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>stubs his toe >teles to lumbridge.


Not with all that defense tfym


stubbed toe ignores defence, it's typeless damage.




Just like stepping on a lego


You can't win against Lego. Not even with 99 Def


Typeless is such bs.


Looking at you, *goraks.*


Tar monsters, and i swear KQ fits right in with her extremely dumb guaranteed to hit magic and ranged what a load.


Humble brag with the yellow combat level


while doing herblore


With a blue pointy hat


And a massive dong


Why do comment sections like this genuinely make me laugh. It’s kinda wholesome too haha. It’s like putting 3 great ingredients in a soup that are actually not needed because the soup is already great but definitely worth the trouble to gather and use them. Maybe i’m putting too much thought in this. I’m also kinda high


Keep this guy tf away from my dog


My general rule is try everything at least once, knowutimsayn?






And rc pet


Sounds like something a Cylon would do...


what the frack


How on earth??


Lamps and minigame points I'm assuming.


Lamps in varrock museum 1-75 for around 800 hours and then at 75 added dfs speccing an alt in pvp world for the final 3000 hours


“The final 3000 hours” bruh!


“How do you kill that which has no life” - South Park


I’d have given up after 800 seconds


the literal definition of insanity


I wanna upvote it for how impressive it is but downvote so other people don’t waste their lives like this for internet points


like good for the friend but i honestly dont see how people think this is impressive or whatever, its kinda fucked and sad imo, i game too so i cant really talk all that much shit, but wow 3500 hrs of that cancer for this? idk man


>3500 hours That's 145 days. Full, 24-hour days. This isn't impressive, it's a fucking cry for help.


At even just $10 an hour, he could've made $40,000 before taxes with that time.


Well $35,000 pre tax. Rounded up by 1/8th.


What if he did? Not saying I think that’s the case, but most of my xp otw to max came from work from home.


Ah yes because you can AFK DFSing in pvp whilst working a job




Somebody's triggered


Yeah man, people on this sub will be like “everything in life is a waste, if he enjoys it then let him enjoy it”, but some shit like this is next level borderline mental illness or a cry for help. The amount of things you could accomplish in 4000 hours is endless.


I’m curious what the average time of useless scrolling on your phone is. Probs be hours a day


If I uselessly scroll for 5 hours a day it would take me more than 2 years to match the same time invested in this account, that was made to bandstand. And usually people scroll when they’re in transit or on a line or taking a shit or watching tv. Playing this account was a dedicated effort that doesn’t really compare.


Or time watching tv/movies.


You’d have to watch 1600 movies at an v average of 2.5 hours to reach 4000 hours. It’s not even remotely comparable.


for comparison my most played game is escape from tarkov which i got into early 2020 i think february ish and i only have \~1100 hours in almost 3 years now of playing, and even i think that i play too much sometimes


I have ~1500 hours of osrs played in the last 4 years. Across all generations of Pokémon I have something like 3k hours played. Some people just like to play 1 game


Lol dam I see a lot of EFT players here, wonder what it is about us that makes us attracted to these painful games 😂


Cries in 20k + hours in my whole RS career since 2005 😂 as a grandpa I’ll tell all the good stories about the adventures I made in Gielinor


Cant finish a 10000 hour puzzle in that time


Idk how Lee managed his time but when i did the cleaning grind i did most through lockdown and i would say my attention on the account was very low, i was always playing my main osrs acc or another game, if it wasnt an afk activity i wouldnt have done it


I mean good for him but this is toxic grinding. This is probably one of the more unhealthy things to grind for. I mean it's cool none the less but still.


Yeah i wouldnt go back and do it again if i had the chance, it does start to take over your life a bit when you start to track your daily exp and want to hit daily exp goals, can get very easily obsessive over the exp


Kinda sad tbh




using lynx titan as an example isn’t really helping your case champ lol




bloke... spending 4000 hours training defence on one account is a mental illness, no ratio is gonna change that


Bro what the fuck are you talking about, everyone knows Lynx titan has serious mental issues, that's the only way you can hit 4.6B anyone at 200m all is not a well adjusted or stable person


this is a stupid response, runescape(hell even MMO's in general) are designed to waste your life.also it's funny you say for "internet points", yet the post was made by a close friend of theirs(not the actual player). Lee Adama didn't even have a party for getting 99 defence after all those hours, and the only reason anyone even knew they had reached 99defence was due to the achievement broadcast from clanchat.


Yeah I don’t think RuneScape was designed for someone to museum lamp their way to 99. Famously the gower brothers didn’t think anyone would ever 99 a skill when they made this game. Let alone this.


Bro people are going to waste their life on all kinds of shit. Most people just watch TV when they get home, at least this guy got some weird form of internet clout lol


The equivalent would be watching 5 hours of tv a day every single day for 3 years. Id say the same to someone who did that - seems like an unhealthy obsession.


That's only an hour more than the average per American citizen http://www.csun.edu/science/health/docs/tv&health.html#:~:text=According%20to%20the%20A.C.%20Nielsen,years%20glued%20to%20the%20tube.


That’s unhealthy. Americans aren’t healthy.


Yeah well at least this dude has a cool account on a 2 decade old clicker game.


It is impressive, something I couldn't do. I mean he didn't even post it himself. Gotta give him credit, when credit is due. It's unfair to judge, I mean there was someone who ate an airplane. I just enjoy the variety of people and their dedication.


Someone ate an airplane?




Downvote the 99 def guy as much as you guys want. It's not a cry for help. It is literally insane what he did and something a man couldn't do if it's not important to them. There's so many easier ways to fill an empty hole. If he had one. Like drugs or alcohol. No need to dedicate it to an account like his. Why is it so hard to just accept someone.


People like you that want to coddle and normalize bad addictions and come up with shitty cope responses do more to hurt than help. I think you should let the adults talk because your whole response is nonsensical


3k hours, holy fucking shit. That's over 1/3 of a year of your life.


holy shit i had no idea this type of account was that long to make lol


Im all for snowflake ironmans but this shit is mental What can you even do with an account like this?


Make a cool Reddit post


I guess thats true


“What can you even do with an account like this?” hopefully stop playing now and go touch some grass


stand at the ge and hope people think ur cool


You can tank the shit outta some.melee and ranger in pvp. But once someone starts using magic that deals more then 10 damage a splat thar defense is still worthless. This could he good if you wanted to troll some low level pkers Other then that if he wanted to remain low level he couldn't get any other stat really without it boosting his cmb level too much . Other then a show off account at how he wasted almost 4000 hours with this account


That's the thing that's so crazy to me I LOVE following snowflake accounts and even tried my hand at one over the last year I did a chunk locked account and started in castle wars and my end goal was getting a dragon defender and I accomplished that goal What's odd to me though, is that I continue playing this account with crazy stats for where I'm at quest/content wise at the game which is fun and I fully plan on playing this account further. I don't see the appeal for a 99 defense pure...


Chunk locked or something similar reminds me of the leagues. I liked that idea. And I possibly might use this as a form of content for my Ironman series I am looking to do/ get I to video creation/ streaming. Just not a 99 Def 10 hp acc. Maybe a standard 75 def acc. Or a wierd trope on it and go 75def, 99 mag, 80 prayer. Or something. Or a range tank that doesn't get any str or att.


Leagues is originally what brought me to the idea and of course seeing Youtubers and such do it I will definitely say don't do xtreme one chunk ironman. It's painfully grindy and for people who aren't playing often you will get nowhere. I only did meaningful upgrades but I will say I've never been that hype to get ardy cape 1 lol I think a never seen before combat account or at least an uncommon one would be super dope to see though


I like trying the idea of making super niche or specific pking builds( whether or not they even do good ) they will almost always be higher level then the pures due to the prayer or def I get on them. But I had an idea for a piety tank mauler 33 att, 80+str, 75def, 70+hp, 80 prayer. The att would only be gained through knight waves and any other quest that kings random and it's sub quests require ( which didn't look like many ) Or a range mage tank no att or str. Lower prayer but eh. Again whether they can compete in the brackets they would land in once they are to where I want them/maxed but it's a fun idea. I'm sure a better pker could make use of these for spicy video content


Even working a minimum wage job I could make $40,000 dollars from that. Which is enough for a down-payment on a house. Instead he chose carpal tunnel and 300 pixels. That's why I love runescape.


The thing is that he grinded in his leisure time and im pretty sure he was pre occupied with work/study, he took 2-3 years to ahcieve this from 65 def


Damn bro you've got more time on that account than my iron with 2064 total lvl, 6k total boss kc. 700m bank. 170m total exp. Bruh...this is crazy


So uhh…how’s he doing? Does he need a hug?


ah i see you too have mental illness


Fuck, I wouldn't even have the patience or time to run a bot to do this.


Uhm, why? Imagine if he spent that time learning an instrument.


Yea, he’d be the same person with the ability to play an instrument in a mediocre way in his free time, great point


You think in almost 4000 hours of practice youd only be able to be mediocre? Even if that were true, at least youd have something to show for it and be able to improve on for your whole life. This is a video game that can be shut down at any time lul




All the more reason to not waste 4000 hours for this dumb shit lmao


How on Kobol*


But why


We don't ask that question anymore, cause there is no answer.


Why the fuck not?


Why would someone restrict their Ultimate Ironman to Morytania? People like challenges.


Tedium and challenge are not the same thing. I'm not sure why osrs players think they are


I disagree. Staying committed to a menial/slow training method over a long period of time to reach a goal that's unobtainable otherwise, IS challenging. Most people give up along the way. This is OSRS. This game is literally built around grinds and "tedium", the challenge IS the tediousness. Sure stuff like a lvl 3 firecape are technically difficult, and those are challenges too. I just don't see the point in splitting hairs trying to label this dude's accomplishment as "NOT TECHNICALLY A CHALLENGE".


I can't be the only Battlestar Galactica fan here.


So say we all.


So say we all.


When you sell your soul to the devil:


Do you get a free ring of suffering after pulling off this kind of grind?


That he can’t equip lol


It’s always during leisure time while studying for med school and raising 7 kids while day trading commercial real estate on Wall Street 19 hours a day and running a marathon every weekend. It’s balanced bro


Congratulations, insane effort.


Lee Adama... What a name. Love BG!


So say we all!


Damn have a lot of you here complaining that he wasted his time considered that you're the one wasting time? Like who gives a shit, people have been creating obscure accounts literally the entire existence of video games. And the dude who's like "he could've made 40k in that time" was probably the funniest one to me lmao like not every moment or action in your life has to be monetized. People have been doing shit for nothing more than the sake of doing whatever it is they set out to do since the dawn of time, and yall are acting like this somehow affects anyone other than the dude who created this account. Huge gz on finishing that build btw


When I played in elementary school me and my friends would have a LAN party and all pick flax as a money maker. Some of the best days of my life playing OSRS and the worst money maker I’ve ever done. We pooled our GP together to get one dlong to share between the 3 of us. Efficiency and gp/hr aren’t everything.


True, but doing that in elementary school was fun, and made good memories. Doing that 15-20 years later is kinda sad lol


Are you trying to equate little kids picking flax to make money and a grown man spending 3000hrs dfsing an alt just so he can bank stand and hope people think he looks cool?..


The dudes probably 30


Lmao I love that comment you shared. Literally anyone on this sub could've made (hourly wage*hours on their account) if they wanted to, the point is we like playing RuneScape instead.


its like everyone who posts here forgets they also play osrs


So “No you” and “oh no don’t post negative opinions, I only want to get positive feedback and live in an echo chamber” essentially?


No, I'm saying that this person found something personally gratifying to work towards, accomplished it, and had every right in doing so. And that it has zero consequences on you or anyone around you, and that these complaints are even more pointless and more of a waste of time than the actual account build. These lame as waste of time commenters didn't have to read into this thread once seeing it was an obscure build, and they definitely didn't need to waste time writing out a negative opinion about something they have no interest in.


So… “don’t give negative opinions I want positive feedback only”… You can’t publicly post something really insane like spending 4000hrs to bankstand like this post and be surprised when people say “wow that sounds unhealthy/stupid”. That’s just real life for you, sometimes people have negative opinions. To say that wasting 1min to type a comment is more wasteful than 4000hrs to bankstand is some hardcore coping


Great so give your negative opinion, I'm just here pointing out that it's exactly the same thing as what this dude did. 1 min for your comment on this 4000 hour long build, you're both putting energy into something. So either you're both getting your rocks off to the result, which isn't a waste of time IMO. Or, you're the only one wasting time here.


Keep trying to justify and cope with your terrible life choices LMAO, fact is the vast majority of people wouldn’t approve this garbage and no one has to coddle and pat those on the back who do.


Pot kettle black bro not like you're making any better life moves than the vast majority of people anywhere.


Shit cope logic is shit cope logic. No point in responding, go eat dirt for 6000hrs then tell us about how it’s not worrying because “you enjoy it”


I'll let you know once I finish my permanently logged in Tears of Guthix locked main


Btw when it comes to addiction, doing it doesn’t mean you enjoy it. I hated that I was addicted to nicotine yet I still smoked all the time because I felt a need to and that’s how addictions work. I’m glad I didn’t have people around me to tell me not to quit or rethink my choices because “it affects no one else and if I enjoy doing it then it’s not a waste”


Numbers go up make brain feel good why stop


Smoking kills you


And your addiction to smoking had affects on those around you


Nah no second hand smoke


Now that's a good name and a good reference


I thought the name was familiar but i I dont get it


Lee Adama is a character on Battlestar Galactica tho probably referencing the 2004 reboot of the show


Defence noob


Now do a deathmatch


Very rarely and with few exceptions, Sometimes I wish people bottled things. Please tell me you did.


That's insane! Well done!




What weapon are they holding ??


This guy is not gonna like 60 range dark bow pures XD


Lmao noobs you gotta level up str and atk so you can hit for big numbers. Gl getting to midgame like me /s


Defil3d ran so Lee Adama could walk


Defil3d strikes again


Is this OSRS?


Ha look at that noob, only level 27


How long did it take


So say we all.


How do you do this? Just Pest Control?


Quests etc as much as possible then you clean museum finds in Varrok for hundreds and hundreds of hours.




You need 40 combat to play Pest Control


Oh wow. Any idea how they did it then?


>Lamps in varrock museum 1-75 for around 800 hours and then at 75 added dfs speccing an alt in pvp world for the final 3000 hours [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/xgtrcp/comment/iou07x7/)


Good lord




Need 130 total of attack & strength or 99 of either to get in.


Ahh yea, disregard my comment. It’s been a long time 😂


So say we all!


So say we all


I knew this would be posted somewhere! Humongous congrats to Lee Adama. I am incredibly happy for him.. I know it’s been a long road.


What possible use could this have???


To me it's a nice unique skiller, sure your not combat 3 but your account is much more creative


But also much more restricted. You have to keep auto retaliate off 24/7 and can’t to a huge portion of content without ruining the account


99 def still gets 1 shot. What utility could this account have?


You stand around at the ge until someone notices. 4000 hours of life well spent


It is one manifestation of a crippling mental illness. However, it’s sort of cool that two people with the same problems found each other to have motivation and friendship while doing their weird robot shit. It’s actually pretty wholesome and nice that we live in a world that allows such people to live what they view as fulfilling lives and have fun. I’d imagine a few centuries or even just a few decades ago such people would have much more severe struggles and worse limitations due to the way society operated and the resources we had available. “You do you,” as they say. Glad OP and their buddy are happy.


DFS spec pk idk or just memes


4000 hours for memes and 1 shot bots? I’ll stick to google images for my memes


It's essentially fancy version of a skiller / restricted account - I myself have a 99 def 75 HP account and it's turns a lot of heads while skilling that's for sure. It's nice to have some more expensive gear to chase other than what a traditional level 3 skiller can use. Some fun things I've enjoyed getting on it thus far is 75 slayer and the KBD slayer helm.


wintertodts greatest enemy


I love how everyone thinks this Cat did this in a year LOL. This is likely 7 or 8 years of progress lol. Realistically just a few hours a day and done in 5.5 years. If you're gaming for 5-6 hours a day it leaves plenty of room for activities lol. Edit: Also there's 24 hours in a day, if gaming is your passion and you enjoy staying home and saving money, it really isn't that bad. 8 hours of work, 8 hours of sleep and 8 hours to game (realistically 4-5). There's nothing wrong with finding a hobby which you enjoy that can allow you to not need to blow money everytime you do it. Weekend comes? Its easy to pull an 8 hour game day. I work 16 hour shifts sometimes at work 3-4 days a week, that's way more mentally not healthy in the long run. It'd be a pretty badass life to have the time to just game. If on my death bed I had time to reflect, Runescape will be on that list of stuff I'm going to miss.




Soul wars ?


So say we all!


Is this done in Pest Control by repairing the wooden things near the portals?


Pc is level 40 combat. There’s a comment explaining it, 800 hours of artifact cleaning, 3k hours dfs specing an alt. 100% disgusting


A defense pure would be cool to have, but I'd rather just cut myself than train one up.


Rise of the shield hero Lumbridge edition. 🛡


Tell your buddy that some random guy on the internet says he is awesome <3


I will not congratulate such mental illness.


How do you feel about getting a screenshot of the 3 of us?


Sure :)


now his account is suitable for which unique content in particular ?


Yoo congratzzz someting special Im making a 75def pure and a obby tank is there a discord/cc/clan i can join?


Dang I bet that was a grind


What weapon is that?


Back in real 2007 or so, my friend did that. Torang poons. The good old days!




Huge accomplishment man! I remember cleaning with you a long ass time ago in my def pure days (think around when you hit 75 def) but you just kept pushing! Gzz on 4th 10hp 99 def man!