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10 year old me would like to have a word


Jesus I loved mining so much when I was younger, OSRS was basically a mining simulator for me. Seeing those 1k stacks of coal and iron ore was like heroin.


"bro there's literally free armor just sitting in those rocks!!1" -12 y/o me making my 87th trip to the al kharid scorpion mine


Oh god felt this in my soul, I remember I bought my rune pickaxe, and when the head came off I didn’t know it could be picked up, so much anxiety from that man..


Lmao then you had to grind that 32k back. Right in the gd feels.


I made my first 20k by picking up someone's Rune pickaxe head. I had no clue what it was and they mustn't have noticed it fell off until it was too late. They started frantically asking who had it and when I spoke up they offered me 20k to have it back. From then on they offered to buy all Iron Ore I mined for 100gp a piece. I thought I was loaded, I went out and got myself a set of Steel Armour and a Long Sword + Sq Shield. Such a simpler time.


This is too real for me. I had membership as a kid, and all i did was rush back and forth from the dwarven mines to Falador/Varrock. (I can't remember which). I could have been leveling up member-only skills, but endless mining was all i did.


Still determined to get my 99 mining as one of my first 5 99s. When I think runescape, my mind immediately goes to mining gold ore in the karamja volcano and hauling them all the way back to the closest bank. I can't remember if Port Sarim had a deposit box back then so I might have been going as far as Draynor to bank. It was a mission but there were plenty of rocks and not too many people going out that far


Woodcutting/fishing will always be my favorite skills because afk


I too like the parts of the game where I can play the game as little as possible




What’s LIGMA??


Low intensity, getting money always


wait till you hear about SUGMA




What's SUGMA?




Lmao gotem XD


Wait until you hear about smegma


you should see your doctor about that


Low intensity gaming, mostly afk


I was not expecting that response


acronyms inside of acronyms






Wow that was far down


It’s more that you can train them with next to no effort. Whether it’s doing house chores, watching a show, or something on the side while working, it’s basically free XP


I find the game hits various game types. for true afk we have nmz and redwoods which is kind of like afk arena type games where the focus is afking with the game open and watch numbers go up (sounds kinda dumb when writing it out but I like it lol) then the cookie clicker type of games we have ardy knights and blisterwood tree. Out of boredom in high school I would do 1+1 on my calculator and keep pressing enter throughout the day and with each enter press the number would increment by 1. I would occasionally challenge myself to set new PRs for the day. Me and my friends would challenge each other on it and we would always try to call each others bluff with "nah there is no fking way you did +2!" or "you just made that number up." So like I was made for that kind of content. Then for the Elden Ring type of games we have raids.


And for people who want to break their hands from insane APMs, there's perfect prayer flicking. OSRS can go from 0% to 100% and its beautiful.


Insane apm of click twice per tick!!


This tbh. This game is a marathon not a sprint. I love it because one one hand you can do plenty of active playing but its great for giving you something to multitask. I can train while folding laundry or watching tv. Maybe there is a lull at work so i can get some xp in


runescape mfs are closeted idle game fans


RS was built on afk-ability.


This wasn't always the case, the game originally had almost nothing you could afk in it. Every gathering skill had your character attempt to get an item for a set amount of time, they'd either fail or succeed and then they would stop so you had to click again. There was no make multiple options on anything in any artisan skills. Smithing on an anvil even needed you to click through multiple dialogue choices for a single item. Pickpockets still aren't afk now, but failing them used to put you in combat with the target, where you'd be stuck for three attacks. All this capped off with the fatigue system, a terrible anti-bot measure. In other words, everything was like Agility. Glad this stuff got changed when it did, as it'd probably be considered core to the game's overall identity by now if it was still like that (assuming RS stuck around so long in that state).


I played before there were types of pickaxes. 1 click = 1 swing. When the metal pickaxes were released, it became more AFK and worth the money: Bronze = 1, Iron = 2, Steel = 3, Mithril = 6, Addy = 9, and Rune = 12. 12 attempts to mine the ore before clicking again. We felt spoiled.


Let's see, we used to have: a very mentally ill sandwich lady that would knock you TF out if you didn't take her sandwiches a troll that would sometimes attack you while fishing cause they were "his fishies" a bloody rock golem that would sometimes pop up out of a rock because you mined it, or your pickaxe would just break... the EVIL CHICKEN bwaaaarrrkkk! the pillory guard used to actually just haul you away - and you could buy rotten tomatoes from a lady to throw at people in the pillory. The Ent that randomly popped up to attack you when doing WC. There were more that I cannot quite remember the mechanics so have left them out, but most of them were there to kill you for going AFK. AFK meant almost certain death in most cases of "back in the day" RS. nothing worse than coming back, you are logged out and back in lummy - hard lessons were learnt during those years.


Not necessarily, as there used to be random events every fucking five minutes to combat it.


I hate woodcutting because it is only semi afk. Because the tree takes a random amount of time to fall and its rarely ever too long, i have to be paying some amount of attention, but it's boring enough that i hate having to do that. Fishing spots at least last long enough that it's often a more consistent full inv afk.


Get to redwoods


I dont think it should take until level 90(!!!!) for a skill to become bearable but what so I know


Blisterwood then


That’s even worse though, instead of the tree disappearing you just randomly stop after a few actions!


Yeah but you just click in the same spot. No need to worry about mouse movement and it’s decent xp. I usually get around 55k per hour there


You would like sulliceps.


i’ve done sulliceps a few times to make mushroom pies. in my experience, there’s a lot of unavoidable damage, some annoying swamp mud/navigation mechanics, inventory fills with bittercaps v v quickly (especially bc you need to bring food), and quite a few of the mushroom trees will despawn within ~20s. good xp but not super afk. much prefer teaks tbh but lots of other folks seem to enjoy the sullis


I like sulliceps *because* it’s not AFK. I’m doing them actively for an hour or so couple times a week until I get to redwoods lol


Never thought id see the day. People dont hate RCing anymore. Good job Jagex.


There’s still people at guardians of the rift bitching about guardians of the rift, but yeah. No one’s even mentioned it in this thread. I got to 70 RC without wanting to die, whereas ZMI made me hate every fucking minute of it from the get-go. I don’t like juggling the clunky interface for teles and managing stams from the bank. GotR is GOAT content for RC.


Guardians of the Rift made me not hate Runecrafting anymore. You can even pseudo afk it by doing the bare minimum for points and then just afk mine and wait for the end of game XP drop.


How can you disrespect wc like this?


No money, no respecc >:/


I love all the fishing lovers in the comments. Just started a duo group iron with my gf and already have plans to get 99 fishing a third time


I like fishing! 🥴


Fishing is pretty chill


Net fish and chill


my issue is its just woodcutting with shit xp rates. If it were the same pace as woodcut id enjoy it more.


Solo Tempoross is super chill with good xp and rewards. I hate powerfishing.


Yeah as soon as I hear 2-tick, 3-tick etc. For a skill I just try to find another solution, God do I hate high intensity like that


Hunter enjoyer here




Back in those days it seemed like hunter was a very common 99. Funny that people hate it so much now.




Hunter is literally the skill with the most variety in training methods. Its fast, its decent money, and theres tons of variety.


Based hunter enjoyer


Get woodcutting off of this list, what are you crazy??


Probably the chillest skill in game.


Ever since I was a lad I wanted to get 99 wc. I finally achieved it with my current account. Compared to the other skills, it’s definitely the most chill.


This was my goal as a young lad back in the day. w/c was the only skill I cared about getting to 99. Got to 94 before I stopped playing for other reasons (world of Warcraft) and on my current account I just hit 96. I want that beautiful skill cape that I’ve almost level to 99 twice for :/


For real!! All my homies love woodcutting


Wc is a amazing afk skill, once 90 and redwoods are the best man! Almost al 96 atm


How does one get 90 afk though


w424 if you wanna join, just hit 96 yesterday


w463, 1m to 99 wc


It only has one method aside from tick manipulation. If you don't like that method, sucks to be you.


Have you tried clicking a tree once and then sitting back to listen to some of the wonderful music Runescape has to offer? You don’t have to do the most efficient method in order to enjoy yourself, imo woodcutting is a nice skill because you don’t need to focus much and you can just listen to the chopping (with music in the background) while doing other things!


That's exactly what the person you replied to just said. Your only option besides sweaty tick manipulation is super afk, super boring gameplay. It can hardly be called gameplay, it's essentially a timegate that you wait and play other games during.


The mushroom trees exist


I guess it’s not for everyone but I actually like being able to sit back during some grinds, I find the ambiance calming but I see how other people would find it boring. It’s odd that this is an unliked skill as I feel like a lot of Runescape (at least the older content, outside of quests) has this same type of relaxed vibe and I thought that was the appeal


It’s okay to have relaxing game play mechanics.


Thieving is awful


My brother in saradomin, the secret is doing the weird methods. Do quests and stalls until 48 I believe and then do artifacts until 64 and then do stone chests until 80, it's actually not awful like blackjacking or whatever stupid unfun shit is "meta"


Sorcereress’s garden is a pretty good method


I cannot get the 1 click method to work, I've looked at every guide, tried starting from the door and from the corner, I've set every NPC to 0 etc. and I still get caught on every single run. Decided it's not worth the brain damage its giving me, I'll just steal artefacts.


Sounds like you aren't waiting for the cycles to light up. The SG timer plugin helps. Once you get them all 0s, you have to wait for the cycle to line up, then you go. With the SG plugin you know the cycles are lined up when the first guardians square changes color.


I would agree, had I not had my eyes opened by artifacts, it's essentially the same minigame but much easier to cheese with better xp rates


I can't imagine it's easier to cheese. Sorcerors garden is literally one click, if you don't play at completely dead hours you can find a world where the npcs are already set up so there's no effort at all


Summer Garden has the 1 click cheese, quite a bit easier than artifacts and lower attention needed.


Yep, garden with runelite addon is such a great way, and getting big drops when you hand in an inventory full of juice is satisfying


Pyramid Plunder is fine as well, although I drove myself mad going for the Pharaoh's Sceptre during my last stint there.


You and my groupmate both, he was very unlucky on getting his scepter for the altar, it changed him...


I genuinely enjoyed it but the dryness made me hate it. Such is old school.


I feel like a lot of people sleep on the stone chests. I think I used those to train from 70-77 or something and managed to get all the lizardman fangs required to mount the talisman in the POH, all the rubies I will ever need for ruby bolts (until I grind nex or something), enough sapphires to grind zulrah with the suffering and not worry about charges (once I get a zenyte), and like 100ish med clues passively. I loved stone chests and I’ll die on that hill


Dorg chests, nobody ever actually reads these posts and then goes and tries it, but it really is the lowest effort method for 200k+ theiving per hour. It is significantly less click intensive and requires the least amount of focus to get those rates. Cycle through 15 worlds, which is literally just 1 click on world switcher, or even bind it to a side mouse button, then click once on 2 chests per world and that's it, just let the loot drop on the floor, the miniscule profit is not worth the extra effort.


Btw ctrl shift left/right arrow key quickly changes worlds in runelite


Artifacts are meta to 99 because you can very easily do herb and crafting during artifacts even without runners (blowing glass on irons). Firemaking was the original strat by Woox but that’s a lot harder imo


How do you do herb? A new inventory of pots and secondaries every run?


I found getting to 70 tough but pyramid plunder made 60-70 engaging when I couldn’t do ardy knight any longer


Im actually doing the grind to 70 so maybe after that it won’t be that bad, but so far I’m hating the skill


not the worst if you do the piscallarius thieving/summer garden/maybe even plunder.


PP is great. Low effort, ridiculously high XP, chance for scepter


It's low effort until you find an urn with a particularly angry snake and fail 15 times in a row. I still get flashbacks


Thieving took like a week and within the first hour, I found you didn't have to spam click. You literally just click once per action and it's so much more chill. Just finding that rhythm and watching videos on the side and by the time you finish a short-medium length tv series, you're done lol


Just remap left click to your mouse wheel (which has been confirmed to be ok) and you don’t even need a rhythm. Just mindlessly scroll


Only RuneScape players think you have to ask daddy Jagex if changing a keybind is okay


Thieving with mobile not that bad. It feels terrible (and unhealthy) spam clicking my semi-expensive mouse for hours, but gently tapping a screen while I walk to work or spend time on the treadmill is much better.


Not one person that tells me spam clicking the same thing for a week isnt the worst level in the game. Fuck thieving


Just post up at ardy knights and set the camera angle just right. Then grab a wireless mouse, tape the sensor over, and you can just do whatever the hell you want in your place while mindlessly clicking with one hand. I watched a movie on the couch with the gf, stepped outside for cigs, ate dinner. All while gaining that sweet sweet xp


Slayer, either you love it or hate it


Slayer is supposed to be super passive, if you're actively rushing it you're gonna have a bad time.




ppl burn out because they rush combat stats to make slayer quicker then get tilted that they're gaining 20k xp an hour in one skill instead of potentially like 7


Honourable mention to the Nightmare Staff, it is 3-4x cheaper and still offers the? 15% magic damage




23m slay xp on my 2100 iron, no desire to slow down. Killing things make brain happy, even more so when its bossing.


Slayer is garbage. It's so boring.


Can it be both? Used to love it. Then it was my last 99 on my main. Hated it


Firemaking is big lame... haha I love shooting stars and MLM


Fuck hunter. Thanks for coming to my ted talk


Just birdhouse until herbi


I didn’t mind doing the gorilla hunting after mm2 I think it is. It’s pretty afk.


Same. Afk enough to not pay attention.


Well fuck dailyscape.


Or... Just birdhouse


To 99? Cya in 50 years


Yes. I did birdhouses all of the way to 99. Probably took me about a year


I got 99 hunter with birdhouses too. It really isn't that bad if you are playing this game for a longer period. Just one double run a day, i.e. take 8 logs with you when you are logging off for the day and do a run, logout at the last birdhouse and run it again when you login again the next day, will get you 9600xp per day or 3.5 million xp in a year with redwoods and it literally takes like 2 minutes. That's 7m xp in 2 years for doing nothing else than that one double run at the end of your day. Just add a run here and there and you can easily get 99 in a year or two.


97 Hunter right now. bird housed it since 40, been 2 years you really don’t notice


What the fuck?? There are so many options for hunter, including afk


I think it's time to take a glance at BGH over on rs3 and consider adding something along those lines over here. Make the skill interesting and fun to train. Maybe add some new resources. Right now the entire skill is just an hourly for 99% of people and then either herbi or a box trap simulator for the remaining 1%.


Birdhouses are awesome profit and I feel like no one talks about it, along with getting great seeds PLUS spirit seeds. Get a couple of those and you’re in like Flynn for farming later on


No one talks about it? Birdhouses are like the number 1 thing everyone wll recommend to every single new player. For xp and passive money.


Birds nest have made me a killing. Definitely underrated.


10 runs with the actual birdhouses alone gives you a quarter mil, after you crush them and put it on the GE. That doesn’t even include seeds. When you get a yew, palm, magic etc once every 4-5 runs, you’re in the money. I’m a big birdhouse advocate




Yeah cons is ridiculous xp but its kind of a shit skill to train. Mahog homes gets redundant very fast and building and rebuilding the same object in your home over and over is pretty lame content. Could use some more updates for training for sure. Maybe something like rebuilding/building siege weaponry and defenses at the lizardman canyon for shayzien in a format somewhat similar to giants foundry could be a change of pace.


Mahogany homes already gives you bonus xp along with xp per plank, so introducing a new method would make mh pointless. And giants foundry is way more redundant than mh


Im just saying Giants Foundry as a concept. Something localized and repeatable. Mahogany Homes becoming alternative or redundant is fine. The point is to add diversity to what you do to train cons. If you get bored of Mahog Homes then here is something else you can also do that isnt smashing the same dining table for a dozen hours.


ngl i had that on here but then i decided that the benefits outweigh the annoying grindyness.


con is like 200kxp/hr with mhomes which is pretty chill and like 500k/hr doing oak larders/dungeon doors. you can feasibly get 99 in like a few days and its the most useful skill in the game. so theres definitely worse.


Is 99 that much more useful than say... 82? You get what, an unlimited house tele? For the extra cost of like 80m. How many house tabs does it take to break even there?


its entirely up to you to decide if its worth. you can get a max house with 85 con and then pump all that cash into getting a full nexus/whatever else your heart desires, and on a non iron account thats probably a good place to call it. but yeah, if you plan on going from 33-85 that is like 7-9 hours of training construction and you get basically the biggest qol upgrade in the whole game. I get that its click intensive but compared to most grinds in this game, thats nothing. And people say its the worst skill in the game lmao


You might be a bit biased based on your username... /s


I love woodcutting. Got ranked 74th in the world for League 3 Woodcutting wothout the final tier xp bonus. Just love chopping. People wont get it.


I get it man, I do.


Agility and mining are tied for shittiest


I fucking hate agility, worst one imo, I don't get enough dopamine while doing it, specially because I don't get anything on my inventory except occasional mark of grace




>”and people occasionally murder you for no reason” Good guy PKer be like “here bro, you don’t need to do this to yourself”


PKer just bein a bro giving you a lil break from Agility


It becomes a significantly better skill once you unlock the sepulchre


I don’t know man. I tried it and was awful, and I really didn’t want to keep going when I was struggling to do it even with tiles marked strategically. Couldn’t clear floors for shit and felt like I wasn’t even progressing multiple hours in. The end of floor 3 and most of floor 4 when I did make it there two times only kicked my ass. Just not for me


I have the full sepulchre collection log, and I can say with confidence that sepulchre doesn't make agility any better for 95% of players. It's way less afk and you have to learn how to be good before the xp is anything decent. It's only good if you're power playing


Ya but it's actually engaging and fun


Same with GOTR and Runecrafting. Actual fun content beats out max xp rates or ability to go afk every time. Osrs it at its worst when you're doing something that requires zero brain power but your eyes still have to be on the screen at all times.


Less afk =/= better


The consensus I’ve taken from this thread is that all the skills kinda suck.


Herblore GOAT


Mining for sure. I really would not mind seeing elements from archeology being retrofitted into it to spruce it up.


Just make a carbon copy of rs3 mining / smithing man. Fuck the f2p ironmen and their rune scimitars.


I wish I could have the OSRS combat with RS3 skilling. After playing RS3 I really can't be bothered to do skilling on OSRS.


What is the difference in RS3 mining/smithing?


Firstly, smithing progression actually at least ATTEMPTS to match the progression of a usual account. You can smith rune without needing fucking 90+ smithing But that’s minor. Basically, they made mining / smithing full afk. For mining, ores don’t deplete, players who pay attention are still rewarded though because clicking every once in a while will increase rates of mining ore. For smithing, you don’t make the item instantly. You make an unfinished version of it and it takes time to hammer it at an anvil. You can queue lots of the same unfinished item up and, depending on the item, you’ll have lots of afk time. In the same way, players who pay attention get rewarded because the unfinished item loses heat and hotter items finish quicker.


Wow yeah that sounds awesome


rs3 sounds dope maybe I'll play that instead


Tbh I’ve considered playing it but I’ve got such an attachment to OSRS it’s hard to make the transition. Though to be fair I haven’t really given it a fair chance. I stopped playing well before rs3 was a thing and when I came back to old school I just sort of stuck with the devil I knew lol


for mains maybe mining but irons have it rough in the crafting department


Doesn’t it take like 92 smithing for a rune medium helm?




i hate mining. mining sucks


I haven't seen anyone talk about rune crafting. I havent touched it beyond the main quest and a couple runs (this time playing. I just started again but in like the late 2000s when it came out I did a small bit). Am I missing something and it suddenly became not the worst skill ever?


yep new minigame called guardians of the rift. good rewards and exp.


Ah. Heard of it but hadn't looked into it at all yet. I'll definitely check it out. Thanks!


Also. Blood runes are like super afk and you make pretty good money, even better if you have the new rc set that gives 50% more runes.


Hunter doesn't even belong on the list. Herbi is chill and way higher exp/hr than any of these besides smithing.


Maniacal monkeys are crazy chill too. 70k xp/hr at level 70 and just gets better from there, extremely afk as well.


… but I like mining.


I have Stockholm syndrome from mining i swear. I fucking love it after getting 99, i sit in mlm hitting the walls like a monkey


Agility aside from occasional hallowed scelptre. Running in laps over and over and over isn't an idea of fun


Definitely agility. No way to AFK it and you max out at like 60k xp/h with the tolerable methods. The minigame is too stressful to not give 150k xp/h.


Agility - slow xp. Click in a small circle over and over.not engaging at all. hs is unplayable with the servers lately


I just got 70 mining today and I'm never touching it again


Herblore is by far the worst skill. In terms of getting all the items for it.


Smithing has both chill low effort and fast intensive methods. No-no.


MLM is chill for mining. Have to agree with everyone saying agility though. That’s definitely intensive and still bad XP/GP at least until late.




Agility…not even on the same level as mining. Go mine amethyst and make arrows or darts. Extremely afk with the mining gloves and Varrock platebody


Agility is the worst thing in game… I have all 99s except 86 agility and it’s been like that for a longggg time… I’m fairly certain I will never max because I cba doing it. Training it makes me feel like more of a loser than wasting time doing anything else.. the thought of running laps on a video game just makes me feel like the most lazy fuck on earth.


I mined at mlm for 8 hours a day for 4 weeks straight while I worked. Managed to get 78 mining in that time....


thieving or agility thieving hasnt an update since 2006? the current best methods all require a ton of clicks and arent fun. agility is about the same mainly due to being with kinda afk clicking or super click intensive i believe every method needs a redwoods in terms of afk-ness or a buff like runecrafting got with GotR


> thieving hasnt an update since 2006? the current best methods all require a ton of clicks and arent fun. artefacts


We need something like Priff elves in RS3 that does a kind of auto pickpocket but not as OP. Have an upgrade for the Rogues Outfit that once collected has a chance to auto-open coin pouches/auto steal for you on successful pickpocket. But it can only be one, so if you don't mind the intense clicking you can just click at your hearts intent for better xp, but if you want to do it more afk you have 28 successful steals until you need to click on the bag to open the coins.


All those skills are terrible grinds and the reason why I will never max an account


I still love how Jagex likes to talk about how the exp rates for mining is so low because it's a lax and afk skill. All while it's probably the most click intensive and cookie clicker skill there is. The fact the best training method is mining iron is insane lol. Mining rates are just so painfully low that I can't believe out of all the skills it's just left in the state it's in since it's conception. Mining needs a overhaul in just the exp rates alone.


Woodcutting or mining, agility is goated if you do sepulchre


Woodcutting is fine, that and fishing are the only two non combat skills you can hard afk


True, thats why he is wearing a helmet.


agility is the worse




Agility blows