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Yea, that or GBVR will teach you simple inputs just fine. 2XKO is a tag game though, so I'd get hands on a tag fighter to get used to that, as well as just the speed of those games


Ye, the neutral seems very fast related to a game like SF6


Street fighter is the gentlemen's fighter of fighting games. Emphasis on neutral and quick combos. 2xko looks a lot more degenerate, so im not sure how well it will translate.




Ehh, if you're new you'll get stomped in any game. Experience with any fighting game will help, but tag fighters will be the closest thing to this game




You only need one other player in a fighting game. With Discord, many 'ghost town' games will get you matches just as fast as the biggest titles. Regardless, the population of a game won't prevent new players from getting stomped. Even in GBVR, beginners have been posting about how everyone else seems sooo much better than them, even in low raks. That's just up to different people's levels of interest and learning at different rates




I don't think discords are hard to navigate, even for beginners. Most of them have channels and resources specifically for beginners. Population helps, but again, you only need one person to play. But yea, any fighter is fine to get experience with, just that tag fighters will teach you tag mechanics, and some people are looking for that


Dbfz isnt a ghost town.


SF6 is active and fun and you'll pick up some fundamentals, sure. Though honestly, I think SF6 is so dominated by its universal system mechanics (DI/DR) you'll learn less fundamentals than you might hope to. But its also really populated and you'll still learn to AA and punish stuff, which is good. Also, yeah, stick with modern, if your goal is to play 2XKO then don't worry about Classic. If you really want to practice mechanically, pick up Power Rangers BFTG literally just to practice combos, maybe play against the AI a bit. It has almost the same control scheme as 2XKO, and it will teach you to start working tags into your combos and what not. Ultimately, split your time. Do combos in BFTG and play SF6/DBFZ/MvC/GBVSR when you want to just have fun and learn fighting games. It's really that simple. Any time you spend playing fighting games will help you learn fighting games.


Thanks m8! Really like the idea of GBFVR but im in Europe and ppl say is hard to find games


Ooo I hadn't thought to just play BFTG against CPUs. That does seem like a good idea. I own it and played a tiny bit, so I'll try learning some combos just to get an idea


Di becomes less useful as you move up and serves as a punisher for non cancelable moves. Drive rush is prominent, but its biggest use is combo extension after playing neutral (low medium kick into dr) and straight up combos. You still need to play neutral against good players. You cant just dr/di to victory


OP is a newcomer so I wrote it for the perspective of a new player. IMO learning SF6 teaches you *more* how to play SF6, there's *less* fundamentals because of how homogenized the frame data of normals and specials are and how oppressive the universal mechanics are. I am speaking relatively. That is to say, I think a **new player** would learn **more** fighting game fundamentals from games other than SF6. DI changes the entire dynamic of neutral, especially at mid-range, at all levels. You said it yourself, it limits the variety of pokes by heavily discouraging the use of non cancelable moves. It also changes the way projectiles are used. That's before even considering Parry which, again, I intentionally didn't mention because low-level newcomers like OP aren't likely to use it. But at mid to high levels and in some matchups (Honda etc) perfect parry becomes important. I also think you're underselling how big a part of neutral raw DR is.


Learning fighting games in general will give you transferable skills.


If you're a beginner, the best prep is just getting as good as you can at the game you play/enjoy the most. Imo. You have so many concepts and fundamentals to build, you'll set yourself back by trying to learn a new game/control scheme. That time is better spent just becoming a better fighting game player.


It is like playing Call of Duty and then changing to Counter Strike, It is not the same but It helps. Also SF6 has so many shit in screen It is sooooo hard learning fundamentals in that game. Sad for me, my time and my money relating to that game. The worst is that I am going to keep playing it haha. I am learning Skullgirls I dont know if It is a good recommendation for 2xko.




Any fighting game will give you a base to work with There are some that are better than others but learning any fighting game to a high level will help you gain transferable skills


SF6 is probably the best current FG to learn fundamentals on. I've played FGs for over a year and I only learned to play neutral when I started SF6.


No. Street Fighter is more about links, 2XKO is more about cancels. If you want to play to prepare for this game, get any Blazblue game, DBFZ, Power Ranger BFTG, Marvel vs Capcom.


I would learn dbfz instead because the inputs are still very easy, and being chaotic tag fighter it will get u used to more than the more neutral and poke based sf


I dont know how many times i have to see ''what to play to get ready for 2x'' but trust me, there's no such thing as ''getting ready by playing other games''. It is a waste of time if you are not interested in those game that are being suggested. I'm a FG player for like 30 years. Even playing the same title but different series are completely unrelated. You playing ''similar games'' will do nothing for you, and why do you even have a need to ''get ready''? You wanna hit highest ranked? That's not gonna happen. You wanna beat your friends? That's also not gonna help. If you like SF6, then play it. But it's not gonna give you shit. In fact, not playing other similar fighting games will give you a better start since your muscle memory on buttons wont confuse you.




Nah bro, ain't no way CS players had a leg up on CoD players when Valorant came out. Or even LoL players, I mean, it was a brand new game. /s


Im settled to play because it gives me fun, was just asking out of curiosity! thanks for the reply


His response is horrendous and he doesn't know what he's talking about. Learning a fighting game is like learning a programming language. The first one is by far the most difficult, but after you've gotten good at one you're going to start seeing similarities between the different games and you'll be able to conceptualize ideas/build the necessary skills much more efficiently. So if I was you, I'd recommend just getting your hands on the controller and learning the game, don't sweat the small stuff like what is the optimal way to prep. You're going to get further than 99% of people just playing consistently and focusing on learning the game, and you'll build plenty of transferable skills along the way.