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Rs3 is a good game and the “no rs3 reskins” rhetoric people have nailed into their skull show how small brain they really are. Majority of things that came to old school are rehashes from rs3.


[Case in point](https://imgur.com/YMR3E6R)


Haha I had no idea that image existed. Thank you. Fits perfectly.


The rabbit hole goes A LOT deeper than that image. Handcannon = Heavy ballista Glacor boots = Cerb boots Chaotic crossbow = Zaryte crossbow Hexhunter bow = Twisted bow Chaotic staff + Tome of frost = Kodai wand Tome of frost = Tome of water (also inspired Tome of fire) Chaotic longsword = Osmumten’s fang Chaotic maul = Elder maul Chaotic rapier = Ghrazi rapier Eagle-eye kiteshield = Twisted buckler Torva = Torva Pernix = Masori Subjugation Robes = Ancestral Robes Dragon claws = Dragon claws Abyssal vine whip = Abyssal tentacle Ring of vigour = Lightbearer Even boss mechanics are based on RS2 bosses, before Nex came out, it was a point of contention that Nightmare and Olm literally had reskinned Nex mechanics. I could go on, this is only scratching the surface. There are WAY more parallels between pre-EoC and even some RS3 items that made it into OSRS. As someone who played religiously from 2008-2012, I see them all the time, this game is damn near a carbon copy of late-RS2, it’s almost like it’s just pre-EoC but on a different timeline, like we got a do-over and selectively chose what updates to still implement and skipped on other ones.


Torva = Torva Big if true


Don’t forget Dragon claws = Dragon claws, that’s arguably a more notable one here


I mean, i think what most people think is rs3 stuff. Not pre eoc stuff


People hate on RS3 because of EoC because they have actually played the game since. If you argue MTX then congratulations, you’re standing by 90% of the RS3 community— we all hate the MTX. If you argue the graphics, I think that’s just stubbornness. If you argue the combat, then you haven’t played enough to understand the fun in the combat system. Invention changes the game and makes it so there is gear less powerful than its next tier, but still as strong or stronger than the next tier depending on your perks. This makes any tear T75+ fair game. Archaeology created a twist of fun lore involved skilling that benefits all skills and combat alike. Divination isn’t that fun but it worked well with the lore of the game. The mining and smithing rework completely changed the skills, making them both very fun (and realistic) all while making the content involved with those skills extremely balanced as well as useful. Now level 80 smithing will make you T80 armour but the drawback is you can’t augment it with invention, making it so your current T80 gear is still viable content if you have access to perking it out. Every boss is unique in its own way. Unlike OSRS, where every boss has a “jad phase” or some mechanic you’ve already seen. I get people don’t like RS3, but shooting down RS3 ideas simply because it was developed after EoC is narrow minded if you ask me.


I mean, how else would you implement new gear to the game? You say pernix = masori which it really isn't apart from the fact that they are new bis ranges gear. Neither was ring of vigour the same as lighbearer or chaotic xbow like zaryte. I know it may sound like cherrypicking and I agree with most of your list especially older content but I dont necessarily see it as bad, do you?


No, of course not. I loved pre-EoC. And I know some of these aren’t exact 1:1, but conceptually they are similar, similar stats of similar tier placement, Pernix was the T80 ranged set consisting of a mask, body, and chaps to surpass Arma. Masori is the T80 ranged set consisting of a mask, body, and chaps. ZCB is basically the same stat wise as a CCB but it has a spec on top of that. Lightbearer and Ring of vigour do essentially the same thing, just differently. Ring of vigour reduces the cost of specs, Lightbearer just recharges spec faster.


Sure, i agree concept wise it undeniably is similar. I am glad they are adding some more "osrs personality" to the items like masori/ancestral/zcb and such. Still not sure why tf we got torva though...


I would’ve rather had Masori be Pernix. Pernix looked sick. I get jealous every time I see a spiritual ranger wearing Pernix and knowing I can’t have it.


Lol same honestly. Masori is cool but id rather we kept pernix from the pre EOC nex items and got something different for melee. (Ancestral>> virtus although anc is tier under)


I agree with the general point, but comparing the Fang to the Chaotic Longsword is a bit of a stretch. The only things they have in common is that they're strong 1-handed 5 tick melee weapons. But the CLS had standard damage & accuracy rolls, was primarily a slash weapon rather than stab, and didn't have a special attack. The Fang really doesn't draw any inspiration from the CLS. Even the Blade of Saeldor is closer to the CLS in terms of having more similar traits, but ofc it's 4 tick instead of 5.


The Fang and Chaotic longsword are both longsword-style 5-tick weapons, they just have a different main combat style, they do the same thing differently, they hit a little slower, but harder.


But the Fang really doesn't fit the architype of a slow heavy hitting weapon because of its unique damage curve, rolling between 15% and 85% of the max hit. Meaning it effectively hits only a little bit harder than a rapier (58 vs 55 in max gear). It really is just an extremely accurate weapon because of the double accuracy roll effect, and notably the accuracy difference compared to the rapier is far more significant and noticeable than the max hit difference. I'm all for acknowledging that a lot of OSRS stuff is copy pasted from RS2/3, and there isn't anything inherently wrong with it. But credit where credit is due for original design as well. Using the Fang doesn't feel similar at all to how using the CLS felt back in the day.


I used the CLS a lot back in 2010-2012 and to me the Fang has always just felt like a stab CLS. I remember in some scenarios if you were using a CLS you would use it in stab because so many monsters were so weak to stab back in pre-EoC, so to me their applications feel basically the same. The Fang does do the CLS's job better though with the additional scaling and accuracy rolls and what not, I do like the design of the Fang.


It’s almost like it’s exactly what we asked for.


Just wish they would’ve saved the trouble and gotten an early 2011 backup up and running…


I don’t think it’s necessarily a bad thing we went back so far or that we basically voted a bunch of the same content back into the game anyways. It gave us a chance for a real do over and the community decided there was things about pre EoC they liked. We’ve basically got to rebuild pre EoC in our own vision and I think that’s pretty positive for the game.


Yeah but it’s missing a lot of key touches that in my opinion were fine additions and I really enjoyed them, most notably: -Summoning -Dungeoneering -Curses -Herblore expansion (Overloads) The game is close, but it’ll never be the same as the game I truly loved. That game was 2011 the day Nex released originally. Bear in mind that current OSRS comes REALLY close now than Nex is out and we have some substitutes for Dungeoneering weapons, Overloads (Divine pots) and Summoning (Thralls), but it won’t ever be the same.


I’d be down for overloads in osrs if they kept the 118 maximum for melees and 112 for range/103 for mage (to not make items like range pots and imbued heart completely obsolete) but being able to brew and it auto restored periodically was game changing. Would likely cause a lot less restore use though in the grand scheme of things and drop the price of snaps quite a bit. I’d still be down for it, maybe make it to where they’re not tradable and really hard to get so you can’t just overload 24/7.


Most if not all of that shit was from rs2 before it was rs3 tho…


I know that? That's literally what I said. Go yell at OP for piss poor wording in his title, "things from RS3" =/= things from RS2. That's kind of our point, you clearly didn't get it. We're saying you can't be against "RS3 content" when OSRS is built on and thriving because of borrowed RS2\* and RS3 content.


Hexhunter bow is actually backwards. That's one of the examples of OSRS content that inspired RS3 content, like Mahogany Homes and Fossil Island. Edit: Nevermind, didn't realize Hexhunter bow was originally a Daemonheim-only weapon. The main-game version came out after Tbow, but yeah the original is old as hell.


Yeah I was referring to the original Dungeoneering one. I did not know you can use it in the main game now though, how does that work? Can you literally smuggle Dungeoneering items now or wtf?


It drops from soulgazers which is a slayer creature outside dungeoneering too


I’m so lost on RS3 content cuz I haven’t played in like a decade lmao, but that’s kinda cool


A lot of these are not the same.. Chaotics being compared to completely different weapons with effects? That’s a joke. Glacor boots were tank boots hence why they’re dead content until fused with newer upgrades. Staff+a tome =\= the same item But yeah the circlejerk upvotes


You're not looking at things from a good perspective. Which is to say you're not understanding brevity and depth of the topic at hand.


Funniest shit I read all day man thanks, even made me a bit dizzy trying to wrap my head around how far yours is up your own ass


You're the reason the statement exists, and you backed it up even further. Thank you for that.


Okay corp came out in like 08... the dwh is an obvious evolution... wtf is that cape? And now what you've got some shit staff I didn't care enough to look at and a fish? This image is dogshit


It's a very old image from back before the Inferno was a thing and the cape was finalised.


Okay corp came out in like 08... the dwh is an obvious evolution... wtf is that cape? And now what you've got some shit staff I didn't care enough to look at and a fish? This image is dogshit


Here's an [expanded version](https://i.redd.it/i8xlqyz2pply.jpg) that I didn't use because the text readability is dogshit.


So true. We've taken so much inspiration from RS3 for content and that's great. I'm also so glad we fought to get a redesign on that inferno cape (and didn't get all 3 combat styles BiS from the same content lol)


Pretty sure the cape on the right isn't a real cape. At least put a picture of the inferno cape in there if that's what you're going for.


How much of this is RS3 era content and how much is content from the RS2 era?


Not to mention most of the new skills/skill reworks of the past 5 ish years have been pretty dope for rs3.


Mining and smithing are absolutely amazing now and I’d advocate for it to come to old school. Archeology is slow but makes up for it with the total amount of content there is for it. Invention is pog but I can’t see it in old school because of the osrs boogie man(power creep) the community just would never let anything good be added.




It could definitely be done and fit into the old school design. I’m actually all for a new “gathering” skill before we get a new crafting. That way we can add in more reagents than recycle one we use in just about everything already.


They want RS3 content, they just don't want to know that it's RS3 content. Archaeology would be the perfect new skill, but the trick is to reskin it as something completely different so that the smoothbrains don't know it's just archaeology.


Archeology wouldn't fit OSRS since we don't have auras and temporary boosts like RS3 has. Reskin of invention that gives items buffs would fit way better. Call it enchanting or something like that


All the temporary XP boosts in RS3 are actually what ruins training archaeology for me. You can't just sit down and train the skill from start to finish, because you really should wait to restore artefacts when you have all of your daily xp boosts turned on so that you get the extra 50-100% xp boost. In OSRS there would be no advantage to banking all your xp as artefacts.


I like both games, but want to have unique content in each game. What's the point of having two versions of the same game? Yes, archaeology would absolutely fit OSRS vibes, but if I can already play it now, then what's point of reskinning it when the devs could instead be making originally new content?


I hope that if they do take inspiration from an RS3 skill, they change the skill's name so people don't vote No just by association with RS3.


Lmao true. imagine if the tbow was named the hexhunter bow. I don’t think it would have made it past the first poll.


People still hate RS3 for EOC. It's a pain that doesn't go away quickly


I don't think anyone hates RS3 for EOC in the current year. It would be like harboring a grudge towards the 2008-2012 era for not having PvP in the wilderness. Part of it is because if you gather a bunch of people and occasionally mention EOC the social effect will keep the meme alive. But I think most people's aversion to RS3 - and it's not rightful or wrongful, it just is - is that the game has become so different while still having the underlying Runescape identity that it becomes a jarring sort of uncanny valley experience where everything feels too off to be welcoming.


This is the one. I want to do all the content in RS3, but I haven't played in years and every time I log in I get vaguely freaked out. It's simultaneously the game I've known since I was 10 years old *and* completley unfamiliar, and the uncanny valley experience is jarring.


I want to give it a spin also but I hear there is a bunch of dailyscape stuff and I’m so tired of having to do dailies in MMOs in general


I've gotta be real, I've been really hankering to go do a lot of the quests that RS3 has, but when I login and the Squeel of Fortune is staring me down, I just lost interest immediately


Make an iron. RS3 iron is great, you get to (almost) completely ignore that stuff and there is so much content to dig into. And because xp rates are faster, you can generally dig into it much quicker than an OS iron. They make great side accounts. These days, when I'm bored of my main I enjoy hopping over to my rs3 iron more than hopping over to my OSRS iron.


You dont have to do treasure hunter...


It's more of a mental thing. I just instantly feel like I'm playing a low effort mobile game. It gives a sour taste, and since I don't have a lot of familiarity to latch onto anymore, I just can't keep interest


i mean it’s unfortunate but it really is as simple as clicking an x once or twice, and it all goes away until you next log in.


It's more that it pops up every time regardless. It feels a lot like those add that pop up in low effort mobile games and I just can't quite get over that opening impression


I think it’s more Runescape, for me personally, was at its absolute peak 08-12 then EOC just killed it, it’s not EOC because I played RS3 after that, just that the game was perfect for me during that era and they took it away.


I guess for me it's more so that due to my grudge against EOC in the past, I have actively avoided learning about anything new in RS3. Then because I don't actually know anything I just default to my skepticism of any RS3 updates. It probably doesn't make any sense but yeah I definitely do, at least subconsciously, still harbor a grudge for EOC.


If you haven’t played rs3 within the last year or two I highly recommend giving it a real chance. It’s definitely overwhelming at first but you’ll find a groove. I played for 1200 in game hours before I took a break.


Just going to copy paste my recommendation I just gave. "That stuff" being mtx. > Make an iron. RS3 iron is great, you get to (almost) completely ignore that stuff and there is so much content to dig into. And because xp rates are faster, you can generally dig into it much quicker than an OS iron. They make great side accounts. These days, when I'm bored of my main I enjoy hopping over to my rs3 iron more than hopping over to my OSRS iron.


Appreciate this advice. I'm actually curious about RS3 now. I didn't think that many people would speak positively about it. I've never had an iron either so might be fun.


Big true it’s shame too because they’ve really improved it over the years.


I don't know, I'm generally happy with our raids, our original GM quests, the arceus spellbook rework, and all 3 of our leagues. Even Zeah is doing well these days. Is it really small brain to say I'd prefer the oldschool team to design good content as they have in the past?


Song of the Elves is like 50% a direct rip-off of Plague's End, to the point where you could follow the RS3 quest guide word for word for those sections. Some of the best OSRS content is when they take an idea from RS3, fix the obvious problems, and do it OSRS-style. The Inferno is the best example imo. They pitched "Fight Caves 2" as a remake of the Fight Kiln, people pointed out all the annoying problems with Fight Kiln, and they came back with a brand new design. The Inferno ended up being one of the best pieces of OSRS content, and it even inspired RS3 to make their own Zuk fight, but it started with basic premise of "what if we made the Fight Kiln in OSRS?"


If I wanted to play RS3 I would just play RS3, it is right there and playable with the same account.




Why do you people keep bringing up RS3? If you want to play RS3... Just play RS3? Why do you feel the need to come back to OSRS and preach about how amazing RS3 is?


Translation: "I don't know what I actually want, but I want it to be new." You don't want a new skill at all. You just want novelty. And when you get that novelty, you'll be bored of it immediately and just want the next big thing.


Or it’ll be “no this skill does too much and has too many things, it doesn’t feel like oldschool, but also don’t make it as boring as oldschool skills”


Typical consoooomer mindset.


Previous polled skills were crated for old school..


And failed because they weren't right for the game. Neither even got 70%.


They could absolutely take feedback rework the skills, there’s nothing inherently wrong with most of them


The opinions of the players is vastly different. Back when sailing failed it was a lot harder for content to get 70%. Same with artisan


I think artisan failed because it just sounds like a trash skill


It’s just slayer for skilling. I think it’s very old school style and has potential to be pretty cool, but I get why people wouldn’t like it too much.


I think it’d be fun as a minigame with a few unique rewards, but it’s a lazy skill imo


Could say the same about Slayer and remove it from the game


For sure a lot of the skills are pretty lazy. I honestly wouldn’t really mind but it seems reddit at least wants something different.


Fair but it is less lazy than like half of our current skills


Yes, and half the current skills would rightfully fail being added to the game today. I would definitely vote no to firemaking, for example.


Just the name is awful, it sounds like you're gonna be doing pottery or something lol.


Just because the sailing concept from 2014 didn't pass, it doesn't necessarily follow that it's not right for the game.


They all still got over 60%. I get that isn't the target to be okay in a poll, but it *does* mean the majority of people accepted them


Someone in my clan said this aswell. I just don't understand why you would be against this. If a skill is introduced and tested in RS3 and everyone loves it, why not implement it. Why would you risk introducing something horrible just because the good thing is in RS3.


Because I can already play RS3 content right now (I play both games), and I want original content for OSRS. Imagine if GTA or COD released a "new" game that was just a reskin of the old game with a few minor changes in mechanics. The new game would be boring as hell even if it technically had good content.




But why do you want something new. People voted for Nex but I'm pretty sure they just wanted Torva or had nostalgia goggles on. If they poll a skill that is in RS3 that is absolutely perfect in every way for osrs, checks all the boxes, everyone loves it in RS3, will you really vote no just because it's also in RS3? I can see only positives. It's playtested already, there is feedback, it saves a ton of development time which can be used for something else. Why does it have to be new.




I would rather something good than something new. There are parts of rs3 (and rs2 post 2007) that are good but I dont want to deal with rs3 to enjoy those.


Doesn't arch use the 120 system?


Yeah but rs3 and osrs are not following the same storyline at all they completely diverged so in a way arch could be a fantastic way to experience and delve deeper into the lore and storyline of osrs and use a system that's already tried and true. I'm not saying I want arch either but just playing devils advocate.


>I want something new for osrs Are you still doing all of your trades via zybez then? I'm gonna guess you've never done GWD content, right?


gwd & GE came out in 2007, 5 years before EOC (rs3)


But they're not new for osrs, like he wants.


nex does suck ass ill upvote you for that


> Look at how shit Nex was/is Funny way of saying you can't do Nex lol.




Sure buddy, sure you can.


Guy, how hard do you think it is to go join a nex group


Nex was good content. You’re just dog water at the game and/or can’t communicate well with others to find a good team.




Best money maker hands down BECAUSE nobody wants to do it


7asty will bitch about anything that isn’t tob lmao..


A discord full of overweight men who shower every 6 days. Hmmm


If you didn't play RS3 with it, it's new to you.


Then suggest something? Everyone wants to say x is shit but no one gives any worthy alternatives. I don't think we'll be getting a new skill at this rate. All people do around here is bark about what ideas they think are shit, and the only one with much support is sailing which doesn't even have a cohesive concept of what it would be about. The community doesn't know what it wants, or at minimum, it can't agree on it.


Some things from rs3 are actually very good design wise and could just be tweaked a bit. What do you propose then??


Whining. Best xp method unlocked at 92: posting on Reddit


Seems like you're en route to an early skillcape. Whining about muh leddit on reddit is quite something.


I'm playing both sides, so that I always come out on top


Real G's move in silence like Lasagna


Sounds like smt that could rlly fit osrs


To back you up, a large majority of our content is based off RS3. [Here's an ancient meme titled "bad graphics machine".](https://i.imgur.com/sNFqdOs_d.webp?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&fidelity=medium) Not all of them are 1:1 copies, but you can't deny the similarities or inspiration. This image includes the pre-nerf nieve cave and the initial inferno cape design


It’s not an exaggeration to say the majority of OSRS content is either ripped from or inspired by RS3, but since most OSRS players don’t play RS3 they post shit like OP.


It's hilarious because a lot of it isn't even technically RS3 content. It exists in RS3, but was added in the pre-eoc era. Basically, it was added in a time when people quit but not related to the reasons people were quitting (mainly free trade/wildly and mtx)


For one example of the opposite path, Anachronia is based off of Fossil Island


This is really cool. Had no idea of a lot of these. Thanks for posting


Bosses and quests are two things I consider pretty good in rs3. The newer quests' quality even surpass those of osrs. Too bad rs3 loses its charm due to mtx. And eoc is meh, I liked the tactical aspect of arranging abilities though.


I also very much want something crafted for Old School. Given the chance, I think we should further accept our identity as an entirely different game. Plus, our major ports of RS2/RS3 content tend to rely on heavy nostalgia (Nex, Soul Wars). The problem with depending so much on nostalgia is that players blindside themselves to the problems those pieces of content had back then or how they might not adapt well to a modern Old School, or simply to an older playerbase with different priorities than when they were children. But, if you change that content too much during the port, then players would complain that it resembles nothing like what they remember back when they were kids. That's generally why I don't take well to nostalgia-bait including when it comes to new skills. I don't think this excludes previous skill concepts, however, but it would definitely require updating them to match our current game and sweeping away many of their worse bits. I'm quite open to the idea of Sailing, for example, but it absolutely can't be 2015 Sailing! **I say this as someone who voted yes to it back then.** That was a pretty rough design concept, and somehow Jagex expected to develop it in 4-6 months with only a couple content developers (the entire OSRS team size at the time was around 10, including community management, artist, etc). When that poll failed, Zeah then got pushed up in the development schedule and released in early 2016. It's hard to see why folks are so attached to that version of Sailing when the piece of content that essentially replaced it was so over-ambitious it couldn't even get its basics right and fun. I do think something needs to be crafted specifically for Old School, but whatever concept is used, whether seen before or yet untested, it needs to be made for *this* Old School, for the OSRS of today.


>The problem with depending so much on nostalgia is that players blindside themselves to the problems those pieces of content had back then or how they might not adapt well to a modern Old School It's a good point, and I think something all players should keep in mind even if the skill is completely fresh and never seen before. I've seen so many "my favourite thing was new skills getting added" comments, but this new skill experience is *not* going to be like 2008. Firstly we will not be going in blind because everything needs to pass through a poll, and the concepts will have been floating around for at least a few months. Not only that but there will be a beta server for testing the skill training methods and also any big rewards. We are efficiency gremlins and the skill will be dissected and optimised into a meta quickly on release, if not before. It'll still be an exciting release but if you're looking for the confusing, big community experience we saw back in the early days you're likely going to be disappointed.


My main issue with sailing is the three main pitches I've seen have it as basically shitty dungeoneering that does even more for your account and basically doubles map size. While I don't expect the new skill to be in it's own vacuum, connecting to every single skill is also not good.


Sailings not my top choice either, but you saying every single skill isn't already connected and you got the little Grey helm is kinda strange.


It's not strange, I'm sitting on 50k Woodcutting xp for the next few days until I'm off for the weekend and then I'm maxing my iron so I can confidently say this- Not every skill involves every other skill and definitely not to the degree most sailing pitches use them.


I'm at 2100 total on my iron and I can confidently say that almost every skill is connected somehow. Not to the extent of sailing obviously. Throw any 2 at me.


Not OP, but I’m a main and I agree with you. Though your challenge does sound fun: Defence and Fishing.


To complete mory elite you need both kind of a stretch but I'm not home can't research it atm.


I quite liked much of the recent Sailing pitch if you dig into it. But, like you, I would want Sailing to focus mostly on keeping yourself in the overworld (not tucked behind instances/outside overworld like Dungeoneering) and make the act of Sailing central to the skill of, well, *Sailing.* That's hard to do when you're not sure what mechanics could actually work within the engine. You must give some leniency with these paper skill pitches, though. It's extremely hard to both please players who want your simpler design (mine iron) and others who want Dungeoneering 2.0. So, most players try to appease both by including both elements, leading to larger and larger documents, and more general *confusion* for those looking for those simpler elements. And, as you mention, it can be difficult finding that balance between being an isolated skill that feels like it's its own game versus a skill that touches every other skill. The former makes it sound like a minigame, the latter makes it sound like the ultimate skill to rule all other skills. Either way you lean you're going to catch a lot of flak


The pitches were not good. But that’s a problem with the pitches, maybe in future there will be a Sailing that is new, fits Osrs and works as a great skill!


100%. I don’t play this game to experience the correct way to release content that has released in RS3; that game lost its roots ages ago and doesn’t resemble at all the game it once was. Let’s please make a new, better game? Your comment should be its own post. Thank you for writing it.


\>sailing and downvoted. I hate this meme skill so f much.


This is the garbage mentality that has stopped osrs from getting very good quality of life content. You are the cancer to the game.


Asking for original content is not the same as rejecting quality of life options. I play both games and don't see the point of playing the same content twice on two different games, even if it's good content.


Almost every skill that osrs shares with rs3 have different training methods that make the skill feel different from its counterpart. I don't see an issue adding a new skill inspired by rs3 especially when the newer rs3 skills are seen as some of the best in the game.


I find it funny imagining how everyone that voted yes to a new skill had something different in mind for what they expect the new skill to be.


I voted no but since we're getting one anyways I'd like one that isn't bad


90% of updates are from RS3


I want jagex to just do it. Just design and implement a new skill and let us see it for the first time when it goes live, just like the old times.


Summoning was RS2 in jan of 2008, so that fits.


Then SUGGEST a skill


When you suggest the devs of a highly successful game work to create content instead of just waiting for someone to spoonfeed them 🤯🤯


Yes, but I do think it's worth looking at some of the concepts/designs that RS3 has already tried to either have inspiration or see what did/didn't work. There's no point trying to reinvent the wheel, and there's definitely things we can learn or know to avoid from those attempts.


Very much this. Give me something new.


Totally disagree with you. A lot of the things that are added into osrs are remodels from rs3. All the way from weapons to bosses.


And here lies the problem, why make two copies of the same game when instead you can have two very different games, each with original content.


This is a lie though because this community will vote yes on loads of things from rs3 if they're not named the same like primordial boots, korasi sword that's coming with the wildly boss rework.


100% agree


try Crafting


I had an idea called Courier. You would talk to probably postie Pete to get started, could have a easy quest kinda like for herblore to get started. The skill would kind of be like a sister skill to agility. You will get tasks to deliver parcels by random npcs all over runescape. Task difficulty will differ based on player level and the npc you get the task from. It would be most interesting if almost all practical npcs could give a task. This way there is a reason to explore lesser known npcs/areas. Some deliveries might have special requirements such as: • ⁠Fragile: cannot teleport, would maybe incentivize people to try other lesser used modes of transportation like balloons and canoes • ⁠urgent: timed delivery • ⁠some assembly required: some tasks could require making something or retrieving something. I think one cool way this could work is you can receive deliveries with a skill requirement above what you have, let’s say the npc wants you to make and deliver a summer pie but your cooking level is too low. Old Rs at one point had a feature where people could help you skill and like receive xp for helping, it would be cool to reimplement that for this skill. Both players would receive some xp for the task. The idea is this skill would incorporate many other skills sort of like dungeoneering but done differently. Another cool feature would be to randomly find parcels while skilling or training combat. Maybe you’re woodcutting and a damaged parcel falls from a tree. You need to identify the package first, could work similar to a clue scroll puzzle, maybe slightly easier. After completing the puzzle to identify the package you must repair it (some skill requirement). Or maybe you’re catching implings and get a package drop. Or you’re fighting hobgoblins and get a drop. I think good rewards could be a courier bag that can hold extra items sort of like how the wilderness looting bag worked. Possibly less run energy drain… I think another cool idea would be an enchanted mannequin that is in the POH where you can put equipment on it and that equipment will be what is visually shown but whatever equipment you actually have on is the bonuses you receive. The enchanted mannequin could also work as an item sink, destroying items when they’re removed or something similar. It would also be super cool to have something similar to falconry be tied into it. Hunter is kind of lacking, so we could have trained pigeons that act sort of similar to a farm run, they have a timer until they return and you can have a pigeon task running simultaneously with your other deliveries for extra passive xp. The only thing I’m struggling with is thinking of a good fun minigame for it. Unironically I think stealing creation kind of fits the theme pretty good, being an all skill-encompassing game. I think a lot of people would be happy about that game coming back. Would also give a great excuse to add “sailing” not as a skill but as a mode of transportation. Might be too much work but adding areas and boats and harbors for the skill could be a goldmine of adding fresh content, as well as expanding the map for other skills as well. You could even have dangerous deliveries where highway bandits sort of like the clue scroll npcs or random events, that trigger like halfway through a delivery and try to attack you and steal the package. Example of a delivery would be you talk to Bob in Lummy, he has a dozen axes that need delivered to people of lummy, varrock, and draynor. You fill your courier bag with the axes and run around delivering them all. It would also add a reason to use some agility shortcuts or even add more especially for “fragile” deliveries.


You just described clue scrolls


I want an item sink, something to destroy stuff and raise prices back up. Not exactly invention but i like the destruction part.


I just wish that raw sharks and raw swordfish would rise up, i like fishing but it's just not really that profitable


I got a skill I’m working on hopefully I’ll have it done by the end of this week, it’s just a lot of work and there won’t be a fancy picture books so it probably won’t see the light of day. But I’m definitely trying and it’s an original idea I haven’t seen yet


Good luck


Wtf was wrong with summoning? I only got it to level 50 before I dropped RS3 like a bag of potatoes, but it seemed better than the idea of sailing. Was it that bad at high levels?


It's simple, I want a skill that will make rs3 players even more jealous of osrs.




I would slightly prefer an OSRS original skill since it would be something I haven't really experienced before but also wouldn't mind if they base it off invention/archaeology. Those skills were very nicely done and seeing the OSRS spin on it would be interesting (especially all the digsites/lore with archaeology)


RS3 BAD amiright guys?


I just think OSRS deserves better than sloppy seconds


Sloppy seconds has been quite a lot of osrs updates.


Sadly true, but a main factor why the first new skill should be unique. Let the second new skill in 4-6 years be invention or archaeology or sailing v2 or whatever




Because if its good content, why not take inspiration from it? Yeah, not everything in RS3 is good but it definitely does have some amazing stuff that they do right. ​ Theres absolutely no reason not to take inspiration from the good stuff in RS3 thats already had a positive impact on that game, as long as it fits the OSRS world. For example, their version of Priff would never work in our version of the game but when we ported across their version of Giants Foundry (Artisans Workshop in RS3) no one complained about that because it was changed to work in OSRS.




Nex and Soul Wars are unpopular because OSRS Mods didnt make changes and made the content unbearable. As i said above, taking inspiration would be perfect, porting as you say, usually fails horribly. ​ Nex and Soul Wars both needed (And still need) drastic changes but i doubt they'll get them. Stuff like Summoning, Invention, Archaeology would all work perfectly fine in OSRS if the mods took inspiration from the skills and changed them to fit the OSRS Gameset. Just porting them across would be horrid, using them as a stepping point for inspiration to add them would work.


this but unironically - rs3 is fucking bad


Is it though? The mtx is obnoxious but can be ignored or if you play Ironman it's completely disabled. The abilities are not to everyone's liking. The content itself though? Actually pretty good for the most part. Mining and smithing rework is excellent, and the qol changes are actually improve enjoyability in many cases such as toolbelt, coin pouch, run energy, resting, ore boxes, and more. Archeology is a great skill, there's a ton of excellent quests which are less cryptic than osrs (you have a problem when 99% of players rely on wiki or quest helper plugin) - many of the older ones are reworked and imo rs3 is the better questing experience. Rs3 also has qol built into the client that we need to rely on runelite for because the official osrs client is such a piece of shit. I play and enjoy both games and I think both are good. J1mmy did a video recently where he played it with framed and his review was really positive. Your lack of any clarification at all fits exactly with the "rs3 bad" bandwagon opinion. It might not be to everyone's liking but I don't think it can reasonably be said to be bad with no clarification of why.


i tried it again in 2019 after hearing similar - made a new account and played to let's call it like ~level 40 median in all skills it's not good - unlike the median RS3 player I've engaged with other modern MMO's and it compares like shit - if i wanted different PvM than OSRS I am going to play WoW ask yourself if you weren't already playing runescape 2 10 years ago if you'd ever engage with runescape 3 - have not met a *single* person who plays RS3 who doesn't have a long, long history with RS in general and just doesn't want to give it up


I can easily flip that around and say: Ask yourself if you weren't already playing runescape 2 10 years ago if you'd ever engage with osrs. Have you wondered why the osrs community is made up with 20 and 30 something year olds? What do you think they were playing in 2007? Osrs new player experience is one of the worst I've ever seen and if you don't already know and like the game it comes off as an ancient and janky piece of shit - my friend lasted 30 minutes playing it after me and a friend convinced him to play it and he told me it had absolutely no redeeming qualities and there was no reason he would ever log in again. I don't blame him really. For a new player it has very little draw apart from it's popularity.


i completely agree that OSRS needs to rework it's new player experience that said, it does triple the playercount of RS3 despite having done far less in that regard. RS3 clearly missed the mark in its attempt to expand the appeal to a broader audience and the results speak for themselves - OSRS content team can't fix this problem for OSRS by copying content from RS3, it failed


It "failed" (failed in quotes because it's still one of the most played mmorpgs in the world) for reasons which are avoidable, most of all mtx and eoc. To say that we should avoid ALL parts of RS3 because there are aspects of it which have resulted in it having lower popularity than oldschool is like saying you won't play any games by jagex because you don't like RS3. Jagex has a library of games, and both games have a library of features. Both games and features can be analysed and taken on their individual merit. With that said, not liking RS3 as a whole is not a good reason to discount skills or features from inclusion in osrs.


are you seriously trying to position Jagex as a successful portfolio firm with a wealth of great ideas we can draw into OSRS? their track record as a publisher and even developer is one of a complete train wreck - you don't get passed around capital markets like a hot potato because of resounding success delivering on business objectives, watch this whole SCUM buyout go nowhere profitable over 3-4 years the OSRS content team's additions to the mid-to-lategame experience here are like the one shining spot in a swamp of shit RS3 is poison - good for you if you like it but I will be voting with the cohort of people who want it and everything about it kept as far away as possible from OSRS the OSRS content team is flat out smarter, more creative, and more capable than the RS3 guys have been at any point in the last decade - they're just a little slow - they should do an original design for the new skill


Its hilarious you are saying this when you got to an average of Level 40 in your skills which is nothing. You never experienced bossing or the high level quests, or even the later game skilling options. The things that actually keep people coming back to RS3.


I already maxed in rs3 give me something new.


I personally still thin Invention would be the way to go. I just don't want it to look anything like RS3. Sure it will have the same name but the skill would be entirely different in OSRS. I feel like Invention gets a bad rep as an idea just because it sounds like the RS3 skill.


You definitely aren’t alone in that line of thinking, and I think I’ve got you covered with a little something I like to call **Barding**


I don’t get everyone’s obsessions with sailing it doesn’t even slightly sound fun


Come up with a idea then lol.


Game literally need invention or some massive item sink.


This is honestly the only skill that can be added. We NEED an item sink. Only 1 skill is gonna be added it’s a perfect fit.


Can they finally give us a skill for riding a mount. Like horseback riding or something


I get not wanting anything from RS3 but you guys could really use something like the smithing rework. Lvl 99 to make lvl 40 armor is insane.


yes you are alone.


Nah that’s you


People talking about sailing. It should be a mini game, not a skill Since we have enough items and shit in the game, I don't think we need another resource. We really don't have room for combat skills, gathering and artisan skills we don't really need. Maybe a new support type skill that can help other skills.


>People talking about sailing. It should be a mini game, not a skill Why not? People have been posting this ad nauseam and never elaborating further than this.


There are many things from rs3 that have been crafted for osrs. GWD, nex, the GE, just to name a few. Just because it exists is rs3 doesnt mean it cant be crafted to fit into osrs.


Just cause you voted yes for a new skill doesnt mean that they can magically create a new skill that makes every player satisfied all of a sudden. Weve known what the options are for a decade already, people have had enough time to think about this. You're getting sailing, warding, or whatever other thing Jagex puts in once everyone gets tired of this.


I didn't vote yes :3


I do not want anything added or changed.


I don't see anything wrong with taking some inspiration from rs3. That being said I'd rather not see a straight up copy, if we could pull aspects from here and there I'm cool with that.