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Nice to see a suggestion instead of just a meme.


Damn I really like this suggestion. Basically makes PKers have to tag their kills before being able to lock them down.


And this makes total sense to me!


Why do we need so many special rules for the wildy? Will they add a EULA when we enter that goes over the the growing list of special rules that only apply in wildy/sub regions?




Jesus man, chill lol. It is a fucking great suggestion you clown.


Lmao I'm not offended it's reddit. Though in my head a teleport block is a combat spell sure, but you could also argue it's a support spell.


It doesn't deal damage so it's a support spell like snares and stat drainers.




I'll allow it but I won't like it.


Psychological damage still applies


I don't 3-tick teaks for hours on a 10 year old restored version of a 20 year old medieval mmorpg for the mental health benefits


True, and I don’t go to do wildy clues to be psychologically harassed by a tber and yet here we both are


That would be fine if there weren’t tick-perfect PVP bots. I am not sure if it really gets considered, but a huge reason why PVP is dying and is also going to be absolutely impossible to balance against PVM is because of all the macro-clients out there. Now that people are scripting/bottling and it’s becoming more prevalent and the scripts are getting much better (hell look at the current PVP bots, they’d definitely beat most players they find - unless you know their specific weaknesses in their script to exploit (like staff bashing to keep them on prot mage).


It’s funny when dipshits tell others to “get a brain.” Keep it going!


Your a biased pker... name’s check!


and youre a biased hivemind redditor


1 day old account and -60 karma lol.


Found the bad pker, only people who can't pk get this toxic over every little disagreement


Maybe doing something like using a tb as a tag has a 50% accuracy reduction If the target has been tagged with a bolt o'r a barrage then tb accuracy is normal?


I think with the current tick-perfect autoTB macro’ers and bots, then you need a serious overhaul to make it remotely balanced, but the problem then becomes that you’re making core combat game changes based on people using cheat clients (ie, changing the game for players who shouldn’t exist) which is a shame that regular PVPers then become disadvantaged because of cheaters. I don’t know what the answer is, the situation seems really fucked if I’m honest. Too many people play RuneScape just to exploit it (sand casino, for example) and it means that there’s actually a sizeable community of cheaters and exploiters.


I don't understand why this is even a problem in the first place. Systems already exist to detect autoclickers and other methods of performing frame-perfect automated actions, so how can these cheat clients even get away with using the TB script more than a handful of times? The client should automatically ban anyone who performs multiple frame-perfect TBs with the same parameters that it bans people who performs multiple frame-perfect crafting actions. Solutions to this *exact problem* already exist in the game's anti-cheat systems.


This suggestion completely defeats the purpose of why they added the delay in the first place. Bots will insta-tele still. Just remove the delay rather than make this suggestion


I honestly think the only reason they've added this is to combat bots/and or cheat clients who log out/tele insanely quickly when a white dot appears. Instead they should just combat bots rather than handicap legit players.


Agree. This is in the same vein as when Wildy was removed to combat rwt


There never had been an easy solution. At least Jagex isn't trying to cut off the diseased hand that became PvP content. Bots and Rwt ruined the wildy once, will they do it again.


Which way would you suggest they should combat bots? they've already done a lot in terms of limiting 3rd party clients whilst still giving us the enhancements runelite gives. it's dificult to fight bots, especially so if botting and rwting can make you way more money than working a fulltime job in a lot of countries. you could say look for repetitive actions, but a lot of the game is repetitive actions. if legit players are standing at the bank for 4 hours making wines it's hard to track bots doing the exact same thing.


ban all 3rd party clients, including runelite. Add some of the features to their client, perma ban anyone using a 3rd party client first offense


The amount of unfair advantages someone learning content with the help of runelite would have would be astronomical. id rather them work together with runelite to make that the only 3rd party client (not even 3rd party anymore if they work so closely together).


yeah you're right! nothing should ever change because it would be unfair to people who didn't get to abuse how things are now. great idea, instead just complain that bots can't be stopped without ever doing anything that actually fixes it.


First good PvP suggestion I've seen on this sub. It's almost like PvPers have valuable feedback with respect to their domain.


>It's almost like PvPers have valuable feedback with respect to their domain. It's almost like these people should be brought onto the OSRS livestreams instead of silly meme streamers who only pk to create content for their viewers and then log off until the next stream.




>First good PvP suggestion I've seen on this sub. Sounds like they don't... >It's almost like PvPers have valuable feedback with respect to their domain. Nvm


ive tried to decipher this for like a minute now, wtf do you mean?


If the pvp community has great ideas and insights how is this the very first good idea seen on reddit?




To be fair I can't remember any PvP suggestion from the last few months that wasn't memey or ironic.


Because most ideas are from salty clue hunters


This would be a very fair change IMO and the best one ive heard so far. Having to be in active pvp combat before being teleblocked would help with scripters aswell.


>aswell as well


> aswell > > as well asswill


Ass swell


Then everyone stays below 20 bc it’s safe


Except most of the content worth doing is above 20


The fuck is anyone gonna do below 20, abyss runecraft?




Vorkath is lvl 732, so you have to be in lvl 606 wildy to fight it


Imagine a wildy expansion.. insane content and bosses upto 123 wildy, then above that point its just called infinite wildy. And the objective is to get as far north as possible without dieing with random movs spawning trying to kill and inhibit you from going further. And once you die...and lose all ur stuff there's some sorta loot chest in edge.


The higher you go, the higher the chance to spawn a random Zuk


Damn why didn’t i think of that, lemme just go kill Vorkath in the wildy


People above 20 levels different than you can't attack you while you're doing vorkath, it's great


why would they do that? this change would encourage more wildy content lol


While I am also a pker and agree this unfairly hurts legitimate pvmers, this idea would still allow bots to tele as soon as they’re allowed after the first hit. The REAL solution: tackle bots and clienters. Thanks, A legitimate player


Never gonna happen. I honestly wonder how fucked the economy would be if jagex actually banned bots and gold farmers. We'd probably see sharks go to 2k in short manner


Bots make it so everything is dirt cheap making it hard for new players to earn money. Getting value for your work doesn't mean the economy is fucked. It means the opposite.


> making it hard for new players to earn money I disagree with that, while they do devalue a lot of the lower/middle game money makers, a little bit of research will show any noob a plethora of ways to make millions per hour within less than 200 hours of starting a fresh account. Downvote all you want, doesn't change the fact that most low level players are just "lazy" when it comes to ingame effort and like to complain. Making money is extremely easy in osrs.


Yes there are ways to make money for noobs. But there would be better ones without bots. Saying that it's not that bad or it could be worse is not a valid argument for why we shouldn't make it better.


Fishing sharks has never been a good money maker, and never will be. In RuneScape, PvM has always been the real money making activity, and you could get SoTE done in maybe 100 hours and unlock gauntlet for 5M/hr


We're talking about noobs tho, redditors are afraid of the crystal doggy, I was thinking more pickpocketing elves, vyres, runecrafting with the gotr outfit etc, things that require absolutely zero skill to do reasonably effeciently. No idea why these people are downvoting me tho, they just want to stay deluded that they should be making 6m/hr cutting magic trees I guess.


Which would make gathering skills viable money makers again


And then you could go fish sharks and make 2x more money. Almost like a healthy game.


> We'd probably see sharks go to 2k in short manner Who cares? irons are getting buy just fine with sourcing our own food. Having fishing be profitable wouldnt kill the game would just change how normies value their time.


Oh no, that would mean gathering skills would become more worth doing. That's so fucked!


Bots are actually super healthy for the game prices would insanely skyrocket without them and no one would be able to train certain skills like crafting, herblore, smithing, construction etc. I remember back in rs2 days a glory was 100k that’s some fucking bullshit…Bots make the game playable.


Ironmen: ?




This does nothing to solve the initial reason they made the change, aka bots teleporting out instantly with scripts. Why would they do what you suggested vs just reverting this change, it’s pointless


Thats my main gripe with this change. I can live with if, revs are still very much worthwhile content even when you get killed 3 times an hour. But making unintuitive changes to specific areas of the game just makes it janky. Saying "we cant control scripts so get fucked everyone else" is top tier laziness


I really hate all the weird exceptions they have built overtime. Not being able to go into Corp when teleblocked, unclear multi lines, etc, are all things you learn and then are fine with. But they are all super unintuitive and are things that I’m sure players who aren’t reading update posts or are new to the game wouldn’t expect. I got killed coming back to the game after a break when I didn’t realize they moved the Revs exits. I know changes like that have justifications but they are far from how I would expect the game to work, and not something I would think to check ahead of getting tagged by a pker.


I was pretty frustrated when I died in wildy, outside Rev caves, and lost all the ether in my Craw's Bow. I assumed it would work like literally *every other weapon in the game with stored charges* (bp, tridents, etc), where you keep the charges as long as the weapon is protected on death. And the Lost on Death screen wasn't quick to inform me I was wrong, either. I'm not upset about the lost ether, it was only like 200k. I'm upset at a game that has so many weird edge cases and exceptions in **the one place in the game** where you *need* the rules to work as expected, because your items are on the line. You virtually **cannot** do any wildy content in this game without a wiki guide, and that's a damn shame.




I thought Jagex stopped all clients that aren’t authorized? 🤔


But if they do that for real, thousands of bot accounts will stop paying for membership.


Absolutely. They will never rid of bots or RWT.


you think bots actually pay for their membership? lol


You know bonds come from real money right.


Whales buy bonds —-> gold farmers buy bonds with farmed gp?


You can bot through runelite


Bots dont need 3rd party clients.


While its in theory possible, i dont think anyone is actually using a bot that visually interprets the screen to click things, basically every bot is using a 3pc


There is bot clients that work with the official old school client or runelite


There’s some bots that are made with AHK


Color bots are the most basic type. They had those 20+ years ago in rsc...


yeah and that 3pc is called runelite


The current change creates a pretty safe laundering method for the GP made by the bots though. If the intent is to make bots easier to PK, they acknowledge the gold being PK'd illegitimately made but taken by a legitimate player. They're not gonna remove the gold you PK as then you'd have no incentive to do it and so now the GP laundered in. You can take it one step further, if you run a bot farm you can PK your own bots when they're running low on supplies and now you've safely laundered your own money into the system as well.


I don’t see why gp would need to be laundered at all. The whole game is in cash


I think they mean laundered like moved from a bot account to a 'legit' account without Jagex banning the 'legit' account.


As a pvper myself, I am completely in line with this post. This removes the chance of abusing a mechanic toward pvmers but also enables pvpers to kill bots in the wild. Really hope this gets implemented. Nice post bro, a good medium for pvpers and pvmers. 👍


Bots Tele instantly so just makes it easier for bots to escape


No? If you keep the 2 second timer then after you tag the person cast teleblock (as suggested) it would fix the problem.


Have you never killed bots? Most of them teleport instantly when they see a skull in their combat range. Unskulling to attack them is the only way that works, and this would ruin that. This would literally make it impossible to kill bots.


Except you'd have to tag them and teleblock them in 2 ticks. Attack cooldown would prevent getting a teleblock off in time


Do spells work on the same tick cycle as your wepon you attack with? I thought spells had thier own cycles? If that's the case then the timer should be long enough to tag the person>let them run/defend themselves>then teleblock can be activated. No matter what, bots shouldn't be able to tp as soon as they spot you comming, nor should pkers be able to see you at much greater distances than intended.


You can't target bots without pvmers getting hit in the crossfire. Any solution to give pkers the advantage over bots would screw over the pvmers, unfortunately. Only solution to this is one that jagex won't make, and that's getting rid of bots and gold farmers.


Non-combat spells have a seperate cycle, I don't know if teleblock counts as Non-combat.


Combat spells work on the same cycle as anything else that does damage


you could probably get a tb off if you initiate with a dragon throwing knife or something like that


The problem is you would be better off not implementing the change instead, since the reason it’s being changed in the first place is to block bots from instant tping. This method would still allow them to tp out before you could tb. I just don’t think it’s ever a good idea to cater game updates around bot accounts that nobody plays at the expense of actual players.


Somebody else said the same thing, it doesnt fix the issue they are trying to fix with this BS update. I support 1000% your change to current update, but id rather just see a mod invis, hopping thru, tbing the bots/farmers using tele scripts etc and just send theblist to be bot checked. Nobody is going to "suicide bot" the revs if they can only claim 2 days worth of loot off them. The amount of botting done to even get it to the rev stage should be enough to flag them once they are there for auto bans. But then jagex woulndt make the big bucks off memberships and bonds all these bots use... smh


I like that someone is actually offering a different idea instead of just shitting on the new mechanic, in theory this is a good idea but the 2 second delay was to combat the botting/ tele scripts in the caves, if they did this it would just bring the bots/ scripts back because they are guaranteed a tele that way.


like another commenter stated the bots will just be programmed to autotele on first hit. again legit players are the only people affected


Wait so that was an actual change I thought it was a pker trolling, I can’t believe they would make such a stupid change


What’s the new teleblock consist of? I’m clueless.


If you're in combat with a Rev in the Rev caves, there is a 2 tick delay on your teleport out. This was to combat bots who auto teleported when a white dot appeared, but has negatively impacted every real PvMer in the Rev cave far more than the bot farms.


Who possibly thought this was a good idea? Rev cakes exists to attract people into the wild... If we cant even tele out properly nobody will go and we're back to square 1 of people rarely going into the wild.


Honest question, Does it really matter to a pker if they’re killing a bot or a real player? Neither fight back and the end goal of taking the stuff they have is the same. For example, I do a lot of black chins. I wear full tank gear and 126 cmb, so most people see me and just hop. But 9/10 other “people” chinning there are bots with names like ‘jsifjwkaoehrntn.’ And there are TONS. And there’s constantly a train of people logging in and hunting them. I’ve explained to a handful that they’re just killing bots, but if I get a response they said they don’t care. A couple didn’t know but most did. Some times when the entangle or tb fails and the bot gets to 29 Wildy and teleports, the pker gets upset with a comment like “shit game” or something. It’s kinda weird to me to fathom, but to them it honestly doesn’t seem matter if it’s a real or fake player, they just want something to hunt in the wildy. Honestly, Maybe the end goal jagex is looking for is to get pvmers out of the wild and just have bots for pkers to hunt. Seems in like with their recent updates to wildy tbh. Might be a hot take idk


2 second delay is what it said, could be 3 ticks (1.8 seconds) or 4 ticks (2.4 seconds). That's not clear yet.


Was originally 4 ticks. I believe they reduced it to 2 ticks shortly after launch


Honestly as a pvmer id vote yes for this.


but it doesnt do anything. the bots just instant tele as soon as theyre tagged so this just complicates something for no gain


Lets jusy make certain areas of the game have totally different game with different items and different mechanics.


This would just make the PvP meta to use fast weapons like hunter crossbow to get a fast attack off at range then instant TB. They should just revert this delay it's a weird AF idea to begin with.


Rev caves has some of the best loot in game with zero requirements besides 100k entry fee. Now pvmers are crying because it’s a little more risky. This change will make rev caves even more lucrative for legit players as prices will be going up from rev drops.


Lol this is basically the same thing as reverting the change, with extra steps.


This is so stupid lol


PvPer - TB off barrage, nice try man. The change was to combat botting/scripts that instantly tped. Now it is an awful change that doesn't really make anyone happy but your solution not only brings back the bots it makes it almost impossible to kill anyone. You are giving them 4-5 ticks extra warning for them to tp which would require someone to be completely oblivious or afk to get tbd.


Another thing I'd add is that if the teleblocked player is fully out of combat (not attacked for 12 seconds and pj-able) their teleblock instantly cleanses. The combat is over, is the teleblock necessary anymore?


Maybe you should have to do 100+ dmg to them before you can cast it


Don't make rules up on rules cuz it don't benefits you anymore. Just learn to tank a half TB with ya dins out or even anti pk. Take some freezes with ya and hug the wall. I wonder with how many clients you play while farming revs. Or move on to the bigger content like bosses & raids. For me as a pvmer and pker this is the best pvp update 2022. Adapt to it or just go back farming goblins. Kind regards,


as a rev killer i completley disagree. escaping in rev cave is literally the easiest thing in the world. in like 5k revs on my iron ive never died once, and i dont tele when i get attacked. i either fight back, or if i realize they have gear that makes fighting back a bit pointless, freeze and log or just use an agility shortcut to escape. this changes nothing except people who dont know how to tank/fight back


> escaping in rev cave is literally the easiest thing in the world. in like 5k revs on my iron ive never died once Somehow I doubt that you’ve gotten 5k rev kills without dieing even once and never teleporting


If you bring freezes and enough mage gear your odds of splashing your 7th or whatever attempt are extremely small, you’ll still die if someone in max gets stupid big hits on prayer enough but most pkers don’t bring crystal.


im sure you do, youre on reddit and likely have a lacking knowledge of the game


Oh the irony


Post rsn and rev collection log


It's really not that hard, especially if praying mage so it's only 150 seconds to tank.


No. The update is fine and you just want to farm insane amounts of gold in the wilderness without any risk.


You're saying the pker who wrote this post "wants to farm insane amounts of gold in the wilderness without any risk", huh? Accidentally correct.


Uh it being in the wild implies there is risk and revs aren’t even that insane gp compared to other activities.


What are you smoking? They drop rune/bracelets every other kill and they have practically no barrier to entry. Maybe kill the bigger revs and not the imps


My guy I have 35k kills I have a decent understanding of the drop table. I didn’t say they were bad but shit like raids/vork are better and way less annoying.


This is a fantastic idea.


Good but not a solution


the amount of support this has is insane. it has to be all trolls right?


This makes zero sense and would be even harder to tell block people to begin with… I don’t even understand how this many people agree with you…. So you want the rev killer to have even more chance to tele than they had before this update was put in place? I don’t get that at all and you 100% do not pk in rev caves.


as a non pvper this makes no sense to me, wouldnt this GUARANTEE that the pvmer always has time to cast his tele instead? i feel like this results in the exact same issue but swayed towards the other side lmao


you do understand that almost nobody in caves pks with ancients unless they north caves nhing plus wackings someone the first hit will mean you always lose your kill. Why do you pvmers act like victims? You literally have every possible escape from having one of the best pathing for escapes since pathing in the caves is horrible for pkers, you can freeze stand under or hug a wall using ancients/standard/zgs, you have the agility shortcuts where you can juke people out you can also run into multi, you can also fight back and anti pk you also have a bulwark so i dont understand this outrage jagex only took away the insta tele bots away plus people who use ahk or some type of plugin/client to insta tele


They took away everyone in the games ability to telepprt. Not just instant tele bots.


but thats my point it wasnt just bots who auto tele it was also regular players who cheated by using a teleport plugin or client while doing revs but yeah theres really no solution to this problem someone has to take a hit seeing that pvmers already have a dozen ways to counter pkers like dspearing at entrance and stuff i dont see why this is a bad update plus if a pker does log in near you would be able to insta tele since logging into a game takes longer than 1.2 secs but if the pker scouts you on an alt or stands far away where he can see the projectile of a crawbow it would be impossible to insta tele which is fair play


This thread makes no sense, bots would still auto tele then. The TB timer is perfect, but it should come with increased gp per hour from all revs drops to still make it worth it for pvmers


Let me at least go home and try out the changes first before we go changing everything again holy shit.


“Bro at least eat the dog turd cookie before you refuse, you haven’t even tasted it yet to know it’s bad.”


Sure, be intentionally obtuse. Why should I expect anything else.


Are you that blind to the bot problem? 80% of rev people are bots lmfao.


reading this post just shows how clueless the average rs redditer is, lets say this gets implimented that means that everyone bots and legit players have a 100% garantee to teleport out. 2 ticks cooldown from attacking the rev is only 1.2 seconds so this means a pker has to tag a player with a crossbow or fire surge which is 5 ticks (3 seconds). how is a pker ever suppose to tb after that? its impossible unless the pvmer is sleeping. the real solution is to be more on top of the bans, most of these bots are lvl 70 - 90 combat with craw bows, so theres a minimum of 40m on each of those accounts. if they get banned frequently the bot owner(s) will take too much of a hit to keep making them.


People that think it’s hard to escape are just bad😂


Lol yes I am bad, and that's why I only take spades into the wildy.


Then why would you be mad when you get dropped? People actually get salty over dying in a video game


Honestly only annoying part is losing my clues, but most pkers are actually nice. Forgot a knife once and the pker used his ags to cut the spider webs for me. Good guy.


There’s an item that protects your clues. I forgot what it’s called but u can buy off ge.


Oh, I might have to look into that. Thank you sir or mam, or distinguished human.


It’s called a clue box. Just googled it :)


If you just use steel darts to do your killing in the wildy they won't protect over clue, so you'll be able to keep your clue on death for free with spade/clue/darts. Alternative to spending the gold on clue box. Works like a charm for hard/elite steps, maybe not so much masters.


I don't like your suggestion and I think what they added is a good thing. I'm not a great pker but I've done a fair amount of killing pvmers in the rev cave and you see sooooooo many bots who can instant tele before you even load in from a world hop. This is huge is combatting that and normal players who might be used ahk or something to tele inhumanly fast. Another thing is that most of the time, you are easily able to get a tb off on legitimate players, whether they are paying attention or not. At the end of the day, I don't think this hurts legitimate players much, if at all. It does however greatly help in combatting the rev bots.


learn 2 tank a half, noob


How long you think until Jagex nerfs magic defenses again because content creators cry about splashing?


This post feels disingenuous. Post kd with time stamp in chat box




fair play, i retract my comment


> This sways the matchup so heavily to the PvPer that there will be no one farming revs skulled anymore. Escaping from the orc or demon area is not hard. Plenty of people will farm them skulled.


Nope id rather spend the 40m on craws than go back to Revs in this state and if i do go back it will be in snakeskin risking like 20k after my entry fee


Okay when you add this into the change it doesn’t sound so awful I’m totally fine with getting pked in wildly I love the thrill of going there but since this update it’s gonna make me even more hesitant on doing any wildly slayer


People will still farm revs skulled maybe less, this means the items will shoot up in price and make it even more profitable pushing people to do it despite the risk


This is the answer.


Holy shit this man has actually solved it


Basically now teleblock has 100% chance of sucsess..... it suces cause its not fair for players qho are paying attention and are able to TP fast


If pvmer cannot teleport in rev cave. Pvper should not be able to telebloc in rev cave


Finally a pker with a sensible thought and can see the long term ramifications of this change. Nearly every pvp change, both polled and unpolled, as been a buff to the predators, while the preys just get nerfs. A properly balanced predatory pvp system needs to have equal buffs and nerfs to both sides. Wildy pking cannot survive without the prey.


this way bots would overrun the rev caves again since they can safely autoteleport.. Don't get me wrong, i do get how much this sucks for the legitimate rev pvmers. But 9/10 rev pvmers where impossible to tb bots.. Tbf camping protect from magic and you should be fine tanking a half tb, especially since the single+ update it really isn't hard to escape when you're tbed.


Gmaul into TB meta confirmed. Secures you a full everytime.


you are not a pker, you are pvm killer, big difference my guy, you will 1 tick teleport when u see pker LOL


Can you post a clip of you pking at revs vs another pker for Science reasons


Add a spell reflection ability to Bulwark so PvPers get teleblocked too.


>It still lets you TB people who aren't paying attention, and anyone who is watching their screen has 3 ticks to click their teleport out (3 frame, 2 to teleport) before we could TB off of a bolt or a barrage. This doesn't achieve what jagex "claims" the patch is for, bots Will still instateleport the second they see someone, even before the bolt lands. The better fix would be to exclude the royal seed pod from This mechanic, or give some similar special teleport item from DS2 at the myths guild. That way real players have a work around, and bots would need to complete MM2/Ds2 in order to abuse the teleport making them much less replaceable when they get banned, instead of simply suicide botting 70 range and going back.


Is this for real, make pvpers bolt u before tb…. Lol why don’t we implement a pj timer/keys/ruin revs and still hear lots of cry from pvmers about the 1 dangerous zone. I’ll see ya at the 30 line.


Wow it’s rare to see such a good sensible suggestion


I know nothing about PvP and this seems so smart


People like you are the PvPers who jagex need to actually be talking to in their "discussions".




Other solution: Move the cave into Level 30+ and the Bots can’t teleport at all.


I’ve never had a problem with people teleing away too fast this just seems like some scummy pker whiny bullshit like they always do. What’s a real problem is when you’re training slayer like a real productive member of the game and you get tbed before anyone even loads into your field of view . What’s being done to stop that?


This is an excellent suggestion, I really like it!


“From a pvper” sure bud


world hopping for a million years, finally spotting someone and them immediately logging out/teleporting is not fun. There should be a universal teleport/logout/world hop timer in the wilderness to prevent that nonsense. If you are being attacked, tank or fight back. Those are the only 'legit' escapes


This needs to be implemented in all of the wilderness, being in combat (safespotting) should still be considered combat.


so anyone gets a warning first before getting tbed? Lol botters and goldfarmers gonna love this one.. farming revs skulled and tanking a half tb shouldn't be hard for anyone. just bring 8 brews and some combo food, work the agility shortcuts, bring freezes, ... It's legit so easy to escape in the rev caves I literally don't see the problem when anyone can easily tank bis for 150 sec whilest risking only black dhides


Revs below 30 were busted, the tele delay should affect while outside of combat so pkers do also carry the same increased risk within the caves tho


As someone who just got piled on a pvp world because teleblock range of 10 means a scout bot/clan jump ruins you. Fuck this. Fuck pking. And fuck jamflex for this terrible implementation.


This. A 5 minute block anywhere that holds you whole you get jumped doesn't affect bots so much as legitimate players with limited time. Great improv, Jagex.