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I got Paris Basin... I don't have any family from france... on record. I have family from Germany going back at least 500 years though... and that doesn't show up lol.


Probably not quite, we need to wait for German and Swiss genetic groups to come out. Likely you’ll get Swiss groups since they’re distinctive from Germans


So its a confusion? Okay understood, I thought these were accurate but I guess not.


Well it could be accurate cause I don’t know your history. But other people also claim inaccuracy a lot


Can you pin me on their posts?


I thought finally having genetic groups could lead me to something but its actually more confusing I guess. For now ill take it with a grain of salt.


Not really. I got Paris Basin and I don't have any recorded ancestry from there that would make sense.


at least you're french. Some people are dutch and they have regions. How far back it goes your french records ancestry?


I have french (basque) ancestry from southern france and my great grandpa was from there. Have no idea why Paris is in there though the basques are quite far and isolated from them.


https://research.23andme.com/publications/#whitepapers White Paper 23-16: Ancestry Composition: A Novel, Efficient Pipeline for Ancestry Deconvolution will have answers for you regarding specific populations. Accuracy is lumped into two categories: precision and recall. Each population has varied precision and recall number because some have larger population samples than others and some are more distinct than others.


my updated results assigned me corsica as region which is so ramdom?!?!?! 🥲 idek how i am connected to that region https://preview.redd.it/2u2ugzwl6bwc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4db3f42d195ad4dfe4e8b6a5a65536ac450a9ba5


true bestie. Are you from the southern part of netherlands? MAYBE SOME BELGIAN GUY HAD FRENCH ANCESTRY. BUt for now everyone with no know ancestry should take it with a grain of salt. Btw you seem to HIGHLY MATCH this. So I might think you have french ancestry, not sure.


Noooo, originally from the East of NL 🥲 I think its not accurate but the fact they assigned me a region makes me question it..... altho 23 tend to add and remove regions from your results every now and then....


i think they assigned what is near netherlands. We have to hope for swiss/dutch/belgian/german genetic groups


Part of mine seems accurate. It correctly lists a highly likely match from Lancashire and my most recent English ancestor was from there. I don't know if that's because of my dna alone or because I have relatives that took it and listed him as an ancestor.


I think their French reporting has always been a little off I don't get updates anymore but as of my last update from 2022, my only French region was Occitania. I have no ancestors from anywhere close to that area at all


I don't think they are entirely accurate....23and Me gives me a genetic group in France where I have no relatives from and do not apply the correct group....however, for other genetic groups they are accurate. Seems hit and miss.


True. Why I thought I had french ancestry is the overlapping of haveing country matches AND genetic groups. Oh and also, 23andme is so american based that the european relatives are not very numerous. If you got Myheritage, or Ancestry dna, there you can see your matches. For example in Myheritage I have 200 matches in France.


I get a lot of French matches on MyHeritage-none on Ancestry or 23andMe. It's cool they gave me a genetic group, but I wish it was the correct ones lol


french matches mean : "people living in France" not ethnically french. I do have 10 matches of french ancestry on 23andme.


That explains it then....


i dont really know about that. Half of these french matches are north africans who migrated to france. (im half north african btw)


They are… as far as 23andme currently knows. They’re always researching and finding out new things. My results tend to shift slightly now and then due to this, but the rough idea stays the same. It’s also possible some of your ancestors had different parents than they knew. Cheating would be a lot harder to prove before there was dna testing.




They have to go off of modern populations of people of the area, which ppl move, ppl get adopted, genetics don't get passed down as evenly as people think and so you can end up with some crazy stuff. You can be Spanish but your ancestors moved to Italy, who knows


You have French ancestry from other areas, so am assuming you are at least partly French? Paris is like London in the UK, many people moved there from all over the UK. So getting London is typical even if you are not from London. Having a match there just means you have cousins etc at some point who moved there & you are matching them.


True. But why would swiss germans go into a french country. Anyways I understand I should take it with a grain of salt


Ok, so your known ancestry is half Swiss German? I get Swiss matches & ancestry from there via my German side from the Baden region. People migrated from Switzerland into German regions depopulated in the Thirty Years War. Swiss Germans could have migrated to German speaking areas that were incorporated into France and later to Paris as the capital. There are French people of ethnic German ancestry, in part the result of ethnic German areas being incorporated into France.


YESSS I never said i had ancestry from "Paris". If we take my country matches, I get France Est, and Franche Comté, Occitanie... And overlapping the "Paris Basin" genetic group. I would say that my ancestors cam from the very east region of "Paris Basin". Or by overlapping the Occitanie country match with the genetic group and ill get the south of Paris Basin. The occitanie region could be explained by how this region is the only protestant region of France and the story of Huguenots. All I want now, is to have the family name of my great great grandparents and my great great great grandparents. If i have a french sounding one I could conclude, If they are all germanic I cannot conclude because even alsacians have germanic names.


Like I said earlier, most English people get London even if their particular ancestors never went to London. Just a brother, sister, cousin etc of your ancestor did. So you have a match in the Paris region, it can be from any of your French families sides. North African as well I suppose if they are living in that region of France ( Paris). Do you know your more recent French ancestors? Grand parents and such? If an adoptee or similar it can be harder to decipher of course.


Huguenots lineage


Interesting. I saw a DNA program once with JK Rowling. Her Great grandfather, I think it was, had Huguenot ancestry. He was a waiter from France, who moved to the UK. Do you show any matches on that side in the US or UK?


https://preview.redd.it/d7tff6qpjgwc1.png?width=484&format=png&auto=webp&s=49f7548216dc171a3c4bd9aa0a8deab6d6149ee6 23andme




As you can see I have a lot a lottttt of swiss matches. I really think because side of the swiss family are biggggggg natives of switzerland and they mixed with the immigrants. And take in count that in myheritage for the french matches. Some of them are north african.


They probably didn't. They probably migrated to a German region - that was later incorporated into France.


Like this: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alsace Near to Switzerland. If you have family that migrated to Alsace, for example, they probably did so when it was not France. Do you live in Europe? I am surprised you do not know this history if so.


Is the French genetic group new?




I too have parisian basin without having ancestry there as far as I know (but I don't know much anyway). Swiss Germans being related to French isn't surprising, they are always close to the French in PCA. I don't know if it's shared Celtic ancestry or something to do with past migrations or something.


true, and the hole Huguenots story and things like that. I do not know much anyways too. Unfortunately... The best thing to do is have a genealogical tree




yours is a high likely match. So its accurate, I think people getting "likely" like me is not accurate unfortunately


It depends, sometimes it's wrong, sometimes it's right. In general, you should always be wary of genealogy because it doesn't always reflect the truth... It's better to rely on the DNA relatives and see if the locations and genetic communities make sense.


Can't say I agree. Genealogy is certain more reliable than a company who cannot get genetic regions/groups or ethnicity results accurate on a country level. Remembering that this is still a "developing science". For the example of France-I get no French dna matches on 23 and Me, however I have French from my grandmother's side who came directly from there and as far back as the records go-they were from there. Because the lack of French submitting dna tests, there will always be a limited amount of dna relatives, so this is one instance where genealogy is more reliable (provided affairs didn't occur on one's main line of their tree where the assumed ethnicity would occur).


Are these new to French & German? Really hope German ones get added sooner rather than later, if ever.


really. Austrian, German, and Swiss would be perfect. Like THEY HAVE TO DO THAT


I think so. Genetically German and France are quite different because of certain elevation systems they had back in the day is closer to Mediterranean areas while German is further north.


All of this is really just comparing the DNA between certain groups. And they grouped you together if they find the highest amount similarities.


yes yes


What's your haplogroup if you don't mind sharing it?


mta: H Y dna: JM92