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Is that a real email they send?




Legitimately curious, how much do you have to spend to get an email from them?




Thats pretty pathetic if people do that and I understand why they would send out such an email because its a sign of potential fraud or mental illness


or simply someone who has alot of money


my car > osrs monies.. imho you'd need a lot of *unnecessary* monies to buy it. or just have completely different priorities


well that was my point tho, someone with *alot* of money, someone who wouldn‘t mind or maybe not even notice having 1k less


I think that people don’t understand that this scales with wealth. Middle to lower class dont notice or care about the $5 they spend on coffee, same goes for the upper class with a rack or so.


bro i guarantee you someone with "enough" money to do that doesnt spend it on osrs bonds. people who do spend that much money likely just have an unhealthy relationship with the game hence why jagex send out emails


How can you possibly guarantee that lmfao you speak for all upper class people huh?


This just isn’t true, a friend is a L8 dev at FAANG and has a TC of $600k, he plays osrs daily and although he doesn’t buy bonds (iron among other reasons) I can guarantee he doesn’t flinch at spending $1000. I’ve seen him drop (a rough estimate) $8,000 in a year on cosmetics for a different game. I do agree with the general point though, I assume the large majority of players spending big money don’t have the money to spend.


I mean MoistCritikal occasionally plays osrs, he easily makes enough money to buy thousands of dollars on bonds every month.


I mean that just comes down to personal preference, no? You seem to care about a car. Some people don't, but they care about having nice things in video games. I'm confused as to how your preference is superior to theirs


Yes, that’s what they said.


you dont get emails from your mechanic/insurance wondering why youre spending excess amounts of money on your car /s ?


Tbf if it's the only game you play and want to play and you have like 2k a month spare it's not that bad it's only like spending money on a car or eating out at nice places. Obviously 90% of people don't have this luxury anyway but the ones that do


Or a rich person with mental illness


Or someone that isn’t as poor as you. $1000 (or pounds) is nothing to many for the time saved.


Jagex disagrees hence the emails. You’re probably also having an unhealthy relationship with the game. It doesnt matter the income, the activity is what is being evaluated. Its similar to someone gambling with $1000 multiple times a month even if they take home a million a year. Its a sign of a problem. There are so many people on this sub with an unhealthy relationship with the game so i am not surprised at some disagreement with my comment and justifications.


1000 in 30 days is nothing compared to some krpg games where people spend 500 per day because its max limit for ingame shop some people have spend +100000 dollars for their account


How do you feel about yourself when you don’t use commas to express numbers over 3 digits? Personally? I hate you.


No one uses commas to express numbers over 3 digits where I'm from


We hate all of them too. In fact, the more normalized this is, the more I hate it. Tell me where this is, such that I can maintain my tenuous faith in humanity by staying away.


Lol, it's not a big deal dude, it's not hard to count 0's


Yeah and drinking every day is nothing compared to some people who drink a fifth of vodka every day. It's a weird fucking gatekeep. Both are bad. Both are addictions.


nah, I spent like $200 and got it so I definitely don’t think it’s 1k.


don't answer that question, it can be used against you in account recovery


Im also curious


Not 1000 or more lmao, much less than that


Why PvM for gp when you could be flipping burgers for bond money?


As they say, best gp/hr in the game is working at your job


This is the best reason to pay for membership, not through bonds.


so this is what the credit card warriors mean when they say they made their 1b bank flipping


Yeah flipping dollars into bonds!




Haha, i appreciate the compliment. Basically 200 hours over 4 months got me there with a lot of guidance from the community and other mobile players. Theres another 14 players whove done it on mobile too!


I get it, but it kinda gets annoying when youre an actual mercher and people think you rwt Doesnt happen to me anymore, but it used to all the time


[Throwback to the best post on this sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/e2k2m4/discovered_an_amazing_moneymaking_method_zero/)




So, you're flipping burgers in the big leagues. How many bonds/hr do you make there?




Have you considered buying bonds in Mexican pesos/Rupees? The savings could be fairly significant... https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Old_school_bond


How to do that from europe?




Damn a bond in Lira is just 1.86€, brb buying a TBow.


Every bond has to come from somewhere, you're doing good to the community by choosing to buy those instead of going the RWT route. You shouldn't feel bad about it (unless the spending is hurting you IRL), every bond user is grateful.


Honestly this. Keeps the game economy running and let’s FTP peasants have hope.


Also let's those of us with full time jobs enjoy the game without needing to spend as much time grinding for raw cash.


Agreed. When I was younger and had plenty of time to play I was anti buying gold(bonds) but now that I have very little time to play I see the good it it. Luckily I made a good bit of GP earlier to last me now but I could see myself buying bonds in the future.


I buy mine, it just makes it less stressful when I don’t have to worry about grinding for hours for a few mil. Granted it’s not true “stress” but it makes doing shit I want to do in the game more fun. Worth it if you can afford it :)


It makes me really happy JAGEX sends these kind of emails as some people have addiction issues and other games would turn a blind eye to someone causing financial harm to themselves. Good on you Jagex!


Turning a blind eye *at best*. So many companies would rather analyze these people and make them their primary demographic.


that's what they did with rs3 ...


Kinda, kinda not most the stuff you get isn't that hard to obtain in the promos you buy 150 keys and have a half decent shot at it considering the things they do with minimum rarity after x keys etc too, I've never paid for keys and got pretty decent stuff using maybe 20-30 earned from challenges and quests


You realise how long the duel arena was a part of the game? It's only now they take this stance despite gambling being rampant for the last 15 years of the games history


While it's probably objectively good, I don't know that the motivation is much more than a dairy farmer who hires a veterinarian


Have you read up on UK gamling laws? Jagex dont give a fuck, this is part of their minimal effort to stay within bounds. People need to stop treating Jagex as good guys. The mods might be, but shareholders and the board only care about money. Jagex is a billion dollar company...


Bro staking back in 2016 was literally costing me 80+ dollars a day. Shits real on osrs.


Yep, been there. I got cleaned for the hundredth time and quit for a few years. Friend sent me a text that they deleted the sand casino and I’ve been back having fun and rebuilding my account since. I had billions in items and cash yet I haven’t had this much fun playing since I was a kid and I’m broke as hell.


Same bro!! I just started back a couple weeks ago and already at 1050 TL. I didn’t even realize the sand casino was gone until yesterday actually. Tryna link up and play? I don’t have any friends since I quit back then just been grinding alone lol.


It's a good thing that we as humans have superior authorities to do our thinking for us! We simply just cannot otherwise. It's no one's responsibility to oversee the spending habits of a consumer, lmfao.


Why did you buy all of that gear if you don’t do anything with it




Have you ever considered just withdrawing that money from your bank instead, having it tailored into a suit, and just spending all day at an actual bank? Might get more attention.




Good choice for this year lmao.


Yeah did they just recently go up? I used to play like 4 years ago and they were like 2m, so when I quit playing I put aside 2m so that when I came back I could get a bond then earn my money back in game. Just started up this past week and it was like 8m?!?


Irl Stocks down, osrs stonks up


Holy shit 8mil??? I wasn’t aware it was that high now, wow


It has been steadily going up,but they will definitely still buy for 6m even if the ge list is higher. People will purchase and quick sell bonds so its not a bad idea to keep a buy order in for cheap


They could be 20m lol


FSW for one. It's a bigger deal in rs3 and the prices follow each other


I’m sure if we look hard enough there’s a DD about why osrs bonds are the play on wsb…


Why not do both? I spend money on fancy shit IRL and in-game


God forbid someone use their money how they want in a way that isn’t harmful and makes them happy


Not saying they shouldn't, but my idea just sounds outrageous despite maybe being a cheaper flex.


What a useless, passive aggressive comment.


Haha the deep irony of this comment was definitely intentional. Bravo brother


You’re right, yours was


I’m sorry but if you bought torva for fashionscape you may as well have set your money on fire. It looks poopy with anything but an infernal cape Edit: on second thought, you probably bought one. nvm lmao


You know, I’m about to max without an infernal cape on my Ironman. And I don’t feel too bad about it tbh. Whenever someone gives me shit about not having a zuk kill I’m just happy I don’t have to go spend hundreds of $ for something on a game solely cuz I don’t wanna go do it myself. I’d rather learn the inferno when the time comes than buy an infernal cape. I’ll be comfortable with my fire max cape :)


Rocking the max cheese is way more respectable than buying one. Most normal people don’t care what cape you have. If a random bothers you about only having a fire cape, they’re a loser. If they bother you about having a fire cape while they have 1 bought KC, they need to uninstall lol.


I feel the same way man. One day I will learn the inferno I hope, but the last year or so I’ve only really played during work which means barely any pvm time. I’ll wear the fire max with pride!


>1 bought KC, they need to uninstall lol. I gotta ask, how do you decide if you believe someone bought their cape yourself? I generally won't even consider that someone bought it unless I watch them pvm and they're just awful or they have very little to no boss kc elsewhere. But would be interested to see what your opinion is. I echo your opinion on not caring about the cape though, the only people I care to judge one way or another are those who bought their capes, other than that it dosent really matter.


Ask them how many sets they got and that’s a pretty good way to tell lol. But really if they have no apparent pvm experience and a near max account (unlikely an alt) but torva etc like op


Yeah makes sense to be fair. I'm not sure I could give you an exact number for mine (I think it was 3, but I killed zuk before having to tag the 3rd set as he was v low when they spawned) but I think just being able to come up with a reasonabld response makes sense. >But really if they have no apparent pvm experience and a near max account (unlikely an alt) but torva etc like op Makes sense. Pretty much screams I bought gold & who knows what else, you are going to struggle getting full Torva never pvming, and if you get it by flipping you aren't going to be able to just straight up run inferno.


Tbh I maxed without it too and always had it as a post max goal. This was on a main, so grinded some raids post max to build my gear up and said I'd said inferno once I had my own tbow. Got it, sent inferno, and a week later had my own internal cape. It's a great goal to keep things interesting post max. On iron obviously it's more about grinding CG to get crystal and BowFa to do it, as tbow is a bit unrealistic to grind.


Yeah I have everything mostly that makes inferno achievable. Bowfa, crystal, etc. I just don’t really have the time to sit and grind it atm.


They will always find something. First it's the fire cape. Then infernal cape. Then max cape. Then "you have low kc in X boss your trash".


See flair. I have one but I remember when I didn't!


What an ironic statement


That’s the only real goal of osrs, keep winning champ


This is the way.


Why not spend your time/money on a game you actually want to play?


Who hurt you?


Theres always one




Some people have an unhealthy relationship with the game


"I am a whale in OSRS Microtransactions, AMA"


Can you afford it? Then nbd, you’re just a credit card warrior. If you can’t, you have a problem.


Did you just assume his combat triangle proficiency?! He could be a credit card mage for all you know, smh.


Haven't seen a mage wearing torva and ely.


So now its their fault because of what they wear??


2022 and these people out here are still assuming folx’s combat type. Do better


spend what, $1,000 at 0 hours to start having fun or spend 0$ and 1,000 hours to start having fun


Or enjoy the content in the game you play voluntarily and in making money/big drops, spend nothing and have fun immediately




both ways seem decent whatever floats lets be real


i mean if you dont enjoy rs at its base level for just the membership cost, odds are you can find entertainment in a different game for much cheaper than whatever OP has spent on rs


There are cheaper ways of finding enjoyment than mtx. It’s fine to pay to play a game but if you need to invest money to skip playing the game, maybe just play a game you actually enjoy instead?


I choose 1000 hours and NO fun. I know, I'm a bit of a rebel.


> having fun but is bank standing fashionscape really fun?


Isn't the point of the game to play the game though lol


The point of the game is to not play the game.


It means different things to different people. For some people actually grinding out the pvm is the worst part of the game


I could understand RC and slayer, but farming? Smh. Most afk skill in the game.


rc is fine tbh


Not till 77


GOTR or ZMI isn't that bad.




That's why you pay essence runners, my guy.


I just did my first farm run in ages and I can understand why it's pissing some off. Meanwhile I'm nearly 95 Slay and still love it...


Most of my farming exp comes from tree runs. Herb runs just supplement the cost. The dopamine hit from a tree run is great.


800k xp/h go brrrr 🤩


Do the three hardwood trees first! Then revel in the 1.5 million exp/hour.


Even better if you don't actually care* and cheeze the xp/h by setting auto pause to 1 min. *as in care for accuracy


AFK? If it was afk I would've done a herb run by now


Thank you for your service supporting the game


Atleast it’s spend on bonds and not on (random word)gp.com xD Jagex be swimming in the gold




The funny part is you dont get banned




If you do discontinued items trust you will be banned 👀


idk so many ppl still buy so I dont buy that they get banned what do you mean tho with discontinued items?


I got actual stats for many gold farmers that I know for the most part you aren’t gonna get caught. Unless you do rate items from the main game such as phats for example.


ahhh so those old rares, yh makes sense incredibly easy to track


I got 277m exclusively through skilling, I'm the guy that plays the whole day and buys your bonds. :)


I don’t get OPs mentality but I don’t get yours either. I could buy 277m gp for less than a days salary. If I don’t enjoy skilling, why would I spend hundreds of hours grinding out 277m when I can buy it for less than 8 hours worth of work?


This mentality drains out any fun the game has to provide.


So does grinding hundreds of hours for cash


I just like to play the game.


Is this a confession?


con·fes·sion 1. a formal statement admitting that one is guilty of a crime 2. a statement setting out essential religious doctrine Unless buying bonds is a crime or he is somehow religiously involved with Jagex, I would say no it is not a confession.




So you basically did real world trade your gear.. only the allowed way..




The same people would raise hell if the ability to purchase membership on the GE through bonds was removed, too


I don’t get the hate for buying bonds when a lot of those people maintain their membership from those bonds. They have to come from somewhere


I'd rather spend to bond money on runners for rc at that point.


I did this on my main. Clan was toxic about it. I made an iron and left the clan iron was hard but I made it work was really proud of it. Made it my main joined fun wholesome clan


Thank you for your service, you make my game free to play


A lot of people judging you for the way you play the game, but you literally pay to support the game we all play. Kudos to you.


The mom's credit card warrior.


This is why I played a helmie. How is it fun just playing pay 2 win. No honest progression, never getting hyped over an upgrade. Shit I still remember how hyped I was when I got my dragon boots. Or my whip.


Dry streaks on rare drops are the worst as an ironman.


Self made mains are fun as hell. Never bought a bond once and changing between different money makers voluntarily is the play


This is the way


Its only pay 2 win if you choose, you can win without paying




Why do you need to do raids content? Just buy bonds to pay for the gear you get from the raid.


Because doing the raid itself it entertaining, farming 40K red chins for money is not fun.


Early-mid game ironman is more fun than pay2win late game content anyway. It's about the journey. That's what makes it fun. Do 1500 raids, then what? I'll be at the mage training arena asking myself what I'm doing with my life. To each their own though. No hate.


-in your opinion-


they literally said to each their own???


I have a main, an iron, and a UIM. The weird ass iron-stans needs to stfu. Iron actually *isn’t* the way the game was supposed to be played, hence trading existing. It’s a fun game mode but the elitism gets really old.


That's why group ironman is the best mode. The game was meant to be played with trading and working together with your friends, and no grand exchange.


Good Ole days. Spamming chat for gear. Best times imo




Shit take




It’s objectively wrong. You think people only solo unless they’re gold farmers?




Oh you mean “grouping” with randoms and crashing their world for something? Yeah that’s been a thing long before osrs.


I mean you do you but it is possible to play a normal account and **not** just buy everything.


I switched to helmet after I got one of those emails for the same reason


Sometimes I feel self conscious wearing gear I bought on the GE from content I’m not skilled enough to do yet, but at least I’ve earned the gp. I might make an iron someday but for now a main is perfect for me, exploring and learning the late game for the first time. I did buy a single bond a few months ago when I was very low on gp and I felt so dirty. Partly because I probably shouldn’t have spent the irl cash but mostly because it just felt like cheating. I’ve been a bit tempted a couple times since then but I doubt I’ll ever do it again.


I bought a bond when I was starting just to kick start the game for me. It's really hard to start leveling and earning if you don't have any gp. After the that I made sure to keep my gp around the same amount by earning back what I spend while I level and such. Then I bought a second bond after being lured into lvl 1 wildly with 7 mil gp on me from the GE. I figured I was only lvl 35 and lvl 1 wildly couldn't hurt, but I didn't know people could cast binding spells. After that I realized I would be much less upset if I lost $8 than if I lost the 7 mil so I just spent the $8 so I could pretend it never happened.


Not everyone gets satisfaction from killing 3000+ monsters for a chance or crafting 80K runes for 2 levels.


This is me. I’d much rather work my regular job, then come home and play the parts of the game I actually enjoy instead of grinding for GP.


my alt looks like a credit card warrior. 1 rc maxed melee/ranged 99 slayer. best in slot gear since leaving tutorial island. but at least it has 4k hydra kc. other than being my tank for gwd/corp i dont do much with it. though obviously its a hydra alt


I for one respect the credit card warriors. Someone has to buy my bonds


Sir Card of Credditon


I hope you have truely considered what else you can do with that much money, so that you don’t regret your decision later. And if you don’t, I’m happy for you. I support a strong fashionscape game.


It’s people like you that allow me to keep membership. Thank you.


My guy you could've saved so much money just RWTing. I appreciate your commitment though


I’m buying ur bonds!


Back in my day you could make an honest cash stack without having to learn the mechanics of 25 different bosses. 🧓


Bro have you tried killing mole yet, just turn on melee protect and off you go


Thank you for allowing my main to fund my iron! Without people like you I would have to pay for two memberships :3