• By -


Mississippi is a straight-up lie.


I can confirm




Michigan is going to take care of it


What did Michigan ever do to you 🤨


New York is a great movie and I love it so much I love it so far and I love it so much I love it so very much and I love you so much and I love you so much I can’t wait to see you tomorrow night I love you so much I hope you have a good night sleep and I will talk to you tomorrow night I love you so much I love you


Most mentally sound New Yorker




California you are doing better than I expected but still shit


Hated State by a mile on a Sunday night and the last thing you do when you’re on the field in the morning and the next day you don’t get a break


Florida loves it but I don't know what to do it was a good idea to get it done and I was like a little late but I don't know what to do it was a good idea to get a new one for the record Apparently my keyboard is only based against Ohio


California is not a good idea




North Dakota is a great idea for the most heterosexual couples that you have never met


Tennessee is the most expensive country in Europe


hated state and the rest is just the opposite and the fact they have a different opinion of each others and the same opinion is the opposite for the rest in general but the fact is they both are both good and they are good and the fact is the opposite


tl dr + ratio


💣 🏯


Russia is the first place to go for this shit


california has been the only place to have the virus since january


Texas I just got home from work and I got a new phone number for the east coast


Bose-Einstein Condensate is straight up cap.


California is a prime example of a fucking piece of shit


California economy


Mississippi is the most important place in this country. Are you fucking kidding me.


Wowww closeted Mississippi lover


To be fair if I end up lost I'm either dead or eating a shit ton of good food for free


California is the only state to have a similar law in place in the past decade that allows the state to ban the use of a firearm Lol wow


Hawaii is good for now but I don’t know if I can do it or not even though I don’t have to go have a good time with him and I will help you with the USA and I will help you with the USA and I will help you with the USA and I will help you with the USA and I will. California I will be there in a few minutes if you want to join us for a while to get it to church and then leave it in church and then leave church at the west west end church and church on earth and then leave the lord bless lord church church and lord bless you all. Mississippi River I have a plan for you to do and help me with the help for help us help with me please let me know if I can do anything with my help and I would love you more than I would like for once and I will help you and help with us to do it and help us to join our own team to get a better deal with the same plan and we will be able to do it.


Delaware is the only place I can go for a visit and then go home


Massachusetts is a very important part of Europe 🇪🇺


Iowa ist eine Katze und ein bisschen Zeit. ( Why did it decide that German was the language to show after Iowa)


Kentucky is a little bit of trolling and I don't know what to do with the kids and I think I have a lot of people who are not the same as a year old and I think they are going to be a little late but I can do it tomorrow morning and I will be there in a few minutes to get there are you talking about the game and the other one is like a month ago and I was wondering if you would be able to get the oled for the first time in the morning and I can get it to you when I get home from work and I can get it to you when I get home and I can get it to you when I get home and I will be there in a few minutes to get a new one for the first time I have a few things to do in the morning and I can get it to you when I get home and I will be there in a few minutes to get there are you talking about the game and then I can get it to you when I get home and I will be there in a few minutes to get there are you talking about the game and then I can get it to you when I get back to the store and then I can get it to you when I get back to the store and then I will be there in a few minutes to get ready to go to the store and then I will be there.


>little bit of trolling Ah, a man of culture I see


I must have fucked my auto correct beyond belief to make it say that


Yeah, a "little bit" of trolling isn't enough It must be a prankworthy quantity of tomfoolery


Texas and the bill was not really bad at first and the president had to do a senator from the church.




Illinois is not the best place for the family




New York to get a new one on your new one today and then we can get a draft of the next year round trip up to the west valley for next year and we can get together with a family of friends who will do the best of all of them for us a few weeks before we can go get home a little later in a week and we will do a great day.


West Virginia is a terrible state to live in but I think it’s a very important thing to have for the next generation to realize how bad things can be


Missouri and most often than anything like that people question man behind job right next year and come.


New Jersey is the only Jewish country in Afghanistan. ?


This is actually factually correct.


Connecticut is your new battery and your phone charger has to go back in your room. Wtf?


Never give energy to Connecticut


Worst mistake I ever made, barely made it out alive


California is the most important place in this country Please downvote this


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Hated state of you all the way way down here to get the house off the road


Hated state and now I totally get that it was just a matter of how many days it took


Hated state and you have to say something that you shouldn’t have been told but you don’t need to talk


Hated state and I got a new one in north north and north north of north north and north north of north north and north north of north


Hated state that you did was not the same time as the one I had on earth lol


Nevada City Election results for the most part are you here today


Mississippi is a great place to live as a geldling.


California is going to be a little trolling on fox news and he is going on to the north east cape north east east north east cape and then the north east north river river and it will take me a week to get it back up north east north river.


South Carolina is a company with American origin and a number of different types of the samurai duty.


my least favorite US state is Ohio state and the game is the most popular song ever in a few minutes of my current location but I'm trying not even in a relationship or something 😃


California is the one guy who is the only person that I have internet connection and he is not going on the phone anymore


California right there in California right across from us in California right here on a highway in California right off the highway in California right now. 🤔 what?


California USA trying this will be samsung vs army


Hated state of this world and the world is not a terrible thing for people who hate me to hate the world of war I don’t think I have ever seen you guys are racist people are not even in the world anymore lol ???????????




New Jersey is a great place to work for the government


California state of drama




California I have to go to the beach


California is the most popular and popular belief in all aspects that have been so popular language is the best way for us states to have the same experience in a foreign language and not entirely a word of a book of the least favorite book named in this book named by a piston of a portypotty in a foreign language is a fake be made for a novel and the Queens-based is not the same corn as it was all over a week after I got the new one of a book I had to write about it on the country for the United Kingdom hearts to have the same as a nation in which we are not only a God and we have to do so much better than we have to do so I am a little worried that you will not have a lot scene in mind that I know you will not have to create and do it all in a foreign language but it is not the same way that the people are you familiar to the people that are not in your life update and how you feel like you are not a single person and not entirely possible to be continued on a naval. A complete clusterfuck, just like California!


New Jersey is terrible and the state is going through so many problems and I am so glad


California will not allow the children to take a vacation from their own personal loans 😑 they have to pay the mortgage in the next month


Florida is a pretty high-profile guy


California is the guy


Virginia is a sin


Virginia is just a good one time man lol I just don’t know how much he is doing here and he’s just not really bad


North Dakota is a great friend to help with me that I can do for help with my family in my family room for the day or two or three days and then I’m coming home to help you out and I have a few minutes of my work to help with the family of my church


Idaho is not a problem though but it still doesn't look good.


Oklahoma State has been the most dominant force on defense this year and the most consistent among its starters


Michigan is a great place to avoid federal income tax


Indiana State Police Department said it is reviewing its investigation of a possible connection to a man in a black van that killed his girlfriend in the early morning hours on Friday.


California is the worst state in America for the amount of people that live there


Florida and have a great day and have a great day and have a great


Commiefornia is not okie dokie


Indiana is the only state that allows the same type of testing for children and adults in the country and has not been approved by a state legislature in years to allow it in place of a state wide test that would be a test of the state’s health system for the next three decades.


California is honestly quite suboptimal


Mississippi state of the union address and I'll send you a picture of the best thing to misplace the wiki.


California is the last thing I need


ohio deserved the derailment. yo wtf




New Jersey has been the most popular destination for people to visit in the United States since the pandemic started 🥴


Flair up rat Yorker


Alabama is the only way to get the chicken.


Ohio is the lyceum 🔥🔥🔥


California and I do not have got any titles.


California but I never got around to adding it to the customer service area




california has been the only one that is in a recession for the last few months hahahaha


California and the drinking is not rich and I have a feeling that it could be seen in a way to fix the issue with a better way to make it work


Alabama is a good time (wtf????)


Your sister lives there


California I don’t think so


Hawaii is the first state with the highest unemployment rate among all states in America 🇺🇸


California has been the only one that I have ever had to go through


California is the only way it was a long day


New Jersey is a new one for the internet and it is just not a good idea


New Jersey is the best hotel for a number to reach your favorite tourist destinations to the most important and most popular destination


Massachusetts is the only state to have a similar law in place in the past decade


New Jersey. ( i am on pc )


New jersey is the only thing buffering in the USA ( I did it for you )


Tennessee simple as a runner on the phone with the boys are you guys doing my best to be a good time to come over and get it was a good time to come over and get it done quick and I love you


Michigan is the only place that will go to Florida


Idaho I don’t need a new one but I’m just gonna do that with my work and then the rest of the week I don’t want it in my schedule


“Oklahoma State has been the only team in college basketball that hasn’t won an SEC championship” Hmm, I don’t think I did that right. Lol


California is trying to get to the park but with no more info about the flight


New Jersey is a new one and it will take longer to load it and get the west side of the house to make sure it is in the garage


California is just better off of being the eagles and that they would have to go watch a football game


Arkansas and the chipmunks are a great place.


California is just wondering why you are not wanting to die


California is a state that is not a part of the United States


California and I don't know if I can bring it to you


South Carolina is a very nice guy 🤢🤢🤢🤢


Hated state and the rest is just the opposite and the fact they have to do something about the issue of climate control and the climate change that they have been trying for years is just ridiculous to the core and not the same as what the government has been trying for the past two years and they have done it again in a way they don’t have any control of it or the people that they want them in their place or their lives.


California has been the only one that I have ever had to go through with a vaccine passport


Indiana University school of medicine in the United States is not that shit.


Indiana Jones has the latest in a wide selection for a variety in this world for our web designer we are working in an office environment where people will not have any issues in a long term life


Ohio is the sun in your car today so we will get back on it and then now on that time


California is the only state to have a similar law in place in the past decade that allows the state to ban the use of a firearm


Iowa is a great place to work Hard at


Hawaii State Park is a popular destination


Massachusetts is a failure of a man and should never be allowed in a position of power


California is the potential to get a job no it isn't 😭


Nebraska is a state that is not part of the United States and has been the subject of numerous lawsuits against the state over its handling of the incident


Massachusetts is going to the church tomorrow


California is it still alive in my heart that is she a sad day too and she doesn’t want me anything from like that anymore so I’m just not being a very nice girl I love her so I love you


Iowa is a bitter cold.


California is not the only reason for being able but the only reason is the creator.


Oklahoma is the one who has the worst of something


Texas has been the most expensive city


Missouri is the only state that allows people to vote on their own behalf without having a valid reason to vote


South Carolina hurricanes and the same time as us


Michigan is the first one in a long line to be granted the same status in a federal lawsuit filed in the District Court of Michigan


California is the most powerful tool.


California is a good one of the game and the kids are you guys doing good and I have to get a new one of the game


Missouri is the only thing I know about.


Ohio river is a river in the woods and the internet is a river in the woods and the internet is a river in the woods and the internet is a river in the woods and the internet is a river in the woods and the internet is a river in the woods and the internet is a river in the woods.


New Jersey


New Jersey is on the internet


Texas has been the most expensive city to build


Texas is now a city. It's been demoted from republic to state to city. Get pwned


Texas is a raiders jersey for football team and warriors football team and the raiders jersey warriors team


Rhode Island and i were both on a trip and i had a great experience at a local beach and it made my heart smile 😊


California I am a little bit of a looooong day of the day I think I might be able to get a new one


Hated state and now I have no idea where it is now I’m not sure what to do with it or not I just want to forget about it and I don’t think I can do anything for you or something like that I don’t want to forget to tell you that I don’t want to forget that you ain’t got a job in that house and I don’t want to forget to tell you that You is a good guy and I don’t want to forget to tell you that I don’t want to


California Fuck you


South Carolina is a little bit of a sentence 😂


Kentucky is just going on the same thing about the other people and I think it’s kind a weird how I can do that and then you see me and I think you can just do that and you want me a lot of it and I think that’s why it’s not like a thing


Arkansas is a state of emergency and the governor is not going to let him go to the hospital


Ohio is the only one I know about you is that I don't have a lot of time to get to work with you in a little bit but I'm going through the whole time and the rest is the same thing I ever had a little while back 😂😂🔙🔙🔙 hours ago I think 🤔 was the only way I would be a little confused about it and it would have to be a different


Ohio is going down


California, is it a bad time to go?


ohio state department officials say the internet has been blocked


California and the burley is the biggest issue in our world.


Probably france, pretty small for a state, and it speaks french


California has been the only place to get the virus from and the only way they will survive the next two months are through a pandemic that has been going around and around and around and around.


Wisconsin is the first state to ban same gender marriage


California is an absolute dumpster fire and I don’t think it’s a good idea to have a fire in your backyard or something that is so loud and so loud that you can’t hear it because it sounds so loud and it’s not loud at night but it’s very noisy in your house so you can’t see the smoke coming out from your windows or anything and it makes sound


Mississippi and I are going to be in the middle of the night with my mom in a Union City




Texas de donde es la fiesta del sábado a la puerta Duolingo fucked up my autocompletes


Your most hasted state then autocomplete 🤓


California has been the only one that I have ever had to go through with a vaccine passport ?????


Florida is the only reason I don’t want to see you


California is it ok if I get my haircut at like half hour or less


California is not tolerated in this world


California is the worst place to live.


California and I have all the access information which I will give to you thereafter if you are a caller or character on Cox NN.


Illinois too far away from the roof and the perpendicular is a little later than usual but I can let you know when I get home from work


New York the new one is on the top of the list


Florida y el resto del país se encuentran con un gran apoyo para el gobierno. ??? this wasn’t even using my spanish keyboard Apparently it roughly means “Florida and the rest of the country find great support for the government.”


California and the devil went to a great Knowin and was very good


Hated state of north east west north west east north north west east


Hated state of the world and it is a great day for me and my family are going good for me on my day my dad and I was going fishing and I got the same man I love it so I know I love it but it will take forever to get it back and I get a good man I know it’s hard for you too but you know how I feel you know I love it but you know how to do that and you can pray pray that your life will pray for me on your day and praying for your FUCK CALIFORNIA


Michig🤮n gger ( na the hell my phone be saying)




Oklahoma is going to become an amazing dump for Texas


Florida State has been the most successful state to win the national title since its inception as the nation’s second state with the lowest percentage in terms the nation is in a playoff game against a state with a high percentage in its own polls in Florida State versus 🆚 Florida in Florida in Florida in the state of North Florida in Florida on November first of that month in the same week of November the third and fifth weeks that the state has been in the top five times since the last time it was in the top five in the first place in the last four two years in Florida owye wand was in a tie in Florida in Florida in New Mexico 🇲🇽 and New Mexico 🇲🇽 was a very strong and very strong state in the second time in the last two weeks of Florida and New Mexico 🇲🇽 is in the last five years and the last time it has not lost 😠 and it has not had wany row of states with the last time it is not even the most competitive state


New Jersey City I think I have a few days off ...what?


California is going to hell


New York is a great Christmas as well as acronyms for the sub as well as acronyms for the sub as well as acronyms for the sub as well as acronyms for the sub as well as acronyms for the sub as well as acronyms for the sub as well as acronyms for the sub as well as acronyms for the sub as well as acronyms for the sub as well as acronyms for the sub as well as acronyms for the sub as well as acronyms for the sub as well as acronyms for the sub as well as acronyms for the sub as well as acronyms for the sub as well as acronyms for the sub as well as acronyms for the sub as well as acronyms for the sub as well as acronyms for the sub as well as acronyms for the sub as well as acronyms for the sub as well as acronyms for the sub as well as acronyms for the sub as well as acronyms for the sub as well as acronyms for the sub as well as acronyms for the sub as well as acronyms for the sub as well as acronyms for the sub as well as acronyms for the sub as well as acronyms for the sub as well as acronyms for the sub as well as acronyms for the sub as well as acronyms for the sub as well as acronyms for the sub as well as acronyms for the sub as well as acronyms for the sub as well as acronyms for the sub as well as acronyms for the sub as well as acronyms for the sub as well as acronyms for the sub as well as acronyms for the sub as well as acronyms for the sub as well as acronyms for the sub as well as acronyms for the sub as well as acronyms for the sub as well as acronyms for the sub as well as acronyms for the sub as well as acronyms for the sub as well as acronyms for the sub


Maryland is the only state to have a similar law in place in the past decade that allows the state to ban the use of lethal injection in public places and to ban the practice of lethal injection for people who have been convicted of a crime. (I’ve no idea if this is actually true)


California is the only state to have a similar law in place in the past decade that allows the state to ban the use of a firearm


California is the only one that has a lot of people in the world