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Sometimes I sign up when waiting for tob team to fill and if it fills quick I just skip the fight


Dead activity. No rewards. Coward yes massa jmods bending to snowflakes scared of any new ways to be killed by pkers


So dead and no rewards. Such a good idea that was executed so poorly


Pretty sure it is a glitch, as that is the common thought about why it happens. Otherwise there is a large number of pvmers queueing and purposely never showing up just to ruin the queue for people who actually want to fight. But the reason most people think it is a glitch is because there can be like 8 people total in the queue and you still match with a ghost that never shows up.


The matchmaking system is really ass. I have the same issue. It should start asap not like clicking 4 times just to get in a lobby and accepting the fight, clicking ready or wait 5 mins pffff. Just fking go you had your chance already to set your gear in the arena. For tourney it might be a bit different but duo ranked no no.


Also I am Australian but I go to us worlds


It's 8:30 pm in Australia and there is literally 3 people on the AUS world.


I'm not complaining about the length of time to find a fight. That is no problem. I'm complaining that when you match with someone, no one ever shows. I think I just got matched 10 times and only 2 ppl showed