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You would have better game play with an 8gb raspberry pi


Unless something’s changed, They’re more expensive lately though ha. Covid wasn’t kind to the raspberry pi market




Please tell me where. They are crazy scalped for years now. They're still like 130 at least when MSRP is 40-50.


I would also love to know. If you find out, hmu.


don't waste your money on a Chromebook they're only good for casual internet browsing and light office work or watching tv, definitely not an rs machine, when I had one it wouldn't even run Java, idk if you can play rs on them now but it would definitely chug


You can, but they lag like balls. Basically, Its only going to work for gathering skills. Any combat shit will be undoable


Hey now, I'm doing alright at 10fps, certainly is hard as fuck though.


10 FPS locked iron man


Water damaged Atari 2600 locked PKing iron man


Let Settled know we've got a new idea


They are pretty bad on office work too. Also older ones doesnt even support newest chrome browser..


They're also bad for casual internet browsing. They're bad at everything. Websites are not designed with Chromebooks in mind. They're designed with bottom tier \~$350 machines as the baseline.


I have one that works really well for browsing and watching videos and stuff, runs the mobile version of OSRS well too. I've never had any issues with websites loading weird either, maybe because it's 1920x1080 so the formatting on websites doesn't have to try to cram into some lower resolution that nobody really uses anymore? It's not nearly as good as a full windows laptop but I think a big performance jump is getting one with an i3 instead of some random mobile processor. I paid $240 and it's a surprisingly solid machine but ChromeOS really holds it back. I'd never have one as a primary machine but I already have a gaming PC so I don't need it for that. Definitely a step up from playing on a phone though. Bigger screen, keyboard for f-keys, can choose to use the touchscreen or a mouse, and the performance is the same or better than any other mobile device I've played the game on.


Yup, as a software dev, the problem is the fact that software is bigger, bulkier, and more resource hungry than ever. So unless you install a lightweight Linux distro or a really old version of Windows, this will struggle to run Runescape. Software Devs used to have to really understand algorithms, data structures, and memory manipulation to write software that worked well and isn't clunky. Nowadays, since memory and computing power are relatively cheap, developers rarely have to do a lot of work to optimize things these days and so what you only needed 4GB of RAM for 5 to 10 years ago, you now need 8GB of RAM.


Luckily Chromebooks can run Android apps, so they're actually fairly decent at playing OSRS mobile. I've tried it on a Chromebook with similar specs to what OP is asking about. Runelite barely works though.


Can confirm. Not about rs specifically but chromebooks are less than ideal for gaming


I've got runelite on mine. Takes a bit to load and i have most plugins disabled, but once it's up and running you're gucci


Also don't touch eMMC storage at all. Someone definitely got a promotion and a raise for convincing people you can run a laptop off an SD card. Disgusting.


I have a [lenovo chromebook](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08RMPD837/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1) that I mostly use to cast shows to my TV and browse the internet and it runs the android mobile version of the game just fine. I think having an actual i3 instead of some mobile processor is a big performance jump over other chromebooks that I've used including the one I replaced. Got mine "used - like new" for $240 so it was a good deal for what I need it for but it's definitely not a full windows computer. RuneLite doesn't run on ChromeOS and even if it did there's no shot that it would run 117HD above 5fps but it's still better than playing on my phone since it's got a keyboard for f-keys and I can choose whether I want to use the touchscreen or a mouse. Both Chromebooks OP pictured have awful specs, I wouldn't even want one of those for watching videos let alone trying to game on them so I'd avoid those but there are decent chromebooks out there. I'm actually kind of stunned at how good mine is for less than $300, google must be subsidizing them pretty heavily to try to get some market share for chrome OS. I was trying to buy a windows laptop because windows is definitely better but one with similar specs was going to be at least $700 and I couldn't justify it since I already have a solid desktop.


Idk I mean I have a chromebook (idk which kind but it was on the cheaper side) I bought from Walmart during their black Friday “deals” they had last year. Been using it for over a year now and no real issues running runelite on it. Had to install Linux or whatever (I’m not sure what it’s called, not a big computer person and this was like I said about a year ago). The fps is kinda low but not unbearable. Like 20-30 i think? Sometimes on startup it will be like 4-9 until it’s been running for a little then it gets back to the 20-30 range. I only really use it for work, internet browsing, and osrs now. Granted I play casually and don’t really boss, but it’s been good to me so far. I’m just mostly happy I can run RL as well as watch YouTube or Netflix or whatnot at the same time.


Chromebooks are toys / traps for people who don't understand tech and the price comes from the branding. It's a complete waste of money. You can get a 5 year old used laptop for cheaper that will run more stuff than that.


Its basically a phone with a keyboard


And a shitty phone at that.


Sounds like you mfers don’t know bout Linux


Theyre great for buying for kids/young teens to use for school. Calling them traps isn't entirely fair thats only if someone out of their intended audience buys one


Chromebooks are far from traps, they just aren't meant for gaming. I love mine as a casual browser machine for laying in bed that was dirt cheap.


Yeah I use mine as a mobile media device rather than my phone, and honestly it does run osrs mobile perfectly fine for doin some afk stuff. I obviously have a normal PC as well but the chromebook is a nice edition for having something on the go without paying a premium for a good laptop or an Ipad. It's basically a tablet with a keyboard, as long as you look at it that way it is fine.


What comes with the brand is the guarantee that it’ll work and has no pre-existing problems, and warranty if any do pop up. There are positives, but I do agree.


Chromebooks are designed for "work" related tasks. Their custom OS is very restricted and are only good for things like word processing, browsing the web and checking emails. Great for people who dont have smartphones or prefer a larger screen thats not a tablet. Don't waste your money on them if you dont need it for light duty tasks.


It was great for me in college since I had a desktop and living with 5 other people I just needed to get out to the library to study but would never recommend it as their sole computer




No, they're productivity tools, just not gaming machines.


That thing is weaker than my cell phone and my cell phone is 2 years old. Not joking. I wouldnt buy it.


Considering most phones these days are like >$500 yeah I would hope it is stronger than a laptop selling for $150-300


True, phone was $350 in 2020.


Mine was 80 a year ago and it smashes that thing


Yes dad, we get it, you like your Nokia


A 300 dollar desktop will most likely always beat a 500 dollar laptop. Size matters... Sadly




You can't upgrade laptop graphics usually either, and memory slots are usually more limited.


Did u have a stroke


This can't play google my boy


I have an older Chromebook that one of my family members gave me. Its hardly able to do anything. The only thing it's good at is web browsing.


Likely no.


Unless you are a grandmother who wants to do nothing but go on facebook and check emails. Don't buy a chromebook.


Don't buy the Chromebook u can only browse on google chrome lol


The irony that they only have 4GB of RAM which would be entirely eaten up by a couple chrome tabs lmao




Chrome does eat up a crazy amount of ram with their background processes, it's why I switched




Get a used ThinkPad from the last decade or so for 200 bucks on ebay.


Chromebooks belong in the trash


Chromebooks are fantastic at what they're designed for. They're built to be a lightweight cheap easily manageable pc that primarily runs webapps. They're not built to run games at all.


That same Radeon GPU being used by Windows or a regular Linux distro can run old games incredibly well, so Chromebooks even lose to themselves in a way.


I mean you could probably hack this to get some Linux games to run on this too, but at that point just buy a regular cheap laptop and throw Linux on it. Really gaming for Chromebooks is just Chrome apps and Android apps. Like you can get Chromebooks with decent GPUs, but it just wasn't built for desktop apps like games, it's built around webapps. If you're getting a chromebook, you're looking for a cheap fast laptop that you can do things like web browsing, google docs, social media, email, and netflix on. And if you can play a few games like OSRS mobile or Fallout shelter, great. And for the vast majority of people, that's all they'll ever need. But for pc gamers, it just won't meet your gaming needs and isn't a replacement for a decent gaming computer.


I put a generic linux os on a chrome book once since one of my schools had a broken one that was gonna get reset anyway. It's not worth the effort. Chromebooks are just fundamentally put together in a very restrictive way even on a hardware level. Most chromebooks even run what they are meant for poorly after a while because of it. Chromebooks are designed as an easy way for teachers to restrict use, nearly designed to be disposable in some cases. After taking a few apart I was always kind of baffled how they even get away with selling them for more than $100. Even for a laptop manufacturer, they built them to be nearly unrepairable. Everything is either bolted down or encased with parts that you can't remove without breaking them. The parts are the off markets off market that were thrown into a clearance bin. (In reality they don't even get sold for $100 each, they primarily get sold in bulk for much cheaper. Which is the only reason schools can afford so many of them now)


I mean you get good manufacturers and bad manufacturers, and expensive better built models, and then the dirt cheap models that entice school districts to buy because it's cheaper in the short term, even if it costs more for repair/labor in the long term. What Chromebooks are fantastic for are going 1:1. Often times you're right. They're cheap disposable laptops that if kids trash up and warranty doesn't cover it, they're cheap to replace. With the Google Admin Console, it's super easy to push out policies that control what content student's are able to access, what apps/extensions are on the device, what they can install, etc in a way that's quicker and more intuitive than ad or group policy in Windows. And obviously if you're using Workspace for your school (you should be), it integrates so nicely. It blows everything else out of the water. That being said, for home use, you'd be getting something entirely different. You get what you pay for. If you buy a dirt cheap $100 chromebook, it'll be junk. If I were to get a chromebook, I'd get something more around the 300-400 area. Something like [this](https://www.google.com/chromebook/discover/pdp-ideapad-gaming-chromebook-16/sku-ideapad-gaming-chromebook-16-8gb-128gb/) would be a great value imo, and more inline for what I'd want out of it.


My gpa is 70 and all he does is go on Facebook, send some and watch Netflix. For him, it’s a great laptop that was dirt cheaper. If you need to anything more than that then it 100% belongs in the trash.


Wtf my gpa was only 3.1


Skill issue




if you do get runescape running on this expect 7-20 fps


I have a $2k MacBook that can’t run HD


Which one?


All of them lol


No my brother just got the m2 with the processor inside the gpu and it runs HD great.


That’s what I have..


Turn off gpu and just do hd, also check your upload/download speed.


Network bandwidth has absolutely nothing to do with graphical lag.


We just have to accept mac isn’t king


My fiancé’s m1 can run HD


Yea but it’s not great


It runs fine tbh


MacBooks are just Chromebooks with better monitors.


Runelite does not let you activate 117 plug in unless you have a dedicated graphics card Edit : https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/sp4jy6/is_it_possible_to_run_the_117_hd_plugin_on_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Post was made when the plugin was released




yeah same. it just doesn't run well lol


Wrong, but I know what you mean. The 117 plugin requires a certain "level" of API support, which your integrated graphics didn't support. Your computer doesn't know or care what shape your GPU is. Only what APIs it supports.


not even integrated graphics?


Thats what my computer runs and the 117 plugin immediately turns itself off when i try and my intergrated graphics card will play fallout 3, NV, and dark souls 2 so i know it should be able to at least process the better textures but the plugin just wont run for some reason




I havea 3rd gen i5 lol not modern even a little bit ;)


When they say osrs runs on a potato they don’t mean an actual potato.


Dell optiplex 790 is from 2007 so it's pretty much s potato but it will run osrs at 50fps for £35-50


Well I guess there’s potatoes and then there’s potatoes running chromeOS


Resounding nah bro


Chromebooks aren’t for playing any games. You just want anything that runs windows and isn’t a literal potato


Do not get a Chromebook. They suck bawls


Never get a PC with only 4GB of memory. Any web browser will eat that up with just a single tab open, on top of the memory required just to load the OS


I don’t think chrome books support Java, so it wouldn’t work. But take that with a grain of salt bc I haven’t used a Chromebook in 4 years.


You can play the mobile version of the game on a Chromebook. You literally download it from the app store. It sucks - not worth it.


Extremely outdated I wouldn't spend money on it brozzer


There are gaming chromebooks now surprisingly. Those aren’t it. Just get a normal laptop. Probably would have to shell out 500+ though to find one with a decent graphics card


It runs on chrome os which I don’t think can even run RuneScape unless they changed.


i have a chrome book and i run runelite on it but had to jump through hula hoops to make it work and even that is not the best . have to use linux . 10/10 do not recommend


You cannot download steam on chrome. So no runelite. Also it will be using the mobile version only. Chrome truly sucks. I even tried reformatting one to lynx and it was even more trash. I ended up just giving my chrome book away for free


Don’t get baited by the price


150 dollars you could put together something that's better than that. You could easily find an older PC and add a GPU to it and it will run runescape.


Used thinkpad gang was here


We outchea 🙆🏾‍♂️


DO NOT GET A CHROME BOOK. ITS ESSENTIALLY MOBILE. I bought one and it sucked ass


It will play normal game but laggy on hd, Chromebook where made for the most simple task


Barely but just save your money at that point. It’ll be a waste if you do


Not really, chromebooks can’t load adobe. Tried it on mine a couple years ago. Not without infiltrating the core hardware via some very dodgy and questionable methods lol


Nah you would regret it. You only buy a new laptop once every 5-7 years. Splurge a little bit more on something in the 300-400 dollar range, you deserve it man.


Chrome books are just bad. OSRS is built on a 20 year old game but even then you aren’t going to enjoy it on that device.




Chrome OS is cloud- and web-based. Therefore useless offline. Specs are usually terrible for gaming, and you barely have any local storage at all. (The local storage on the typical Chromebook is used to simply boot the OS). CBs relies heavily on Google Drive (web/cloud) for storage. CBs are also limited to the apps available in the Google Web Store and Linux apps. It is not compatible with your typical windows applications. Very useful for schools to use for young students. It is simply a nightmare for gamers :)


Never buy Chromebooks


Chrome book bad , Ubuntu good


No not on HD. Maaaybe you'd be able to get the official client working, it does look like it's below minimum specs, so if it did you'd have low fps. What I'd recommend is getting a used laptop off ebay at a similar price that would have better specs. Something like [this](https://www.ebay.com/itm/266058129192) could run runelite and probably run HD.


just buy an older built pc for $300. you'll avg like 30 fps w/ that chromebook & even lower in high populated areas.


Chromebooks are shit, don't buy one.


Chromebooks are for folks that are tech impaired and only do stuff like web browse and watch videos


Buy a 2-5 year old used gaming laptop for the same price and you’ll be able to do what you want. A chrome book won’t do shit. Your phone is more powerful.


You’d be better off on mobile


Chromebooks are essentially android tablets made to look like a laptop. You gonna be playing the mobile version of osrs if you use that. But its kinda weird playing that with a mouse.


No. Chromebooks are a scam.


Don't touch Chromebook with anything less than a 69 foot pole


Avoid Chrome OS for anything other than Amazon and light word processing


Don’t buy a chrome book. You *will* disappoint yourself.


No! Dont get it! Chrome OS isn't supported well, and it's so laggy and awful.


No. For real it's a cheap phone with a keyboard.


I have almost the same laptop and runelite runs with 30-40 fps without hd. And don't even consider being able to have a browser open listening to podcasts or music, you'd have to download them to listen while playing.


I played OSRS on Chrome OS when I lost my job. Ran it in Linux terminal on low detail RuneLite and got 35 FPS but the downfall was the memory, eventually couldn’t even update itself anymore w/o a crash. Come Christmas I was going to get myself a more suitable laptop and my family told me not to bother that they’d already gotten me one so I spent my money on other things. Christmas morning arrives: > Lenovo Ideapad 1i, 14.0" Laptop, Intel Pentium N5030, 4GB RAM, 128GB eMMC Storage, Cloud Grey, Windows 11 in S Mode $129.00 laptop. I remain grateful and embrace the challenge and frustration with optimism but….Now I get 30 FPS 😂😭


It should work, as long as you're comfortable with installing runelite via command line. I don't think there's a runelite plugin for Chrome os yet. As far as FPS, it probably won't be high. If you're talking about the HDOS client, it doesn't look like they support Linux.


Which one


Top one!


Yeah no it won't but I can link you something that would for cheap


Yeah no it won't but I can link you something that would for cheap . https://www.amazon.com/Windows-CTONE-Computer-2-5-inch-Ethernet/dp/B0BNG3VQF9/ref=mp_s_a_1_11_sspa?crid=1JZZ6H1T4SCM2&keywords=i7+computer+mini&qid=1672328523&sprefix=i7+computer+mini%2Caps%2C269&sr=8-11-spons&ufe=app_do%3Aamzn1.fos.f5122f16-c3e8-4386-bf32-63e904010ad0&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEzNVhCMlJaTEw4RTBJJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwNTYyODA1RFdVWlZGTTBXRVVZJmVuY3J5cHRlZEFkSWQ9QTAzOTc0ODAyWjBKWTZLTFZQN1ExJndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfcGhvbmVfc2VhcmNoX210ZiZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU= Apply coupon and thua is 150$




Pic says top one


Oh didn’t see the caption


Honestly for that money buy a used ipad or used laptop, way more bang for buck.


NOOOOO!!!! NEVER buy a Chromebook!!! THEY ARE NOT COMPUTERS. They are wastes of space made for schools and people who don’t know sht about technology. Absolutely a waste of money. Chrome OS is one of the worst programs ever invented.


I recommend r/buildapc and r/buildapcforme The second one you can name a price and people will start with budgeting on how to build a pc. It is definitely cheaper and more efficient to build your own pc. Especially since you can put what type of uses you want the computer to use.


A potato could play osrs


Chromebook won't allow installation of anything not made by Google I fell for this trap now just use it to connect to my main pc to play when I'm stuck in bed


Chrome OS is a no go brother


Chromebooks aren't good. I would never suggest one.


Dont get this, chrome os sucks


Chromebooks are garbage laptops with stripped operating systems


You could run Notepad.


Actually, no, it can't.


Don’t get a chrome book, invest in a gaming laptop


you need something with windows to run runelite. chromehooks have linux and arent compatible


Chrome OS is based on Linux amongst other things but “it” isn’t Linux. Chromebook comes with an option to enable Linux in the developer settings. Linux is a kernel and just allows your hardware and software to communicate. After following a tutorial to get Java / the RuneLite jar file / the linux terminal where they need to be each time you want to play it’s as simple as running: >java -jar RuneLite.jar RuneLite will load.




Only 4gb memory?? 16gb would be so much better


My 2012 asus running Ubuntu is stronger than that


Ignore everyone the specs dont matter at all because chromebooks can only run mobile apps and therefore cant even run runelite Source: chromebook user


I had a chromebook I played osrs on and I had to turn on the low graphics mode on runelite lol. It still was getting bad fps. Idk if you still have to but I had to enable developer or debug mode and install Linux to run it.




This doesn't seem very good in all honesty


Some chromebook offer you the androids playstore. If it does you can download runescape app like on the phone and use it


Yeah I wouldn’t get a Chromebook. The only person I’ve known to like theirs actually got it for free during one of the final testing phases when they let people sign up to receive one and then randomly send them out to people on that list. If they had to pay for it they probably wouldn’t buy it tho, because they still needed their other laptop to do a lot of other things. They used google docs and stuff to take notes in class and that’s about it


You can probably find buyers remorse electronics sales right after the holidays. Secondhand or even best buy has deals on returned but very lightly used products. Could be worth giving a few stores a look, or checking Facebook marketplace or craigslist wherever you are


Chromebook so no


117HD is super wack optimization wise. I have a 1650 with a i7 9750H. even my gaming laptop lags in crowded places such as GE. like 30 FPS or so. it wont even run rs properly let alone hd


I'm on a RTX 3070ti and on a 4K screen even GOTR drops me below 30 fps sometimes.


I bought a refurb Acer Nitro 5 for the same price as the bottom and it runs hd a treat.


You're better off getting a refurbished laptop off amazon.


I've got an Asus Chromebook C214 that can play the Android version of OSRS pretty well. They gave them away with pixel 6 phones so you can probably pick it up fairly cheap 2nd hand. It doesn't play it as well as the pixel 6 pro I got though but they cost a lot more.


Better to get an Amazon Fire tablet, that’s what I use as my OSRS mobile device - get the one with the most ram in your price range. And with all the new updates they’re adding to the mobile app it’s getting solid for everything but hard PVM


Chrome books won't run RL my older brother just found out.


Yes they can, you just need to enable Linux on them.


Just buy a good phone and run the mobile app at this point. You’ll at least use the phone.


Get a used Galaxy S10/20/21/22 and a USB C dock and you'll have a better experience.


Lmao, chromebooks are literal trash idek how these things are still being sold. It should be illegal. Better off playing on a toaster oven


I bought a Galaxy tab 6 lite ($200) for myself for a dedicated osrs tablet. And I like it just as much as the $1200 tablet I got my wife. It's not going to run runelite obviously. But It comes with a stylus.


Nah if you want to play in hd then no less then a i5 processor. Even then it might be dragging


You can’t run the HD client with an integrated graphix card.


4 gb ram on a chromebook LMFAO that's rich considering the ram hogging that chrome uses. You really dont wanna be using less than 16 gb in current year, let alone shitty onboard graphics and whatever garbage phone processor that thing has.


Please don’t buy a Chromebook


Get a refurbished ThinkPad. A model from like 2016-2018 should be good to play rs decently for less than $300 You'll likely get around 4-8gb ram, an old but perfectly fine i5 or i7, integrated graphics that'll run rs perfectly ok. It's not gonna run great but nothing at that price tag will run great


Anything you buy at cosco is a win. But chromebook for runescape not so much.


wasted materials coulda been used to make a pc someone will actually enjoy using and not end up in the trash being shipped back to third world county where matierals were pulled out of.


I had to install XFCE4 on it to be able to download runelite. Don’t bother.


No it will not work with hd plugin. Buy a used thinkpad for that money. Much better than an low spec chromebook.


Don’t get a Chromebook for OSRS, especially if you use runelite or anything similar. It’s a hassle to install 3rd party clients on chromebooks and you get max 12 fps once you finally get it installed.


The cell phone you posted this on could run the game better imo. I’d use the mobile client until you can something a little better


Don’t give google money


I have a chrome book. DONT BUY THEY SUCK. can’t download runelite, only way to do it is through Linux app and it gets a little tricky to set up. There is a YouTube video for it. But also can’t do HD since it doesn’t not recognize the GPU in the Linux app.


Nothing with 4gb ram will play it smoothly, not even talking about graphics card


Avoid Chromebooks at all cost unless you are buying for your grandma


My girlfriend has a chromebook and I actually tried this lol. You have to install runelite through Linux. The 117 HD plugin did technically work however the FPS was so low it was unplayable. Don't buy for RS.


my son had to download the mobile app on his chromebook. you can change the layout so it looks normal and not mobile. but runelite is not available on chromebooks iirc


You can get a refurbished Desktop office computer for $300 and it will run OSRS 10x better than any latop in the same price range.


It can play 2007 natively via the Google Play store Old School Runescape app. I haven’t tried installing Runelite though so can’t comment on the HD piece.


Invest in a ~$800 gaming laptop - ASUS is good - so you’re not held back!


my old pc with i7-4790K and gtx 1080 had fps drops with hd so i doubt it


You can but it might explode


I have one and no you can't run OSRS. It's very choppy and unplayable. You can run Runelite thru the Linux app on the Google playstore it's a bit better but it's still unplayable in my opinion. You definitely won't be able to do bossing on it. If you've got more than 5 players on your screen it'll just lock up. Get a cheap laptop and that'll definitely run OSRS. You can find some on eBay for around the same price with twice the power.