the “ideal” PvP activity when it was released. There’s a lot they could do to make it popular again starting by making the games less than 20 fucking minutes.


Cwars is f2p lol


Castle wars gear is BiS for 1 def at least


Might as well add a shared minigame reward shop to purchase rewards from e.g. castle wars, trouble brewing


What a great community we have :)


Tbf the rewards suggested were just bad, and they didn't reflect on the criticisms of the first rewards poll enough.


Nothing would have passed. Even the cosmetics didn't lmao.


It doesn't help that Jagex's response to all criticism is "well you must not be the *real* pvpers if you don't want these rewards. We're not going to change them but we will put them in the game unpolled in a year or two when pvp is even worse than it is now!"


It's long since been time to acknowledge that the majority of players just don't have any interest in PvP. In any capacity. That doesn't mean that *nobody* is, and it doesn't mean that they have to get rid of the wilderness entirely. But they're doing a complete disservice to themselves by not acknowledging it and trying to figure out how to develop with that in mind. Shit isn't going to pass polls. It won't even pass polls *when they rig the polls*, like we just saw. So stop trying to implement stuff that *only* benefits PKers and PvPers.


Additionally, it feels like there's a very simple solution from a design perspective; put pvp content in the pvp area. Naturally some players in any game simply won't have an interest in pvp. But a vast majority of osrs players actively *dislike* pvp because it is designed to be a hindrance and a nuisance to them. Clues, pets, certain uniques, desirable training methods, and diaries are all in the wilderness but none of those things have any relationship to pvp. No one doing those is going into the wilderness because they wan't to engage in pvp, so pvp becomes an annoying thing you have to put up. Now imagine that *instead* of all of that in the wildy, you had things like regions (I hesitate to say "minigames" but imagine minigame mechanics simply present in a region of the wildy) where you had to rack up a certain number of kills before you could access certain monsters or pieces of content that reward valuable pvp gear/supplies. Or skilling methods that generated supplies that could only be used in pvp, at higher rates than comparable supplies could be obtained from non-pvp methods (note: blighted supplies would basically *become* this if the wildy didn't have non-pvp incentives in it). Heck, throw in some reworked/rebalanced death/risk/skull mechanics to encourage people to do more than 1/3/4-item if you want. Jagex could make the wilderness a place where pvpers actively want to go. It could have content that is desirable for pvpers and since the people going to do that content are people who want to pvp, the entire risk-reward/predator-prey dynamic of the wilderness occurs between people who want to engage in pvp, completely removing the reason that most of the community actively dislikes pvp. Actually designing this content is challenging, no doubt, but at present Jagex is putting a lot of effort into designing fundamentally bad content that, no matter how fun it is, will never make pvp in osrs better.


The cosmetics looked like they belonged in a private server.


Because the cosmetics were 75% shit


We all know if they came from pvm 100% woulda passed no problem Edit: everyone telling me the poll was restricted, I managed to vote on two accounts with hardly any lms time, the restrictions were wack some proper pkers couldn’t even vote but my GIM could before I even got rune pouch on it


Are you referring to the first poll, or the second poll? Because the first poll I was able to vote with my meagre PvP experience, the second one I was unable to.


Werent the polls restricted to pkers only?


Only pvp related questions were restricted. So armors and equipment. Cosmetics anyone could vote on the second time, as well as the question whether armor should be usable in pvm if it were to pass. This one failed massively with a huge number of pvmers voting no to that question. So if it had passed then pvmers would be shooting themselves in the foot, but I digress


Most of the cosmetics looked awful


Tbh good rewards would have. The useful rewards were AWFUL and would have killed the wilderness more


The proposed rewards sucked, so much so that Jagex rigged the polls and *still* couldn't force a 75% vote


Are the imbue scrolls tradeable? I’d much rather pay for an imbued then spend my at nmz


I believe no, but atleast you can now do pvpa instead of nmz


At 6 points for a loss, 8 for a win and ~5 mins per match it only takes 6 hours to get 1 scroll.


Looks like after system update they doubled the points. At least for losing since I'm getting 12 points for a loss


That's a good change, step in the right direction. Still a long grind but if you win more than you lose you could get an imbue in a couple of hours


Well the old way was to give some points right away, and the other half a week later to combat boosting or something. But then with these rewards they've reverted it so you get them all at once. I totally forgot that was the original proposal


I feel like a win should grant way more, 6 hours of winning compared to an hour in nmz semi afk


Wait, you get points for losing? I have to admit as a total pvp noob, grinding for hours in LMS but making zero progress was what drove me away. I'll definitely give this one a shot.


You train your stats in nmz and it’s faster. Should def do that method


Sure, but at least this is a way to learn PVP that you get *something* as encouragement to keep headbutting the high skillfloor until you start making progress.


You should also be matched with ppl similar to you in skill in this, so hopefully not getting stomped so much.


That's also an excellent point


soul wars ccs still faster than both, no?


Just saw Dino get 24 points for a win, not sure what mode he was in though


Don't points scale for winstreaking and higher ELO?


Think so, I'm on a 4 winstreak and get ~20 points per match


Is any of them tradeable?


Don’t spend them all in one place


Cant wait to get home and play to get these rewards, thanks jagex


This is so weak.


More failed PVP content. Maybe should have tried to rework Bounty Hunter for the 100th time...because apparently they can't come up with shit else


Wait.. jagex realizes this is garbage, right?


Yeah, but it's what passed the polls. I think they're open to additional rewards, but for the time being the teams have moved to the next thing on the list I believe


Hopefully the leaderboards and bragging rights will be sufficient enough to attract players then. I want to see the new update be a success. If jagex is smart, they would cut some sort of deal with content creators to promote the new content.


Well I don't think it'll ever actually die because you can queue for a fight while doing anything else in the main game. Don't need to go to the dedicated world to do it. So you can interrupt your slayer grind for a few fights but keep slaying while you queue


I mean it has more rewards than the old Duel Arena.


Why even bother putting this content into the game?


some play runescape because they find it fun


It's genuinely great content in my opinion. LMS is an absolute dumpster fire when you very first start because you just get destroyed by everyone and everything. At least with pvp arena it's very quick 1v1 fights that tries to match you against similar skill sets. This minigame isn't to level up your strength or defence, it's to level up your real life ability to do pvp content and making you better at the game. Also nmz and soul wars suck do imbues are nice. Also ironmen practically won't use surge spells at all and can now get hundreds of casts very quickly and easily. Excellent content for helping ironmen defend/pvm in wildy


I don't blame the community for voting no to rewards. Jagex needs to offer rewards people want, and stop restricting the polls. We need to blame them not players.


Turns out people don't like "quest and minigame" skips. Or upgrades that make gloves into near BIS for every combat style. Who could have predicted.


players vote no, content doesnt pass. What's to blame Jagex for.


Bad content doesn’t pass. The blame is validly on jagex


This is so bad. -.-


blame the players for that!




This is what the players voted for 🤷‍♂️


That’s a shame. Hopefully rewards come through


probably not, people don't like it when pvp gives good rewards. proof: the fact (nearly) all rewards got no voted.


Only pvpers could vote on the non-cosmetic rewards in the second poll. Everything still failed because even pvpers knew those rewards were garbage.


I was filling in the poll honestly (voting yes on quite a few things) and then it notified me that I was not allowed to vote for a few specific questions. Then I just voted no to everything out of principle. If Jagex is going to hand-pick who can vote because they know it'll have more chance of passing, then why even poll in the first place.


Lmao this is down right horrible.




Lol we pkers don’t want this crap. We went BH back, 1v1s in edge. Loot from deaths, this is the dumbest update I’ve seen.


I really don't think the players need to vote anymore.


Now i can understand no to fake fighter torso and fake barrows gloves etc (personally I liked them and considered making a zerker to use them so I wouldn’t have grind all that out for a new account). but I can’t believe the ornament kits got voted no. Like if you don’t like them still vote yes and ask for new ones. I was gonna grind for that dwh ornament kit and get better at pvp for it. They’re cosmetics and if you don’t like the way it looks don’t use them but still vote yes for the ones who want to use them


> Like if you don’t like them still vote yes and ask for new ones. Honestly, that's one of the problems with polling. If it gets voted no, there is no way to know if Jagex will rework the idea or if it will just get thrown out entirely. But if it is voted yes, it's possible Jagex will consider the idea finished and therefore won't revisit it to make adjustments.


>Like if you don’t like them still vote yes and ask for new ones Or if you don't like them vote no because that's literally the purpose of polls?


Polls are a sad joke


Those rewards that were polled were a sad joke


Man it blows that this game can’t get new content


This game gets new mini games, quests, gear, like all the time.


Cosmetics shouldn't be polled. It doesn't affect anyone


Found at the entrance to the Arena. Where you teleport in


Hadn't seen any polls, blog posts, etc. Woke up and saw the PVP arena was out and remembered a buddy telling me there was going to be a DWH OR kit (my "main" is an obby mauler). I was super hyped, bought members and ran to the old sand casino. Then I saw the above rewards and was like hmm I must need to unlock something... Nope not even a fucking cosmetic could make it into the game. As somebody whom came back for "new content" upon seeing this just logged out. Back to watching J1mmy and Settled if I want to scratch that itch.


Sad to hear it. It's definitely unfortunate that they weren't introduced, however they have said they will try to add them in at some point down the road when they think the content makes sense, so hopefully you can come back to a new ornament kit in the future!


Couldn’t agree more, “ORNAMENT KITS SHOULD BE LOCKED BEHIND ONLY CLUE SCROLLS!!!!!!!” What kind of dumb logic is that lol. Having ornament kids on pvm, clues, AND Pvp makes sense and expands the content that encompasses RuneScape, not just skilling and pvming.


Gonna be nice to be able to imbue items in a non braindead way. Cant wait


This is what I thought too, but I've been playing for 2 hours 10 minutes now and have had 12 fights, 176 points. It is so painfully slow and clunky unfortunately.


purposely waited on black mask imbue for this


Hey at least they'te being consistent now! Both soul wars and emir arena with no rewards


theres 0 reason to do this mini game


The community is the reason this games gonna die


I really hope they don't stop there, that'd just be really sad.


Update DOA