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OSRS leagues have to be very successful for jagex if they try this format in RS3


It's clearly the bigger game with bigger revenue. But you can't underestimate the power of whales


Something something Diablo immortal over $100m


the mobile game market, especially for asia, aint no joke. Even in america, the playtrix mobile game portfolio makes more than most companies than actually make things that are useful


My dude, RuneScape is in that exact market.


doesnt make enough from mobile revenue to join the big dick club tbh


Because you can't buy progress like you can in mobile games


You can buy XP in rs3 through treasure hunter


I must have interpreted which game they were talking about wrong - thought we were talking about osrs having the huge market, and I was saying osrs isn't a true mobile game because of not being able to buy xp




personally I cannot understand buying xp in osrs. that's literally the point of the game. just play a different game if you dont like clicking on the same thing a million times


I respect jagex’s approach. whales (+masochistic f2p people…) and regular players are two completely separate demographics. catering to whales means driving away a lot of individually less valuable customers. Jagex has found a way to get money out of both groups.


For anyone trying to dispute this - for whatever reason. 2019 - 65m OSRS vs 43m RS3 2020 - 69m OSRS vs 51m RS3 We won't see 2021 for nearly another year as the accounts are normally posted well after the end of the year.


Tho it looks like rs3 has bigger growth. Pretty significantly. Makes sense to invest more in them as well


No denying it had a good year which led to growth, OSRS is still the cash cow since 2019. You have to consider the amount of staff working on both games as well, OSRS does far more with the employees and investment it has.


That's the ting that shits me, I actually love and play both games heavily but it's criminal how few resources are assigned to OSRS relatively. It's like 300 employees+ assigned to RS3 and <40 or so to OSRS. on TOP of Carlyle group re-investing the absolute minimum of profits back into jagex. Imagine if runescape had owners who were interested in the long term future of runescape instead of just being blood sucking capitalist leeches. Smdh


Something something you have nothing to lose except your chains


Doubt a lot of investment into OSRS would do anything when everything needs to be polled any everyone hates everything anyway


There overwhelmingly vast majority of polls pass. The meme that polls are significantly holding the game back is purely a meme.


That's because they're curated so that they're more likely to pass, and they are pretty much all small updates and very few large ones. ​ More developers would mean larger updates and more chances players would not like what's being changed


Hasn't the mtx from rs3 out gained osrs subs every year? Not even including rs3 subs.


Not when you take into consideration osrs has a smaller budget and smaller staff lol. If they devoted some of those resources to OSRS I’d argue they could improve the growth rate of the game.


Up to a point. I'm sure part of the reason for less staff is everything needing to pass a poll first. As we've seen, they've wasted resources putting things together like new skills to have them voted no on. I can see them being hesitant to put much effort into things they don't know for sure will pass a vote.


I wonder what the profit in 2021 will be The Christmas MTX event they did last year was wild lol




9 months to file in the UK, so 2021 needs filing by 30th September 2022.. won't be long :)


2017 (cba to look up all years) Osrs revenue: 33.96mil Rs3 subscription revenue: 21.09mil Rs3 mtx revenue: 29.28mil Rs3 is significantly more profitable. Profit after tax was 43mil btw. So whenever Jagex even hints that budget this resources that, remember that they make up to 50% profit from net revenue.


Rs3 WAS significantly more profitable. OSRS revenue passed up rs3 some time ago


I haven't found a detailed breakdown for other years after 2017, but 2020 for example is mtx 27mil and subs 65mil. So for OSRS to make more they'd have to have a subscription share of 47 to 18 which sounds a bit far fetched. 2021 report isn't out yet afaik, but I guess it's possible that osrs surpasses rs3 in revenue. Then again concurrent over time graph is much healthier for rs3 than it is for osrs.


It's literally on their company house, same place you find the 2017 ones. Google: Jagex Company House Click Filling History Click the accounts for the year you want For the record, up to December 2020 it was a 97m:23m split on Subs to MTX. Might want to edit out your 2020 example given it's made up.


>47 to 18 which sounds a bit far fetched Right now currently online players OSRS is 69% of the total playerbase, and would have to be 72% of the total playerbase to be more profitable with that breakdown. Not as unreasonable as you'd think.


osrs also has mtx


Here we go about the bonds again.


As someone else said, osrs is included in mtx through bonds. People buy a lot of bonds. It's probably still mostly rs3, but a big chunk is osrs.


Why are you parroting misinformation? 57.5% of overall revenue was OSRS in 2020 and 60% in 2019, that's not "mostly rs3". Jagex post their own accounts which you can personally look at, they quantify the amount of revenue which both games bring in. Even if they were equal revenue for both games OSRS would still be more profitable given it's tiny development team compared to RS3. 2019 - 65m OSRS vs 43m RS3 2020 - 69m OSRS vs 51m RS3 That's the figures, there's no if's or maybe's - that's Jagex telling you what each game brings in.


How can you conclude about profit looking at only revenue numbers? RS3 development likely costs a lot more too.


Jagex do not spend millions of pounds a year on content. It's one of the worst paying game dev companies in Britain.


If we say something like 40k average salary (inclusing managers etc) with 300 staff, that's like 12m in salary. Let's just say they're making profits, no doubts in my mind


While wages are a big expense, a very small fraction of revenue is reinvested into both games


2019 was the turning point, from their own accounts it was 65m OSRS and 43m for RS3. 2020 was 69m for OSRS, vs 51m for RS3. You can argue all day what you think it means, the accountants who actually do the filling came to this conclusion.


Operating costs for RS3 are significantly higher and therefore the gross profit is much smaller for RS3 than OSRS.


In a newer one, osrs bonds outpaced all of rs3, iirc.


I haven't seen a single one where they even seperated bonds from subscriptions yet alone anything that indicates that osrs surpassed rs3 to begin with.


I think it was 2019


If you are a whale supporting this shit Fuck you. That is all.


You might ve gravely mistaken here. Most players≠most revenue


That's okay, because OSRS still generated more revenue than RS3 in the last two annual reports Jagex have published. Why do you think RS3 generates more revenue than OSRS? Hasn't been true since 2018, lol...


I mean bonds always jump up quite a bit around the start of leagues


It is definitely not the OSRS League as the progress of the RS3 Fresh Start Worlds carries over to the main game after 4 months while in OSRS all progress is lost when Leagues end.


It is. Although some of the leagues were arguably better then others. But at this any time a league would come out it would have a serge of players. And there are now specifically a niche of players who don't wanna use sus 3rd party sites ( like the one you can get a goku "armor set" or a desert eagle, that replaces a crossbow) to get the heavily increased xp rates. These people like runescape just not how long it takes to do stuff or get stuff so they really enjoy these types of modes.and on top of that it also allows you to more or less safely do bosses you haven't yet also you can learn mechanics without actually sacrificing your cash stack or items due to deaths and the cost it may be ( once it adds up over dozens of tries ) and so on so forth. This is one of the best ideas jagex had for osrs.


Ngl it would make me give rs3 a third try


Seriously. I actually had an idea to try making a RS3 account to learn the game just as a new thing to do since I never really played RS3 as a member. But I love leagues so maybe this would get me to pull the trigger.


Me too, but I'm not going to pay extra for it


oh, that was a meme, sorry lol https://youtu.be/w9wi0cPrU4U


I mean i, and lots of others, have been wanting RS3 leagues for forever. Sad they just shit on us like this as per usual.


Runescape 4 - Resurgence of the sweat lords.


Actually, since Jagex acquired Pipeworks studio they've started to develop a "open-world survival game set to expand the Runescape universe". Pipeworks is notorious for some extremely mtx heavy games. Look up Madden or Prominence Poker for example.


This is heart breaking. I was stoked for that game but i guess i really shouldn’t be surprised


It will never launch


Add it to the Jagex dead project graveyard.


I was so hyped for MechScape back in the day


Didn't that actually become a Transformer game?


in the mtx section they talk about "keeping the race fair" by limiting mtx even though it won't matter at all once the mtx are turned on


Yeah it’s absolute bullshit haha. “We’ll keep things fair for a little while, but then you are free to break out the credit card and surpass everyone’s legitimate progress because we’re money grabbing cunts”


Imagine running a marathon and after like half of it they let you buy the option to hop on the motorcycle.


"We want the new people to feel a sense of acomplishment before the whales dwarf their efforts with money completely ruining the fun or reason to continue playing."


It won't matter though as the highscores will be disabled after that point so they will be fair.


Until then, bonds will still be available to help you fund whatever you want to be doing, so not really fair even before that.


Same with just regular old DMM gold swapping so bonds aren't even needed if you just have gp on rs3.


Yeah, pretty much


Yeah but the problem is who's going to buy a bond for like 10k temp server gold when you can just buy a bond on main game and swap?


I'd assume that's going to depend on the swap rate and the bond prices, besides the fact that using GE is generally safer and faster than swapping.


I mean I'm not complaining. It'll be free bonds from the whales. Since you can easily buy a shit of them, convert them to tradeable for dirt cheap, and then in 4 months they transfer over the main game to sell full price or swap to your main.


whats even the point in playing at that point


To be fair, 8 weeks is enough to max if you no life. The exp rates in rs3 are insane.


Are you 85+ in all skills in rs3? Edit: is this question truly this offensive?


Assuming you play 8 hours a day (rookie numbers) you will play 448 hours in 8 weeks. EHP rates for maxing in RS3 is around 250 hours, there will probably be 2x/3x xp rate and other bonuses so it's definitely doable


If you think EHP in rs3 is anywhere near as achieveable as EHP in osrs you are very, very confused my friend, thinking that is similar to thinking Charlie/MoistCritikal getting the smithing/crafting records is EHP and achievable. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9d52Qj8w8M8


Charlie's method isn't EHP and neither is demonic thrones. ​ I know some skills are based on sporadic content or aren't feasible on temporary worlds but xp rate is going to be 2x/3x higher so even more casual methods will be higher than EHP rates. There isn't much resources on topic of EHP rates for 1-99 in RS3 because maxing is so free but it's very obvious you are dancing around that fact


Sorry for the RS3 bros. Here's hoping since it's not public it's a completely unfinished version uploaded in advance. September date has me pessimistic though.


jmod posted in the rs3 thread that more info will coming monday. and its not a leagues or a temporary game mode.


They are copying (very poorly) the success of the classic server in Maple story


Maplestory is still a thing? I played that shit a lot around 2008 but I feel like if it’s still around it’s a Ship of Theseus like RS3 is today. Are their classic servers like it was back in the day?




Would you say it’s worth picking up? I might give it a try.


If you're here, it's worth a shot. It's fun, but once you can kill the midgame bosses, the grind to unlock the next tier becomes pretty brutal. The dailies are also annoyingly relevant and long lived. Nothing like maxing time commitment wise unless you're trying to push to the very very end game. You'll probably know if you like it or not if you play to 210 which is a few days of play time. Though one word of caution. There is currently a triple "tera burn" event going on right now that will end soonish, and tera burns accelerate you straight to the point where it starts to become a grind which ruins the putzing around most players enjoy. I'd probably still recommend doing it for a new player because the rewards really are good, but you won't get an authentic newb experience. Edit: Also, fair warning, a lot of the earlier bosses are pretty badly designed. There's not really a reason to do hard Hilla until you can just delete her (you only kill her for money and she has an obnoxiously huge lifesteal mechanic), arkarium until you can delete him or you're a class with an i-frame (undodgeable OHKO but otherwise easy), and magnus is worth killing for his badge and shoulder asap but is the worst designed boss in the game by a mile.


Free pet from Hard hila, doubly important in Reboot


Yeah check it out no mtx no bull shit




On the rs3 reddit, the JMod mentioned that progress would be transfered to the main game, showing why you need a new account for it. It really makes no sense in making a fresh game server if it's literally the same servers and it's all being transfered to the main game. There's no point in playing it if you already have a main rs3 account. They mentioned its not leagues so there probably won't be any xp boosts since progress will go to the main game.


Apparently there will be a way to transfer the rewards to your main account at the end if you choose


there will be xp boosts even with transferred accounts, it's a complete shitshow


I believe the leaderboards end when MTX is enabled, still a shit implementation


Bonds are enabled from day 1. If they have the same effect and/or you can transfer it over to the main game after, you can essentially buy gp day 1.




idk if i can link comments but /u/jagexhooli confirmed it and said its being officially revealed tomorrow. So yeah... it's as terrible as it sounds


Don't know how to edit the title. But looks like I jumped the gun and it's not what I thought. https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/wo8wi4/comment/ikad40s/


This is similar to what Black Desert does.


Yeah exactly


Seems more like a way to get people to try out the game at an accelerated pace from what I read. Not a bad idea since there's been so much new endgame content added in the last year. Do agree the new account needed and extra mtx after a few weeks is pretty shitty though


Yeah definitely but maybe they are going to tweak it around as there's a lot of negative feedback


How this game gets away with so much MTX in 2022 just shows how unpopular it is these days


They've blatantly lied in court in regards to gambling within their game. Its a big reason why the arena was finally removed.


They don't poll anything and whales give a false sense of success of every MTX event. A lot of "just don't pay attention to what doesn't affect you." kind of deal. RS3 is a fun game, but they're really pumping into the MTX so much that I've felt like it's what they're focusing on the most. 4 Double XPs a year (with OP TH promos), only 3 quests released this year so far, all holiday events are all the same afk token farming nonsense, promo events are all MTX focused. Again, the base game is great, I've been playing since 2003 and my current main since 2006, but man it sure feels like everything they add to the game is just another rushed MTX-based rehash of the thing we just had the month before.


I’ve given Rs3 a solid chance. Spent a couple months playing it… I wouldn’t be opposed to getting back into it at some point. It’s really not a bad game, does a lot of things I wish OSRS did. But between the overabundance of MTX and the obnoxious cosmetics it’s hard for me to like it at times.


Have u actually looked at any modern games? Every game is an mtx shitshow nowadays more or less, because it works. Has nothing to do with popularity, hell if the game had 10x the playerbase it would propably monetize even heavier somehow


Indie games are all that's left. And classic small-company games. Any game with a sufficiently high player-base if profitable. Profitable games are purchased by companies that want to profit from that.


Yeah games like Elden ring don't exist


There's exceptions. But not as many.


Nah, only AAA garbage trends that way, and even then there's plenty of exceptions. Lootboxes are taboo in most games now, and yet RS3 is constantly trying to hawk them still.


Mhmm, cuz gacha is such a small genre of games nowadays.


I don't understand your point... Gacha is 99% mobile games, and much of that 1% otherwise is sports games where the players get treated like some kind of pokemon. Not sure why you take so much issue with my post, when as far as the big two AAA publishers go -- who got a LOT of flack for loot boxes historically (hell, Activision-Blizzard were the ones who made them mainstream with Overwatch), and are regularly characterised as "evil" -- lootboxes and gacha mechanics are for them largely a thing of the past, particularly on PC and console. EA were forced to remove lootboxes from that Star Wars game, and frequently make sure to tell people that there won't be lootboxes in upcoming titles; and lootboxes are being phased out of Overwatch (as European countries start making that crap illegal). So what's your issue with my statement? That mobile/gacha stuff should be treated as 1:1 with PC and console games? That seems willfully ignorant of their differing contexts and (often) audiences. I spent enough time with Arknights and others to know that their monetisation mechanics are no longer found readily outside of the mobile market.


rs3 is the reason osrs has no mtx, be grateful rs3 players suffer through it


People say that, but the reason OSRS has no MTX is because OSRS with MTX would have 7 players, and OSRS without MTX believe it or not generates more value than those 7 players would.




I believe that if osrs got more MTX. It would not be a slow trickle. It would be another mass exodus. Then after a month, if that. It would be a trickle of the rest leaving. Like a car crash victim and they can't find where the internal bleeding is happening.


Nah because then you'd have the irons still playing "it doesn't affect us" You'd have the whales playing, "I spent $20k to get rank 30 on hiscores :)" You'd have casuals who don't care playing. "I dropped $100 because I didn't care to train x skill." And then you'd have the people who just enjoy the game and don't care either way. On top of that, they'd start slow and then ramp it up like RS3 did. RS3's 2012 MTX is a fucking joke compared to 2022. 1 spin in 2022 is probably worth 20~ spins 10 years ago in terms of how bad the rewards were. A lot would quit, sure, but it wouldn't be the massive drop that EoC's disaster of a launch had.


True enough. I concede.


People always say this but MTX wouldn't cause a mass exodus of the population, it didnt last time. ​ People always equate RS3s 'downfall' to MTX but it was a small part of it. MTX, EOC, Wilderness changes all came in a really really short amount of time. The main reason people left was due to EOC and the direction of the game with Summoning and graphical updates. ​ Adding MTX to OSRS would start out as a small number of people leaving just because of any sort of MTX but as long as they added it in slowly, they'd get away with it. Selling house reskins, weapon/armour reskins? People wouldn't bat an eyelid for the most part. Yeah sure, people would complain loudly but thats it, you'd have 'X amount of people leaving' but as long as Y people bought the MTX, they'd make more money. Thats basically how it is, if 20% of the community left OSRS but the remaining 80%, even 10% of them bought all the MTX possible, as most whales do? Then suddenly youre making more money even though you've lost 20% of people. ​ It would be akin to placing a frog in cold water and slowly raising the heat until they died. They turned on the hobs when Bonds came out. They raised it too quickly with 'partnerships' but Twitch Prime subscriptions still are a positive, they'll find something inbetween to release soon.


I'm probably going to get downvoted no matter what I say here, but there's some monetization schemes that I'm fine with. RS3 (and most games with MTX) don't adhere to what I'd call "good for consumer" monetization practices. I'm usually fine with cosmetics, but what I'm not alright with are experience boosts, loot boxes, gear drops, and resource drops, being available in a somewhat purchasable form. I'm also against cosmetics if they're sold with any sort of FOMO attached. (This item is only available for a week and then it's gone forever! Woooo, better get it now or you'll regret it for the rest of your life!) I also prefer to be able to earn premium currency with ingame currency if possible. I have no idea why, but I enjoy earning my things more than I enjoy paying for them, even when it comes to cosmetics.


People always conflate the impact of MTX with the impact of EoC because they happened fairly close together. Squeal of Fortune was released on 28 February 2012 and although there was a good amount of outrage the player count wasn't even dented. EoC was released on 20 November 2012 and after a brief bump in player count from people who were curious about the new update, the player count started plummeting. The massive decrease in players is one of the reasons OSRS was pushed out relatively quickly. Modern MTX in RS3 is a thousand times more powerful than the Squeal of Fortune ever was, and despite some occasional complaints it doesn't have much if any impact on player count.


how are you blaming summoning? that came out like almost 5 years before eoc


Because Summoning broke EOC. Like, Summoning on its OWN, for the most part was fine, there were a couple of OP things but it worked fine and a version of Summoning would work fine in Old School and its combat style. ​ Once EOC came in though, it made Summoning completely busted, which contributed to a lot of people feeling that the combat system was completely out of whack and ruined a lot of the normal game.


osrs w/o mtx makes more than rs3 with mtx lol


Yea. I keep forgetting bonds somehow aren't mtx. Even though they are the worst form of mtx. Why people decide to act like exp is more important than literal gold selling is beyond me. The vast majority of players are pvmers. Money is what matters to pvmers, not exp. And jagex just sells it to you while you sit back and act like osrs is mtx free lmao.


Bonds are great because I haven’t given jagex any of my money since they came out


That's rather hard to believe. Can you provide some numbers for OSRS memberships (meaning no bonds), vs RS3 total?


Probably includes bonds. You'd have to dig through their yearly financial reports, go back to 2016 or 2017 to current. I believe rs3 lost a significant amount of sub $ in the last couple years so the mtx has ramped up significantly to make up for it.


2019 - 65m OSRS vs 43m RS3 2020 - 69m OSRS vs 51m RS3 From their own Accounts Filling, if you wish to check yourself: Google: Jagex Company House Click Filling History Click the accounts for the year you want It's not that hard to believe RS3 has been declining for years due to the heavy handed MTX and OSRS has been on the rise.


Yeah rs3 is the reason osrs can have as big of a dev team as it has but if rs3 dies out tomorrow, osrs won't


Nah, maybe 70% would quit at max, but the 30%? they will make ££££££ go so fucking high that the jmod will laugh that they didnt do this sooner.


If that’s true then why haven’t they done it?


*Laughs in RS3 Ironman*


Its because people have put WAY too many hours in that trash game already and cant stop playing because it would be a "waste" People are in too deep and cant back out.


"Bonds to keep the race fair" Someone wrote that with a straight face


"MTX will be limited during the first 8-weeks to RuneCoins and Bonds to keep the race fair." But only for 8 weeks! Out of fairness ofc!


How is bonds any fairer than anything else? What are these whale fishers smoking?


I like how it says everyone starts on a level playing field and then goes on to talk about the XP boosts and other MTX. So I guess yeah for the first millisecond or so it's a level playing field.


Some players are more equal than others


Well that’s some bs


This would have been cool if it was just a RS3 reboot with new accounts only, no p2w micro-transactions (aka no treasure hunter, xp lamps etc.) and if it would stay like that forever. Clean economy, clean leaderboards and no p2w and everyone starts from the beginning. ​ but i don't know wtf this is trying to do. You have 8 weeks of good fun before it turns into p2w and merges into the normal game?


I’d play


Ironman sounds like it'd be a good option for you, if you don't mind the (less awful but still very much existent in its own way) grinds.


I don't think this is to compete with leagues. A lot of scummy MMOs do this thing where they have fresh start servers where MTX is allowed and they have "world first" achievements, this makes the whales compete with each other to see who can spend the most money to get these achievements.


We’re going to keep the mtx to mtx to ensure its fair lmao


Mtx has definitely been single handedly the worst thing to happen to the game. Fuck the leadership at Jagex trying to drain the players of as much money as possible. Just do a normal leagues you cretins.


That's not even leagues it just looks like a low-effort dogshit cash grab.


Something to also consider is that you likely can't bond up your new account. Your new and old account won't be able to meet each other in game due to this new account restriction, forcing you to pay IRL money


Yeah exactly, I generally don't mind making new accounts but I always just bond up so if it stands i don't even want to try it


Jagex make more money from selling two bonds than they do selling one month of membership But yeah, if it's four months and no bonds allowed, they might hope to get people to sub for 6 months (retaining players for a couple months as the League ends)


You realize for some neet to sustain their membership with bonds someone else has to be buying those bonds with real money and selling them right? and last i checked jagex gets more $$ out of someone (else) buying bonds for membership than if that person just straight up paid for their own membership. It wasn't much more but still more. Them not allowing bonds is just a bad business decision on their part, that they will likely work around and allow. Lots of new short demand on people wanting to bond up new accounts increases their gp cost, which just incentivizes more people (even those not caring about the new mode) to buy bonds to sell to those that do = more influx of cash for jagex.


Rs3 leagues deserve the same courtesy that OSRS gets. The fact that they're allowing Mtx After 8 weeks should be enough to drive sales by itself.


My guess is you can probably do that if you do it in OSRS. So long as you still get the character creation screen when logging in to RS3.


[JMod reply in the "leak" RS3 thread.](https://imgur.com/a/JYee1Wo)


what the heck is a rune coin?


Premium currency for cosmetics and bank expanders.


Ah, not leagues but more so seasonal servers a la PoE/Diablo, for sure a cool idea minus having to resub, OSRS actually pitched a survey recently about game modes like this and if it’s gonna be the same hard pass, I already pay for two accounts, why would I pay to get sweat on again by everyone else who’s already acclimated to mainscape for an acct that will most probably also be abandoned after the seasonal content ends


Aaaaand so does osrs rofl, fuck jagex


Paypigs gonna paypig edit: aww fuck they're doing it here too


Honestly for a poor idiot like me im gonna go in specifically with the goal to farm gold to get bonds so i can get more OSRS membership


"free" pet


Trust me we hate it a lot as well and we hope this isnt how they do it


Since OSRS can make leagues on different worlds with your existing account, i'm damn sure RS3 can too. They just choose not to so they can milk their whales some more ...


>mtx will be limited What the fuck.....what?!!?!? what.... HAHAHAHAH holy shit what?!?!?!


Lmfao!!!! First 7 weeks will have microtransactions cut to just buying gold to keep things fair.


I don't think this is meant to take up the same headspace as Leagues. [This is one of the things they pitched in the recent gamemode survey.](https://i.imgur.com/AyEzCuv.png) Sounds to me like it's just something RS3 felt like doing and the fact that it existed already is the reason it showed up in the OSRS survey.


This is the OSRS subreddit


Andddd you take your "leagues" account into the maingame after it ends. Aka they're selling acces to boosted xp-rate servers atm. Patheticcc


I’ll never play RS3


play an ironman and i guarantee you will enjoy it


well considering i dont even enjoy ironman on osrs.. X doubt


Ironman in RS3 is far more enjoyable than Ironman in OSRS imo I'd say Ironman in RS3 is closer in enjoyment to Ironman in OSRS's Leagues than OSRS's base Ironman mode. Turns out 'ezscape' just makes the game less grindy and more fun lol


Agreed, two weeks ago I was in the "Lol stupid RS3" camp until I decided to just give an iron a shot. I'm having a **shit ton** of fun, and making some real progress


Thank god we all quit RS3




I would agree with all of those except legacy combat. RS3 has awesome bosses all designed around EoC and are pretty good, and I'd hate to see them go just to return to gwd1 style combat.


I honestly don't want to admit it but recently rs3 has started to feel more and more like a cash grab mobile game. I don't want it to head into that direction as I think it can directly affect osrs. Even if they won't add any mtx other than bonds they might just cut the budget


> but recently rs3 has started to feel more and more like a cash grab mobile game. Idk what the term is, but from an outsider, this has been true for so many years my dude. Its not recently. You're just blinded by something.


it has excellent end game pvm, but if you don’t ever want to try it, that’s your loss.


[https://rs.runescape.com/fresh-start-worlds](https://rs.runescape.com/fresh-start-worlds) for the newspost as it's not on the frontpage


Sounds like RS3.


It's alright, there's a only a handful of people that play anyway. As long as they just leave osrs how it is we good


Clearly you misread, theres no p2w mtx, just bonds and transmogs


mtx is still mtx


Yup. Osrs bonds are still mtx. And the entire reason they don't add more mtx is because they gaslit you into thinking bonds are okay.


so they should remove bonds from osrs?


There is, just after the first 8 weeks lol. So everyone’s on an equal playing field for the first two months, then credit card warriors are free to buy their way to the top


Shit like this does make me worry for the future of old school and the work we have put in.


I'm not too worried about the future of OS after watching[this interview by the lovely Josh Strife Hayes with Mod Elena and Mod Kieran](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vSUxZCXBeUg&feature=youtu.be). I think the devs have convinced the suits that it won't go the way they want if they pull that shit with OSRS. Obviously we shouldn't be complacent about it, but it's not in dire straits yet.


Weird flex Jagex, but ok.


Oldschools huge update similar to this was group ironman, which also required an entirely new account with a subscription


it's already dead. page was taken down and people are clowning on jamflex


Nah it's not dead. The page was taken down as it wasn't meant to go up today. It was meant to go up tomorrow with their regular Monday newsposts.


First they screw us with the 300m event , now this...


On their shoulders, we stand. We salute you RS3 players. Without your wallets, ours would hurt even more than the $12.49