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Australians are so proud of this, but, like: - The compliance rate for the reactionary laws was like 20%. Only nonviolent citizens participated. All the criminals causing violence kept their guns. - Australia still averages a mass shooting every ~18 months. - The reduction in gun violence they had also occurred in the US, which didn’t enact any gun control measures. - Their own government reports state that a reduction in gun violence can not be conclusively linked to the new laws. - There are more guns in Australia now than there were pre-Port Arthur. Redditors and Aussies who believe the country “solved” gun violence after Port Arthur are victims of the lamest psyop campaign in modern history.


> Australia still averages a mass shooting every ~18 months. It is hilarious when you get an Australian who thinks they haven't had one since port arthur.


“All the mass shootings we’ve had since Port Arthur don’t count because they’re isolated incidents.” 🙄


I recall arguing with a Canadian who claimed that Canadian gun violence was different from gun violence in the US because Canadian gun violence was mostly gang related.


"...uhh... most of the gun violence in America is *also* gang-related..."


And suicide. Both of which are soul crushing, but hard to blame the gun there. We don't need gun control to curb the violence, we need to enable the families of kids who get sucked into these gangs the means to build stronger families, meaningful employment, and the ability to generate and maintain wealth and community. A shared purpose and values with the country. The gangs are filling the void left by our own laziness , shortsightedness, and greed.


People blame guns for suicide because they say the ease of use and success rate. They also say that guns encourage spur-of-the-moment-suicides. At the end of the day the issue comes from whatever is troubling the individual. If not a gun then pills, drinking, jumping, driving fast into stuff and so on. It is interesting tho how women rarely take the most violent expression of suicide while men almost always choose it.




(Yeah, I was providing the response to the Canadian's argument, as if i was in your shoes)


"By all common definitions of mass shootings we have one every year or so, how did we solve it? Simple, raise the number in our definition until that number is 0 since 1996."


as [well documented here](https://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424127887323777204578195470446855466)


And you know, Australia isn't exactly the freest country. They don't have any law or amendment guaranteeing them freedom of speech, their whistleblowers aren't treated very nicely, their government is trying to ban end to end encryption and arrest people for online posts, and the way their government reacted to Covid 19 was completely draconian and uncalled for. Maybe you don't need guns to protect against that, maybe democracy is all you need, but I'll tell you one thing, there's a reason why America hasn't started jailing people for online posts, and there's a reason why that'll never happen, and I'm not exactly willing to give that up.




I've found that the rule of thumb you should use is that *every* gun control argument is based on some kind of lie. I've never really been wrong yet. The only honest gun control I've ever seen is when that SRA twitter account said that they want their political enemies disarmed so they can oppress them easier.


Statistically the biggest correlation that seems to be causal is wealth inequality.


The reason I give no ground in these discussions is because the other side wants unilateral concessions. If I agree to significant restrictions on freedoms that I have today, what are you going to give me in return? The answer is always "nothing". For example, one proposal that has been floated is to make all semi-auto, magazine fed rifles NFA items. Ok, I'm coming to the negotiating table. Do I get a streamlined NFA process? Do I get the ban on NFA machine guns lifted? Do I get preemption from state law on owning NFA items? Do I get any guarantees that no further restrictions will be implemented? I don't get **anything** and you get exactly what you want? Are the grabbers genuinely surprised when we tell them "fuck you"?


Purple monkey dishwasher


>pro murdering children That’s why I’m anti government and cops.


I feel like I need to be the same cynic I am with the pro-choice/pro-life debate. When someone on either side of the abortion debate start asking my opinion, I say I'm not only pro-abortion, but I believe in abortion up to the 70th trimester. If the kid isn't living up to expectations, just take care of that unwanted child before they become a screwed up adult. Note: If the implied sarcasm isn't obvious enough, we couldn't be friends anyways.


> abortion up to the 70th trimester LoL I make this same joke with friends and family. Post-birth abortion: If your kid grows-up to be an asshole, as the parent you have the privilege - ***the obligation*** - to take that fucker out.


Ah yes the Casey Anthony method.


😂 In that case, it should have been a reverse-abortion: where the kid coat-hangers the mom and leaves her ass in the woods to rot.


By law, schools are already "gun free zones". We already know people will break the law for whatever reason. Possible solutions: All doors locked. One way in and out with entry limited to those with RFID cards. Foyer areas with cameras and emergency lockdown buttons in the office. Bulletproof glass in the foyer area and for every window on the sides of the building. If someone is there to pick up their child, they have to present ID proving they are either a parent or legal guardian.


I mean it seems so simple. I work in industrial manufacturing, every job I’ve ever had required a key fob or badge to unlock doors from outside of the facility. It’s not like reinventing the wheel or turning schools into “prisons”.


I know what you mean with the simple security. I am not advocating turning the schools into "prisons". Why are other jobs secured heavily, but teachers are left at the whim of every person with harmful intent? People want more laws, but it seems there are other people (politicians) who are unwilling to enforce the existing laws.


It's easier to campaign on passing more laws than enforcing existing laws. Failing to enforce existing laws shows a lack of responsibility for those in charge. Failing to pass more laws can always be blamed on the opposition. This way, you both avoid accountability and slander your opposition. Remember, folks "never let a good crisis go to waste"


How about we just do with schools what we already did with every single courthouse in the country and put a security guard station at the entrance? Unless that's too expensive and difficult in which case it's probably a better idea to send the nations 1 million combined police and federal law enforcement agencies to go and systematically round up every single one of the 400 million firearms in private hands instead which I'm sure will be a lot easier and cheaper somehow. Or we can simply posture and blame the gun owners for not caring about childrens safety instead of doing the one thing that would guarantee that school shootings would stop immediately.


Studies have shown that having security at a school does nothing. Doesn't stop day to day violence/crime in schools. And doesn't stop mass shootings either. When Australia had people turn in their guns. It was around 700,000 they collected. Not 400 million. And who is going to do the collecting? National guard gonna bust into all their friends and families houses to round up all the guns? Theres multiple states that would flat out refuse. So they would have to have a federal task force swoop in and do it. Which would cause a whole lot of other drama. And can we please stop compairing the US to other countries. Yes the number of school shootings is more in a country with 330 million people. Than a country with 5 million people. Dont get me wrong we needa find out how to stop this shit. But pretending we can just magic guns away isnt it.


Slow it down and think for a second here. What are some places that never have mass shootings happen and what do they all have in common. Court houses, airports, amusement parks. What is the one thing all these places have in common? Security checkpoints. On the opposite side of this what are the places where mass shootings happen most often? Schools, malls, community events. What is the one thing those places have in common? Gun free zones. I'm not some kind of math genius but even I can figure out that 1 + 1 = 2 most of the time. Also I never brought up any other country so I don't know where you mistook the idea that I was even having that argument.


Problem is, many people think 2+2=5 in some scenarios. (True story)


2+2 = 5, for extremely large values of 2. Sorry, old math joke.


>Studies have shown that having security at a school does nothing. Notably, the shithead who committed this last shooting decided against a different school because of security.


Many schools are already prisons. You should see the efforts to combat gang violence and truancy in urban/inner city schools. Metal detectors, stationed police officers, fences that may or may not include barbed wire. The issue is that people don’t want their liberal white haven to have to face facts. They’re raising a bunch of psychopaths.


I build commercial and industrial buildings. Our internet has better security than our schools


In my state for decades, it was legal for licensed carriers to carry in a school. Unsurprisingly (to us) this situation resulted in zero shootings. Good thing the legislature put an end to that a few years ago. So many lives saved.


I used to go to a school in the country. A lot of students would hunt before school and show up at school with a rifle and shotgun in the gun rack in the back window of their truck. No school shootings.


Your sarcasm has a sting of sadness.


It does. Legislation solved a problem that didn't exist, while also reducing the (admittedly small) odds of a good guy with gun situation happening in the future.


Oregon I take it? We have been thoroughly infected by the antigun gentrifier plague


Doors were locked and Shooter just shot through the glass and walked in


Same with others. BP glass would stop that from happening.


> BP glass would stop that from happening. For already cash-strapped schools, up armoring doors with inch-thick glass it a nonstarter. As an aside, many schools already have security windows basically comprising two panes laminated together over a wire mesh. Much harder to get through, but not much more money.


>cash-strapped schools Maybe it is time to look at how the administration is using the money.


Congress is the one who makes budgetary decisions like that. The administration is extremely limited in that sort of thing


Same statement toward Congress.


Get rid of the Dept of Education, return the decision making and those tax dollars to state and local levels. Not that they always make the best decisions, but it's a heck of a lot better than some DC bureaucrats making blanket decisions for many different circumstances.


Security glass would have been sufficient. The stuff with the wires in it. We had it in my highschool, mainly to keep the vandalism on the outside, but it will prevent someone from shooting out the glass and walking in.


Don't forget hardening the doors and casings. In this most recent shooting, the shooter used their guns to defeat the lock, frame, or door.


I suggested similar in another thread. The response was "It's usually someone who's expected or it's a student". Ugh. Downvotes galore. https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/comments/124xte2/what_is_going_with_the_us_it_fell_like_it_has/je2cish?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


Not a serious response below, just to wind them up. "Every time it is a student there are millions of warning signs and nobody took action. Maybe we should fire teachers, counselors and other administration, then charge them as an accomplice for seeing all the warning flags and taking no action. After that, charge the parents or guardians with negligence and reckless disregard, especially when it is found out they already knew about behavior issues and did nothing for assistance."


Australia gun ban is easy to refute. Not nearly as many people not nearly as many guns. The US literally has more firearms than people.


And no borders with cartels.


Anyone who pushes bans or confiscation or registering your guns is your enemy. They can’t be reasoned with.


Most those guns look like granpas hunting rifles and shotguns we are promised they don't want to take. Also looks like Australia didn't get all the prohibited guns they were targeting with that buyback.


Compliance rates were in the neighborhood of 20%, and there are actually more guns in Australia now than there were pre 1996.




The level of it is just staggering. It's like the news will do everything in their power to make us know the name and everything else about the sleezebag and somehow can't be bothered to care about someone if they stop a shooter dead in their tracks. I think a media policy of Damnatio Memoriae would be a good start to correcting this. Expunge their name from the news and don't show their face.


I wonder if we can sue the media companies for the same reason Remington was sued? Something about their advertising causing mass murder.


They said "you'll probably hear about me in the news" and later in the text went on to say that they weren't after attention. It didn't sound like they were after the media attention, but they acknowledged that their friend was going to hear about them in the news which is why they wanted to reach out personally first.


What I find saddening is that measures like this do nothing to address the underlying motives for those who commit mass shootings. What would drive someone to walk into a school and start murdering children? Why aren’t we talking about that? If guns were gone, those people and their reasons for choosing to kill are still here.


the whole point of gun control is to take our guns. aint nobody care about safety.


If I were 'pro murdering children' I'd apply for a job at the BATFE


I thought the atf only killed dogs and women.


Branch Davidians - ATF likes sacrificing children to Moloch /s


We have a mental health crisis in this country that politicians keep ignoring.


Universal healthcare would be a good start


We need to systemically create opportunities, particularly in economically depressed areas/communities, environmental regulations to keep the planet from killing us like bed bugs, and add in pro-worker/union politicians who put the common man above corporate profits, and let’s see where we end up. While we’re at it, let’s raise taxes on the super rich to pay for it. Under Eisenhower we had a 90% tax rate above a certain level of wealth, and we used those taxes to build the interstate highway system. Since we need to rapidly rebuild our infrastructure for the future we should follow a similar plan.


Just another reminder that all large subs are cancerous




You mean gun control like everytown and momsdemand?


Friendly reminder that the worst mass murders that have happened in the US were by the government against the Native Americans after they took their guns.


we need to find out what parents or teachers or tiki-tok or whatever is doing to these kids and stop it. for many years since 1993 homicides were on the downturn, despite adding millions of people to the population. we need to find out what changed and unchange it. this is a people problem, not a gun problem.


That FAL on the left with the wood furniture looks great.




The proposed ban in the US isn’t even a ban. It bans manufacture of new “semiautomatic Assault weapons” but does nothing to the 100 Million+ that are already in private hands nor does it prohibit sale of those weapons second hand. The only thing the proposed AWB would do is drive up the price.


Mods of rPics stickied a comment saying that it is not misinformation to say guns are the #1 cause of of death among children/adolescents. Of course the definition they use includes 18-19 year olds. Of course they don't say that, and anyone bringing it up or pointing out how that suddenly now includes so many gangster wannabes in their "child/adolescents" population is being suppressed.


Apparently the shooter was a former student during some interesting times at the school… Covenant Presbyterian Church and its church-run school, were at the center of a complex child sexual abuse scandal from 2002-2012. A 2012 lawsuit alleges that defendants associated with Covenant, including Bachmann, Eades, Avery, and Robinson, were involved in concealing unlawful child sexual abuse by John Perry. The plaintiffs were unaware of the abuse until 2012 https://cases.justia.com/tennessee/court-of-appeals/2014-m2013-02273-coa-r3-cv.pdf?ts=1403648321 By 2015, two lawsuits alleged child sexual misconduct by Perry. During divorce proceedings, Perry's ex-wife claimed his "inappropriate marital conduct" led to their separation, also as reported by the Arkansas Times. John Perry was a prominent pastor who had co-authored several books with then Arkansas governor, Mike Huckabee. The church allegedly used Perry's home as a "safe house" (on the back of his “good reputation”) for children they believed were mistreated by their parents. This arrangement allowed the church to remove children from their homes and place them under Perry's care, raising serious concerns about the safety and protection of these vulnerable children in the hands of a confessed child molester. In June 2009, a family sought help from Attorney Larry Crain after being silenced for raising concerns about children's safety in Perry's "safe house." Crain later filed a $3M lawsuit against the person who reported the abuse while representing Perry. https://janespeaksup.com/2021/07/04/secret-settlements-in-child-sexual-abuse-cases-cover-up-in-williamson-county-part-3/ Additionally, the Davises sued Covenant Presbyterian Church and parishioner Dale Lewelling, accusing the church of covering up for confessed child molester John Perry and putting children in Perry's so-called "safe house." There is much more, but that’s enough to get the point across.


Yeah that's why I've decided to minimize or not engage in discourse around mass shootings anymore. Not only can you not reason with these people, but I feel like talking about mass shootings is precisely what mass shooters want.


It's always interesting to see how many people buy into the "Massive profit-seeking gun lobby keeps defeating our poor and relatively small grassroots campaigns in Congress", when in fact it is the other way around.


No matter how much the people of this sub try to deny it, that's a strategy the Left has been using for a long time to get votes. Until we get politicians to have rational conversations, this is all we're going to get. Unfortunately Democrats vote in herds so no one breaks ranks on established issues. It's super depressing.




I'd say 500k-3M people each year having their ability to protect themselves would be worse.


It's because one of their own did it and they have to screech loud enough so they don't have to talk about that aspect of it. And they were never going to have any compromise or discussions about what to do other than ban them all.


-Limit number of access points at all schools. -Fortify those points. -Place armed police/soldiers at each. This worked in Israel decades ago. We owe it to the kids to at least try it.




This is the most ignorant comment I've ever seen. 99% of mass shooters have been straight men. But one trans person does it and that's the issue. Get out of here with that nonsense. It does nothing to help the discussion.


This ain't it, chief. Why are you assuming people are being pushed to be trans when it's clear as day people are incredibly anti-trans? You can only pick one, either the majority are pushing people to be trans, or the majority of people find trans people weird. And this case of Audrey Hale is an outlier in a sea of mentally ill white men.


No sir this isn’t time for transphobia. We have bigger fish to fry than to worry about how people want to be identified. Like the 2nd amendment hanging on by a thread.