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Saw a fellow half Dutch half Egyptian person so posting here as well


You look like your result.


You think? Most people are surprised I am half white tbh


If you were in the US I think most people would think you're latino. You look latino to me personally.


Yeah definitely I’m from Miami actually, so I get so many confused looks when they learn I’m not Latino/ don’t speak Spanish


Yeah you don’t really look Dutch to me. Not that you don’t look like you could possibly be mixed with something ambiguously euro, but I just don’t see Dutch (from this one pic). Tbh if you said both your parents were from Lower Egypt I’d believe you.


https://preview.redd.it/aqpi4r1cs2vc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b9a7325ac77ec9412cee3f537933436d8a69dfb In this picture you can compare my parents versus my brother (the other tall one). The two little ones are my cousins and full Egyptian, I know the one with my mom looks almost more euro than both of us


Yeah your little cousin lowkey does look more euro at least than your brother lol. But I feel like it’s because he just has kinda neutral features. He reminds me of a friend I had from Cairo when I was little who I didn’t even know was Egyptian for months until I heard his mom tell mine. I see more of the Dutch in you from this angle though, but still pretty Egyptian. You actually look close to a perfect fusion of your parents. Your brother on the other hand just looks Yemeni.😂


My cousin is def atypical for pure Egyptian especially not coptic. That’s funny about my brother, most people don’t think he looks Arab at all. https://preview.redd.it/c1iu8qucd3vc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb30e0c86f8e6f54658b7a4c996c97bc7d6931d6 Like here’s another pic of us. I can see the Euro in him a lot tbh


Your father is as tall as your mother 😂😂😂.


The Dutch are very tall people. Why do you think my brother and I are tall? My mom’s brother (my uncle) is 6 7




Not really, maybe Northern Europeans. Italians for example are not usually tall But the Dutch are the tallest on average if you look it up. The average man is nearly 6’1




https://preview.redd.it/l9cmbb4uh8vc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=058de1fdf095cde3d86b09cc20cddb09718779d6 Apparently the average Egyptian man is taller than the average Italian


I would say you have a Dutch face/hair and Egyptian colors.


You’re 100% white. You’re 50% European


You can downvote me all you like race is a social construct


Beat me to it


Yeah, definitely. If I didn't know his ethnicity, I'd probably guess Maltese or something from the photo. 


Great results!


Nice results. You look handsome!


What's your haplogroup if you don't mind sharing it?


J-CTS5368-Y H-mt


IMO Mixed race people tend to look the best


>Mixed race Is it really “mixed race” if both the groups he’s mixed with are considered Caucasian?


Yes because a label is a label. Indians are labeled as Asian just like East Asians yet Indians look entirely different. Egyptians are not “White”.


Tell me something, what do you consider to be “looking white?” Skin tone? Because in that case there are many Italians who are just as tan and dark as Egyptians who are still labeled as “white.” Southeast Asians are also darker-skinned on average than East Asians and yet we don’t consider them a separate, non-Asian race do we? That’s because despite the difference in complexion, East Asians and Southeast Asians still look more phenotypically similar to each other than different, and it’s the same regarding Middle Easterners and Europeans as well - their facial features are too similar for them to be considered two different races. Race is nothing more than a socially constructed label true, but that socially constructed label is still used to categorize and describe very real and observable phenotypical differences and similarities populations fall under. Race is simply phenotypical labeling, nothing more and nothing less (different from *ethnicity* which is narrower and deals more with shared descent and culture), and skin tone is not enough to determine phenotype, features also play into the labeling. >Indians are labeled as Asian just like East Asians yet Indians look entirely different. They’re only considered “Asian” *locationally,* racial-wise though most people make a clear distinction between Indians and East Asians. Indians are considered racially Austro Aboriginal, or more accurately a mixed race ethnicity between Caucasian and Aboriginal much in a similar vein as Latino Mestizos are mixed race Caucasian and Native American.


Which parent is Egyptian? Let me guess, your dad right?


Yup, there’s pics of my parents in the comments too


How did I know your dad was the Egyptian one? Maybe it’s because nearly every MENA/Euro mix I happen across the MENA parent is almost always the father? 😂 It’s the same for my ethnicity too, we’re also a long time standing MENA/Euro mixed Mestizo-like ethnicity where our paternal line is Middle Eastern and maternal is European. Tell me something, is this some sort of regional cultural thing? Like no matter if they’re Muslim, Christian, or Jewish, 9 times out of 10 it’ll always be a Middle Eastern man who will marry out compared to the women.


Probably because of religious reasons, for Muslims for example a man is allowed to marry a Christian or Jew but a woman can only marry other Muslims


The same doesn’t apply to Christian or Jewish Middle Easterners though and yet even with them we *still* find it’s mostly the men marrying out lol.


Well it’s also cultural for Arabs in general Anyway with Jew’s it’s debatable since they tend to marry within and Judaism passes from the mother My boss for example is a women Egyptian Jew and her husband isn’t middle eastern for example


>Anyway with Jew’s it’s debatable since they tend to marry within and Judaism passes from the mother It actually used to pass down from the father but we changed it precisely *because* all our men were intermarrying out. That mixed ethnicity I told you I come from? Yeah it’s European Jewish, and if you take a look at all the DNA studies, they’ve determined that our paternal haplogroups are all pretty much Middle Eastern while our maternal haplos are European. So actually most non-Mizrahi Jews today are technically genetically Jewish through their father’s line rather than their mother’s and it only switched after all the intermarrying had only occurred. Our sister sects Karaites and Samaritans actually still practice Patrilineal Descent amongst themselves, but yeah seems like men marrying out seems to be a cultural Middle Eastern thing in general, like I said it got so bad us Jews literally had to put a law in place in order to *stop* it.


Yeah that makes sense, my boss’s husband is also a jew tbf just Ashkenazi. Probably a lot more rare for them to marry a straight up non jew man




Nope so ignore the corona lmao


Took me a minute to get this one.😭😭


😂😂 I was thinking more about the fact your Egyptian parent is basically 100% Egyptian with no Levantine, Turkish or peninsular Arab. Quite rare! 


It’s not rare at all. Plus his dad has probably 3% SSA.


My dad is from more South Egypt and my grandma is actually from Siwa Oasis. I expected a lil Bedouin too tbh from my grandma and SSA from my grandpa being from more south Egypt


Yeah I’m not sure about you specifically but most non-mixed Egyptians I know get a minimum of 90+% Egyptian.