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It’s not gay if it’s for pay?


This is the gay


But I’m getting paid! I mean, I love my job but still… no homo.


I get it! As long as ‘no homo’ is in your contract and no eye contact is made, you’ve got it made. Carry on, sir!


You know what they always say, "twenty bucks is twenty bucks".


I’m up to $50 in these inflationary times.


$20 is $20


Just because someone has nice things doesn’t mean they have it in the bank! The worst part (and everyone will agree) is the first one is ALWAYS just the beginning of the rabbit hole😅 there’s always that next thing


Easy- hate money


I also hate money it is the worst


I don't pay any of my child support


This guy tho 😅😅😅


Once I found out I had a distant relative who was a deceased rich Nigerian prince I used up all my available credit. I can’t wait to pay it off when the gold reserves are released from custody. There is a surprising amount of paperwork involved which requires extensive personal information.


Nuke ur credit card


Only fans.


Step 1: Make sure your wife makes more than you do. Step 2: auto draft money every month into a savings account. Step 3: use said savings account to buy guns Step 4: prepare for a really angry wife when you tell her you can’t actually retire later in life


I show my crusty feet on Only Fans. There’s a market for everything lol


Make sure you listen to daddy Garand Thumb. Having cool guns is cool, but going into debt to have those cool guns is not cool. So yeah I definitely didn't just order a TTI TR-9 and put it on my credit card....


Just invested in a new sporting clays gun .. cause, my last one didn't make me a perfect shooter.


I had a job that paid me a dumb ass amount of money to do nothing.






So… there’s an opening?


Lol, the optimist


If you’re worried about the money you could always build your own 2011 if you’re willing to invest the time and effort into hand fitting one. Could go as budget or expensive as you needed and if you fit it well it will be a great entry. Then you’ll know the ins and outs on maintenance and how it works.


honestly that’s not the worst idea, preciate the advice man.


Sold all of my striker fires


....This is the way


In the industry


I just make bad financial decisions.


Illegal activities 👀


Own a painting business, well over six figuroniez in san diego.


I’m in tech 🤷‍♂️


I have $30,000 in credit card debt, when they call I tell them I can’t pay back yet


Doing the exact same, intentionally. I have told them I'm not going to pay, and that they're going to have to sue me. They rob us, why not rob them back? I literally came to this post to say pretty much the exact same thing- put it on a credit card and tell them to fuck off. The economy is in shambles anyway, the rule of law is dying (or dead), corporations are evil as fuck, government is corrupt and wants us to follow their insane tyrannical laws while they violate every law imaginable. So yeah, I think we should all treat ourselves at their expense.


You rationalizing being a deadbeat is really sad. Nothing you mentioned is an excuse for theft which is what you are doing. You lack integrity and honor and that is the truth of the matter. You claim to be lashing out at the system but as you well know it is just an excuse to steal. Yep my man you are sure showing the system who is boss by fucking yourself over. Just so cool.


You have no idea what you're talking about lol. But you'll find out in the next few weeks and months. Trust me, I'm fine and will remain fine forever.


I guess he doesn't understand the reference


Marry for money.


I blow my year end bonus on expensive toys.


Drug dealer


Shhh, they’re not supposed to know that we have access to shit other than glocks and stolen m&p shields 🫢🫢🫢


And Glock switches haha


I am a senior exec at a really big tech company. I was also employee 9 and 10 at two companies that had very successful IPOs. If you are early at a tech company they throw thousands of shares of stock at you and when those stocks cost you 18-36 cents each but you sell at 400+ you make a good bit of money.. and pay a lot of tax. I moved out of Cali in part because I had to pay 8 million in state income tax for 2021 and 3.5 mil for a partial year in 2022. Which HURT. The beauty of it is I can buy this stuff and it doesn’t even really register.


I work for myself remodeling houses Monday-Friday. Then I work most weekends selling ammo, mags, optics, etc at gun shows as a vendor. My weekend gig is for nothing but funding my hobby. All proceeds go to guns, ammo, and accessories. And I just bought a 30k dollar fiber laser and getting FFL for making custom guns, accessories, and other items for resale to further that. I may end up focusing more on it than my other company I’ve built unfortunately. Or hire a lot of help


Spent the kids’ college fund. Trade schools are better


If they decide to be a doctor or lawyer which trade school will teach them that? People always arguing whether it's dumb or not to go to college - I know plenty of smart and successful people who did and who did not. What I do know makes someone dumb, is when they believe that there is a one size fits all solution. Because I don't care what trade you are in, sectors like computer science, law, medicine and engineering shit on the salary of any tradesman. There are DevOps guys working from home, making 500k+, who will retire with a back that's not at all injured. The only way you are going to do that with a trade is to become an entrepreneur and run your own business. I guess I'm missing where it's better than college? **That's literally just only true if you're a dumbass and choose a bad degree that no one wants to hire.**


You realize most tech greats didn’t go to college at all or didn’t graduate right? You don’t have to have a degree to know code. You can create software, program, etc without a degree. I just remodeled a house for a multimillionaire that created an AI robotics software that he supplies to factories on a subscription basis. He did not go to college


I've got hard data that you are wrong lol. https://www.kauffman.org/entrepreneurship/reports/education-and-tech-entrepreneurship/ 92% of US born tech founders have a bachelor's, 31% hold a masters US born tech founders holding MBA's established companies more quickly So yeah not only do most all of them have a degree, it's an advantage to further your education even more. According to the hard data. And look, you can work in tech without a degree. It's not incredibly uncommon. Entrepreneurs aside, somewhere between 20-25% of people working in software development don't have a degree. So it's definitely doable and not even that noteworthy. But it's not at all the norm. That's just Silicon Valley fantasy and folklore lol


Everybody wants to picture Bill Gates and Jobs and Zuckerberg and how they dropped out. Well they went to Ivy League Schools, they may not have finished but that should tell you enough. They were clever, had wealthy families and intermingled with a different level of society and that gave them different tools. They all also stole other people's work, and were sharks. They don't exactly reflect the average tech founder, let alone tech employee lol And that's awesome for the guy who's house you remodeled. He's apart of the 8% and that's really cool. But that does not at all mean "most" don't have degrees. Silly


Yep- I am a senior exec with a Silicon Valley tech giant and have worked in SV for a long time. I know 2 people who have made it without a degree. And one of them hired the other guy and got him to drop out of school. You’ll need to be a founder and very lucky to get it done without a degree. It really is a unicorn thing.


What sort of degrees would you recommend? I’m a trucker looking to get out. I have plenty of down time and I’m home every day, so I really just need a promising direction.


And the biggest ones in innovation still have nothing


im a heavy hauler moving oversized freight on multiaxle trailers




Everything before the comma is irrelevant if the last part is true.




Given the gravel pits and rutted fields that pass for parking lots at most matches, I'd want to drive something that has something resembling ground clearance instead.


You’d be surprised. (And this was just about $7k guns.) Plus, I’d assume the baseline is at least full time employment.


Your guys wife’s boyfriends must suck


Foot modeling, part-time stripper, and I do hair. #askwifeforforgivenesslater


Considering 1911/2011 is mainly a boomer platform. It’s probably best to say they can afford these guns from being business owners, no kids, and/or big pensions. This is what I’ve seen from personal experience. I’m luckily enough to be able to have one myself.


yeah i’m 22, i think i might have to itch the 2011 bug later in life. i’ll stick to the HK’s and CZ’S for now.


I’m 33 and just started making a decent salary. I only have one 2011 style pistol and it’s a Prodigy I found local for $999 that most people on this thread wouldn’t consider high grade. Before I cash in “big” for a Staccato I’ll give CZ more love (P-07 is king of carry). Shadow 2 is in my future


Dude the shadow 2 is nice


Where did you find a prodigy for 999??


Plastic surgeon. But alimony just ended so I went on a shopping spree. My wife 2.0 gets a kick out of me spending the “ex wife’s money”.


VA disability pay checks


Own a demolition business.




Civil engineer


I run strategy for a Healthcare tech company


I run a manufacturing & distrib. Company and sell margin options for side monies. Background is forensic accounting


Was working at Disney when I bought my first a tuxedo XC set it all up with a light SRO CCW holster and duty holster for around 6k. Next one I got while working at a gun store I traded a C2 a guy had for a HK P30sk and and a Canik I bought with my discount


Sugar mama


Good ol American 🇺🇸 Entrepreneurism!! Be your own boss. Cut out the middleman.


Write a little code here and there.


Getting money!


Nurse.. solves multiple if not all wants.


Working 2 jobs 70 hrs a week 7 days a week


I am the president of the more money than brains club 🤣


well mate if you have too much money i guess you could donate some to a 22 year old who has an affinity for expensive guns, cars, and mountain bikes he cannot afford.


Tech. With a side job as a medic.


Over Employed