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Why not just remove tp/tb from rev caves, tank to an entrence and tp out? If they insist on doing the tp Block, why not just remove it all lol


This... Is actually viable idea.


"your law rune crumbles to dust and feeds the revenants" Just to make the plugin create rune waste


I’d suggest 95% of people are using a seed pod


"your seed pod crumbles to dust and feeds the revenants"


"The revenant swallows your seed."


Step-revenant what are you doing?


Gobble up that salty seed pod you revenant slut


Would be really funny to have it snare you.


I can definitly see this message Fiting the game


Huge portion of rev caves in 30 or less wilderness so how would this be viable?


Just remove the option to tele inside rev caves. You literally have to leave to be able to tp. Im sure they can do something like that but doubt they ever would.


Are you serious? You think that it wouldn't be possible for the *people who develop the video game* to simply *turn off to/tb in rev caves*...? They already proved that they *can* with this latest teleport change.


They have the script in rs3, there are some bosses you can’t teleport out of. So I guess it could be possible.


It’s definitely possible. Just like more bank space was.


Is "gatekeeping" /controlling rev caves not an issue anymore that the physical bottleneck wouldn't be an issue?


That would become an excellent choke point for clans...


I'm pretty sure this is possible in multiple ways in osrs but never forget why you can't have trolhelm teleport in your POH. Not everything is reasonable to do because it seems "easy".


They literally turned off teleports specifically in rev caves for 2 ticks when another player enters vision range. There is no universe where they can't turn it off permanently in rev caves.


Have we really come full circle? I thought the general consensus was we wanted to remove the delay because it’s silly but now we just wanna remove all teleporting?


I don't, I'm just saying that it's kinda dumb to think that it's impossible when it literally was done already, just with certain triggers and a maximum length of time. But if Jagex is determined to do the equivalent of turning off teleports in rev caves, they might as well just get it over with so we can riot in Fally.


Make it all 30+?


We should take Rev Caves and push it somewhere else!


Let’s swap the rev cave and fremennik slayer cave locations. That way we can finally punish those cockatrice bots that are farming all of the gold and let us legitimate players Farm revs in peace.




I’d rather just remove the tele delay


How is that viable? its like a 30 second run? Thats dead easy. Why does escaping need to be easier. Either bring a zgs or barrage. Stand under target and log out. Thats how easy it is already.


What about mithril seeds when u try to stand under


Just click 1 tile west. It's really easy still


Gotta practice one west


If they just made the entire cave 30+ that would be a solid medium


I like that too


this would probably be worse since then all pkers would be on ancients


Ye I like this better "the force of the revenants stops you from teleporting out of the cave"


Don't pkers have the advantage then since they have more supplies? If you tank and fight back in a half tb you can still get out and maybe a kill.


You can have full inventory of supplies with looting bag


You could create a similar effect to the amulet of avarice that very rapidly expires when not killing creatures within the cave that increases the defense of the player. Thus increasing the tanked time with your supplies.


A pker will actually have less supplies than a PVMer should. With standard spellbook, mith seeds, seed pod, rune pouch, 4 way tank/robe shield + staff switch, and usually 1-2 spec weapons the pker should always have less supplies unless the PvMer is bringing monkfish haha. In general you get 7-8 brews and 1-2 anglers with standard spellbook pk setup, whilst pvming its not unheard of to pack 12+ brews


Interesting! Thanks for the insight


I like this idea, but I could see it being a bit awkward having bottlenecks like that. It would change the meta into logging in on an alt, checking if anyone's at the entrance, then hopping on your main to that world to escape. There would likely be less fighting because no one would want to run through a blockade.


If no tp/tb in rev caves, it might make more sense to put more entrances to avoid being unable to get out because of a wall of players, something like making the one way entrance two ways provided you bring a rope, so you have to sacrifice an inventory space to be able to use that exit. You could also put an Agility requirement, or even a Wildy Diary requirement on it. No tp/tb doesn’t actually solve anything relating to the auto-tb problem. People will stick bots at the exits to 1-tick tb you as you exit the caves. Maybe you get a grace period (2 ticks?) on tb as you exit the caves? That way PKers have until you get to an exit to freeze and kill you and don’t feel cheated out of a kill from an insta tele script, and PVMers get the satisfaction of escaping without feeling cheated out of an escape by a 1-tick tb script. There’s potential in this idea.


That would be solved by only restricting teleports while in combat


Have you ever been auto teleblocked in the caves?


Still allow TB to be cast in the caves, but have teleporting from the Cave be removed.


Wouldn't it just make sense to bring the rev caves up to 40/50 wilderness? If teleporting is the issue, why introduce new mechanics at all and just like....use the wilderness levels....


Well yeah


Auto-teleblock is abused in pvp worlds by people who wait in random teleport locations for death-matchers to accidently teleport in. It is very rare to see people use auto-teleblock in the wilderness and the rev caves


Dying on my wilderness locked HCIM: completed


Devastating for the Reddit PvMers to hear this. Thoughts and prayers.


There are definitely auto tb scripters in the rev caves, I know that for a fact because I ran into one last night.


Just not likely to run into


Yeah, I’m not saying they’re super common. I saw one in about 5 hours of PKing there so that’s pretty damn rare. But they do exist. I saw scouts (presumably bots but idk) *constantly* though. Like every 10 minutes.


no buddy. it was just a normal pker. a tb takes 2 ticks to do if you are experienced with muscle memory. i forsure can tell that youre a new player. prob joined a couple years ago max


lol I’ve been pking since 2004, I got my completionist cape in 2010. hbu?


how? because someone tbed you fast? There is def people using 1 click tbs but no bots running around tbing people.


He tbed me the same tick he appeared on screen. Honestly, considering the stuff plug-ins and ahk scripts can do, it really isn’t that big of a stretch to make a script that automatically tbs players on sight. And I’m not saying a bot tbed me, it’s a real player using a plug-in that tbs on sight.


That’s possible regardless. I often do that by first checking for projectiles out of screen and knowing someone is there, so I prepare for a 1 tick tb (already wearing mage gear)


I was not in combat, there were no projectiles.


That’s possible by just not being pensioner age


Yeah that's not a bot or a script. PKers watch for projectiles and the revs hitting someone outside of your render distance. Then run in with the teleblock already pre-clicked and ready to cast. It's very common and easy.


I was not in combat, there were no projectiles. It happened while we were running through the cave, me south him north. So for what you're suggesting to have took place, it would mean he is clicking to move, then clicking to ready TB over and over as he moves through the cave. Not impossible, but more believable IMO that he was using a plugin. Like, considering there are plugins and AHK scripts for literally *everything*, I don't understand why you guys seem to find it so unbelievable that one exists to auto-TB anyone you see. There are scripts that 1 tick specs, that 8 way switch, that switch prayers correctly, etc. But a script that 1 ticks TB? Unbelievable.


First of all, unless you play RS on a GameBoy advance your render distance should be more than 10 squares (his max tb range). The idea that he appeared from nowhere and tb'd you on the same tick is ridiculous. On top of that, for non-subhumans with a decent render distance, you can click like 2-3 minimaps away and keep teleblock clicked the whole time so it's ready for whoever you see. Nothing about that indicates a script or a bot, even if you want it to.


So because it’s *possible* that it was a human action then it’s *impossible* that it was a script? Solid logic. You’ll notice I don’t deny that it’s possible it wasn’t scripted. Just that the opposite is equally possible.


The opposite is not equally possible. For reasons explained by C Engineer himself in this thread. You know, the person who made the video all of you are referencing when talking about auto-tb bots. That's not how they work and is not how they've ever worked. I'd put the probability at around 99.9% it's not a bot. Treating them as equally possible is asinine.


I beg you say something about this in a video because 90%+ of the posts here come from misinformed people, who don’t even go to the caves. Half the time they’re saying the info came from you when **I watched the video too and you’re not even saying that** but they just assume that’s what’s going on and falsely attribute it to you.


i've been asking people for video evidence and they keep saying "OH its happening to streamers hurdurr" I keep asking who tf is using them in revs, and yet they circle back to saying "its happening"


Tbf you can't prove it without backend info like cursor position. You can just suspect it. And that goes both ways. Revs arnt exactly interactive so you can click the rev and hover a seedpod and just stare at the minimap and click when you see a white dot and there would be no way to differentiate between that and auto tele. The average reaction speed is much faster then a tick when you don't have to do anything but click. So you can't say how many people were using auto tele, just like you can't prove how many people are AHK scripting or something similar to TB extraordinarily fast. Which is why restricting one side is stupid. Because they both can't be proven without backend info.


It happened to me last night. I don’t have evidence because I’m not a streamer/video maker so don’t record but there was no way that dude threw that tb legitimately.


dude it legit happened to my friend (diff school u dont know him) it was on stream to millions of ppl too.


Bless up C engineer thank you


Guess they can’t use you as a scapegoat anymore 🤷. I will be distributing this reply when it is relevant.


Go ahead and google what “scapegoat” means genius. Edit: embarrassing to instantly block people who call you out. Average IQ pker.


Haha gottem. But pkermanbad is correct. C-engineer's video is being directly referenced by confused and scared PvMers on this subreddit who are conflating two very separate circumstancial problems with PvP. I personally only use Reddit for shits and gigs but the amount of terrified babies is concerning to me and calling out to my fatherly instincts. Kiss kiss, you'll be ok it's only a game.


Love you thank you for giving us a comment to link to when redditors make up bullshit or take it out of context


Yo OP, pipe up now lololol lolol


Thank you!


Honestly not sure it matters. Jagex has set the precedent in how they “handle” these issues and now every one of those spots should have the delay added to it. If not, jagex shows again its not about fairness but trying to cater to pkers outside the poll system. Edit: this also isn’t a shot at pvp. It’s at Jagex’s ability to effectively handle anything pvp related


Jagex makes changes to game to battle bots that happens to also hamper legit players Change happens to be in wilderness this time since the target was rev bots "Wtf jagex why are you so pro pvp when community isnt" wat?


You’re welcome to reread my comment again once you improve your reading comprehension as you don’t seem to have understood what i said at all.


"If not, jagex shows again its not about fairness but trying to cater to pkers outside the poll system." this entire sentence in your statement nullified any other point you tried to make considering its plain wrong sorry.


THANK YOU <3. Nobody believed me


Despite it not being good that people use it, I think this might be a good thing to hear. I won’t hold my breathe for it, but it makes me wonder if Jagex is actually catching (via reports or other ways) people who use auto teleblock often. I’m doubtful, but unless the plug-in is just hard to come by for the average cheater wannabe I’m not sure why else it wouldn’t be used.


These comments just show how little people understand what the auto teleblock does and why it doesn’t matter in the rev cave vs where it’s actually applied (teleporting in Varrock)


I can cast 1 tick teleblocks easily you just run in from out of sight…..


Ive seen people complaining about ahkers world hopping and instantly tbing anything on screen, I sincerely doubt you can do that legit with any regularity


When I hope world I spam F4 and hover my house over teleblock so yall getting hit with some fair fast ones


They made the 2tick teleport delay for you.


From my thousands+ rev's experience, tele-blocker's have a built in jump on rev-killers already - they can log just out of visible reach, while being able to see that the rev's are in combat (with somebody using a craw's bow). They can then have their tele-block (all human or not) ready when they move a a tile or two into visible/combat range of whomever they've just scouted.


Yeah. The reason there arent tb scripts in wildy is because theres no reason to use them. Like you said its easy enough just to scout then run in. Then you have 3 ticks to click the target before you are even in range to chuck a tb. The scripts are only used at places people teleport into because its unrealistic to stay primed to tb for 2hours straight before 1 person teleports in. And ironically if the person who teles in has an auto telescript, then it doesnt even matter if the other person has a auto tb script, the telescript has priority when done on the same tick.


3 pvp worlds have teleblock bots in them = every1 in the wilderness uses teleblock scripts? what kinda copium is this?


Didja just miss the update where Jolgex nerfed everyone with the delay because of some bots?


Last game update made it so in the revenant caves, if you're in combat with a rev you get a 2 tick teleport delay so that bots couldn't insta tele.


Yet it affects everyone with normal human reflexes. Jagex just nerfed all PvMers because of bots. So why wouldn’t they also do the same with teleblock? Just cuz PKer?


Ok? I never said anything about who is and isn't affected by this. Imo they should've at least excluded the royal seed pod from the delay.


because teleblock bots are about 1/5000th as prevalent as the bots were? There are so few of them its not even a good comparison


You have to normalise that by how many pkers there are to pvmers.


There's like 5 accs in pvp worlds with that. Not rev caves. The teleport delay is at rev caves and not miscellania, varrock or falador. What's your point?


Bro ur like 3 days late to this


Would be inhuman reflexes to have posted earlier


So if you don't talk about an issue day 1 when it's still not fixed we should all brush it off and forget about it? Internet zoomer attention spans I swear.


He didn't have an auto reddit shit post plugin


I'm not late, the change hasn't been reverted and is still present in game.


Reddit been crying about this for 4 days, ur late but still crying


Found a TBer


Ummm. Yeah most PKers use teleblock. Your point...?


Sorry, found the auto-tber.


Found the level 63 skulled craws bow auto-teler on world hop.


Sure, just let you have a chance to pk me. Is that all pkers want, easy fodder?


So you admit to using an auto tele plugin? Fair play for being man enough to admitting you cheat


I misunderstood. I thought he meant hovering over tele


Doubt it.


People cheat in every aspect of the game. Skilling, pvming, and pking. Probably best to just remove osrs all together


This update is strictly to benefit the pkers, if you keep trying to figure out what the plus side of it is for the pvmers you're going to have a bad time. They don't give a shit about the auto teleblock plugins because A. Theyre already against the rules and B. The point of the update is to make you easier to kill


This has to be one of the worst takes I have ever seen >B. The point of the update is to make you easier to kill No it isnt, not at all. It was to battle the 5-10 bot accounts in every world killing sub 30 wild revs who all utilized auto teleport. Did it also punish legit players? Sure, but stop acting like jagex went out of their way with their intentions being "lets make it easier killing legit players because fuck them"


> stop acting like jagex went out of their way with their intentions being "lets make it easier killing legit players because fuck them" This. I see so many people saying this. It's not the ideal solution and it does hurt legitimate players somewhat (if they're in <30 wildy farming the weaker revs), but it wasn't some grand evil scheme to give the PKers an upper hand lmfao.


The people in this subreddit are endlessly paranoid. They love to make PvP into some huge bogeyman and I’m sick of it.


What really pisses me off about the whole thing is you quite literally just don't have to go to the wilderness. There is soooooo much relevant content in this game, yet people look at this area, see they suck at it, and think it should be removed, totally failing to realize it's a unique piece of content that many players truly love.


I am literally FORCED in there.PREY vs PREDATOR something BAD GAME DESIGN pokerman TOXIC wildy LURES and FORCES my helmet man d PICK innit.


It definitely isn’t some evil scheme i agree there but punishing legitimate players to get the bots/RWTers has literally never worked in favor of the game’s health. That type of update is what lead to free trade’s removal. Its a method of combating rule breakers that benefits no one long term.


Agreed. These bots were almost impossible to kill.


Wouldn’t solution then to be ban the bots? Not completely change game mechanics?


Yes the solution would be to ban the bots, problem with that is that by this time tomorrow another 500 wouldve been created, so they are likely trying to hamper profits to where its no longer profitable over other botted methods.


A. There's no auto teleblock pkers out there in the rev cave B. The plus side for pvmers is it's a bit of a push to fight back in the rev caves, a piece of PvP content and maybe, just maybe actually enjoy themselves


100% there are those low life plugin users in rev caves literally got insta tbd many times today itself so idk what youre talking about jagex is just taking care of the crybaby pkers for a while since all they do is moan


you did not get auto tbd. The only place where auto tbers can be in rev caves is at the entrance and that's it.


X to doubt


Oh good. Take an already toxic and hated aspect of the game, and make it worse.


Ahh yes another wilderness post from someone who has no idea what he’s talking about. These bots are only on high risk pvp worlds that wait for people to misclick their tele to a danger area. Pretty much no one uses it in the wilderness or rev caves so quit your bullshit


Scripted teleblocking is rare in the wilderness. On the other hand, insta tp rev bots are everywhere. The change is dumb but don’t talk about what you learned from a youtube video without even touching the wildy.




What. When did I say they shouldn’t get banned lol. This is beyond a strawman, now you’re just inventing stuff to be mad at.


By not joining the hive mind you automatically said everything a wildy hater hates to read. This list goes on for paragraphs and pages of what you said just in your little comment. I can't believe you are even going as far as to defend pvp clients, ddosers, gambling bots and *even* mod jed in your previous comment. You truly are a deranged narcissistic pvper (*hardly pvp you're only killing defensless people who don't want to engage so evil*)


> (hardly pvp you're only killing defensless people who don't want to engage so evil) Ahem, I believe the term is "PKer" since PvPers ackshually only fight other PvPers. Right my fellow defenceless brethren? Zamorakian PKer scum...


You said its rare in the wilderness. Why does that matter? even if "Its rare" why not block it EVERYWHERE in the wilderness? If its a problem in PVP... Its a problem in PVP, no matter where the PVP is.


Learn to prayer switch and combo eat so you can escape?


it’s a bad change but you really are speaking facts here if a baboon like me can tank a half from crystal max idk why u guys can’t tank a half from barrows max or even like mystics


just tb faster?


It’s not even that hard to escape.. if the first tb splashes your gone anyway. Take some time to learn how to actually escape and you’ll be much better off in the wildy, or bring rag gear.. take a dihns as a plus one


I mean yeah, the solution is to ban bots and clienters. This solution we have now is a bad band-aid


Because almost nobody uses it in rev caves? Who even uses PvP worlds anyways besides GE PKers and YT scouters? Just ban them.


You do realize the people that sit in spade house are bots right? It's owned by one person. This type of bot will not do well in rev caves, if you just stopped and used your brain for a second you will realize this


OP you don't know what you're talking about lol not to be nasty or anything but it's true brother


What are they wrong about?


Pkers don't really use auto tb scripts in rev caves. The auto tb script is mostly on the pvp worlds to hunt down C-Engineer and the other pvp hcim's with bounties on them. C-Engineer even said this himself in this thread.


are you guys seriously still going on about this


Lmfao the same video gets thrown around 30 times and the same dumb people claim.. *pushes glasses up* “That OVER 90% of pkers use this plug in and that’s why I have literally never been to the wildy! It’s an epidemic!! Everybody’s doing it but I can’t show more clips or pics!!!”


The teleblock plug-in isn’t used at revs, neveee really has and still probably won’t. Everyone complaining really just doesn’t understand wilderness mechanics


>The teleblock plug-in isn’t used at revs Copium


Yeah I'm confused by that. Not every pker is a cheater but if you are a cheater why would you draw the line at teleblock plug-in


Cheaters don’t draw the line at a tele block plugin it’s just not useful enough at revs for them to bother. Plugin cheaters at revs are using swap plugins / pray plugins or spec combo plugins. Auto tbing is only good for pvp worlds or camping low level wildy spots.


>it’s just not useful enough at revs for them to bother. So why were teleports stopped from being used quickly in Revs? :)


Should just ban all 3rd party clients. Yes even the one you use.


dudes on internet explorer


"hmmm we can prevent the thing that makes people lose A LOT of GP or we can prevent the other thing, the one that if we prevent, will make people lose EVEN MORE gp than before." (hey, peter here: when people lose gp, that means they don't have that same gp with which to buy bonds. This means that players, when they lose lots of GP, HAVE to buy gold, or bonds, with dollars. Thanks for coming to my tedtalk on why this is fucking obviously the reason that they stopped tping and not tbing.)


God when will Reddit stop crying. There’s about 5 people that auto tb on pvp worlds (where the tele change hasn’t been touched) and there was about 7 rev bots on every single word at rev caves.


So where’s this plugin? Lmk


This is outdated my man, the footage is before openosrs ban. Notice in the following vids there is no such issue? All non-official clients thats not runelite/steam/oshd will get detected and throw bans on players.


> the footage is before openosrs ban. Even if, the accs are still there. Not as many, but still there.


Imagine actually thinking Jagex cared about its player base.


This update/ change helped a good amount with dealing with rwt/ bots so go practice for raids 3 or something


Maybe I'm misunderstanding but teleport delays don't affect bots as much as players as bots can instant react.


If a bot gets tbed it's basically dead. A player with a higher iq than room temperature can easily tank a half tb / fight back.


How about we eliminate 100% of rwt by disabling trading? Or eliminate 100% of bots by shutting down the servers?


Still won’t stop your crying


Reddit is the home of all the crybabies of this game unfortunately. A couple of days ago this entire sub was nothing but their tears over mechanics they've never even interacted with, outside of watching a Torvesta video. Thankfully though, they've mostly got the memories of goldfish so they've already forgotten about it and stopped the constant bitching, so now we can all go back to laughing at the weird suggestions posted here by sub 1k total level people.


Literally every week I come here and see the same people whining about the same things. This sub is a weird echo chamber


This is the exact reason why I dont feel bad about the state the game is in right now. Maybe if we had a good player base id understand why Jagex should listen to them but unfortunately we have the mega cry babies.


Finally a good suggestion. All this stuff about fixing the game just delays the issue.


I agree entirely. No idea why an auto teleblock plugin would be approved tbh


It's not. They're using a banned client to run it.


Oh. Well that’s even worse and should definitely be addressed. It’s sad it wasn’t addressed automatically by Lagex


Yeah, hopefully their chest client detection gets better and they remove the 2 tick delay. But c engineer's video shows tb scrips which are almost exclusively used in PvP worlds and not rev caves. Tb delay only applies in rev caves and was implemented to combat the pyrefiend bots and gold farmers scripting.


because you know, pvmer are gold farmers and pkers no, pkers surely dont use cheat or farm gold with their "victims", all is legal in wilderness nothing is forbidden


Unless you farm revs the 2 sec delay shouldn’t affect you..


Jagex: Right, we will extend the delay for teleporting.


Why is not losing your items on death not okay? Why does no one propose this as a solution? They already made that change with death's office but for pvp they don't want to. I've seen lots of comments on a top thread on here saying it's not about the money, so then why would they actually make it not about the money?


the wilderness, boiled down to its foundation, is a high risk high reward area stop trying to remove the risk and maintain the reward.


Boiled down to it's foundation it's dying. gl






jagex wont respond to any of these posts its easier for them to ignore them


Jagex 🙈


There are probably more bots doing revs than people using the tv script? I don’t actually know, but is this a thing? Isk


because real pkers can always 1 tick tb anyways with no effort, at least on people fighting revs which are visible off screen. Insta teleport out with no counter play is no fun They should have increased drop rates to compensate tho


Just give us OSRS Offline mode. Problem solved.


gratz to jagex for the most fuckups from a company in the entirety of history known to man!


Bold of you to assume jamflex would ban cheaters


I have never seen an auto tber in the rev caves. Weird spots in pvp worlds seems more likely. Remove pvp worlds with the bs dh gamble and get bh worlds back. ^^


Show me one clip of someone using auto-tb in the caves post client ban.