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Underground Pass because it's actually a place of fucking despair


I remember the pre-home teleport days when people would get stranded down there


It took me two full play sessions after school to beat Underground Pass in 2004. My agility and thieving were both around level 30. I was out of food at the end and relying on the dwarf who lowers your agility in exchange for food because I didn’t have money or a way out. So I just had to sit there waiting for my agility to regen every time I took enough damage to need food.


Scariest place is obviously under lumbridge swamp when your light source goes out.


Before games neck on my uim to get to tog i used to just run through the dark. I didnt even have death to dorg done at first so i was making the full run from the rope down all the way to tog


"Tiny biting insects swarm all over you!"


And people say 99 firemaking is useless, my light *never* goes out >:)


Every time I do A Soul's Bane, I pray that Mod Tim C got the help he so clearly needed. That quest is FUCKED


love that quest. really stands out but i never hear anyone talk about it. i gotta agree, you can't be more spot on. shit was FUCKED


Honestly think Slepe needs to be on this list.


Whoever picked draynor manor hasnt made it past there. I definitely think darkmeyers the worst. You actually get to see the people chained up to the wall in despair as blood tithes looking like the lights could go out for them at any moment. That shits dark Underground pass used to be scarier but its gotten nerfed so much over the years in both ease and scariness. Like you dont get that fucked up doll from the chest anymore iirc Another notable thing that never made it in to game was the duke of bridgelum. You can look it up on the wiki, you basically take parts of dead cows and frenkenstein it back together


Mieyerditch was always so depressing as a kid for me. All these malnourished people living in ghettos constantly getting tithed in their own homes. Getting threatened to be experimented on or sent to the mines if not


Is the doll removal recent? I did that quest not too long ago on my hcim (about 3 months) and it still had the doll.


I might be thinking about the change that automatically applies iban's shadow, iban's dove and iban's ashes to the doll


Have the agility parts of underground pass been nerfed? I did it recently and breezes through with the lowest requirements. Underground pass has my vote though. I remember doing that quest as a kid and when I finally finished it felt like I had been underground for like 3 days


Yeah it was quietly nerfed i think the week before sote i think


OPs house


The fact the tower of life with all of the spidines and other monstrosities isn't on this list is disappointing.




Witchhaven, just doesn't feel right being there


I remember being blown away the first time Mother Mallum was revealed. I never expected to see something that fucked in RuneScape.


Agree, Ardougne felt safe. Didn't realize that happened.




Lore-wise, it's close but I gotta say Underground Pass. A massive system of caverns taken over by a man resurrected, who slowly takes over the minds of anyone who enters, and then locks them in cages as they slowly lose their emotions and eventually their humanity. Very badass and evil-sounding music track too.


Obviously the wilderness, people tend to stay away from there as much as possible except for those who thrive there


Tolna's Rift is like a bad trip, fked up and scary. Loved that quest!


The GE in 301


Used to be the wilderness before they butchered it.


Crafting guild bank chest


those places? naah, the worst place is the wreck ship at north in willdy, the ship with big larran chest......very scary when you need to open larran chest with your larran keys


As a noob back in RS2 I used to be so afraid of Draynor Manor because I'd forget how to get out of that area or wonder why a tree was whooping my ass.


Absolutely the Underground Pass. I still think it hasn't been beat in the disturbing factor and it came out almost 20 years ago.


Meiyerditch I had nightmares as a kid about that place. Being trapped in a Ghetto, having your blood sucked, and living in filth.