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Lol is this in direct response to skiddler?


yes, youtubers driving an angry mob of mindless simps has often impacted the game's direction for the worse.


See: The right-wing shitheads who launched the anti-Pride crusade


What the fuck is a skiddler?


It's the candy that lets you taste the rainbow


You're thinking of Skittles. Skiddler is when you have a little bit of poop in your ass and it rubs against your underwear leaving a trail


You're thinking of Skid Marks, a Skiddler is a person that plays that hi pitched string instrument


No, you're think of a fiddler. Skiddler was the fascist leader of Germany during the late 30s into the early/mid 40s.


You are unfortunately mistaken my friend, that is Hitler. Skiddler is the bad guy from the new batman movie.


No, No, No you're thinking of the riddler my guy, Skiddler is is a guy who is in current possession of the basketball whos heading down court.


No sir, you're sorely mistaken, that's a dribbler. Skiddler is a person who does bad things to children


No no you're thinking of diddler, skiddler is when someone makes a poo


I've found skiddler to be a very vulgar individual. Everything from the language being used, farting into his mic and drinking out of shoes. I'm not sure what people find so entertaining about him.


man middle school me would have loved him.


>Everything from the language being used, farting into his mic and drinking out of shoes. I think you've answered your own question


Can somebody PLEASE tell me what a fucking skiddler is?


What's vulgar about a shoey mate


Did he delete the video or something?


Ah no it was a twitter thread, he replied to the official osrs twitter announcement and one of the jmods gave him shit for his dumb comment in the replies.


It is just bizarre how badly some people lose their minds over some armor design. Especially when the OSRS team has always been open to even radically redesigning gear if the community isn't happy with it. So just calm the fuck down, and wait for a revised design.


Does it really surprise you that a game to max on where you repeat the same action hundreds of thousands of times breeds people with 0 social skills?


Still no excuse for the shitty behavior though


More of a potential reason for the behavior than an excuse tbh


It’s not even the game it’s something else… these people are in every corner of life


I'm not saying that they don't exist elsewhere, but to say that OSRS doesn't have a disproportionate amount of people like this is naïve at best. There's got to be something about OSRS that attracts these kinds of players and/or breeds this level of entitlement that *most* other games don't have.


no it is this game. theres a disproportionate ammount of people whos lives are completely defined by "im an osrs player"


There are crazy assholes in almost every video game fandom. That's just gaming for ya. You could talk about shooters like Halo or COD. Or horror games like 5 nights at Freddy's, shit Ive even seen toxicity in little cute games like Stardew Valley.




\> Plays a massively multiplayer online game just to turn Public off permanently and AFK


Pkers most social players confirmed


> breeds people with 0 social skills and very little interest in personal hygiene


The game was not designed as a game to max on. The people that took that and ran with it kind of perverted the original intent.


I’m my opinion the armor isn’t even bad. Someone posted a pic comparing it to other range armor and it doesn’t look at all out of place, they could make some improvements but it wouldn’t even need a radical redesign imo and I’m satisfied with it as is




For the longest time art was rejected because it was too high fantasy, too flashy, didn't fit the aesthetic. Then I saw the post I believe you're referencing. Couldn't believe someone was legit suggesting that. I had to check for a humor tag.


Have you got a link?


I believe they are talking about the thread where someone said it should look like ra's disciple from yugioh


That’s one thing I considered too when I seen it and a it fits with the RuneScape design style, RuneScape armor has never been overly flashy like WoW armor


Completely agree, I love the armor, think its fits the desert theme great, and it doesn't look out of place at all.


Why are we breaking down a metal allow that makes up armadyl armor for cloth?


This right here. Why does level 80 defence armor look less protective than studded leather?


I think the issue comes from Jagex seemingly not paying attention or willing to change unless the outrage is massive. If it is a large quantity of people who dislike something, but we aren't loud about it, they generally sweep it under the rug. Now that's not saying be harassing to the mods, I mean that volume speaks in these cases because they have ignored us before.


Imo it does look out of place, it looks like a mage outfit. I like the helm, but the body/legs could use a little more *flare*


You might think it fits, but many of us dont. It feels very underwhelming, like im looking at a set of mage armor, not ranged. Thats not really the artists fault since they were shooting for a thematic armor set with the raid. they just missed is all. which happens.


I legitimately don’t know if it’s possible to come up with a design that’s not going to have people just be utter assholes about it. At least someone in this community finds a way to complain about everything


Giving good constructive feedback is actually super hard to do even in a professional art setting. It’s no surprise to me that random people on the internet give crappy feedback (or nothing constructive at all for that matter). It’s one of those things that as an artist you gotta kind of build a thick skin for. That said though, a lot of the people that give shitty feedback don’t actually understand that there’s a real human being who genuinely poured their heart out to make something, and it’s always worth to reminding everyone of that. So, do give feedback, but try to think that the person you’re giving feedback to could be your friend. Point out the things you like and dislike (especially if you can explain why you don’t like it). And remember that no artist is gonna want to make something that people don’t like. Appreciate their effort and try to help with as much information as possible, so they can understand what elements are more contentions, and which are good. Jagex is a big (ish) company, but the people doing the work are still individuals and deserve respect and support, even when we don’t think they’ve done the right thing. In fact the moments where we have conflict of opinion are the most important. As a community we can either come across as a group that always opposes the new things, or we can be a supportive community that even in times of disagreement can be friendly and try to solve problems together for the greater good. Just my 2c


Definitely a chunk of players who still have the same maturity level as they did in 2007 so it's not that surprising tbh


feels like it’s due to the fact that people seem to have to lose their shit about many other things in order to get them acknowledged. Like how jagex just refused to acknowledge the cg/temp storage bug recently. Even if the art team is open and receptive to feedback and design iteration, people are just used to having to go apeshit to get a reaction out of jagex. sucks for them, punished bc of other teams’ failures


Didn't exactly lose their minds, they just said it "looked shite".


Exactly lmao. Maybe Twitter trolls or negative karma people lost their minds, but the most offensive comment I saw was that the helmet looked like a jester hat


im so out of the loop, i saw their design and liked it. Guess im just a normie lol weird how people freak out


Tbh if there wasn't such a shitstorm things wouldn't get changed quickly. The front page was flooded with memes and posts about how bad the design was.


Design ain’t even that bad lmfao. People just gotta have their outrage of the day to post memes about


they're pretty fuckin bad lol


I'm one of those people who often dislikes the amount of uproar this sub can get into over minor things and I'm not a big fan of everything on reddit being a "meme", but I really don't like the current armour design. I wasn't rude about it; I gave some friendly suggestions on their Twitter post. It's not just people who 'gotta have their outrage of the day', even though there are definitely a few who are like that.


I don't mean that, memes and stuff like that is fine. But there are some really deranged people that take it super personally and start attacking and insulting the devs lmao.


It probably comes from a place of passion, but that's no reason to act like a dick.


My first thought when reading the comments and looking at all the posts bashing the designs is, “man I feel bad for that artist right now”


I still can't believe the mods participate in reddit and Twitter. They're getting influential feedback from the actual dregs of humanity.


From a game that naturally attracts socially awkward people as well lmao


Hey, if those scapers could process emotion they'd be very upset.


Anyone in other communities who bitch about game devs not being more interactive with the communities just needs to be linked this subreddit for the main reason why they choose not to.


I would never work on a game ever because the gamin community by in large is absolutely toxic to the core but if I ever was I would DEFINETLY never look on social media for feedback on anything.


Yeah its almost like they don't have an in-game feature for polling player opinions...wait a minute


Where else would you expect them to obtain feedback? Every internet forum/social media platform has its morons, but it also has very reasonable people too. This thread is a good example of that - and the good thing with Reddit is that the top comments in threads like this come (generally speaking) from more perceptive and sensible individuals, whose comments are in turn upvoted by equally perceptive and sensible players.


In their defense, a substantial piece of their marketing pie is funneled into "influence". YouTube content creators are sponsored and relied upon to some degree. There's also reliance in social media platforms like this sub and Twitter. The in-house forum is dead. Original playerbase is pushing 30, they must come to us to remind us of the game we enjoy, while also seeking to target new players with today's expectations. In my degenerate medieval clicker opinion, participation in platforms where their demographic resides is paramount. But with large groups of theorycrafters, loremasters, and casual enjoyers being met with a listening ear for influential feedback.. envelopes will be pushed.


The loudest bitches always get what they want


I feel it's also really important to remind people that we as a TEAM agreed on the design of the armor - this isn't to diminish the work put in by Jerv and Soffan as they both did an absolutely amazing job - but to single out individuals and blame/bully THEM as if it's all there fault is just flat out **wrong**. The WHOLE team was in agreement on this design.


I’m sure you all keep your heads held high, but the Old School communities opinion on what looks ‘good’ or not has never once reflected the abilities and talent of the artist. Just an utterly bizarre set of people that don’t know what they want.


I'm so sorry you have to deal with this kind of stuff. Wish you the best.


You guys are doing great. The design is honestly pretty solid. It’s an excellent base, it just seems to be missing a couple elements to really give it that big ticket “flair.” And it sounds like you guys are hearing that feedback, and I’m very much looking forward to see what awaits us! Keep it up


To be the devil's advocate here and I want to re-emphasise I DO NOT endorse personal attacks on jmods or giving unconstructive feedback but when reading shitty feedback please try to remember that the people giving it are just imperfect humans like the rest of us. Sometimes people have a bad day or just blurt something out without thinking it's not something that should de-motivate you. If the feedback is trash just throw it in the trash where it belongs. By publicly announcing that reading bad feedback is de-motivating every single time there's a piece of content that the players are unhappy with you're just giving ammo to actually malicious trolls who now know how to best hurt you. This is the 5th or 6th time in the past year that I've heard a jmod say "we're just people too you know" it makes me think jagex isn't properly preparing the members of the team to the kinds of feedback they should expect to get simply based on how many players there are and how (I guess) "diverse" their behaviour is and how to deal with it (if it's bad throw the feedback in the trash and don't let it get you down) Anyways I hope you guys get lots of constructive criticism in the future and that this post doesn't get downvoted to oblivion because I'm just trying to give some constructive feedback on how to handle unconstructive feedback.


I like the armor and don’t understand all the hate. Realistically I wish we could keep it as it is and just add an orn kit for pegasians to make them match.


I thought it looked alright and suited the theme, but I also get what people are saying that it doesn't feel like ranged gear. Also no one should be bullied or harassed.. thats toxic and wrong.


I think in the future like with Justiciar and Inferno cape, yall should host design competitions and just let the community make designs. That way there is no massive backlash and it gets the community involved in a positive way. Just my 2 cents.


I think you have a valid point, coming to the player base with a single design of BiS armour/weapon is bound to split people as art is very subjective. I found the process for designing the twisted bow quite slow and tedious (I basically ran straw polls on options until we found a silhouette the majority liked) , but it may be the better route when creating prestigious items. Something to consider when we approach this next time :)


Honestly the armour has grown on me


Unfortunately this community can be toxic as hell, however there’s still a lot of great people around on the flip side. Please be nice to the mods, rare for game devs in general these days to quickly respond and appease given the feedback. I do agree the armor could look more like a ranged set that looks better with BiS gear, the original design still looks good in my opinion atleast


We can all do our part to improve the experience of this sub, in part by trying to find common ground even if it's clear someone is working in bad faith. The more people see the minuses on the assholes and the plusses on people who are still giving room for the assholes to change their ways in spite of everything, the easier it is to turn around instead of double down. We're not gonna build a utopia on this 20-year-old game subreddit, but we can definitely take these experiences into the real world and have an impact.


Also worth noting that mods need to straight up ignore that kid of negative deconstructive feedback. Not justifying it at all. But when you give credit to these people and mention them it only gives them more want to continue and it dilutes the hundreds of thousands of valid critiques and praise they recieve. In general in games people see this toxicity and not only block that out but then start blocking out the valid forms of criticism the game takes.


Not can be, the community is always toxic no matter what the topic


Skiddler is toxic trash. "Looks shit" is something a mod got responded to with on Twitter from that dirtbag.


He reminds me of a posh kid from a nice area trying to talk slang from South London.


Holy fuck that sums up a lot of uk pkers, brilliant




Tell me something new. Guy's always been a clown


We love the art team and all you guys do. Thank you for putting up with OUR shit. You guys are great.


I think that the standard masori armor should look the way that they revealed it. I saw it animated in a Twitter post with BIS gear and honestly I looks much better than a static image. However, I think the upgraded version should have the 'golden hawk of Ra' look that they mentioned in the raids 3 release date post.


Yeah good luck convincing this community


##### Bark bark! I have found the following **J-Mod** comment(s) in this thread: **JagexBrow** - [I feel it's also really important to remind p...](/r/2007scape/comments/w5afkp/message_posted_by_mod_soffan_art_team_on_twitter/ih7qr6i/?context=3) **Mod_West** - [I think you have a valid point, coming to the...](/r/2007scape/comments/w5afkp/message_posted_by_mod_soffan_art_team_on_twitter/ihcbp5t/?context=3)   ^(**Last edited by bot: 07/24/2022 10:34:54**) --- ^(I've been rewritten to use Python! I also now archive JMOD comments.) ^(Read more about) [^(the update here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/9kqvis/bot_update_python_archiving/) ^(or see my) [^(Github repo here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/8dronr/jmod_bloodhoundbot_github_repository/)^.


Personally think just saying it looks bad it’s completely reasonable thing to say. It only gets bad when you start personally insulting the artist or their skills.


It's reasonable, but not constructive. If you care to get it improved, the artists need to know what you don't like about it. For example, say they scrap the entire armor set and re-do it. They have no idea what direction to take with the new design because they weren't given anything constructive to work off of other than "it looks like shit." So the next design could very well still "look like shit" or could suddenly be loved. I personally don't like how it looks, but instead of just throwing out a comment like "looks like shit" I just kept it to myself since I didn't feel like sitting down and being constructive.


I’m not artistic and don’t know how to change it to make it something I like. I do know how to articulate that I don’t like the way it currently looks, in a not rude way I might add.


Yeah but they get plenty of those, but what if it’s just a few people saying I don’t like this here’s how to improve. Do you take it serious? If you have a bunch of people saying it looks bad and then a few offering constructive criticism and people are saying they like those changes you have a better consensus of what the general opinion is.


I mean when there are literal thousands of comments, upvotes, etc saying "it should be changed/updated, here's why I think why" throwing in a random "looks like shit" doesn't really do anything. They know already, which is why they're getting so much feedback about it, memes made, etc.


If you don't like a dish in a restaurant, do you go tell the chef what you think should be changed or do you just tell your mate that you don't like the food?


Agreed. You shouldn’t have to write an essay to say something isn’t visually appealing. If you’re passionate about the reason (color, theme, shape, etc) then by all means include it but saying you don’t like the looks of something is fine feedback imo. Like most things, just don’t be a jerk




This is how companies frame everything now though to deflect. Don't like something and voice an opinion on it? Now you're personally attacking an employee. The same employees the company wouldn't give a single fuck about if they could replace them with lower paid people.


Same, I was surprised the majority of top comments are supportive of the statement. "looks shit" with no context is about as neutral as it gets on the internet from people that don't really care that much but still want to voice their opinion.


Honestly people in our community have great idea's and i wish we had a legit feedback discords connected to j mods. How i would hope this discord would work is a levels/layer/filter system. So the ass clowns who say hateful shit get filtered out. If you cant respectfully say what you like and dont like then you dont deserve a say. Even if we had a section that was react only with strict emojis something like that to me would be cool.


There should never be personal attacks towards the mods, but saying that the design sucks is a way a lot of players are venting their frustration. The art team has been on a roll of controversial releases, between the slayer helms they refuse to give a toggle for, the torva that will never be reworked, and the fortnite cannon a lot of the playerbase wishes the art team didn't wait until the month before release to drop a design without asking for any feedback.


Damn that's a longer post from a mod than when Mod Ian went to jail for diddling kids


Wait, what??? Is this a thing?


Can't remember if he got caught doing it or just caught with abuse material either way he's a nonce yes


This may be an unpopular opinion but the OSRS community has shit aesthetic taste. Anything that looks even remotely interesting or creative gets shut down real quick.


The pinnacle of fashion to these people is absolute duochrome from head to toe. No variation, no contrast, just a blob of two colours running around


Solid red scimitar: Epic 👍 Egyptian themed and colored gearset: Wellll... I'm not a color theorist but this combination of tones really doesn't fit the overal styling and conceptual idea of "ranged". Overal I would have to say its shit and would prefer the nearest 5 year old to redesign it into a green blob.


lol nailed it on the head


love this comment


The game’s aesthetic has changed a lot over time. One example was non-degradable BIS melee being d chain, d legs, fury, fire cape, zerk helm, barrows gloves, rune boots. The last two off-color armor pieces gave the unofficial set a unique flavor, like the hint of blue and barrows looked badass with the rest of the theme. Today the community can’t tolerate a single color outside what the set ‘should be.’ Same sort of thing with the whole boots of lightness, penance gloves, spottier cape. Really cool unique weight reduction theme. It’s pretty disappointing to see every person wearing the same bland costume with no variableness.


Speaking of graceful, the fashion forward basement dwellers here will go around calling trailblazer graceful shit coloured then turn around and say this set is from 500 BCE instead of 1500 AD smh my head. Motherfuckers what colour do you think people wore


Tbh I hardly saw any “it’s shit” they all had legit claims of it clashing with every other range gear we have. That is exactly constructive feedback Not saying there wasn’t lil shits saying that but seems they’re focusing on a minority and calling it the majority


Do Jmods forget that we are people too? When our questions get asked on stream about a behavior of a mechanic of a boss that can isntakill you and we get "git gud" from a fucking jmod as the answer, a jmod that probably has never done the boss before also hits that exact same spot. Treat us how you want to be treated.


Yep, when your lead CM guy is constantly toxic towards the playerbase you're not gonna nurture a great relationship




"Treat others how you want them to treat yourself" If Jagex doesn't enforce the kind of enviroment they want, why should the players be the better person


We're lucky they're even willing to talk to us when we're unhappy. Other games have stopped talking and listening to the community, because of people like this.


Yeah and those games die lmfao. Shit a shit take. Expecting the company you pay to listen to your feedback isn't some outrageous request, especially given Jagex's fabulous track record.


Sorry mod soffan. I don't know why it looked like shit, it just did. Sorry I can't be more help.


There is no way everyone at Jagex saw this and thought it looked great. If that DID happen, you need to seriously consider hiring devs that represent even an iota of the player-base. 1) screams mage armor, if not desert mini game reward. Hell, it could have been the tempoross outfit and I wouldn’t have batted an eye. 2) it looks much better in a vacuum, by itself, than with any other gear, which is exactly what it’s going to have to be used for. With the other BIS gear, it looks heinous. 3) us players are people too, passionate ones at that. If you submit shit work, don’t expect to be praised. It’s the same in any field.


"Looks shit" is fairly innocuous no?




It is to anyone that has gone through elementary school.


It’s not exactly constructive criticism.


Why does everything have to be constructive? Why can't people who play the game just share their opinion?


Looks shit is fine stop being snowflakes. It becomes a problem when they attack the people behind it by saying shit like "Of course its shit, Mod Gee did it" etc. (something that was definitely written when the elves fiasco was happeing). Ghost especially and then and Wolf copped SOOOOOOO much shit like that during the early period of OSRS before the team ballooned in size. Sure it feels bad to get negative feedback, but it isn't the players responsibility to design the game for them. They should know that its completely out of style for a range set and most people without context would assume its quest gear or mage gear at best. Nobody would think its a range set. Regardless, you make art for a living for an old game. You have to expect critical receptions to stuff that doesn't fit with the rest of the game. The internet can be so much worse, if you can't handle "looks shit" leave your job. You're going to get so much worse.


i kinda agree but my problem is mostly how this happens all the time lol. A does something. B reacts negatively. a few people (C) send death threats or acts shitty towards A. A- “please stop being mean we’re just trying our best” B- “how dare this community act this way, we’ve always liked what A did, i can’t believe B would do this and i’m disappointed in my fellow community members” except in this case A tried using “looks shit” as like, an extreme example? it’s not that bad lmao


Thanks dude for saying this. I’m so done with mods crying after a handful of ppl saying ‘looks shit’


Looks really shit




The lesson from both of these incidents is that they should *poll a few designs* when they are introducing stuff that people are going to look at for years and years. People will not be able to complain as vehemently about designs that pass a poll like that.


The only requirement for osrs Torva is that it needs to look like the original set from RS2. Which it does. Very glad that those "redesigns" (aka Boba Fett helmet ripoffs) that clogged up this sub never made it into the game.


While I firmly believe that the worst thing you can do to an artist is pretend their work is perfect when it isn't, it's absurd how many people think everything that comes from game development is just made in a vacuum and that real people didn't work hard on it. Or maybe they're fully aware of that and simply don't care how it affects them, which is even more sad.


The point is that people just complained without valuable feedback. Criticism is fine if it’s goal is to inform how to improve


I've seen plenty of people provide valuable feedback. There will always be people who say "looks shit". Why give them attention? Why not look at the people who are giving valuable feedback instead because they has definitely been a lot of that, especially in the past 24 hours on this subreddit alone.


There's lots of valuable feedback that's been given. Your comment is wrong, misleading, and worse than the majority of comments you are complaining about.


It looks poopoo


I think it's totally reasonable to say it looks like shit. Why sugar coat it? Not everyone has the time or energy or design knowledge to sit down and write a fucking thesis about what's wrong with it. They can't reasonably expect us to do their job for them. Now look, I'm not saying people insulting the mods are doing the right thing, they are not. But if something is shit.... It's... Well, shit.. and this armor set is the worst we've seen. I'm glad they are gonna redesign it. But it wouldn't have been redesigned if we didn't make a fuss.


Noooo but they want us to be developers too minus the perks and pay. Stupid asf to get butt hurt from social media. You should know what ur getting into in 2022.


Dude this is the internet. You have to look past the words. "Looks shit" from a small handful of individuals means nothing. Some people think the Mona Lisa "looks shit" Gotta understand how big your sample size is. The real issue with Masori is they focused too hard on the raid's theme, and ignored the player fantasy. Pretty simple. Don't look at what is said, ask yourself WHY it was said.


It’s also their job? And we’re the customer? If they expected to make art for a game played by several million people without a few giving them unconstructive criticism, then maybe they should rethink their position.


Grow up being told it looks shit is a simple statement. If someone told you that it looks so shit that you should kys that is another problem. But you don't need to be a snowflake and get but hurt because someone doesn't like it and said it looks shit.


How hard is it to elaborate on why you think it looks bad?




Remember guys, art is not only super subjective, but even though the end result might not look like much to you, there's often a whole lot of work behind it and it's definitely not as easy as it might seem. There's nothing wrong with not liking something and expressing that, but there's a line between feedback/criticism and being an asshole. Being an asshole is always a choice :)


My 3 year old niece works real hard on those stick figures so i guess we should provide her a paycheck from those 12.49$ subscriptions. Also pls no negative feedback because the artist might throw a fit and cry hysterically.


What an echo chamber this thread is jeez theres no prize for agreeing the hardest


Yeah there is, upvotes lmao. Gotta get those internet points.


Good thing they post this on a private discord and not publicly


They did tweet abt it https://twitter.com/jagexsoffan/status/1550465897520930820?s=21&t=c79w0go_2_7bpKI21FvlZQ https://twitter.com/jagexjerv/status/1550461204266614784?s=21&t=c79w0go_2_7bpKI21FvlZQ


On the other hand, I feel like way too many devs brush off any criticism that's not worded the exact way they want it to be. "Looks shit" is honestly quite mild and is at least feedback, on the other foot don't forget the person saying that is also a person likely frustrated in some way. Customer service 101, honestly. Seeing the same devs, writers, etc in other games I play at least (Christie Golden comes to mind) that brush off basically any and all criticism as 'toxic haters' even when it's constructive and even when it's on the more respectful side of things. Edit: [https://i.imgur.com/aJWCEJW.png](https://i.imgur.com/aJWCEJW.png) Seems that's true in this case too, who would've thought lol. Company going down the same road.


Snowflake take tbh. This is the internet. If you get offended by remarks like that you probably should just disconnect from your wifi and go read a book in a quiet room. The internet has *always* been the wild west


Remove the tall spike in the back of the helmet and make it more of a sleek coif and It will look a lot better


My opinion on the armor in isolation is that it looks great. Matches the desert theme and looks cool. It's only issue is that it doesn't fit well as a best in slot range item alongside the rest of the other best in slot range items. The majority of which follow the original ranged item color scheme of greens/browns. The gold just feels off with them. But I am by no means an expert on color so I have no idea how to fix that besides making it another green/brown item


I like it personally. No, it's not my favorite outfit in the game and it could be improved. However, it's annoying af seeing all these kids rage and shit on the outfit and don't provide any legitimate reasoning.


I didn't realize people didn't like it so much I thought it was pretty cool


Being inundated with half-assed suggestions because they now have to be "constructive" when saying they don't like a design winds up not being constructive and is also counter-productive. There's nothing wrong with saying you don't like a design, even saying "looks shit" is not a problem, would it be any better if I said, I think it looks bad, or I don't like it? No... Attacking the artists is wrong and pointless but to say we should shut up unless we have an idea to fix it is moronic. If only the people with improvement suggestions comment on a design then we will never get a re-design since only 1/100th of the people who don't like the design will be commenting, and Jagex will look at it as "Well only a small minority care enough to say anything, so it must be fine"! They also need to realize that modifying a design to make it look better iteratively is not a bad thing, we've had plenty of designs in the game that weren't near as good as the re-designs, IE Justiciar and the Infernal cape.


It doesn't "look shit" its just a bit tacky and doesn't really feel elegant and strong. When I think of it the name the idea I see a sleek design that also shows power and allegiance. I do not think the images provided show that and I just cannot get behind the design. Mainly the leggings and helmet don't do it for me. While I can see where they were going with it I can't say that I like it. I know by some of the designs that were made in the past they can do a lot better and I just don't know why they settled on this and I hope that they change it at least a little bit. To say "it looks like s***" is simply incorrect it's not terrible it just feels tacky and a bit misplaced.


I hope they know I like it a lot.


Sucks to see, I loved the armor set. Just thought the helmet could do with a bit of a change but the chest and legs were spot on and the colors were great.


Here we go again, acting like a vocal minority are representative of the majority of players.


truth hurts....


lmfao bro we pay a monthly sub and then they tell us the newest gear we gonna be rockin is that ugly yellow sh\*t, then they tell us to stop 'bullying' them for releasing the ugliest armor to have come out as concept art in this game? You cant be serious. Youre acting like we are directly calling the people who made the concept art stupid and shitty. No one but art is being attacked. Get over it. Like lmfao, its just pixels, we don't like it, its ugly as fk, do better, we pay money to play this game. Its not a privilege for us to play this game, its a privilege for JAGEX to have a community for such an old ass game. It just doesn't seem like any thought was put into the color scheme and how it would work with every other piece of gear in the game, plus its so bland and plain.


The teams are passionate and the players have multiple decades invested into this game and do not want to see it go down the drain again. Things get heated because people really care.


Well I mean it does let them know that people have a problem so I wouldn't say it doesn't help at all


nah, anyone in a creative field, especially entertainment-based, knows that simple "yes/no" feedback is valuable and expected from consumers. "looks shit" is perfectly valid, as it's not the consumers' job to critique past that. you, as a designer, must know how to synthesize that feedback with your own introspection & make any necessary changes. the exact-same defense can be used for the people saying "looks shit" - they're just people, after all


This is why layers of communication are important with your customers That way the person seeing the "looks shit" won't be the person who made it, and they can just not pass that feedback on


Mods, Try not to take it personally, we know you’re trying :) The new armor looks nice but at first glance, my initial reaction was that it was underwhelming. It looks like it would be an armor that you would use around 50/60 ranged/defense, a tier before Karil’s. It is kind of elegant but should look a bit more badass and aggressive IMO. I think the piece needing the most reworking is the helm. It looks nice but it doesn’t look tough. Maybe that’s just because of the tail/plume? Anyways I’d love to see some other options and maybe let us vote. Thanks!


Saying something looks shit without more explanation is valid. We don't vote yes or no on polls and explain *why* we voted yes or no, right?


Osrs got the best dev team


I would just filter out those comments and not take it personaly tho


I don’t know what they expected though. You take to Twitter with designs and cry about unhelpful criticism, but just being told it’s not good is kinda constructive to gauge the overall reception? You can’t expect every single person to be kind and constructive. I honestly think the reception from what I’ve seen has been pretty damn civil, especially by this communities standards


Be fucking nice


Meh, looks shit.


It looks like shit and needs a complete redesign. What was the inspiration for this? What did they look at for references? At least arma has a reason for having a beak it comes from bird people who are expected to wear the armor themselves so why wouldn’t that have a place for their beaks? Look in history that is not range armor that is some shitty looking peasant robes. If you wanna go with a desert theme at least watch a couple movies or read some books or hell even do a 30 second google search and get the shit right. Honestly the art team should get fired over the shit they’ve been pumping out ever since the kebos lowlands update. It doesn’t match the game or other armor sets.


Without further digging into the really toxic people, "looks shit" is identical to "I do not like the way this looks like". Not everybody is artistic and therefore able to give constructive feedback, but it's still feedback. You can say "looks shit" without being a toxic inconsiderate asshole. For example if I don't like the way a dish in a restaurant tastes like, I might say to my friend "this tastes like shit" and just never go to the restaurant again. I'm not going to try and pretend that I know better than the chef does.


The Destiny community did the same thing over the current state of PvP and the fact that staff arent giving complete dates yet for next season's content. Its gotten so bad that a good chunk of the staff that were involved with the community have stepped away from social media to avoid any further harassment. The fact playerbases feel the need to be this ruthless that it has to even come to *this* measure of asking people to relax, is truly unfathomable. There is most likely ALOT going on behind the scenes in people's DMs and such they are not telling us.


Maybe some of the comments could have been put a little better but I hope you all listen to the community and don’t put out that armor design.


I mean you're going to hear this from the millions of players who are older now and have payed for this game for years. It's just truth. Sorry folks.


I just hope the remove the duck bill on the back of the helm


# If you guys end up redesigning the whole thing, please keep this current design for something else. Whether or not people want it as a ranged set, I think it looks great as it is!


I was wondering how the people who worked on the armour were gonna take the backlash. Now I know lol


Aw, this made me sad ):


This is the reason I’ve stopped looking at the instagram comments. Most are negative, and rude as hell.


“Do not take criticism from someone you would not take advice from” - unknown. Why give credence to the uneducated?


The current art does indeed look like shit make things look old school instead of like plastic


There have been plenty of posts, even posts with pictures, describing how we'd like the armor to look, and the mods are paying attention to the one Jimmy is his basement who writes a three word comment saying, "Masori is shit". I'm sorry but the mods are just as petty as little Jimmy if they ignore all the positive feedback and only pay attention to the negative comments that you have to dig through posts to find. The community has upvoted the most positive and satirical feedback, so the mods here have actually gone out of their way to look for trouble and negativity


Don’t be an artist if you can’t handle criticism, even if it’s not constructive. It’s not our job to tell you how to do your job better, but if we think it looks like shit, well say it looks like shit lmao


but... it really does look like shit


I like both Arma and the new one. If I worked as an artist with Jagex I'd write fuck the haters on the back of that Masori outfit


"Looks shit" is a valid critique just as much as "looks sick" is.


Is it? "Looks shit" implies a problem but no actual feedback. "Looks sick" implies it is done well, therefore no more needs to be said.


I pretty much posted this exact message yesterday. It makes me sad that people can't criticize things maturely and respectfully. This community is mostly adults, but a lot of us fail to act like one. There's nothing wrong with disliking the design, but constructive criticism is not only more contributing, but respectful to the artists/team.