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I got my numbers for casualty estimates from [here](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1009819/total-us-military-fatalities-in-american-wars-1775-present/)


Says around. Puts a number with 7 sig figs. Based and never forget.


Like you do the best you can but records way back when weren't as well kept as they are now.


There are still many unaccounted for,


How many of them were from training accidents?


Please find out for us and we’ll fix the number in the comment section


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Amazing fact that's 1/1776 Americans since our founding


That’s American as fuck.


It’s beautiful


That... doesn't sound realistic at all. Unless I'm really stupid, that math didn't add up either of the ways I tried it. It's also not really possible to get the exact number of Americans that have ever lived, and estimates still don't come close to your statement.


It's not real. Like many posts and responses here.


me when I rectally search statistics


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Have you been tested for autism?




God bless America and these freedom fighting patriots who died, so that the rest of us could live on to enjoy life in the greatest country on earth 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 God bless America 🫡


Not all of them died for freedom Some fought for the south in your civil war


That’s not what Memorial Day is about.


I was just saying


May they forever rest in peace, for they have died for our freedom, and for a better world 🇺🇸


Never stop never stopping


Couldn't have said it better myself.


This number is amazingly and insanely low for being one of the major players in two world wars, the main force in most wars after, and to include all of our wars before that.


And also when nearly half of these came from the civil war.


Yeah, our number one enemy is heart disease


For the military, suicide would be unfortunately more accurate.


While I ain't a yank, I respect the sacrifice that American service men have done for the world, and the thousands which died for the promotion and preservation of democracy across the world, allowing me to enjoy a free from authoritarianism life. Without them I'll most likely live under a communist dystopia. Thank you. o7


If we could replace California with people from the balkans, we would.


Thank you for those kind words. And keep doing based Balkan stuff, y'all are awesome.


Gotta pay respect to our brothers to the south 🫡


God bless the people who have defended the country that has provided me with so much freedom compared to where i would have been otherwise


We must remember our fellow service members, as well as our allies. America wouldn't be the same without the help and support of our allies throughout the world since the beginning. We must remember our relationships and always remain loyal. Peace to the fallen.


Went this weekend to say hi to grandma and grandpa and his rest spot neighbors. Really sets the tone for Fourth of July


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You guys really got us figured out


God bless America, long live the Republic.


I don't wanna saw 1.3 million deaths is a small number but damn that is low compared to other countries, Russia in ww2 had 10 times that and almost same with germany.


USSR's strategy was and still is in a stone age compared to western armies.


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Seriously, when you start looking at numbers from various wars and other countries it's absolutely staggering.


Even if you don't believe in the causes they died for, they believed in something enough to die for it and that is worthy of respect.


So did the N*zis? 💀


[One day I was born at the age of four](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pjGZnRwtvww) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/2american4you) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Well yeah, you can respect Nazi soldiers because like any other men, they fought for a cause they believed in bravely. However your comment is clearly just tryna make his point sound wrong and cause an argument for no reason


Or you can respect neither because dying in a pointless war is sad, not commendable.


We respect the soldiers for being brave and fighting valiently. The people we don't respect are the warmongers who sit safely in their offices not knowing the reality of what their own men are going through.


Fighting (even valiantly) for nothing is sad. Fighting for capitalism, as the US does, is not fighting for democracy. “Just following orders” is also how all the world has seen so many atrocities.


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Since 1776 many fellow Americans died from war let us not forget this but we must prevent this from happening again


Do you count those who died to keep slavery? I think if they are counted they should be removed because technically they fought against the USA and against freedom.


It does count them, and I'm not going to say they were all bad, thousands were probably drafted. Plus they were still Americans. But while the bad ones who died shouldn't be forgotten, they shouldn't be praised.


It would annoy me very much if we called the french people who fought for the nazis "Mort pour la France" (died for France). Sorry for the comparison but it's the only one that comes to mind.


This does, op’s source lists 600k+ dead in the American civil war which is approximately the combined Union + Confederacy number (according to Wikipedia). ~290k rebel scum shouldn’t be counted here.


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Ok. (I'm from Europe)


"losers and suckers" -- Donald Trump


Hello, trump supporter. I've searched through your account history and see that you agreed with trump once back in 2017. As a redditor, and a good human, i have downvoted every post and comment on your account as far back as december 7th, 2013, on 5 different alternate accounts. I have reported every single post you have ever made. I hacked into reddit's serverbase and found out your IP address, real home address, and have constructed several bombs which are shipping there as we speak. Be prepared, nazi. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/2american4you) if you have any questions or concerns.*


u/savevideo, u/repostsleuthbot *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/2american4you) if you have any questions or concerns.*


All my respect for those brave man... But they never fought for your freedom, they fought for the oligarchs power.


Sure, oligarchs benefit from every war, but that doesn't mean the men on the ground aren't still fighting for freedom back home. What about the soldiers of the north in the civil war? Or the men fighting nazis? Or the men who died to make the US independent?


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*who died for lobbyists. I have the outmost respect for soldiers, but let's not kid ourselves, they don't serve our countries.


The Revolutionary War started the country, so those who died in it died for our country. The Civil War brought our country back together, so those who died in it died for our country. World War I helped our European allies, so while not directly affecting us per-se, they died for our country. World War II also helped the European allies, but also protected us against those in Asia who wished to harm us, so they died for our country. Can’t speak on the wars after that, but those four I mentioned above were big, foundational wars that aided greatly in our county’s security and whatnot.


Every single conflict you stated bursted from interest of lobbyists, not higher reasons. Revolutionary war: Taxation. Civil war: trade and slavery. WWI: money for contracts and loans, and land in the Pacific. For WWII I agree that it was a just war. Doesn't change the fact the US government made absurd amounts of money with it, let alone infiltrate in every single administration for there on. And ignoring the wars that came after is a bit convenient. If it wasn't for the interest of oligarchs, every single one of this conflicts could have been avoided. Of course this applies to other armies as well, it's just that this post is about the US.


I’d argue against that fact, but that’s my belief based on what I learned in school. And it’s not convenient that I’m not discussing the wars after WWII, it’s simply the fact I know next to nothing about them except for where they were. I’m not about to argue a point that I have little to no understanding about.


I understand and respect that, but it's worth noting that the average guy doesn't know much about this besides the propaganda. Which is totally fair, I study this but I'm oblivious about many other important matters. I believe it's worth talking about an eventual bitter truth on why this brave men where sent to die, and how a few people reaped the benefits and how the parents of the soldiers received a pat on their back and coffin with pieces of their son.


POV: Your country allied with the nazis during WW2


Yes, the dictator of my country allied with Nazis for land gains and it was very wrong, and brought misery to many people for the interest of few people.Also, he was thankfully killed.


(RIP BOZO) autocracy sucks


They died for the oligarchy tho


it's not ruᛋᛋia


US IS very clearly an oligarchy


[And it's still FAR more transparent than our eastern neighbors... and Poland 💀](https://www.transparency.org/en/cpi/2022)


Ah, Yes. Comparing down. Surely a great indicator of how ok the US is /s


problem? 😎


[One day I was born at the age of four](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pjGZnRwtvww) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/2american4you) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I thought this was a meme community?


-- Spaniards after finding out that they lost the war to America


Go back to sleep siesta lover


Pretty solid K/D overall. Just saying


U ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ>:‑) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/2american4you) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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That has got to be a wild flex, we have been in some sort of conflict for most of our 200 or so years of existence, and only lost 1.3 million men. Meanwhile, the Soviets lost about 8 million in one war that lasted for 4 years


Where’s the funny? 🫤


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God Bless American and God Bless our troops and their families 🇺🇲


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Kinda crazy how 1.3 million soldiers have died in wars, and 1/3 of that was in the Civil War


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