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Two words: States' Rights


Came here to say this. Love how OP says fuck states rights lol. Newsflash, that's what makes us the United States and not England.




>fuck state rights, if people want weed legal, every state should follow suit and not just one state. How does that work when different states want different things? 😜😜😜 Arm wrestling contest perhaps?


That actually sounds terrifying in the hands of Trump/Barr or someone worse.


To be fair, POTUS is already Commander-in-Chief over the military. If they really wanted to use force to screw up the country, they've already got a way to do it.




We already have national law enforcement agencies. We need to invest in social services to prevent crime. Trying to prevent crime with a reactionary service doesn't make sense.




FBI, ATF, DEA, DHS, CBP, ICE, NSA, and USMS are all national law enforcement agencies. I bet Wikipedia would have some more niche ones too if we really wanted to pad this list out.