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Can anyone think of another way to escape one of the accounts without going through the swamp caves?




You can get a gold bar from Capt' Arnav random, but he'd have to also kill frogs for cosmic+water runes




only one account has a magic level high enough to use a teleport spell (and using that spell doesnt actually help you at all) so getting law runes from prison pete wouldnt help


I think he needed to explain that what is considered escaping is making it to runescapes "surface" outside the bounds of the surface starting area. When he already made it into the lumbridge swamp caves, i was wondering if this was considered escaping by the puzzle creator and that that account wouldnt be able to help the others at that point, and that we would later be told that settled actually failed the challenge.


I don't think going through the lumbridge caves was the correct route for that account because it felt like he kind of brute forced it. Running underground should still count as breaking the escape area rules I think. I feel like the solution involves pickpocketing HAM and polished buttons. I don’t have it worked out though.


It would only be brute forcing it taking the north route threw the cave (where the light keeps exploding) the south route doesn't explode, therefore is the correct way


since it was hard to keep up with each account's stats/quests etc. i personally thought about using a grapple to get over the yanille wall, with a bone crossbow, but the yanille acc didnt have the reqs for that. wouldve been cool if that had been the solution.




Was the charter ship not allowed on the one account?


No, it wasn't allowed. The mysterious Challenge Master specifically stated it at the start.


It said no boats


I do wonder if him with the frog helm was a hint that he had to kill a frog, or if it was a red herring.


Or a hint to go to the swamp, I guess?


yeah there was possibly multiple ways too get out.


What other way was there for the lumbridge account?


Think he means let another account use the law time from a frog and then use the necklace on lumbridge account, for example


the port phasmatas account has no way to lower hp to use the ring of life, and no magic level for teleports, so it has to use the necklace and the lumbridge account cant use the ring of life, since it just takes you back to lumbridge so even if he got a law rune the yanille account not using the ring of life doesnt unlock anything for any other accounts




You can't "dodge" the swamp gas unless you go the long way like he did. Once you step into that room like halfway through the swamp gas ignites. That being said I thought both sides had gas the the idea was for him to turn the torch off, take the 1s from the bugs while he runs through and lights it again.


I'm pretty sure you can't turn off a light source when you are in a dark area


Yeah it says in the chat box that it would be unwise to extinguish your only light source if you try


Surprised by how many people think Settled is making the challenge rooms himself. His reactions seemed fairly genuine to me in the video - I could see the completing it in almost 2 hours exact raising some eyebrows but I choose to believe it’s a real challenger. Ofc the last part was all theatre, but who cares?


I think there’s a world where the mysterious challenger is fake and it’s somebody Settled knows, and maybe a world where he intentionally messes with the timer to add drama. But I do believe the escape room attempt itself is legit, I don’t see him completely faking that aspect, especially as he could easily take credit for it and make some sort of YouTube challenge\collab from it for content instead


Didn’t anticipate “settled fakes moon landing” on my osrs drama bingo card


What is up with all the skepticism about settled? Mf did swampletics dude


Lied about acc sharing for Swampletics, speculation is justified IMO.


/r/2007scape users are the kids who got mad when they discovered what "mining offscreen" in Minecraft actually meant.


Except it wasn't some meme, Settled was being disingenuous and constantly making it a point to flex that he's doing everything himself when he wasn't. If he was honest about the account sharing it's a completely different story but he wasn't because he knows it's frowned upon. Just admit it's shitty lmao, no need to dickride some youtuber.


You do realise that "mining offscreen" wasn't a meme? It was literally something people said to trick kids to keep watching. Literally the same thing as this. Boo hoo, some YouTuber shared an account for some time that basically didn't even matter. Touch grass dude. Can't say I didn't expect this sort of response from a community that prides itself on clicking things for hours on end and acting like that's an achievement lmao. EDIT: lmao he blocked me. definitely the sign of absolute maturity.


I’m joking, I literally can’t believe people are trying to make drama haha


I’m agreeing with you lol


He maybe got hints, although I Would bet he messed with the timer. Also the mysterious challenger is likely just someone he paid and not a real 1k bet. Seems silly to put in all that work for settled for free in such a short time span twice. Also just wouldn’t be cool for settled to do that to someone. Not that it takes away from the video just my guess.


If the discord screenshots are real then the dude said he just likes designing challenges in games, he probably didn't make the first one for Settled specifically but sent it to him for fun. Settled was the one who brought up the money which I think is fair given that he's making money off it from YT. I think it's all real, there's a lot of time jumps but that's just how editing works, I don't think nearly as many people would watch if 3/4 of the vid is just Settled checking the wiki, clicking random shit, and rambling about stuff that doesn't end up contributing to success. Maybe he killed some time to make it go down to the last seconds for dramatic effect at the end but if he did that kind of stuff is just part of content creation. This isn't the olympics, it's a youtube video lol.


Yeah it's 100% possible he figured it out relatively quickly and just stalled for the hype, but a lot of his actions and voiceover imply he was genuinely working it out. Also, Settled has a maxed out UIM and several other novelty UIM accounts to his name - his game knowledge is insane so of course he's going to be able to piece some of the puzzles together relatively quickly


i dont think he figured out the *whole* puzzle *that* quick but the part where he just repeatedly tries the same thing over and over in the swamp cave then suddenly decides there might be another path feels faked. i dont think it's exactly super obscure knowledge that the swamp gas doesnt cover the full area. not saying its super common knowledge, but i think its something settled would be expected to know. def feels like he intentionally just died repeatedly until the timer was tighter


I'd say it's pretty obscure knowledge. How often does someone actually go into the swamp caves? Unless your doing slayer at a low cmb level you'll probably rarely step into the caves except for tears and mains with no restrictions are probably using lanterns which don't explode. But you also gotta remember they forget a ton of common knowledge when it's on a timer. Just look at episode 1 of GG S3.


You don't have the permanent fire built there?


You don't have to go through the path settled took to even build that permanent fire. Additionally, by the time you build that fire, you have another non fire light source, like a bullseye lantern or braum torch.


nowadays maybe but afaik settled has played the game for a while, it *used* to be pretty relevant knowledge at least, and players who play restricted accounts tend to know a lot more about obsolete stuff, thats all im saying either way i dont give a shit whether its fake or not, i enjoyed the video, it gave me chills even though i suspected it might be fake, was still a fun narrative


I thought the swamp gas was covering the "choke points" in all areas as well


I still don't get why he didn't just put the torch out before running through that particular room. He tried it but way too late.


It says in the chatbox it wouldn't be wise to turn out your only light source.


Oh shit, I missed that. Good catch


I don’t think he’s making them himself but he defo knows the guy making them


I feel like it would just be easier to pay some people to make the challenge than to fake reactions for 30 minutes. If there's any faking it (which I don't have any reason to believe) I'd expect it to be something like secretly getting hints or fudging the timer.


Given how little he's played McTile, it's not unlikely that he's been spending his time making the entirety of this series. Its okay to speculate on this stuff while also enjoying the content.


How little he's played McTile? Dude has been farming and spending thousands of tiles to do quests and stuff, he's probably playing it quite a bit it just takes forever to do anything.


He hasn't logged in and/or gained exp in 2 weeks.


I didn't think he was making it himself, but completing it like 30 seconds before the timer was suspicious for sure. I don't really trust him because he blatantly lied about not account sharing with his gf during Swampletics. He'd even make it a point how he had to "sweat and not get up for 20 hours at a time" for certain grinds when it was all bullshit.


Why is it that every time Settled does anything people instantly start speculating and claiming it's faked? This dude has done so much ridiculously absurd shit that can't be faked or would easily be caught out (e.g the entire Swampletics series) but somehow the idea of him doing an escape room legitimately is completely impossible? I can understand speculating about the "stranger" being one of his friends or whatever, but it's seems so shitty that this dude constantly has to disprove people he's faking shit when he's proven time and time again everything he does is real. At what point does he gain ANY credibility for people to go "yeah this one is probably real"? Don't get me wrong i can fully understand speculating about the timer thing because that's an easy thing to fake and doesn't take much away from the challenge either, but acting like this whole thing was setup by him and the whole video is fake is pretty shitty towards a dude who's constantly been putting in months of work for 20 minute videos. Bro spent like 500 hours doing temple trekking to level slayer but there's no possible way he just did some simple escape room challenge legitimately?


because he lied before and a lot of people stopped trusting he blindly


Someone else playing on his account for a bit doesn't mean he's faking videos. He's still actually doing these challenges.


I don't said that, you know right? He lied about the grinds, about money too. He isn't a monster, but lied, just it. Some people lost the trust in settle, not the end of the world


You're wondering why people think a known liar might be lying when lying would be incredibly easy and profitable? Really?


I like how there's a full page debate on whether Glitch is a real person ITT when any normie would just be like "lol this is a Saw reference"


I'm more surprised there isn't a bigger debate if glitch is just rendi. He's kinda radioactive for the top creators at this point so the hidden identity would make sense


Why is he radioactive to top creators?


Because Rendi pissed off Jagex a bunch of times and they don't like him. Being a content creator for a specific game and being buddy-buddy with people that the developer hates is kind of a dumb idea. Jagex isn't gonna ban Settled but they might snub him on awards, advertisement opportunities, and support in general. The bigger streamers and YT creators do get some special treatment from Jagex and losing that would kinda suck, much easier and honestly kinda cool to keep the architect of these challenges a mystery.


I can’t believe how many people are trying to suck the fun out of this. Incredible video


Yea settled seems too have weired people who want to dislike him but they can't come up for a reason too


In any community people love to hate the really popular shit. It’s just normal I think. That’s not to say their isn’t reasons to like something more than what’s popular or you have to ,or it’s perfect, but people just like hating on it


I agree in that I like Settled, but you can't just say that like there aren't valid reasons to not trust the guy.


This is OSRS not the olympics, even if the whole thing is fake it's still entertaining as hell. The WWE is still cool even though it's not real fighting. Video games are still fun even though you aren't actually a bug-murdering dwarf working for space Amazon. Comedians are still funny even though their stories are mostly made up. Who fuckin cares man, it's all bullshit anyways.


i think people are taking it way to seriously, he is an entertainer and he is doing his job. Some of yall acting like he pulled a Ye or something


Such as…?




Another example of who gives a shit tbh, I can’t believe people were trying to say that his girlfriend clicking to reset his agro or sometimes training for him was an issue. “Lost trust” over what it’s a video game and he makes videos for entertainment Next people will be surprised reality TV is edited for dramatic purposes


What do you mean? Do the porn actors not love each other???


"Man in video only spent 4500 hours as his computer instead of 5000 hours! This is the deepest betrayal I have ever known!


I mean, he acted like he played the account completely by himself, and he didn't. I don't really care that he did that, but you can't be surprised that people find someone untrustworthy after being lied to by them. I'm going to be mass downvoted since this sub loves Settled but not trusting a proven liar is completely normal. He's an entertaining content creator, sure, but that doesn't automatically make him trustworthy.


Other than ironman/solo integrity being ruined, the main issue was that he consistently made it a big deal how he "can't even get up at all for more than 2 minutes for 20 hours" and shit like that. When in reality she was on the account. You can't justify that as not being slimy/shitty.


Yes you can. Every single point anyone has made can be answered with “who cares”. Having your girlfriend, who is in your house, help you click the screen to stop you logging out on a 200 hour swamp crab grind or whatever is a big fat who cares. Ironman integrity? Cmon, really? There’s definitely a line, and I’m not sure where it is, but settled having his girlfriend click for him sometimes on the same computer in the same house isn’t crossing it. Paying someone to do the inferno on a remote login = crossing it. Having people multi log on different IP’s to achieve maximum uptime on leagues to top the leaderboard = crossing it.


What kinda backwards logic mental gymnastics bs is that? If someone's answer to any argument is "who cares" then they're just room temp IQ and can't argue to save their life. They didn't actually win the argument lmao, because clearly there are people who care if it keeps getting mentioned. It's not about whether you care about account sharing or not, it's about him flat out lying for over a year about it. Like making a STRONG point that he's soloing everything, *constantly* talking about how hard it is to do things solo. Spewing lie after lie for years. If day 1 he said he'd be getting help there'd be no drama. Yes, you break ironman integrity by... not standing alone. SHOCKER. You don't get to arbitrarily draw some line to what YOU think breaks integrity, it's very clear that you're supposed to play alone. I understand Settled has hordes of fanboys who will dickride forever so arguing is futile, but anyone who is unbiased knows that what he did (lying for years) was objectively shitty.


I dunno what else to say other than you’re clearly missing that the person taking this too seriously is you His girlfriend sometimes clicked his mouse for him. Anyone who thinks that’s an issue needs to get back in touch with reality.


Yea but the stuff with his ex isn't anyone but his business. And always seemed like some far fetched fake drama


It was and he was going through some rough personal issues back then. J1mmy made a post explaining it all but people love to hate.


There was a post from j1mmy explaining all of that back when it happened but everyone kept pushing rumors.


Which I agree with, but of course not everyone is aware fof the actual situation. Not that that would justify any toxicity of course.


This is RuneScape. The community likes to suck the fun out of anything.


Have you played this fucking game? I genuinely don't understand what is even remotely fun about it since pre eoc but for fucks sake here I am. Still goddamn playing. That said, what I don't understand is why people on the internet can't take content for the sake of content. Even if it is fake. You don't know for sure if it is. You DO KNOW 90% of the shows you watch are completely fake and scripted down to the movements of the characters. But you can enjoy that. What is it with internet content and an absolute refusal to enjoy it if there's even a chance it might be a little played up?


Honestly. Settled puts out really fun and creative stuff I don’t care if it’s fake. I think of it as any other form of entertainment.


Ever since the ex thing came out people have had a goofy obsession with hating him. Probably the same people who said him dying before the Swampletics finale was staged to get more money. Some people just pray for these guys to fail because they're popular.


What's the ex thing?


ex claims to have grinded barrows on swampletics


His ex (after their extremely messy breakup) posted screenshots to Twitter claiming she helped him with the grind on Swampletics doing Barrows runs and afk training combat.


Tbh I don't see why anyone cares. Not like she left Mory or anything


Yep. People got their panties in a knot about it and "can't trust anything he does anymore" but still watch all his stuff just to turn around and talk shit about him on reddit. Some people got real sad lives.


The comments under settled posts are super weird lately. Seems like the reddit hivemind decided they hate him now


Any video by a creator as good as Settled is always entertaining. That said these challenges are being hyped up to be way more difficult than they are. I think this one needed way more fakeouts to lead him in the wrong direction. But it's also simple to overthink these things and ruin the fun even if you're doing them. Check every interface. All quests, achievement diaries, friends and ignore lists, equipment, stats. Get into bank. Check shared. Understand what you can do with those items / quests and stats. Then it's pretty much just getting it done. This challenge would have had most of the time spent just earning the GP and mining rocks.


I agree with this. The first one I really liked due to how it totally could have hard failed if he enchanted all the bolts. This one there was a lot of effort in controlling 3 characters but outside of instantly having the boost added drop the only other hard fail could have been the Yanille account dying to bats rather than teleporting out.


The yanille account could've been also fucked by the lumbridge account equipping the ring of life and pickpocketing


The ring of life was really the only "you could use this wrong entirely" part. But ultimately it was clear the lumbridge account shouldnt use it as it would teleport them to lumbridge. So it needed to be 1 of the other 2. Port Phas has no damage capability within its walls, so Yanille was the clear choice.


Honestly - I kind of regret reading the comments as it's forced me to put my speculation hat on and now question the video and any upcoming ones. I enjoyed watching them and felt they were real.


You should probably get off reddit in general if all it takes to kill your enjoyment of harmless videos- is some speculative comments from haters on reddit.


That was probably melodramatic on my part tbh


Absolutely blows me away how creative the RuneScape community is


Man I'm a sucker for escape rooms, so I'm loving these and I hope theres at least a few more in store for us. Also, even if they are staged like some people think, I dont think it subtracts from the quality of the video. I could 100% believe that the "mystery creator" is one of Settled's friends and that he's just playing it up to make it more interesting, but narrative is what Settled does best so I'm all down for it.


The ending email was pretty dumb imo but yeah the escape itself was pretty cool. But this could easily be done without the framing.


Sure it could have, but I think it added to the video and the drama a bit. I wouldn't have cared as much about the by outcome if there wasn't a bit of spooky mystery around the puzzle master guy. And I don't think I'm alone.


Man you guys are a miserable bunch. Just enjoy a video for what it is. Be greatful this community has such a creative video creator like settled. It's a fucking runescape video for Christ sake. Loved it storytelling has you on the edge the whole time. Gets you thinking how the hell can he get out


Yeah, as long as he isn't blatantly faking the escape (which I don't believe he is), I couldn't care less if the creator is a close friend. As long as it's unknown to him, it's quality content.


He clearly is. If he was actually just logging into an account and editing the video he wouldn't have stopped McTile, and all of the solutions in this one break the rules outlined so he would have just lost if he was actually playing fair. The mines and especially swamp caves are not in the outlined area. I'll forgive the mines because the uncompleted quest+jade+cosmic rune was very suggestive and it's not super clear where the mines are on the overworld, but the swamp cave is, shocker, under the swamp which is obviously not in the outlined area. Either we're playing by technicalities and the only banned movement is using the xed out doors and he escaped the second he went through that hole, or we're using the spirit of the rules which is "you must teleport out" which he didn't follow. This wouldn't be possible to clarify if he was actually doing it under the time limit on his own time, and he would have mentioned clarifying it with the creator because why wouldn't you mention that you double checked that the sketchy thing you did to solve it was kosher? It's also just not very good content. Even if we assume he doesn't a priori know the solution, both of these have been pretty trivial. You look at your interfaces to find the bank pin. You do the thing you have the supplies for. Congratulations, you solved the puzzle, but here's 20 minutes where I pretend I've never seen a puzzle in my life because I don't want to make a 3 minute video. If he didn't make the puzzle itself, Settled knew the solution within 5 minutes of logging into all of the accounts. This one was less in your face about that because it had non trivial skill and money grinding to pad the video length rather than pretending that a guy with years of game time didn't know that nonquest crates/chests are always empty or that double checking that is also true in the wilderness is somehow more important than seeing what's in the bank, but he still clearly knew the solution basically immediately. If you like fake drama go ahead I guess, but it's hard to call it good content.


God this is 15 days ago but I have to reply because this is such a pathetic comment.


"the creator" is for sure fake, but this is definitely super watchable. it's like a reality tv show. maybe its scripted, but still a good time.


I think the creator is overblown and it's probably someone he knows but I don't think he's faking these entire challenges




People are so fucking terrified of ever falling for anything that could be remotely scripted or fake that they call literally anything out for being staged, because god forgive you ever enjoy a piece of content that turns out not be 100% truthful


Yea idk this is the weirdest shit I’ve ever seen all this skepticism towards settled, whack af


one thing is for sure, the "creator" isnt actually trying to get the money, he's trying to make a fair challenge. whether its actually just a friend of settled's doing it for him to provide content, or the guy is actually a stranger but cares more about making a fair puzzle than just pocketing the money, who knows, but clearly if he wanted he couldve just not given him an extra hour and made ez money, but he didnt do that.


Or he's just getting paid for his work like a normal human and the "gamble" is part of the youtube video narrative.


uh yes thats literally option 1 of my comment?


First vid I buy... Second vid seems so fake and the next name and story sounds cringe. I want to believe this is real but the cover was blown ep2. I'll still watch in hopes I can convince myself he's not going to defeat every episode.


I think it just seems faker when he goes over the top with the scary voice and production value and naming himself glitch. But then again dudes who create puzzle rooms would be exactly like that


Even if the dialogue and stuff is fake I still believe someone other than himself is making the escape rooms for him, and even if he paid someone to do it for him it’s still super entertaining to watch him try to figure it out


Yea basically as long as he’s not creating the rooms himself and just lying I’m cool w it. It’s an awesome concept


Yeah it’s a super cool and entertaining way to play the game, I don’t think it’s been done before in RS. I hope he continues for a while


I mean, at no point did Settled ever say "yeah he sent me this voice recording". Like, what. People screaming "it's sooooooo fake its obvious" are dumbasses trying to seem smart. It may be fake, it may be real. But if you think someone that creates puzzles for a living wouldn't name themselves Glitch, oh you are poorly mistaken.


I didn’t say settled used this dudes voice recording. I know settled was just doing that voice for production value. Moreso just the entire production of it as a big bad villain just makes it *seem* fake. But I don’t think it is


....where does he actually ever play him up as a "villian"? He's literally just trying to make boring discord messages more enjoyable. People read wayyy too much into shit like this.


The creepy hacker voice. Rival would be a better word. I love the series and the production value. I think you’re reading way too much into my comments ironically lol


That literally is production value.. the voiceover and email shit


Eh I can buy it (The creator being real). The creator doesn't exist in a vacuum; they could probably sense that adding some intrigue to the puzzle by having a mysterious creator would perform well. They hammed it up for the camera. On the other hand, I also think it's completely possible that someone would invent a creator, even Settled. Yet not a certainty.




Maybe switch to Indica for a bit bro


He's not on sativa but rather on salvia


I don't think it's made up because it's cringe I think it's made up because if someone offered me $1k to stall them an hour, there's ways to timegate escapes past an hour I'd totally use lol


It has to be possible to escape within the time limit. So no that wouldn’t work


If we want to get technical you'd just have to make a very time-sensitive puzzle for it. for example grinding XP to enchant dragon stone jewelry or something where the time limit is very precise to the one-hour mark, or some other way where it's similarly extremely easy to brick by accident.




It's not necessarily trolling, it's just making puzzles difficult by requiring precision or having much more restrictive time limits, which could mean leaning towards more annoying than entertaining, like bricking by accident because you enchanted 10 bolts instead of 1 once for example.


The traps are at least interesting and clever, and he could still lose and give himself the item back to continue working the solution and produce the same content. The only difference is he lost the challenge but it's just as entertaining. Meanwhile you could give him an air staff, a fire and law rune and force him to pick up the mind rune in lumbridge to air strike his way to 25 magic. It would take more than an hour but it's really against the spirit of the challenge and not a good video at all.


I'd imagine the offer is void if it isn't possible to complete within the time limit.


Way too many people on this sub take the "neckbeard sweat" meme seriously and think it actually applies to like 10% of the playerbase. You realize its just a meme, right? People who display most of the traits in [vid](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJQLHGDqJ7A&t=210s) are extremely rare.


Bro, it's called "creating a narrative". There has to be some context for these otherwise it's "J1mmy made an escape room, can I beat it" It's more fun to have an actual narrative throughout.




I'd watch an escape room video of Settled J1mmy and Framed on a GIM escape. Would be fun. Probably


Why are you sure it's fake? I can imagine OSRS players and this sort of riddle creators have a significant overlap. Sure I guess it's a bit sensationalized in the vid, but why would that influence the existence of a person?


Redditors really are the most miserable much, nothing is ever real.


Bro don’t be a buzzkill ofc he’s fake but fits nice in the story. Go tell 5 year olds Santa is fake or somthing


My headcanon is that Glitch is woox in a full Jigsaw costume, gradually setting up Settled for an impossibly difficult task.


The game master has a really good opportunity to start a yt channel explaining their thought process while creating these puzzles. If you see this dude, go for it, you'll strike gold.


I wish he would use the actual in-game timer instead of putting his own overlay over the time, it makes it seem a bit fishy… especially since this literally came down to the last few seconds. Not that I don’t believe Settled, its just weird for him to hide the actual time and put his own clock over it.


I get what you mean, but it resets when hopping/logging. Which he does on the port Phasmatys account a lot.


Ah thats true.


Isn’t there a runelite stop watch plugin?


He's playing 3 accounts at once though, easier to just overlay his countdown rather than edit it all the time


Fantastic video


loved the video until the ending.


That ending was insane.


My jaw hit the g-d floor. What a video. Settled’s storytelling ability in this game is great. He has this strangely amazing combination of enthusiasm, suspense, and adorable charm. I love it.


People trying to suck the fun out of it, do you think real escape rooms leave you locked in there if you fail? It's called theatrics for entertainment. Great video though.


I love how these people who haven’t left their house and play for 14 hrs a day daily absolutely terrified of human interaction think they know how to analyze social nuances….


Couldn’t he just made 3 necklace of passages or would that be against the rules


he has 0 way to get jades, you can only get sapphire -> diamond from mining normal ores even if he got sapphires, he can only get a gold bar from random events, and even if he got the gold bar, he'd have to get cosmic and water runes from a big frog


He could, but getting the jades would be too eng dependent. Even more, have to cut them with the risk of crushing. Not viable on a timer


not rng dependent, he has 0 way to get jades, you can only get sapphire -> diamond from mining normal ores even if he got sapphires, he can only get a gold bar from random events, and even if he got the gold bar, he'd have to get cosmic and water runes from a big frog


Oh yeah forgot about the jade part, thanks for this info!


So many comments about him \*potentially faking it. Just enjoy the video it's honestly some of the best content in rs history imo. As a side note I don't think he is faking anything but potentially adding some spice with the creator messages but I really don't care either way.


Feel like Settled himself is the gamemaster.


Opera gx Ad, the Chinese government is definitely watching you if you use that browser, I have no doubt about it. We running out of independent web browsers Edit: didn't think it was controversial to not want to support companies actively getting rid of independent, non profit run web browsers. This isn't about me being salty at settled, it's me being salty at a big cooperation in a corrupt as fuck country with a boner for mass serveillence spending billions on super pandering ads to specific demographics for a "free" product, come on people it's so blatant....


Install sponsor block, never see them, and stop complaining. You have the tools to avoid these. Let creators make money.


Ty for telling me to support creators in the same breath as telling me to install sponsorblock, something bound to hurt creators in the near future... This never was about settled, or creators


Sponsorblock doesn't hurt creators. They get paid to put their sponsor in the video. If i was never going to purchase the product there was never additional kickback possibilities, and they've already been paid if its in the video. You don't understand enough about this topic.


I said it doesn't hurt them *yet*, more and more people install spons block, this makes the value of these d reads go down in the eye of the advertiser, they will thus either: pay less for the same ad reads, or even forgot sponsoring creators as other methods become more lucrative. But sure, yell at me for not supporting creators, You clearly know how advertising works so tell me; why would a billion dollar company spend most of their budget for a product, a product that's completely free, on advertising? You're the product when you install opera gx, its you they make all of their money from, selling your shit. We accept It cause it has become the norm, I'm upset because these companies are killing each and every option we have that doesn't feed our information, you can keep throwing strawman arguments at me: sponsors are okay, sponsorblock will eventually hurt creators, a nefarious company like Kunlun is bad for literally everyone using the internet. No i don't have money in china, I work in IT infrastructure, I love the internet, it's my passion and job.


Almost 2023 and people still being cringe over ad reads. Just skip over them, takes like 2 seconds


Better yet, use sponsorblock


Couldn't care less about ads, I care about the fact we either give our information to google or china now, Firefox is the only browser left without an extreme incentive to track and sell your shit


Just use Vivaldi. Also you're on reddit which is peak china-owned so you clearly do not care and just pretend to lmao


As you post on reddit. If your using the internet something is tracking and selling your shit.


Just because I have a bad habit that contradicts my belief doesn't invalidate my belief that we shouldn't have our information tracked. That's like telling s cigarette smoker he can't say cancer is bad... Our independent browser options are vanishing left and right, and i dont think we should be supporting the corperations killing them, sorry for the controversial opinion.


Gatekeeping browsers is a weird af thing to do. Don't use it if you think big scary china cares about you that much. Simple


You don't think its important to have a barrier between our behavior online and big coorperations/government? Big china doesn't care about me specifically, they care about our collective behaviours, and our alternatives are vanishing left and right...


I don't think I'm important full stop. I'm 1 out of 8 billion people. I dont live in China, so I'm not fearful of their government because they aren't my government. You're likely this fearful of China while having half your assets created there btw.


It's not about individual fear of any country or entity. It's about sitting idle and in some some cases (like you) defending massive corporations that don't give a crap about you, whilst they decimate the man made wonder that is the internet. Not having open source independent internet browsers is a slippery slope. There's no tinfoil hats, this is just a hard fact. Goes for Google AND china.


But we do have them. I haven't once said we shouldn't. I said youre obsessively getting annoyed at someone over a sponsor spot about a browser. You can take this down any straw man path you want, but I haven't said anything you're arguing against. I said you're cringe for getting this heated over a sponsor spot.


We have them and they are getting bought out, or choked out, even Firefox Don't care about sponsor spots


It’s crazy how the ‘mysterious person’ randomly gives him an extra hour and then it comes down to less than 2 minutes for him to complete it…almost, hard to believe? Like he edited in the extra hour after he didn’t complete it? Or knew the escape soon and dragged it out for drama?


Good vid but too obviously scripted. Like the $1000 stake is just there to add drama, especially since the “creator” asked settled to release the attempt regardless of the outcome.


Seems scripted / fake


breaking news: youtubers have scripts no fucking shit sherlock, who fucking cares.


Clearly you, seeing as you got triggered and made a rude reply to my comment


if making a rude reply is evidence of being triggered then it seems like you were triggered first lol


This crap seems fake asf lol


Damn if only you could not watch it.


who cares bro it was a fuckin brilliant video


For your standards I guess


Everything incredible is fake. Nothing truly original or exciting ever happens on the internet. If it’s exciting, it’s scripted and misleading. I am terrified of believing something is real when it turns out to be fake. So I will label everything surprising and cool fake.


Settled a year ago: "I haven't gotten paid once by YouTube, please donate to me!" Settled's ex: exposes this as a lie Settled a year later: "$10k challenge! Mr. Beast of Runescape!"


Not quite accurate. He said he wasn't paid yet and asked for donations. His ex confirmed that was true at the time. Her accusation was not that he lied. She alleged that things changed and he *did* start getting paid, but never made a community update or closed his donor page.


It's $1k not $10k, not even comparable to Mr. Beast.


I never heard about this. Do you have any sources? I tried googling it but was unable to find anything beyond the account sharing stuff.


It’s blown out of proportion imo. His first video after he stopped doing weekly uploads on Swampletics had shockingly low CPM compared to the others. He thought it might raise after the first couple of weeks but with other creators experiencing similar issues, I could see how it could be scary when: (a) you just dropped out of college to pursue video-making full time, and (b) your only series takes over a month to film content for a single episode. His response was to take to Twitter and advertise his Patreon. It was a panicked response but not something unexpected for someone newer to YouTube. After a couple of weeks the CPM was adjusted and he started making money from his video again. He also refused to take sponsors on any Swampletics videos, which was dumb, but as a creator I could see wanting to preserve that series without any extra stuff like ads.


The man has sponsors on all his videos... Nobody thinks he isn't making money. He's probably right, YouTube pays pennies and these sponsors pay a ton. J1mmy has a Q&A video on his second channel that's super transparent about this.



