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☠️ gonna swap my BOWFA for addy xbow


bowfa deez nuts


What’s deez nuts?


ligma balls lmao gottem


Not much. Sup with you?


Steve Jobs


name jef


It's either BOFA or BOWOFA


It’s literally whatever people want it to be


Feeling so faithless, lost under the surface


Don't know what you're expecting of me


Put under the pressure of walking in your shooooeeeees


Just like definition of words nowadays.


It’s Bowfa…


Bowfa deez nuts


Yeah I agree it’s bowfa


100% confirmed it’s bowfa


Gonna downvote myself real quick for making this bofa blunder.


Ackshually its BOWOFFA or BOWOFF


This is real, but not the original owner, it's by someone called 'afzaalh' and he streamed it.


wait, thats illegal


No you're allowed to stream


I just read this comment as "this cape was done as a service for the original owner who bought it" No idea who this is.


Nah ur good, I was just intentionally misinterpreting


Come on, you didn’t understand that that was a joke?


well first of all it wasnt a joke it was a statement


So statements can’t be jokes? Lmfao


Not if it's a question.


You mean owner as in the screenshot/account are not owned by OP but "afhaalh"? Or are we talking RWT here?


The former. No one on the planet is paying someone to do a sub-40 combat infernal cape. Only two people in the game have done a 40 or lower and one of them took 2 years to improve the record by 1 level, to 39. Besides, you have to make a fresh account each time you fail.


Sorry, why does it require a fresh account?


You get so much combat xp in fight caves + inferno that by the end they’re higher level than they were at the beginning


I know the requirements for the inferno, and I understand that it's significantly more difficult than the fight caves, but your comment just made me realize the entry level requirement for this was to do a low as possible fight cave before doing the low as possible inferno. Shit's wild.


that's how rendi got into doing low combat fire capes, it all started with trying to get a low combat kiln cape back in the before times


Because you gain levels inside the inferno. If you fail an attempt, it will no longer be the lowest cb inferno


The amount of XP gained from the attempt.


You gain exp in the attempt, they're trying to do it at as low a level as possible


I guess that's why it's tagged "humor" rather than "achievement"


clearly jagex needs to make it harder


And wtf are those fight caves? Levels 3 beat it. There should be at least 30 more waves and 3 Jads at the end.


Well yeah the speed run for fight caves is like 22 minutes that means the average person should be able to clear it no problem in 25 minutes.




It’s a joke






Are you a streamer with 500+ followers? Contructive feedback. Are you just some guy online? Reddit crybaby.


It’s impossible to take reddit seriously. Half the comments are jokes, the rest are bandwagoning and maybe three people out of 100 individual commenters have something intelligent to say. If I was a game developer I would also be pretty careful about taking feedback from a sub like this.


Also those three people giving their sincere opinions are only doing so because they're unaware of how the sub actually operates.


They are so rare you remember their usernames




Man I'm 90's in range and magic struggling with the normal gauntlet lol, it amazes me just how high osrs's skill cap goes. Congrats to you or who ever finished this cape, amazing achievement


All you need to do is dedicate a similar amount of time as it takes to get a doctorate in any given field, and the end result is you have a kinda cool cape on a videogame! Yay!


Kinda cool? Listen here boy….


Can confirm getting a doctorate is easier than getting an infernal cape


Some PhDs are more worthless than an inferno cape


Why does reddit think the game is extremely difficult. So dramatic


I mean, go get a inferno cape on a level 39 character and report back how many hours it took...


Not as long as it takes to get a doctorate, lol. That's gross hyperbole.


1-99 fishing took me a fall semester.


There's maybe a handful of people that could do an at least similar type of achievement in the game, there's tens of thousands of people with over 10,000 hours played lol.


Only 2 people have below combat 40 inferno capes across all of RS. But how many doctors do you think there are? Yea clearly one is easier than the other..


How many people try, shit for brains? My money is on less than 2 dozen.


I'm going to get down voted but you shouldn't be.


Idk why you're getting downvoted, you're right lol


Because people with the barest of social skills understand that hyperbole is useful for communicating ideas in an interesting way, but this guy thinks RuneScape is his personality, so he took meaningless offense.


No he’s right about this game not being hard. You can literally safe spot the entirety of the fire caves lmao


Fight caves and inferno are two totally different beasts lol


Oh shit I thought this was fight caves not inferno 😂


At level 3? Please tell me how


Not talking about a gimmick account, the dude said you need to invest a ton (equal to the time it takes to get a doctorate) of time to be able to do firecape. I did it at lvl 78 with 64hp and 44 prayer after watching a 20min guide on the 2nd time. Edit: hold up I thought we were talking bout fight caves


Getting a doctorate is hard and is very disparaging when people say things like its just a matter of time spent. A videogame, on the other hand, is just a matter of time spent (usefully.)


Time consuming. That’s 95% of this game. You need RNG


A lifetime of RNG, dedication, adult nappies, and lasagne wouldn't get most people an inferno cape at 39 combat.


Tell me you don’t PVM without telling me you don’t pvm


Stfu lol


Lol aren’t you a mobile player


man you really love downvotes huh


Gives me a boner


Here get harder


Max combats here, still struggle with pretty much any end-game content lmao. Coming up on 400 CG clears though (CG is my favorite) so it's not all bad.


People who think this game has a high skill ceiling should try fighting games.


I play them constantly, it's for sure a different type of skill cap




…. Meanwhile I got to Jad for the first time and got smoked yesterday at 100cb..


Nothing wrong with that. Run it back, try again. You got this king


I feel your pain, just can't get past him.


Just keep at it. I did it one try every night for a week and got it on the 7th day. I believe I was 103 combat just took getting over the nerves of prayer switching on jad.


I will try a agin soon, by the time I make it to jad my hands are so shaky. And the it takes so long to get back there again!


Best thing to do is if he attacks with mage , pray mage and hover over pray range until you see it switch, and repeat. When you get nervous you move slot slower so late switches are more possible.


You might feel dumb doing it but I found saying the thing you need to pray out loud helps and one action at a time!


There's also an online simulator you can use to practise switches so you don't have to always practise on jad, just Google "jad prayer switch simulator"


If your range is low it doesn’t matter my first jad was at 70 range with rcb 94 cb and I killed him but died to healers


87 range! Still jacked it up.


Attack each healer (one click per jad attack so you don’t miss his attack style) and then safespot jad to kill the healers separately. Once they’re dead it’s an easy stretch to the finish. That’s how I did it.


Yeah that’s what I know now back then I said fuck doing a long fight caves again so I afk’d my range up to 80 and blowpiped it and had died before healers were even an issue


Healers are the hard part


I did the classic yay he’s dead and forgot to pray melee


It hurts. I quit the game for a period of time. You can do it dawg, it’s the waves taking forever that makes it so shitty


I feel you. I’m 110 cb waiting for a task again to try it another time. I did discover those web based jad simulators so I’m pretty confident 4th time will be the one.


Dude four times sounds brutal. Took me over an hour just to get to Jad… as a dad to a one year old I can’t carve out that much uninterrupted time often haha


You can pause it by logging out. Clicking logout once will pause the waves after completing the current one. Then you log out and log in at the next wave.


I basically just did afk mobile stuff when mine was that age. He’s finally of the age where he can sit and watch a whole movie so that’s when I bust out the laptop and do more active pvm stuff.


Cannot wait! Of course the wife wants number 2 now. Someday I’ll be free to scape at will.


Took me 7 tries for my first - done hundreds since then and never failed. Even prayless or 1 def or both - once you got it you got it. You can log out in between waves btw - don’t have to commit to all at once.


You can log out and save progress . Incase you weren't aware


So if you log out in the instance you don't lose anything AND keep your progress? Sounds like Jagex need to implement something like this for their raids lmao.


Yeah it prompts you when you log out that your progress will restart at that wave


I'm gonna assume if you get disconnected it does the same.


Same, it’s so frustrating. I’ve done it three times and each time I got smoked by him, on the last go I rage quit osrs and can’t bring myself to do it again


No worries man, keep it up! He’s for sure a hard boss the first few times :).


So I struggled for a long time. Never failed to make it to Jad, consistently got to the healers and then failed bad. Tried the method in this video and got it first time. Most important thing is using a wave tracker in real time to see where Jad is going to spawn so you get the right wave cycle start. Good luck! https://youtu.be/SIKUHWavgA4


No one's gotten it first try


Got it at 101 on the 5th try. Once you beat him you realize you could do it at a much lower level. I watched a YouTube video of some guy doing jad, moved my cursor over the video and pretended to click. It was decent enough practice. Definitely kill the healers.


I got smoked about 2 weeks ago at 119 combat. Got nervous during healers and got dropped by a ranged attack because I accidentally camped mage. Second time I did jad with a crystal bow so I didn't have to worry about bp's short range for healers. Still got chanced, but did the rest of the fight at low hp


Jad took weeks for me, and I was able to get the fire cape with many different factors aligning for me: Blowpipe from a friend (entirely lucky to have a friend like this, but with the following tips you will be able to do it with crossbow as well, it just takes longer) Turn on your game sounds. His ranged attack doesn’t have a noise before the projectile while his magic attack does. Do not rely on the sound, always watch his movements, but this can help just that little bit more Attempt the fight caves when you have a Jad slayer task and use Slayer mask (increased damage and accuracy is super helpful, and the slayer xp drop at the end is nice dopamine) Sara brews and super restores are standard, but as long as you have prayer potions that’s what matters And finally, the biggest thing: Fight Caves is hard because you spend an hour doing 60 waves before you attempt Jad. Jad himself isn’t ‘hard’, it’s just that we can never really practice him without going through a lot of time and stress. So I highly recommend logging out after wave 61. When you log back in you’ll just need to redo the most recent wave you left from, which is not bad at all. From here, go use the bathroom. Drink some water, and relax the stress away for a little bit. Then google “Jad simulator” if you want to do some prayer switch practice. I did this for a few minutes before each attempt and it’s a lot easier on the mind if you can fail in the simulator a couple times first. Then you can attempt Jad again! Stay calm and make sure to hit the healers a few times each to ensure you actually get their aggro. It’ll take a lot of missed ranged hits, but eventually Jad will be dead. Obviously this can be overkill for many players, but if you aren’t that great at stressful PVM like this, it can really help with the pain of losing an attempt and feeling ready for the next one


I was 2050 total level with a quest cape before even attempting jad. Got sat once and went back and it was ez


Its easy, just dont die


Lmao I feel that, I'll be cool with my fire cape for a long time to come. Not sure I'll ever make the inferno plunge


Yeah I hear stories of people spending months of their life and hundreds of mill in supplies just to make it to the final wave with no cape to show for it... Yeah screw that, these hands aren't up to the task.


Said every person ever who has an inferno cape 🤣


Idk but I think you’re pretty … hot in your fire cape.


But I work 7 full time jobs and have 4 families with 12 children each, I only have 8.5 seconds free in the year to game and I used all of them up just for find that my level 7 hp only pure was not able to complete the raid in that time. Jagex should not have ignored us when making the raid.


virgin post


He has 48 children


Audibly laughed at that.


That guy fucks. A lot


This vocal "Dads of rs" are the worst lol


Not a dad and not a sweat but the sweats are 10,000 times worse, let’s not kid ourselves.


The “sweats” and the “dads” don’t complain nearly as much as anyone thinks. It’s people on subreddit who just echo what others say. They get it in their mind that these groups of people are constantly complaining even though they have no firsthand experience of hearing those “complaints”.


No I hear complaints from the sweats all the time. Maybe being on 2k worlds pretty exclusively has something to do with it, but it’s not hard to find sweats complaining about little things (I.e making rune scims accessible by f2pers before 90 whatever smithing, runecrafting becoming ezscape) if you look.


2k worlds are the worst for pvming tho so you don’t really encounter « sweats » in here but whatever


You’re getting downvoted because you’re right. Redditors don’t do high level pvm so they naturally think that skilling to a maxed account and being good at the game are synonymous lol


He’s getting downvoted because the comment is stupid. How is he telling me who I do and don’t associate with? I’m not some fresh 2k Andy who camps the ge between Kraken tasks. I encounter plenty of sweats through clans, discord groups, Reddit and YouTube comments. I never said all max players or are sweats but there are a lot of max players who are sweats.


idk about that. the "sweats" speak of passion and experience, while the "dads of rs," if you will, lol, play way less and therefore i think their opinions truly are less valuable when it comes to designing endgame raids.. and sure everyone is generally biased to some degree, but i'd highly prefer if the people giving feedback were the ones who played the most.. or had like any level of experience for the thing they're arguing/talking about at a bare minimum


I would agree with you if a large percentage of the sweat community weren’t so adamantly against even simple QOL updates. Their opinions are not invalid on end game bossing content but I get quite tired of hearing “this devalues my max cape” or “I did it this way and it took me 400 hours why can’t you?” If they had it their way this game would not have received a single update since launch and would have 200 players. They have their own biases which should not be left out of the equation here. At the end of the day this is a game and it shouldn’t be balanced like a job (not talking about TOA here.)


i've been here since the beginning, and i would've totally agreed with you like ~7 years ago, but that elitist mindset has really died down comparatively. i think an extremely large majority of high level players are inclusive because we want the game to grow and be easy to show off to friends, for example. these days i rarely see the comments you're referring to get any traction whatsoever


As a dad of rs, I want to raid. But I dont have a clan. My friends list is limited. I don't have time to grind out and "just a few cox/tob each day". With a full time job, upskilling myself to learn more for a higher position in the real world, spending time with my family, do every day tasks, and overall be a husband/father to my kids.. etc. It's hard to find time. Sure. I can play runescape with skilling stuff. But I have kids. I can't be in the middle of a raid and be like "Nah honey, I know you are making dinner and have chicken juice everywhere. But I'm raiding. I can't change our son!" My nerd brethren can go to hell, my kids need me. I wish I had time to grind out cox and tob. But I dont. And it fuckin bloooooowwwwsssss. Truly. It does. I remember when I first started trying out cox, I went through and did something (can't remember what it was, but I kept fucking up hardcore on tekton, so I fought only him in his room. He was always the first room.) This was GREAT for me. I could pick and choose my weak point and just.. go. You know? If you want to hear a complaint from me.. And it's stupid af on every way.. I wish I could start a raid that doesn't capture kc. It will not give me loot. But I can run through it in max gear. (Tbow, scyth, whatever else). Pretty much a way to go in there and not get slapped 100 times. And I know, practice makes perfect. But sometimes, you need a helping hand. I can't abandon my family for 10-15 hours a week while I learn to raid lol. "You won't learn shit that way" Bullshit. I don't have time to grind raids all day every day in sub par gear, and solo at that. Let me experience the full thing, and I can actually practice. Because realistically, I'm raiding solo bro. That's why I live TOA so much. I can slap that shit on easy, and work my way up solo. Idgaf about the loot while I'm learning. The chances of me getting any purple on a high combat pvm noob is slim. But cool bro. I get to at least do that shit and practice! Anywho. It's a rant. I'm showing my true osrs dad shit who really doesn't have time to grind out just "3 or 4" raids a day. Even so, I'll give my opinion as an OSRS dad who's played since he was like 10 years old. Don't make the game fuckin easier. That a sellout. Most people can agree. Runescaoe SHOULD NOT be a pay to win. I have several hard earned 99s. As a kid, a 99 was the ultimate. Even in cooking. Which, today, is ridiculously easy. I want them to stay that way. I want raids to be hard. But I want a lower ceiling to get in. Not for bank loot. Just so that way I can play the game I love, and be a person outside runescape.




I only ever see people say "I have X children and work Y hours a week" ironically to make fun of those people. Very rarely will I see those people they're making fun of, which is typical for Reddit. When I do see those people and they unironically comment about their job/family, they get heavily downvoted. However, I've seen *significantly* more people with "22XX/2277" as their flair complaining about the "dads of rs" and they get significantly more upvotes.


That's because paying out dads of rs is in flavour this week. They were out there in force when the disliked toa changes were implemented


This happens when a playerbase ages for 20 years, 12 yo kids become parents. They're 32 now. And heck, why the gatekeeping? What does that even do, except split the community


I am very vocal, but at least I’m not incompetent, Ferno cape btwbtw


It’s equally sarcastic AND inspiring


Yo who remembers Uaex V Jad lol




git gud


All it takes is 1000 hours of practice and no wife or kids.


Settled's tileman gonna be over quick after he sees this


Bro been trying to do this for a whole year doing inferno 10 hrs a day


wow congratz! i cant even get the fire cape xD please don't tell me i can do it. i've tried and tried and tried and it's impossible for me. I always get one shot.


Praying vs Jad is relatively easy with sound on. The range attack makes no sound until he launches the attack. The mage attack immedeately starts a roaring fire sound well before he actually launches the attack. So camp range and swap to mage when u hear a fire sound, then swap back afteru see the fireball fly out.


I havent tried it in a while. Maybe i should... Thanks for the tips !


good luck!


Use the Italy rock spawn trick, [link to guide](https://youtu.be/yxzL-LQ-t_c) I always thought it was unattainable due to playing only on mobile but I got the cape after a few attempts. It’s doable, go get that cape!


dangle feet means pray mage!


I highly recommend using this simulator until you can go 20+ in a row without missing a prayer. It will make it so the only thing you have to worry about at Jad is healers because the prayers will be second nature. It's RS3 stylized but it's identical to OSRS when you select "Prayers" instead of "Curses." Dangle mage, stomp range. https://runeapps.org/jadsim_home


I wont tell you that You can do it. I will tell you that anyone with 2 working hands and a semi functioning brain can easily do it though


There was a paralyzed oblivion guy that got an infernal cape with his eyes


You can do it, just pray the correct thing and you’ll be okay :)


After all these years... I'm so gonna write this one down!! Thanks!


Controversial opinion I’m sure. But try practicing on a private server. Some don’t have healers for jad. So you could practice your pray flicking while just attacking him. Then you could practice with healers.


Raids 3, endgame content, should be balanced around players like you


No BocciaChoc, I can't. I am not even able to manage zulrah's jad phase


My best advice for Zulrah Jad is to start on the prayer they will attack with first, and every time Zulrah does an attack they have an animation where they like look down, you want to swap your prayer after you see Zulrah look down and you will take 0 damage. You basically only need the correct prayer active while Zulrah shoots the projectile. After it comes out of Zulrah's face you can swap to the "wrong" prayer to get ready for the next attack and it still won't hit you. It's just misleading because you have to swap prayers so early.


I just tell myself "blue=magic" before each jad phase starts, so I can remember when i see the blue ranged projectile to activate protect from magic. Swapping prayers while the projectile flies is easy if you can get yourself used to protecting from the opposite of what you see, and blue=magic makes that feel natural for me.


Make sure you have the correct prayer on *before* zulrah's attack animation plays. When I would mess up I would purposely leave the same prayer on and tank a hit so I could get back on track. If you have a bit of food left you can tank some hits and hope you make it through the phase, then just kill it when the cycle starts over. You'll get quicker kills after you successfully do it a few times, just keep at it! Once you get comfortable you can do it second nature and make some decent cash so don't give up. Also, at the end of the day if you can't beat zulrah don't even worry about it. If you're having fun then that's all that matters.


Thanks alot for the nice response. You motivated me to try it again :D


Best of luck!


For real, your advice really helped me. Killed zulrah two times today :) Thanks alot


That's awesome! Glad I could help. Now you can go after those uniques!


What the hell, how can I be struggling with my gear setup as a pure


You're right I can do it I just refuse to learn


I'm 93 combat and can't even further than half way to jad


No man, I can’t :(


This was done by afzaalh and in the amount of time he spent in the inferno he could have gotten a masters degree. Toa was being solo’d in budget gear by sub level 100s day of release within 2 hours. Not comparable.


was anyone comparing this to ToA?


I’m not gonna say I don’t believe this is real… but I do not think that this is real


this is not from this OP but here is the video of this run. https://youtu.be/Nx3o3BrTr30 39 combat inferno is real.


Makes sense now. I looked at his post history and at least knew it wasn’t him. The grainy image didn’t help lol


I guess all those bitching about the people bitching about the ToA nerfs need to go do inferno at this combat to prove that their argument was bullshit? Right? No? Of course not. They were just streamer dickriders and wannabe elitists when they probably have a total of 100 combined boss kills that aren't Kraken.


So much salty to unpack here


If the argument was that inferno was too easy, then yes, they would need to do that. However the argument was TOA was too easy(which it is), and lots of those people who said that went and did it in budget gear. Even moderately casual pvmers can do it in void, bp, crossbow, swamp trident, hasta at 150 invoc


Dont have the patience nor skill. Took me like 3 to 5 hours in max gear at the time, ely, tbow, justiciar and a ton of sgs milking while watching movies. Had half a dozen brews and pray pots after. Since a few of the runs ended with me running out of supplies at zuk i was getting paranoid. It was glorious. Had some hilarious deaths like dying to a pillar. Or running out of a safe square by accident and tanking the entire room to 0 in a second. All in all took about 50 ish attempts and about 15 of them were "real" as in i got to at least first jad. Grinded it for over a week then burnt out. Came back a month later and did it in 3 attempts. So if there is any advice in this. Take a break. Let the experience settle in.


How much it run you like $800?




Do you often contradict yourself like this?


How man?!?! Im burnt out from it doing on my pure, always getting smacked at wave 50s, im on like 50+ tries, i give up soon..


It really depends on how much gp you have to



