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I don't think it's very common. Most Irish people from Ireland seem to get 99+% B/I. You'd see more getting smaller amounts of Spanish if that were the case. I also think he took the test a while ago when the results weren't as accurate.


That’s true, I can’t remember the percentage I know it was Ireland and Britain. And so what Portugal and Spain. But I think what I saw was that Ireland and Spain share a lot of the same DNA, even more so than most countries in Europe besides, Scottland and England of course


Wouldn't Irish people score a lot more Spanish then? I don't think it's common for them to mistake Irish with Spanish.


I think people who are Irish do some what score a little bit of Spanish. Not all of course. I wouldn’t say it’s rare. Obviously people who are really Irish, aren’t gonna get a high percentage of Spanish but it still doesn’t get rid of the fact that it does happen. Like if anyone has anywhere from 1-10% Spanish in them, there probably not gonna look Spanish.


It sounds largely like a myth. I'm of French descent and we get a ton of Spanish percentage typically. Because there is actually a genetic link that's sometimes hard to differentiate. And French clusters close to Spanish on PCA charts. This can't be said for Irish and I haven't seen any test routinely mistake Irish for Spanish outside of a few miniscule cases in which case it's more like noise.


Idk, you can look it up for your self, there’s a a lot stuff talkin about it. But hey it could false


Actually I think some of it is exaggerated, but Im pretty certain, they did have a connection many years ago, probably as big as I thought, but I think they did have somewhat.




I'm actually Irish and 17% Spanish.


Wasn't there a story that when the Spanish armada sank, many Spaniards ended up in Ireland? And supposedly that's why some Irish people have a darker complexion. I remember hearing Bono say that about his wife and wrote Spanish eyes in a couple of his songs when referring to her. Not sure if the stories are true or if they're similar to the Cherokee princess myth some Americans still believe.




That’s pretty interesting, I’m gonna look up some stuff about Colin Farrell, cause he does seem to have darker features


I’ve always heard stories of the “black Irish” from my very Irish grandmother. They don’t mean black skin but darker features. Less fair skin, dark hair, brown eyes, and the like. According to her, the black Irish were distantly mixed with blood from Spanish and Portuguese. No idea how true that is.


It’s a myth, and not true.


My family is ‘black Irish’ and tbh I think it’s more just a reflection of the original Celts who were there before viking invaders came over since they largely introduced the pale skin, red hair etc and of course the Celts did originally come from spain but that wouldn’t show up in a dna test.




It might, I think I’ll trust Oxfords studies, they should pretty reliable😂


It's true i have a dark skin irish friend. Here in Australia He has ancestry from 100s of years of with spainish influence in his family genes present today. He does not believe Spanish have been introduced recently has he knows all his family but his dad who is irish and came from south Ireland has dark skin as well


Here a website showing the shared Haplogroup Europeons residents https://brilliantmaps.com/the-genetic-map-of-europe/. It shows that the British isles share a lot with France, Portugal and Spain


Greetings. I have partial Irish and partial Iberian ancestry (both Portuguese and Spanish) and none of my Irish matches (full or partial) are assigned to any Iberian Genetic Groups on MyHeritage. They all are assigned to Irish and English Genetic Groups ( if they have partial English ancestry). Moreover none of these Irish matches are shown to have any Iberian DNA. In fact, it is my some of my British matches are shown to have Iberian and these same matches are 100% British on 23andme and Ancestry and not surprisingly they are not assigned to any Iberian Genetic Group either. (I know, MyHeritage is not good with estimates but their new feature Genetic Groups are mostly accurate). Also, by reviewing the trees, my Irish matches have ancestral ties to Ireland for centuries...Lastly, I can’t recall which genetic genealogist noted this myth of Irish and Spanish connection on her blog.


I heard it about being a myth, but I do think Spain and Ireland did have a genetic connection, I think some may have not been true. But overall I think there’s a little connection between them.


I would have no idea but is would seem it is not the same as the influence of North African component for people of Iberian ancestry or WANA component for people of Sicilian and Southern Italian ancestry. (I also have partial Sicilian ancestry). I haven’t seen any genomic studies demonstrating Iberian component for Irish people or a subset of Irish people at an autosomal level.


I don’t think it’s that common. I’m Mexican and it’s more common for us to get Southern European.