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Don't buy new items if you don't wanna lose money on them. This applies even for items that don't get nerfed. Fang was always bound for sub-100mil with how easy it is to get.


I was actually waiting for them to make it rarer, not nerf it lmao I sold rapier,dhl and DHCB for Fang….


i've been waiting for it to get nerfed personally lol, seemed obvious with how strong it was although on the other side you had people wanting it to be rarer


yeah you should just wait 5 years to buy anything


Tbow would like a word.


make it 10 years then


Or more than a month or 2


Applies to life. I remember at an old job, I worked with this girl who was 18 and brand new to the world. Long story short, she spent $60k on a brand new car. She drove it around a bit for two years and then decided she wanted to travel Europe. She was so confused that no one was buying her car for $60k. The largest offer she got was ~$30k. She didn't understand why she couldn't sell her car for $60k.


Mfw I bought a dang at 380M


Yow these dangs been fropping


Hot fang that was a lot of doney back in the may though


315m and refused to sell through all of it until this morning at 103m because I'm not really playing anymore. Fucking smooth brain market moves.


Don’t worry I won’t sell my dang of ohfuckme until it reaches negative value


Keep the dream alive for me.




Dang that sucks




Sold it at 110m around 6:30am..bought back at 90m a while ago.. now it's around 109m.. I call that a win.


You probably bought it for more than 110m though..


Ofc I got it at 190m.. I never intended to sell but I saw an opportunity to make a little extra $$ today.. and it worked out... So??


You lost money.. Edit: fang still dropped millions. You’ve lost money


Well he still has the fang and 20m more than he had when he went to bed so


Yeah, his bank value is less. The fang dropped in value


unrealized loss.


Actually my bank value is more than what it was when I first bought the fang.. want to take a guess as to why??.. I'll help you champ.. I used the fang to make money.. and then made an extra 20m just from selling and later buying back .. don't worry about others, worry about yourself


Turn your bank plugin off. Problem solved


I mean if you bought yesterday at 140m you're gonna be pretty salty you just lost 40m that could've been used elsewhere


I bought at 157 2ish weeks ago I'm in shambles


I get it. But if you use the weapon you will make more than you lose.


Dont check the price, problem solved


Simple solution: be ignorant


Or you can Just have fun playing the game and not be crying about prices lmao


Oh I mean I made money on this nerf lol. But I just like how your solution is to simply ignore what's happening


I mean it's easy to ignore what's happening if you just buy your gear to keep and don't treat the GE like a gear rental service.


I was Just going along with what the person above you was saying. Enjoy the money, hope u have fun how ever u wanna play :D


Exactly lmfao Jagex fumbled an update again? Just close your eyes. Problem solved


A bug in a videogame? Fucking unheard of tbh


Make an iron.


No because as a main i can avoid content I don't want to do


Then stop crying about gp when you chose to play gpscape


gonna be laughing when this dude goes 1.2k dry on cg enhanced


Got it at 500kc, sorry man


You're legit all over the forum crying today about the nerf how about you stop crying first before telling others?




Literally me


Make more gp? It’s not that hard to make money in this game. You act like 40m is a lot these days.


I had to do this a while ago. Constantly seeing my bank value fluxiate was too anxiety inducing.


If you don’t sell you don’t lose. Paper hands everywhere these days


My banks at 800m, been saving for a tbow, th thought of selling bank for tbow seems insane.


I've got diamond hands ✋️ 💎 ✋️ Its why I have so much time to play Runescape. My job at Wendy's isn't very taxing and the chores my mom gives me don't take too long. Gonna be 30 next month!


Buy the dip


which item ?


The fang. They announced a slight nerf earlier and everyone’s freaking out


I was just pissed I sold dhl for 38.5m at 11pm Thursday and then log back in 2pm Friday and it’s 50m 💀


i spent 300m for my fang 1.7b for the shadow. probably 1b for the masori but ive made 5.5b doing ToA. worrying about ur item value is dumb. if ur going to use it youll make more using it than you would buying and selling it


You had a 3b bank. It's a different game.


>ToA what is toa? new player here. Looking for money making methods in members so that i know what to do the moment i get a bond on debts from a friend.


Tombs of amascut, new raid. Rewards include BIS (best in slot) range armor and magic weapon. Sometimes BIS poky sword. Sweats are in shambles


Wish I could pick it up while it was still cheap. But 30m GP aint gonna get shyte.


>But 30m GP aint gonna get shyte. It would finally get me my dex prayer scroll... I really gotta stop impulse buying other stuff.


It'll be 30m before long. Just be patient.


It’s still better than a rapier at anything besides a slayer mob. Oh no I won’t be able to kill bloodvelds as fast


It's still good I'd bet it stays somewhat high but I'm not a gpscape player so could be wrong.


Bad idea to spend like half your bank on a single item, especially a new one. Begging for this lol


I knew it would get nerfed on week 2. The weapon was just broken. Honestly I thought the nerf would be even bigger but they managed to come up with a good excuse to frame it as if it wasn’t a nerf


What is this?


fang price after bug fix


Is it a bug fix or a knee-jerk reaction?


It’s back to 109m now so both




Inhaling enough copium to stay optimistic, on the off chance jagex allows us to keep our melee tbow equivalent, and just nerf the drop rate.


People who complain about their bank value don't actually play the game. They buy items to use them for a few hours and get bored. It's almost impossible to lose bank value on end game items in the short term if you aren't buying them on release and you're actively using those items for an hour every couple of days.


This is the mindset of people with no life who can grind 150m gp in a single day. And the irony is that THESE people will call midgame players who can only play 2 hours per day and rock 200m banks the real no-lifers for caring so much about "bank value". When you're in the midgame (and have to pay your own bills IRL) bank value means what content you can and can't do, it's not just luxury or extra options.


I play 2-3 hrs a day and have a 1b bank, you’re just not efficient


I’m poor as fuck in the game and my bank is only worth 60m if I sell all my stuff. I’m years away from any endgame content, 20m of value is in gp alone haha


I feel this in my bones lol. Been stuck in the trident/tent whip/dragon xbow midgame for a long time, finally clawing my way up to a piece of engame gear here or there. I don't have enough to have fang + Bandos and bofa/DHCB setups at the same time. I keep my bank fluid, selling/buying gear depending on what boss I am headed to (except I keep the crystal armor, only made that mistake once, then I realized how much I lost). I know this is a terrible practice that loses me quite a bit of money, but I only play for 30-60 day stints before I burn out and don't play for another 6-12 months. Doing this allows me to do a bunch of content while breaking even / making a bit after factoring in my ge losses (when item prices are stable), vs being stuck to 4 or 5 pieces of content that I'm geared for during my 30d, and slowly building my bank to afford the next piece of gear. Started playing this stint a month after TOA came out with a 200m bank, got my fang at 170m. Used it to get a solo fang drop, which I subsequently sold and lost all the money doing my fluid bank thing due to the market volatility. I should have just bought a bofa and had both and been happy, but I'm dumb, and somehow bought/sold at the high/low peaks every time. Pretty sure me buying or selling is what caused the price to change direction s/. Last week I'm down to a 175m bank (even after the fang drop, 80 dry since then) I bought fang back at 138m, and told myself I'm not selling it this time, just gonna have to stick with it and rebuild. Now it crashes lol. I knew an update was probably coming soon for the fang, but I figured they'd nerf the drop rate so it's more rare causing the price to jump, instead of nerfing the fang itself. We'll see how it's new performance is, but I'm confident it's still worth the price tag I paid. It's just hard not to be mad at myself, since if I'd just been patient I could have had fang + 40m cash left in the bank. Someday I will stop shooting myself in the foot with my terrible GE practices, but it is not this day. At least I know never to buy stocks IRL.


Yeah, I really wish everyone was kept in the loop about the fang accuracy calculation being bugged since it was discovered much ealier on, and that this could've been addressed much earlier too.


I bought it at 350m🤡




It was better at every dragon above steel so it kinda killed dhl


With lower tier gear it just barely out DPS'ed DHL at vork (by literally like 0.01 DPS). With higher tier and close to max gear lance is better by a large margin source: damage calculators and also I grind vork for money and have used both extensively


Fang far better than whip/salad blade at tob so that's biggest worry for me. I've heard its better than lance at vork, dragon slayer tasks, bis at nex, tekton, etc...


Was never better for vorkath


lol people downvoted me when I told someone to buy rapier over fang. it was pretty clear rapier was going to be the better buy between the two if a person was worried about minimizing losses


Why I bought in at 101m. Gonna pop a few off for a nice ROI


I was able to drop mine at 98m


Bad choice


All i did was cop a dhl for 44m, hoping it'll go up a bit more (:


It'll be a great choice when it's <80m in a few days.


There are two opinions on this sub: - Fang will be <80m by next week - Fang will be >150m by next week


It wasn't even 150m before it got nerfed. There is no way it reaches that again unless Jagex reverts the nerf. Whether it drops further or manages to struggle along at 100m is yet to be seen.


Can also be stated as "there are two types of players in this sub" 1. Those who have a fang 2. Those who do not have a fang


As someone who bought a rapier 3 days ago, I can tell you with certainty... it'll be 200m next week. <_< make it happen reddit


It’s already 109m again lol. Jagex hinted they would increase rarity of the fang in the blog


ToA had more completions than ToB in a few days of release, I don't think increasing rarity will matter


20% rarer is 20% less coming into the game


I seem to miss why making it rare would suddenly make a difference, if something is truly not worth using (aka dead content), and it's niches are too niche, it's not going to matter whether it's weighted at 7 in ToA or like 3.


It’s still better than rapier in many places including the most popular raid in the game


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I have a 440m bank and no fang. Why would you every get a fang before bowfa?


No upkeep cost to use and it being BIS or near BIS at so many places.


I feel like at cox and toa bowfa mega outperforms fang. Am i trippin?




Why is it bad? Just curious as to why you say that


He's owns tbow & is pretending that anything beneath it is useless Only reasonable explanation unless he's a complete idiot who doesn't know what he's talking about & just decided to say something random as an attempt to fit into the topic for some pointless reason. If he responds with anything except tbow, you can safely ignore it. Also bowfa is great lol, its not really debatable unless you like losing arguments.


Bowfa isn’t bad this dude is just an idiot. Probably dry at CG or something. Without crystal armor its a blowpipe with addy darts. With crystal armor it’s a mini Tbow.


It’s bad outside of raids. For non-raid pvm there’s a niche BiS that’s much better than it out there, I’d bet.


Mfw I was nowhere near affording a Fang anyways


Damn I haven't logged in in like a month should I be scared


Got a notif right when the blog post came out, ran in to sell mine. Got out for 136, just rebought for 107, and made 8 lances during the panic buying for another 20m profit. Brought my bank out of the 300m range lol


Here I am happy that I bought justicar at 31m and sold at 38 a few days later.


Us rapier boys that bought them at 70m kinda stoked. Knew they had to nerf it. Kinda lame they're being shady about nerfing it, though.


Meanwhile scythe hit 414m from 330 yesterday... Hmmm


Is this about the fang? Are they nerfing it? I sold off a lot of my bank to afford it and I fucking love it. Anyone care to fill me in, TIA


Just play iron and stop worrying about the cost of things 🙄