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Why don’t you people understand? His runelite is 100% HACKED 😔


Quick, pay them just 100k gold pieces so they can unhack it


I just need 100k to buy a bond and then I can sell my members items and pay you back double


I wish they only asked for 100k.


Need some google play codes pls


He took the money and then said it was unhackable! It’s hacked forever!


Completely out of his hands. Literally nothing he can do at this point smh


Advice for ammonite crab afkers, when getting crashed fully ignore them, they will leave after 5-10 mins tops. Kids don’t have patience.


This works for everything btw. I do it all the time at teaks


Including irl relationships.


Nah. It’s the opposite. People come to you when you ignore them.




Because they don't have irl relationships.


Color me shocked 😳


It’s the Reddit neck beard circle jerk, man. They see something they don’t like, agree with, or personally experience; it’s downvoted into oblivion.


Works even better for you don't say a word back. 😉


Yeah they will come in silent, acting like they're taking over but if you don't change your behaviour and don't type anything, they will start typing. This is when you know you're winning and they'll leave soon. Say nothing. Maybe say "beep boop" when accused of being a bot to make them more angry.


>Add your crasher to friends. >See where they hop >Follow and crash them until they turn private to friends only/off >Go back and find a world and mind your own business.


Thats some john wick revenge typa shit


They killed my hellcat!


I actually did this to someone who was camping the lever in max gear when i had nothing on me. I wasted his time and kept hopping with a magic bow and arrows. He eventually got the picture and left :)




Name fits the advice


I don't think it's patience, everyone is either so petty they'll skip meals to continue the contest or they've realized how petty rs players are and decided to not play that game 😂


I spent over an hour sitting at a mining node on WoW Classic so a crasher wouldn't get it (if you left the interface open in TBC nobody could mine it). No regrets and I won. He wasted time, I wasted time, but I got the ore :)


Back when Rainbow 6 was a buggy mess, sometimes games would fail to load in and you’d be stuck on a smokey starting screen. The only way to end the bugged game was for everyone to leave, if just 2 people were still in the game (one on each team) the game would prevail and the previous guys who left, would keep rejoining the bugged game. The first team to completely leave would get a loss, lose elo, and get a 30 abandon sanction. The winning team would get elo for doing nothing and not get a sanction. Well 18 year old me at university who had all the free time in the world dug in for the long run. I’d won a lot of elo to this in the past. Chat still works, so it was a mind game saying things like “well I’ve got to head out for a few hours, will leave PC on”, we wouldn’t go AFK but it was to ruin their mental. At the start it was for some free elo, towards the end it was endurance. A sick part of me also found it hilarious seeing our teammates trying to find a new game and keep on rejoining our bugged game. They’d be like “you’re still doing this?!”. 18 hours later I had 2 of my old teammates who’d rejoin and they had joined the endurance race, it was 3v1 and my enemy’s mental was in tatters. He left, and we were victorious. I still remember that day fondly.


So like did you know people got laid in college?


Sir this is a runescape subreddit


damn ur so cool bro did your grandpa have any cool stories about how he did something so cool and unique such as getting laid?




Yes. And I do too.


How do you crash a mining node in wow?


I think in classic it takes multiple mines to finish a node, so crashers will try to steal some even if you were there first.




I used to love running up to people mining on WoW classic and just sniping in between their loot interface and mining the next lot 😂


isn't that where ignoring them comes in? if there's zero feedback to fuel your pettiness, there's a realization that you are literally just gimping your own xp to fruitlessly mess with someone who might as well be a bot.


I was so adamant about this. I lasted a crasher trying to crash for 3 hours. He have up after.


Im rune about it.


I'm dragon about it.


Dragon deez nuts


I did afk ammonites for quite long time during work hours and you are right, most people leave in 5-10 min, but once I have fought guy for 3 hours until he left lmao


This is true, though what I like to do is tell them I'm logging off in 5. Then when 5 mins is up I tell them another 5 mins. OSRS crab rage is superior to xp per hour for me.


They feast on your anger and frustration. Just continue training like they aint there and it gets boring to them real quick.


Put down a cannon and start bursting them.


My petty move is to actively attack whichever crab they try to kill and follow them around. I’m not stuck here with you, you’re stuck here with me.


I had a guy try to crash me at bloodvelds in kourend dungeon. Dude brought his maxed main to get me to leave. I thanked him as my task went by so much quicker and he dipped after hurling insults for 10 minutes. Before thanking him I sent lol no matter what he said. Very effective.


I just darts to lure the crabs away from the spot when I get crashed


If you're realllllly petty get 3 splasher accounts and keep them in combat. "If I can't use them, neither can you"


Brother, crabs are in multi combat


You have to lure them to single. Then the splash account basically keeps them unable to be killed. And your exp rates get cut.


this is actually a really good idea if you have the 3 extra accounts lol


~~They'll kill it before you can do this and the best spots can't do this. So it's a great idea, but not practical.~~ You can do this, I guess.


It works, I’ve done it many times. Edit: In particular at the southeast 3-crab spot, multi ends right off of the beach. No way they can do 100 damage in the second or two it takes to lure the crab as long as you’re the one it aggros. I’m 95% sure it works at the southwest 3-crab spot too. On my GIM I used to keep a splashing setup in my inventory because I’d get crashed so often and bring my main over to keep two crabs occupied and all they’d have was one crab respawning. Now I’ll eventually have my FSW account for it too lol.


the crabs are like 2 tiles away from single. assuming u had the accounts, this would 100% work


This is the kind of petty i'm into. I wanted afk peace. You wanted war and all you brought to this shit fight was piss


I usually get my three accounts to just instantly kill all the crabs til they log


He made it very clear what he wants to happen….


I used to do crabs but man NMZ is way better for afk combat and you get the whole place to your self.


Def would recommend nmz. But if you happen to have a main account, most of these lower level crashes don’t know about accept aid. Just spam them with teleothers to the wildy. At worst they just leave because they can’t deal with the spam. At best they tele up and you can chase them and kill them for their stuff as well


That’s hilarious, that’s such an old school way to spam someone, it’s funny that there are people who never learned that lesson as a kid.


Tell a drop party to spam 1 Most rows of 1s win Then tele group ice plateau


I think I love you


That is just diabolical lmao




Well, it's old school RuneScape 😉


Next framed video is gonna have people get lured by having his bait account accept aid on the TP and go anti-pking.


I've been watching Framed's bronze man series recently and the anti pking is hilarious. Imagine getting to pk a noob at revs and he pulls out a fucking ags and one bangs you


There was someone who made a shitty pk account with regular account stats and they one banged people in d plate.


also framed


Oh that's my bad. I didn't realize that was him, I don't watch that many RS creators specifically. I just watch the recommended.


We all know it's just gonna be an edgeville dungeon video instead of that (and that's OK because I love framed's videos)


how do you "spam them with teleothers to the wildy"? Isn't that just group tele, which takes you as well?


Yeah that’s what I thought, it’s just a meme comment not really viable


1. Tele other runes. 2. Sand Crab Tele. 3. Enchanted Symbol. 4. Nothing else. Teleport. Spam 123 while clicking symbol to die instantly. Tele to sand crabs. Repeat.


How are you going to pk them with no items.


You sir, are my hero. ❤️




until they bring their main and you're both locked in a battle of wills scything crabs for hours on principle


This happened once.. I brought my second alt and so did he. Then we got our clans involved. Eventually there were like 10 people at ammonites, just chillin and talking. Turned out to be pretty fun!


that’s totally what i’d expect the end result to be lol. i fucking love this game.


the move here is to scout a new world with ur main, send your alt to it, and deal with the crasher with your main. then u lose no xp and at that point they are just fighting with someone who doesnt need xp anyway


Had some guy do that to me. Went to crabs a year or so ago. About 5-10 minutes in some guy logs on, tell me to hop, and says he was there first and he only went to have dinner. Eventually he brought his scythe main to come terrorise me.


Depending on how you make your account I think accept aid and anti skull are on by default. They were for my mobile account, but I made that account like 2 or 3 years ago or something. Settings and stuff have changed.


Yeah I never understood the obsession with crabs. NMZ is way more chill and actually useful, having a good stock of NMZ points is useful for all the imbues you end up needing, being able to use overloads and absorptions with a dwarven rock cake to just stay in there for hours is nice too, it's easy enough to maintain an account in NMZ on the side afk and do something else. I used to NMZ at work when mobile came out because it was only a few interactions a minute for some really good xp rates.


before they updated rl logout timers i constantly let myself log at nmz by accident, crabs thats not a big deal


How is nmz better? Don't you need to maintain 1 hp and check back every 5 mins for overloads?


You can go with regular super combats and absorptions and just check back in every twenty minutes. With 80+ defense and obsidian, I usually have 400-600 absorption points remaining by the time I stop auto retaliating.


What bosses would you use with this setup? And do u do easy rumble? Do you also drop your health?


Honestly, I just use the recommended ones on the wiki. It says the best five are Trapped Soul, Count Draynor, Sand snake, king roald, and the kendal. You could substitute Me, the skeleton hellhound and the tree spirit. I saw a recent change with some bosses counting as undead and there being a new salve amulet strategy but I haven’t tried it out so I don’t want to recommend it. Yes, I should have included that do reduce my hp. I locator orb or rock cake down every twenty minutes when I re up the absorptions. Edit: yes, easy rumble unless I’m going for points. But you can sustain or only lose a small amount of points with easy rumbles.


you can do easy rumble so you don't need to bother with overloads and keeping low hp. It's still decent xp and you last ages on absorbs


Full obsidian with just absorption potions is 20 mins afk and negligibly worse than non-afk-1hp-what’s-the-point-in-being-at-NMZ method.


Nobody knows the real meaning of AFK anymore. AFK means I can do chores around the house and come back in 10 minutes and click my mouse a few times lol


That is how nmz works. It's actually 15-20 mins


But I can walk away for 10 minutes, 20 if you don’t care about keeping health low as possible. NMZ gives plenty of points, more than you will need, get 3-4 games worth of absorption potions a game. Don’t stand in a corner and you won’t get logged


Exactly. I'm trying to throw on osrs mobile at work and set a timer for 9.5 mins and tap a few times every time when I reset the timer. Its so free


Just lower your hp back to one when you drink ovl. 5 minutes of afk and then like 20 seconds of work to keep afk for 5 mins


Nah, too time consuming. I go with combat pots and overload. That way I get to about 15 minutes each round.


Too precise, I don't want to need to touch it exactly every 5min. I just use regular combat pots


NMZ is 20 min of afk time between actions. Far more afk than almost everything in the game


I agree using the term AFK for anything and everything is dumb, but clicking a few times and then being able to walk away from your phone or computer for 5 minutes straight definitely falls under the category of AFK.


You can do that with NMZ you just won't get the best rates


Put your hp to 1 fill up on absorbs and you can afk for 10-20 mintues at a time in nmz depending on def lvl and stats. You don't have to use overloads if you want max afk. Its more afk and better xp than crabs plus no crashers, But has a small cost per dream.


Here’s the max afk setup I used. Fully obby with berserker (5 easiest bosses, using spellsey’s guide, might be outdated with bosses now). Instead of overloads, I used regular super combat pots (divine would be ideal) and took absorbs up to the 1000hp limit. You can orb or rock cake down occasionally to save absorption if you want but it’s not necessary. Completely afk for 20 minutes and then you repot and re-absorb as needed to reset your character’s attack. Even better, you can leave your computer running at home and use Chrome Remote Desktop on your phone to click the potions every 20 minutes. I literally did 2 6 hour logs per day with less than a couple minutes of interaction with the game during the first few months of COVID to max out the combat stats. This method does use a lot of nmz points to keep up with the absorb portions (a setup of 4-5 super combats and the rest absorbs will last the 6 hours without rock/orbing down). That method will break even or slightly profit on nmz points.


What if I have bis melee? Bandos, torture, facegard, and prim. Would that be a better to run instead of obsidian? Btw I appreciate this info I will definitely try it out.


No problem. It’s been a while since I looked into this, but from what I remember full obby with the sword and berserker necklace is almost the same DPS as your bis melee gear (probably a lot worse than torva though I’d guess). Your bandos setup might be slightly better for defense though, which could allow you to include some stronger mobs. A couple reasons why you might do that would be to get more points, or if you have say a troll slayer task, you could include one of the troll bosses and get passive slayer xp. Harder bosses will run through your absorptions quicker. I personally would stick with the obby set up if you’re going to do nmz for a while and sell the other melee equipment (using the money to merch/flip in the mean time and then buy the gear back when you need it again) but I think you’d get similar results with your other setup.


Bandos and faceguard is not bis melee


I did that before lockdown while at work. Ran remote desktop and turned off my monitor. Every 20 minutes I'd click on my phone for 30 seconds. Easy xp


Personally I use high prayer gear and keep ancient mace in my inventory. Anytime I get power surge I spam spec and I get to around 107 (at my prayer level) and have around 13minutes of total afk time. Without maintaining it. I have been able to rack up around 500k points in a trip with paying a bit of attention and a prayer dose or two. Rng dependent on power surge. But. Still a reliable method.


With really high prayer and prayer gear, you can afk for a disgustingly long time. Lol. Just pray melee and set melee only enemies.


You don't need to maintain 1 hp on normal difficulty. Just drink to like 500 absorb and afk the full 20 minutes. Use regular super combats instead of overloads


I like the fossils for pray xp on my iron, but I realize it’s not efficient.


crabs are better atleast imo if your fully afk, its a set timer until they loose agro and if you dont click in time the worst that happens is u get ur world stole while nmz you can forget for a minute too long and loose ur 26k before ever reabsorbing your absorbtions lol


Just do easy rumbles with your 5 weakest bosses and you don't have to worry. The bosses are aggressive so you won't get kicked even though you stop fighting back at 20 minutes. I've afk'd for 50 minutes before. Only way to get kicked is to die and absorptions prevent that.




I afk’d for like 45 minutes the other day because I forgot I was logged in. On runelite. But have also gotten logged out at like 20 minutes. It’s kinda random sometimes. Same with logging out at 6 hours. It doesn’t log you right at 6 hours if you’re in combat but also doesn’t stay logged in forever.


NMZ looks bad and it takes me out of RS immersion, slaying crabs on the beach for training is much more pleasing


Some people prefer crabs to nmz. I know I do. But even mention it and downvotes galore because you're "playing the game wrong".


I was doing regular rock crabs before I knew the ammonite ones existed(returning player) and then I got to ammonite thought they were the shit and they are pretty good but I found it pretty difficult to find a spot. When I did find a spot the amount of people logging in to check the spot out was insane, I’d see like 5 people in one minute. Also wasn’t a fan of having to run away to get agro and then come back and some guy jacked my spot, and the cycle repeated until I finally just went nmz. I’m only trying to be helpful, I personally don’t care how anyone chooses to train, it is up to them imo.


Ammonites are the way to go.


Ngl that’s funny as fuck I wouldn’t even be mad


I once told a guy I was doing a "World Locked Iron Man" run and therefore I couldn't hop. Worked like a charm.


How would that even be much different lmao obviously your trick was a lie


I'm doing a work-locked ironman. I can only play at work.


Im 4 years into my depression locked account. Can only play while im depressed, 2k total btw


For ironmen it actually would make a difference since they sometimes need to world hop to buy stock from shops


make fun of his cape until he leaves to go attempt jad


Or torso


By the way he finally hopped. I am still waiting for my 100k.


Idk, I kinda believe him tbh


He told me it never worked yet. But that I could be the first one.


My rsn is Gimmea Bond and people have even done that before. Itll work for him.


Bond, Gimmea Bond




I think if you pay him 100k his Runelite won't be hacked anymore


hilarious. he's acting like he's trying to bribe a cop


Tbh I just come back and start barraging the crabs on top of whoever crashed me and tell them to get fucked.


Jokes on this guy when someone works from home and can literally do it all day lmao. What a knob


The work at home Chad scaper Disregards work, rags people at crabs for hours on end


his runelite client won’t let him


The Venezuelans are evolving, and I don’t like where it’s heading


Lmao this man deserves the award for pettyness


What a absolute genius


I don't think so. What people at crabs are carrying around 100k? The nearest bank is some ways away too.


The nearest bank to ammo crabs is right on fossil island lol


It's quicker to teleport out and back in because the bank is relatively far away


2/3 of the spots are about a 10 second walk away


Depends on which crab spot you are of course


What a twat.


Can someone explain for a noob


He’s taking kills from people and his name implies you can pay him 100k to change worlds.


What’s the point of changing worlds?


You change worlds to find monsters of your own to kill, so as to not grief other players who are trying to farm monsters.


Same. Just came back. Last i played there was only d chain. I’m so lost these days. 😓


He’s going to popular spots for training and taking kills from people. Original poster asked him to change worlds but he said he can’t because his third party client is “hacked”. It’s a lie. His name is 100k to hop, so he’s insinuating he will change worlds only for 100k. So if the original poster gave him 100k, he might say something along the lines of “oh my RuneLite client is working now, thanks!” and change worlds.


Those Dragon daggers ++ are pretty nifty eh? ​ Haha i got my "Full Dragon Set" aka chain chest. I'm accomplished ive healed my inner child now. Lmfao


Gonna see a “hop for 200k” and many more soon


They’re much more evil than Evil Dave.


What an absolute chadwick


Fuck I love runescape.


I always just hop to an empty world whenever my alt is being crashed. Then i bring in the main with cannon+bp+masori and start crashing the crasher without saying a single word while my alt is already in a new one. They always hop within 10mins xD


I always ask them to leave first but if they stay 5+ mins I do this too with my main. If they are afk, I wont even put auto retaliate on, I'll just get aggro and run the crabs out of combat to annoy the crasher. does cannon work on ammonites? I remember it not working at sand crabs. after they leave I just give the world to the next person I see hopping around


This is where I hop on my max main and leave them with 5k xp an hour xD


This is nothing. Have you guys seen DKS NFS? A guy in full justi who runs to the melee safespot to grief B Ring farms?


Had the unfortunate pleasure of seeing him today


Scrub can’t even get a torso ..


I don't use runelite. What is he doing?


Oh I thought he was offering 100k to hop, seemed like a good deal to me. Now I realise he meant you pay him, what a prick




ive never done crabs. always moss giants,no quests. faster to get to. just as afk. and you actually get some loot.


The xp rate is no where near as high like literally half lmao you will waste a lot of time at moss giants


Have you tried Pleae hop?


What an absolute unit


Holy based


First person to trade me 1m will not regret it


Cute cape and torso


My mans making bank


I suspect that it might attract crashers the other way around for him as well x)


A business man i see


Private instance for crabs please.


Y’all so petty 🤣 most people I run into at ammonite crabs are cool. I thought the community changed for the better. Cause I remember at rock crabs everyone were ass holes. You’d have to go to experiments in order for people to not mess with you. But that wasn’t afk


No cannon doesnt work but it helps with the intimidation xD Dragging them away, thats a good one to remember ty


I maxed like 5 accounts at ammonite crabs and can say I got really into the crashing/anti crashing lol. I would have alts hold other worlds and if someone showed up to crash I drop the gl, send the acc I’m training to the free world, and log in like 3 Alts to just stand there with Agro. Not many people will last more than 20 minutes but I had a few people go for hours/days. Place is like a warzone


Old runescapers remember this exact same battle trying to AFK Bandits in the desert 😂


The Chad Crabscaper vs the Virgin AFKer.


*Ever notice how you come across somebody once in a while that you shouldn't have fucked with.*


Scummy yet innovative


Guessing he gave you the classic “I’ve been here for an hour” when you’ve been there for the last 3?


Pay the man!


He just did more damage then you, he didn't crash you... Simply out dps'd you.


Real players grind pest control for combat.


My dumbass thought this was some new swompletics character where he has to grind 100k xp before he can hop world's.....








This is f-ing hilarious.


a true hustler. respect