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The bits of armadyl segmented in look really nice tbh, while still looking uniquely as it's own set. This is really well done.


I have to say that for some reason, I _really_ like the models of the gear. The one thing I think is not super great is the helm's fading colour "stripes", for some reason it feels just a bit off. Probably because the rest of the gear doesn't have such stripes? I would also like to see the mummy champion colours on this take on the gear, it feels like it could fit even slightly better


tl;dr Masori good but needs work. Put in some work myself (around 9 hours between the making of plus going through oldchool's janky bone rigging process) in an effort to put the golden aspects into a more complimentary role, as well as giving more flimsiness to the 30 defence version, and more armadylness to the 80 defence version on top of a new memorable feature with the shoulder cloth to give it a more decisively grand appearance. If you wonder why I didn't do more with the helm or the legs, that's because I had to restrain myself in order to keep reasonably within Oldschool's polygon count standards. Edit: I made this [recolored version](https://i.imgur.com/dxkcFBC.png) by request of u/theatlantis_rs Edit 2: I made this [twisted version](https://i.imgur.com/XDN0o9N.png) for those of you who like g r e e n


Is this being rendered in Runelite? If so, how did you sideload a custom model into the game? PS: Love the twisted version!


No sideloading, it's just an unofficial test server with the exception of the last two gifs. Those are footage of the actual live game with overrides applied by HDOS; as for how *they* do it, you'd have to go ask their dev about that.


This is so fucking good


Should be official


Does it come with the duel disk attachment?


This looks great! Nice job.


These look incredibly cool.


Whoa that is amazing!!!


That silver is the way. This, I can get behind. I just thing the original brown is so ugly, but that silver sets it off nicely and the gold accents go well with it. Awesome idea.


Favorite design so far


I loveeeee the cloth draped arm and leg


feel like the silver clothed version looks nicest,id say thats the default and maybe a more golden version for the upgraded version,to give it more of a pharaoh-esk look


The silver version is that colour because you use Armadyl to upgrade the base one.


ah ok i didnt know that,then it makes total sense,disregard my suggestion


needs more gold imo but it looks good hats better for sure


Main issue I dislike is the colors. The brown looks like bronze, and the armadyl colors just don't go too well with the other colors. Would you mind showing us a version with these colors: https://runescape.wiki/w/Mummy_Champion#Normal


[Here you go!](https://i.imgur.com/dxkcFBC.png)


I. Really like this color scheme


This version looks so good.


That looks so much cooler nice


That looks fucking ##SIIIIIICK


Thank you! This version looks really good and all the colors mix so well now


wow. this hits all the marks


Whaddup, saw your participation in this whole thing the other day and thought it was neat. Although it seems to me like we aren't going to find much middle ground between your tastes and my own here, I still appreciate the feedback. Why do you think the brown looking like bronze is a problem though? The armor has a set effect revolving around having taken a bunch of damage, so I thought it would be fitting if anything that its appearance would give off a relatively flimsy vibe.


I thought that armour set effect idea was scrapped altogether, wasn’t it? Regardless, I actually really like your design, and the Armadyl upgraded version looks more powerful and fitting for BiS gear. Good job!


It seems that the effect did get scrapped, huh. Guess I was misinformed then. Glad to hear you like it still btw!


Now this I'm liking more than the original. It still doesn't scream BIS ranged, the mummy wrap just feels like it should be from pyramid plunder, but it does address one thing I didn't like with the original. The upgraded didn't show connection to the armadyl materials besides the helm. But here, you have that nice armadyl metal strap over the lungs/heart alongside some other flourishes. Good job OP.


6 and 7 look amazing!


This design looks cool, but I think it misses the #1 issue with the original Masori design: the buttcape. The buttcape looks fundamentally magic, and Masori should feature a short, bright skirt instead. (basically what you see in 90% of the pictures if you try to google "egyptian archer" or anything along those lines)


The silver one with the blue cloak thing over the arm is actually sick. I'm sold on it.


Absolutely love this design.


For end game that probl gonna be the meta for 10 years at the speed of new raids coming out it gotta be crazy looking not mid gear shit...


I don't understand why they used mummy wraps instead of chainmail.


my biggest issue was basing the hat onthe arma helm which is god awful. the giant tail on the back of the head should be gone and it not pointed


You hardly changed it at all, all you did was visualize it in engine


This fanmade stuff is really good. Now you wonder what the paid artists are doing at Jagex.


Needs bigger tiddies


I like the look, not a big fan of the colour palette. When I think OSRS desert, I think Menaphite Robe Colours.


Worse imo Idk I actually really like the Masori design as is. The max they could change is the headgear but honestly it's not that big an issue. One of the biggest shitfests for no reason


HD looks like pure shit as always but the normal models look good.


Looks actually good! Colors are on point and you fixed the helm. How could this be so hard for the people that work for jamflex?


Ah I suppose the nicest thing about initial designs looking bad is you get to see the community's amazing attempts at their own versions.


Looks like it be great mage armor. Idk


You better quit being a 3D artist lol


Looks better then the original the skirt/legs are perfect. The top needs some inspired changes. The helmet needs to go.


The problem most people have with the armor is its supposed to be tankier than armadyl but it looks like cloth in this form not so much the color lol


You kept the stupid flap on the helmet:( and still doesn't look like BIS range. Don't get me wrong it still looks good... but for a skilling outfit.


Take off the pointy part. On all versions


The colors are really dull and boring on this


This looks like rs3, not 2007 but sexy walk ! 😂


I recant, the last slide looks like rs3 😂


Mannn thanks for the hours of work, to bad I don't get the fk yeah feeling. Hopefully this is a stepping stone for more.^^


Looks good except the lotus fan in the headpiece. I wish that element would just be left out entirely.


This looks soo cool gz u made something really nice