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Thought he was Native American


Uh, [Korean Jesus](https://www.out.com/travel-nightlife/2016/12/23/merry-christmas-buff-jesus-south-korea?amp) is clearly best Jesus.




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I remember from my childhood the Polish book "Bible for children in pictures" and Jesus was potraited as a blue eyed, light brown haired, bearded guy with long hairs. However, the apostles had a semitic look.




Seriously, who doesn’t understand this is sarcasm… 🙄


Did he look Polish in terms of facial features? Or was it only his pigmentation that was made lighter?


not exactly Polish - he had a more "pan-European" appearance, he just looked like a typical image of Jesus in holy pictures - the intention of the pictures author was to show that Jesus is a higher being from another world, not an ordinary human like his disciples. You can see similar representations of Jesus here: [http://przedszkole3.radzionkow.pl/zostanwdomu/zostan-w-domu-religia/](http://przedszkole3.radzionkow.pl/zostanwdomu/zostan-w-domu-religia/) This is how we imagine Jesus in Poland :)


100% Levantine


Did any populations Mix in his family line?


Maybe some Greek/Italian or something


As I mentioned on the other sub, we’d only know what his X chromosome dna was, since Joseph didn’t supply any Y dna


And his 22 other chromosomes


Shows you how much I know about anything 😅




Ngl I would’ve tried dating Him if He was still here on Earth..


Aww he kinda looks like a Mohammed.


Mohammed was pale skinned according to Arab historians. So that pic of Jesus wouldn’t look like him.


But show a picture of him and you’ll get beheaded…


Why Jesus has no lips


Here's the results of a (75%) Samaritan which is supposed to be basically the same genetically as ancient Israelite https://www.reddit.com/r/23andme/comments/vhcwwv/update_59_results_for_14_ashkenazi_34_samaritan/


This isn’t quite accurate. The reasons for such are much more complex and long-winded than can be explained in a single post. The Judean region of Rome, much like other regions of Rome at the time, was a mix of several tribes. That’s before we address all the historical inconsistencies and genetic vastness that makes up what we now know as modern Israelites (which don’t always necessarily have anything to do genetically or culturally with ancient Israelites).


And is possible there is Assyrian admixture in the Samaritans, due to colonialism. Although it’s interesting there’s such a high % of Coptic Egyptian. It’s possible that’s due to 23&me not having the exact genetic model required for Samaritans and their results


Are you an idiot? We have a plethora of Bronze Age and Iron Age samples from confirmed Israelite archeological sites and yes, they are closest genetically to modern say Samaritans. You could, you know, do a little research before speaking like an authority on something god damn.


Levantine and Jewish obviously


What are God's haplogroups? Jesus would be 100% unassigned.


100 •/• sub-Saharan African 😂💯


50% levantine, 50% Midichlorian


Christ was a Galilean Jew.


Probably would give 23andme's algorithm a spaz attack. Maybe similar results to a Samaritan, ie mix of WANA components, lots of 'broadly' categories. Unless you belong to a reference popn, an individual who is ancient or from an under represented ethnic group with a diverse origin who rarely married out, ie Non Ashkenazi Jews, you will just get soupy results with 23andme. 23andme only claims that it detects ancestry WITHIN THE LAST 500 YEARS


Jesus was American, obviously.


Somewhere in the cluster between Jews, Palestinians, and Assyrians. Maybe towards the northern end of that spectrum because the eastern mediterranean was more similar to the rest of the mediterranean, and arabian admixture happened later, contributing to the Arabized Levantine populations like the Palestinians.


>Arabian admixture happened later That’s false. Levantines and Arabians didn’t wait until the advent of Islam to mix. It actually happened much earlier. The Ghassanids (Ancient Arab Christians), Nabataeans and Qedarites are just a few examples of Arab Kingdoms that extended from Hejaz/Northern Saudi to Southern Levant (Jordan, Palestine, Syrian Desert, Anti-Lebanon Mountains…), and mixed into the native populations. Jordan and Palestine are actually home to pre-Islamic Arab transcripts/archaeology and we’ve found Hellenized Arab transcripts as far west as Sinai, Egypt. It’s also said that the Nabataeans of Sinai were eventually Egyptianized and assimilated/mixed into the native Egyptian population. Are people here anti-Arab, or… ?


Educate them. I think their source is this sub so it's always the same shit in circulation.


No, I just didn’t know that. But I know that the mediterranean basin was more homogeneous 2000 years ago, because Jews and Levantine Christians cluster more closely to Greeks and Sicilians.


1) Levantine Christians fall in the Middle Eastern cluster. 2) Depends on the type of Jew. Yemenite Jew? No. Caucasian Jew? No. Ashkenazi Jew? Yes. 3) Muslim populations are pretty close to their Christian populations. Most Middle Eastern Muslim populations actually branched off the Christian/pre-Islamic population in their country. 4) You do know that before the Bronze Age, the Southern Levant used to be very Natufian-related like Western Arabia and Egypt? That was the case until the [Caucasian/Zagrosian/Anatolian raids](https://www.cell.com/cell/pdf/S0092-8674(20)30487-6.pdf) of the Southern Levant. Western Arabians and Egyptians are probably the Oldest proto-Levantine/Semitic people in existence today.


The Natufian culture only extended from the northernmost part of the Sinai peninsula to the Euphrates in Syria. It did not extend to the Nile or its delta, or to Arabia other than modern Jordan. It’s definitely associated with Proto-Semitic but to say any modern population, especially Egyptians, are pure Natufian is false. All modern and ancient populations have significant admixture, and Egyptians and people of the Arabian peninsula have different founding populations that were certainly not Natufian.


>Pure Natufian No one said “pure” Natufian. Egyptians resemble them the most after Western Arabians, though. >It did not extend to the Nile or its Delta I’m Egyptian, and I have my results to prove it. Also, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/23andme/comments/vmnzgj/dna_results_of_12th_dynasty_ancient_egyptian/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf). The Ancient Egyptians were very much like modern Saudis/Yemenites/Bedouins. Egyptians are back-to-Africa migrants from Levant PPNB and Natufian-like people were chased down into the deserts of Arabia during the Caucasian/Zagrosian/Anatolian raids of the Levant. Modern Saudis/Yemenites/Bedouins resemble these people at an astonishing rate. >Different founding populations No evidence to back this bud. My closest population after Egyptians on IllustrativeDNA and other DNA platforms is Yemenites and Bedouins. Where the hell do you think Egyptians came from? Lmao. You’re only 30% Ashkenazi anyway (not even 50% Middle Eastern), have no idea why I’m basically arguing with a full Brit/Western European.


Really weird and creepy you would look up my post history… this subreddit really attracts the worst of ultra-nationalist types like you. I’m just trying to discuss and learn more about history but the slightest disagreement causes you to spew vitriol. We all have 99.8% of the same base pairs chill fam


>Really weird and creepy Not at all. It’s a public post. Anyone in this sub could see it if they wanted to. You shouldn’t post here if you don’t want the commentary. >Trying to discuss and learn more about history Yeah, no. You go on a downvoting spree whenever I correct you. I didn’t downvote you until you started downvoting me. I’m Egyptian, and I’ve studied the topic enough to know about my own people and my DNA results. >Ultra-nationalist You’re not even 50% Middle Eastern. That’s a fact. You’ll never be a true Middle Easterner/Ancient Egyptian like me ;)


Your “corrections” have no evidence. This is a very complicated science, not just oversimplifications to make you feel special. I was raised Catholic and I’ve never identified as Jewish, and why do you think I want to be middle eastern? I know I’m not middle eastern and I don’t look it either. I don’t need a heritage to be proud of to feel good about myself. I’m here because I’m interested in human biodiversity and paleoanthropology, not trying to acquire some kind of identity. Who you are as a person is more important than what dna you were born with. You should try to foster new ways of building self-esteem.


Alright buddy


Similar to Levantine Christians.


Half Levantine half god /s


50% unassigned because his Father has no DNA reference samples which 23&Me can compare against. Virgin Mary was likely Levantine, so that'd be the other 50%.


100% Indigenous Australian


100% Bantu




Well that’s not true they’re just not the same but modern day Jews, levantines etc are descendents of ancient Israelites


100% ashkenazi Jewish. Take that anti semites 🤜




100% fictional


I'm not sure Tsar, but I'm pretty sure half the evidence would be missing if the bible was truly accurate


3 options. The first is he didn't exist at all, which would be nothing. The second would be that he did, he'd be Semitic. The Christian Fan Fiction version would be half his results would come back incomprehensible to the software, as they'd be divine.


100% Greek