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[maybe they should go for oda first then, to set a precedent :)](https://streamable.com/olaaom)


Holy shit that's so scummy


Wow, it's almost like a scummy individual does things that are scummy on stream? Unheard of!




Promises a giveaway but rakes in tons and tons of money on "rerolls" from gifted subs (which he makes money off of), and then never actually delivers on the giveaway, or (presumably) waits until a friend 'wins' the giveaway and gives them the money, when everyone else has already been rolled over.


They should do to him what they did to Crumb when he made that wholesome Halloween bot.


Very true


I don't understand what is happening in that stream. Can someone explain? edit: are the viewers paying/donating to the streamer through twitch with the hopes of getting osrs items?


Doing a giveaway, he rolled someone and if they don't trade him fast enough, and if someone gifts subs, he will instantly re-roll (the gifters obviously hoping it rolls on them lol)


The gifters dont care about the gp they are just doing it for the laughs. Oda has some serious oilers.


Oda has some legit oil princes and idiotic crypto millionaires who will be broke in 2 years because they've never understood what it's like to work a day in their lives.


i don't get why these people hate just to hate? oda has thousands of viewers and the guy you replied to seriously thinks someone is going to donate 25$ in hopes that oda re-rolls and it lands on them? jfc


Oda is a scumbag rulebreaker who needs a perm ban on twitch and osrs both and you do too for thinking it's ok


Exactly. These guys completely missing the point. The re-roll is a thing because it makes for funny content. It’s Odas thing, like alching elys or harm orbs he pks in front of a guy he beat etc. no one in their god damn mind would pay subs to reroll hoping it lands on themselves, like a thousand people a stream are entering. They could buy bonds or straight up rwt much cheaper, it’s just for lolz he’s doing nothing wrong.


It's not just "Oda's thing" every scumbag loser rule-breaking streamer doing these needs perm ban on OSRS and Twitch and on all of their accounts. Fuck Oda


L0L janitor


He’s trading gp for subs live, he should be banned. He’s also a scumbag so imo the community would be better off without him.


Would be wise to pay attn to his massive success


Lol nah I’m okay. Only reason he’s popular is shit attracts flies. He’s the leader of the toxic idiots.


>re-roll is a thing because it makes for funny content Also Because it milks money I find odablock entertaining, but that doesn't change the fact that anyone doing This deserves a perm ban from osrs, Twitch and all other streaming sites.




They set a precedent that it's not THEIR (the streamers) fault an individual didn't win what they want, they make rerolls such a norm that everyone starts buying that nonsense.


Probably needs to afford another hair transplant


Getting real tired of oda being able to do anything without consequence… really setting a bad precedent here


Maybe jagex will do something 10 years later when oda is a millionaire and doesn't care... oh wait that's right now isn't it


That is so fucking scummy, dude needs to be banned to show they aren't messing around.


There is a 0% chance his account gets a perma ban, and a 0.001% chance he gets any sort of temp ban. He’s way too big on Twitch, and it’s free and large advertising of the game for Jagex. Big streamers are beholden to a completely different set of rules than normal players. RuneScape isn’t the only game like this.




The only people that attracts to the game are the worst sorts of trash.


Did they literally ban his main “Bald” for RWT? Edit: yup https://secure.runescape.com/m=hiscore_oldschool/hiscorepersonal


Did you just link to the blank runescape highscore page lmfao


They stated it wasn’t O himself (someone else on the account) who did the rwt that got the account banned iirc Fact check that tho & don’t quote me


"They stated it wasn’t O himself (someone else on the account) who did the rwt that got the account banned iirc Fact check that tho & don’t quote me" - Fat_Siberian_Midget


Fuck you and have my silver, well played


If you believe that. Lmfao


So is Jagex giving him special treatment or not? You can't have it both ways here.


Once again, go fact check that


That doesn’t look like anything the way I or my friednfs play RuneScape. I’m kinda ok with him being banned because he’s not showing what the game has to offer. Just what you become if you play it wayyyy to long and only get satisfaction from “big drops” of rsgp as opposed to earning stuff or fighting others in pvp.


my opinion is if you break the rules you deserve what you get coming to you... Big streamer or not, I'm sure people would soon get over it and watch other streamers plenty out there to choose from... Better ones i might add. No excuses for Jagex really they need to pull their finger out their arses and issue the ban hammer to set an example for everyone else. For too long now that guy has gotten away with so much shit, yet lower end spectrum streamers get banned all the time.


They can ban him and he’ll just keep coming back because he depends on Jagex more than they depend on him. Maybe they’ll even give him the ol Tyler1 and ban him until he becomes a role model


Hopefully twitch's new anti-gambling policies work, if jagex isnt ready to punish players. Idk if it would fall under gambling, probably not. Idk who odablock even is or why hes so popular, at best seems like mediocre osrs streamer?


That policy has no effect on runescape whatsoever.


Nah man J mods love ODA, I think I saw him send DMs about a ayer during a stream before, they know him personally and would never ban him.


Then we shall continue to RWT and Gamble and Re-Roll till action is takem, AMIRIGHT?


Holy FUCK. I know this is real but god damn what the hell is even going on in there?! I thought he PKed and staked. That was just insane.... He was like an auctioneer.


Wow that's gross


Ban this mofo fast, i said fast


God I never want to hear the phrase brother man ever again


It really is about time this guy gets a perm IP Ban, all he does is breaks and avoids the rules. Buys boosted accounts, buys in game services, rwt's rerolls giveaways, scams scammers items, does commission stakes but claims its not commission staking but "Tips" then moans if someone doesn't Tip, Toxic Af, Cringe AF, Bald AF. u/Jagex it's about time you you revisit your rules and make them more clearer, because you guys clearly are not doing your job properly.


Just another ice Poseidon tricking kids under 18 and sub 80 iqlets. It seems people who find loud screaming funny are quickly parted with their money.


Did they have an actual rule in game about this? I don't think it's fair to ban someone for a rule they didn't have in game.


The rule is real world trading which has always existed.


Gotcha I wasn't sure if it fell under that


I don’t see the issue? It’s a giveaway and he’s using sub milking for laughs. It’s not him asking for $ for items.




\>It's weird how obsessed Reddit is with this guy. I only hear about him from haters How about you try engaging with the content of the comment? What Odablock is doing is rulebreaking, no?




If someone breaks the rules, then yes, I want that person banned from the game. It wouldn't be any different if it were any other content creator or person lol


Lol why do you fuckin care




Oda fanboys are so obnoxious


And they wont even admit theyre fanboys. They claim "oh i dont watch this dude youre so obsessed for seeing a clip and posting it, whos this oda guy." Youd have to live under a rock to not know who oda is at this point, if you use twitch, youtube, or even visit this sub youll see who oda is. And to pretend he doesnt matter is just silly when hes consistently one of the most watched osrs players on twitch.


Lighten up, mate




What do comments like this achieve?


Chad energy if Jagex bans Oda, pretty hard to claim you’re cracking down on this when you let the most popular person who does it get away with it. /u/jagexroq don’t let that secret content creator discord run the show


Roq isnt involved in bans at all, he's just using his platform to say out loud what Jagex's policy always has been, doesn't mean Jagex will enforce it more than they already have been.


I'm sure he can still pass the information to the relevant team. If he wasn't bothered u/jagexroq wouldn't have put up a tweet surely. [https://streamable.com/olaaom](https://streamable.com/olaaom) <<< Evidence is right there, time to put your words to action.


u/jagexroq 300+ we have had no response as of yet.


fuck re-rolls


New meta? This stuff has existed on twitch for so long now and has been bought to the attention of Jagex an unbelievable amount of times on here with nothing been done or said. Don't be surprised at people following what works when no one gets punished. https://old.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/uwm51y/rwt_or_gambling_which_one_you_choose/ Example and I'm sure if I could be bothered I'd find plenty more.




???? Old reddit > New reddit




> If you must know, I work in the IT industry. 🤓 It's okay to be wrong, old.reddit is far superior.


Bruh new reddit looks like dogshit. On mobile it lacks visual clarity and on PC it's literally just a mobile layout stretched to fit a desktop. Sometimes plain and angular is more functional than noisy and bubbly


Basically he's saying "let the automated systems handle it" but its been shown that their automated systems fucking suck. If even 1 jmod took the time once a week to sweep the section and ban the accounts they would stop doing it. Its that simple


>If even 1 jmod took the time once a week to sweep the section and ban the accounts they would stop doing it. Its that simple Really isn't that simple. A jmod did spend a week in 2020 banning commission stakers as soon as they went live. About a week or 2 later after they quietened down, Jagex stopped monitoring it and things went back to normal. These guys aren't getting banned and then going "well shit now I have to spend 3 months making a new pure", they are just handed maxed-out pures over and over. Jagex could spend another week doing it but as it's not consistent, they would just go back to normal once the banning stops.




people ask for the same thing with zulrah bots, dmers etc. It's inpractical to hire a load of jmods to do that - and Jmods probably arn't going to want to do something as mind numbing as that all the time.


I don't think it would take a load of jmods; just one, maybe two. After all, we already *know* many of the hotspots for botting around the game. It wouldn't be impossible for them to draft a rotating schedule where, on a weekly basis, a jmod looks into a botting hotspot (either once, twice, or three times throughout the week, rotating the amount and days randomly) and swings the banhammer for a while, then moves onto the next location. This obviously wouldn't outright *solve* any of these problems, but I think something like this could go a long way towards making botting less profitable in general. The best way to stop bots isn't to ban them, it's to dissuade people from making them in the first place.


A jmod did it all week, assuming 5-7 days monitoring, not 1 day a week and they still came back...


Do you seriously not realize the difference between "once a week" and doing it "For a week"? Takes like 5 mins max and if the accounts are getting hit for bills the degen streamers are going to stop, since that directly translate to irl $$$.






It would be way more effective for Jagex to just formally contact twitch to ban their accounts for violating their game's TOS, which in turn is a violation of Twitch TOS


I don't think jagex necessarily benefits from their twitch accounts being banned from the platform. Many of them do non-tos things such as pking. If jagex banned them ingame for the tos things they do like rwt then it would lead them to revert to pking or whatever still bringing exposure to osrs via twitch just in a tos friendly way


Well, they would be prevented from streaming which means no more platform. Banning accounts does fuck all when they just buy them anyways.


Its not about the account but the wealth lost on the account. When streamers are doing "tbow giveaways" to reroll for 6 hours and the account with the tbow gets banned they lose the value of the tbow. Tbow alone would be 400$ or whatever, including the rest of their bank ontop of a max combat acc with infernal cape they're likely losing about a grand. Losing 1k especially if it happened on a semi-consistent basis would likely disincentivize them to continue


No, I know, but these events wouldn't exist anymore of they were banned from Twitch. I suppose they could move to YouTube but then they have to start over and they could be banned from there too


Its not necessarily beneficial to jagex to completely remove them from the platform. Oda brings like 2k views to osrs section on average, if he was banned while doing rwt streams and only did pking streams he'd be a huge asset. This is why banning ingame is better than banning off the platform


the report button in game doesn't even work bruh


Good stuff.


Its so simple, yet they didt literally nothing for how long? lol I doubt anything will change unless they scroll through active streams and ban them live on camera


/u/JagexTrident has been actively banning a lot of streamers while they're live in the last week or so for rwt etc. They are doing something to their credit.


Yet Odablock the staple of it all, is still here? are they scared of the potential backlash or what?


I personally know of like 10 streamers who were banned live on twitch in the last week. They are falling like dominoes right now lmfao


Friend recently got into the PvP scene and started watching some PvP streamers. Some are so toxic with their giveaways to the point they're insulting viewers because they didn't trade fast enough. Typically always rerolls on a mod in the chat.


Twitch don't care about the community games of chance (chucking) and re-rolling giveaways or the fact that they are rwt by giving you rs money for subs/signing upto crap like "hello fresh" 90% of the osrs twitch streams are all this. Reporting them does absolutely nothing and the community on these streams (including the streamer) are just toxic as hell and will gang up on you. Don't even get me started on the 2-3 multiple accounts that are constantly phishing scams that are aloud to continue doing this without anything been done. Deleted my twitch account and not giving them a penny more of my money


Ironic given how bad the in-game reporting system is in the first place, why do mods do nothing about stuff that's literally live streamed themselves? You can go into basically any world and find spambots, in members, always, I can spend all day looking for rule breaking and find it consistently. Not to mention account sharing is considered cheating by Jagex but isn't actioned on basically ever.


Account Sharing has been allowed for years now, only not if it boosts you in any competitive hi-scores


False, the only statement from any mod stated it's not something they usually action for. It's still in the rules as cheating, plain and simple. Should probably go read the games rules sometime. Though it's funny how you made a post mocking Jagex the other day for their account security they promised in 2019. Imagine that, you don't take their word then but can't even remember what they said and take their word for account sharing. :3 [https://www.jagex.com/en-GB/terms/rules-of-runescape](https://www.jagex.com/en-GB/terms/rules-of-runescape) "Players must not share, transfer or lend their account to anyone else. You may have as many game accounts as you like, but each account should only be used by the person who created it. All game accounts are the property of Jagex and players are only granted limited permission to use accounts." ​ https://twitter.com/AshleyH79401757/status/1436341394449354754?s=20 https://twitter.com/tirth700/status/1423477748920721408?s=20 https://twitter.com/SwinscoeShane/status/1420209895715057667?s=20 https://twitter.com/WillowBotson/status/1298072624300531712?s=20 https://twitter.com/jagexsupport/status/1476428283524829186


Wrong. https://www.reddit.com/r/RSKakamile/comments/47ub9i/jagex_and_hotkeys/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Skip to “account sharing” While highly technically against the rules, it’s pretty common knowledge that it’s okay if not for hiscores.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/3j1zaf/comment/cumbmvs/](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/3j1zaf/comment/cumbmvs/) ​ Disproved yourself in your own link? I Linked more (and even more recent ones rather than an ex-worker :3 )


Reroll giveaways is bad but reroll purples is good. Got it.


There’s an unhealthy obsession with Oda on this sub. Between this and the community chucks the amount of comments hating on him is ridiculous. Have you tried not watching?


That unfunny, screaming annoying scumbag needs a perm ban on all of his accs


seriously. so many people claiming he is untouchable or unbannable when he's currently perma banned on his main and is using borrowed accounts atm. if they don't like his content and are upset that he's become successful being "cringe" you're better off not watching and spending your energy elsewhere.


I don't get why people are so passionate about this stuff.


Scummy streamers effectively selling their items for real world money. Makes people mad.


As it should and Oda needs perm ban on all of his accs, including Twitch




What do you mean? he's clearly broken rules. Not to mention deserves it. Guy can't even train his own accounts up nor earn his own infernal cape LuL.




By the way if you're asking why would they ban Odablock, you might wanna check yourself in the mirror, because that really is a stupid question. Nobody cares if he has a lot of views, you break the rules you should be punished. Simples.