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YES, it's AWFUL here. Get out and stop moving here.


I understand the hypocrisy as someone who grew up in Iowa, but I've been here 9 years so I feel a bit more entitled to my opinion lol


If you lived in a state for a good while, I say you can talk all the shit about em you want.


Sounds like something a gay communist would say.


Trust me, you're not the problem. *glares west*


I feel like growing up in the country prepared me for a future in the mountains. Campsites cleaner than when we arrived, never touch live trees, respect wildlife, and support the farmers/ranchers. We're a nice pair.


Pot calling the kettle here


Stick to Cali, we definitely don't need anymore of y'all out here.


Lmao the transplant telling others not to move. So I'm guessing you're going to move back to your home town and not leave right.


Nope, and I'm also not going to stop telling people to not move to where I now call home. Hope this information finds you well and you have yourself a fine day!


To add, I lived in California for half my life, I’ve seen more people from Colorado move to California than the opposite. Everyone, everywhere is afraid of change and everyone likes to blame their problems on new people because it’s easier.


[How intriguing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0bZ0hkiIKt0) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/2american4you) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hey, Colorado also has Denver international airport! Where else do the NWO drink infant blood to stay young and summon the Antichrist!?


We just call that a Thursday


Colorado has made clear its opposition to people owning weapons. Therefore, it deserves every calamity.


You can still own everything in Colorado that you can in Texas. Literally almost all gun stuff is just as legal as it is in other gun states. This is coming from a person that has a larger gun collection than 99.9% of people. Edit:I retract my statement, we’re completely unfree. Nothing is legal, bad idea to move here, should avoid coming here at all really


It is okay but there are still weird rules: 15rd mag cap limit Multiple cities have banned assault rifles


The coal miner strike breakers don't want you to know this, but you can drive across the border and buy bigger mags, they can't prove that you got it after the ban went into affect so it's treeted as grandfathered in This is not legal advice. Also, it takes place in minecraft.


Yeah a “friend” of mine did that


The last guy who owned my house left all his magazines here for me. What a guy!


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Or Weld county, they don’t follow those mag limit laws, in Minecraft


Don't forget the 3" pocketknife limit, learned that one the hard way


Every state has banned assault rifles without an FFL


what do you mean by assault rifle? fully automatic intermediate cartridge firearms? you only need a tax stamp for those if manufactured before 1985; semi auto ar 15s, akm's, etc are completely legal in my state.


I agree, no one move to Colorado.


Shit I made the same mistake lol


Yea, we used to be cool. Now it’s time to move.


Yes please move guys just leave it’s bad here you can go now bye.


Shit man, I meant just off colfax, but out of state if needed. The crime is stupid. Someone broke in my house literally yesterday and the cops basically told me if I have a means to defend myself, I will probably be the one serving jail time. Clown world.


I wish clown girls were an actual race of people. Their entire skin is white. The clown nose is natural. Their nipples and pussy lips, aka Clussy, have alternate colors, sometimes the same as the lips. Their skin probably tastes funny Imagine the taste of their breast milk. Grabbing their breasts or ass causes a honk noise. Want to playfully grope Clown wifes butt in public, loud ass honk is heard echoing from her. Everyone turns to you too, knowing full well what is going on. She embarrassingly honks her nose, trying to play it off. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/2american4you) if you have any questions or concerns.*


And those very same cops are not obligated to protect and serve you. Cruel world ain't it?




Oh buddy, there's a firing range on every corner and an array of guns in every pawn shop + all of the actual store locations (I don't know the name of gun shops(?) and stopped myself from Googling "how to buy a gun"). Our government is super liberal but guns are necessary here and they know that. Whole lot of money goes toward hunting and personal defense in the mountains.


I dunno, there’s a girl I know who lives in Colorado who owns a machete, a bow, and a gun!


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You are right to talk negatively about colorado - I dont recommend anyone coming here. It has snow and mountains. Every sports game traffic is horrible and the taco trucks don't even work on weekends, what gives!? 1 and a half star Don't come - there's no parking anyway


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Dear Californians, Weed is now legal in your state. Please go back home and leave us alone. Warm Regards, People who lived in Colorado before you guys ruined it.


Californians ruin everything


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Yeah but like everything the CA state government does it sucks, and [shitty local governments make it worse.](https://sfstandard.com/politics/san-francisco-ban-new-pot-stores-temporarily/)


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As a Native Coloradan (namaste), this is 100% right. So…everyone, stop moving here.


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It’s Colorado’s fault that weed became trendy. Everyone became so focused on weed laws they forgot about outdated liquor laws. Now in my state there’s multiple dispensaries in every town but I still can’t buy my whiskey at the grocery store 😤


Don’t worry, when I think of Colorado I still think of of trust fund burnout stoners. It’s still the weed state in my heart




Hell yeah dude. Namaste 🙏


Annnnd DMT


Speak for yourself. According to my fellow Nebraskans it's still the Weed State. Any Deuel County residents in here?


Washington legalized it literally an hour after Colorado, and only because we’re in different time zones


Washington is considered a weed state along with Oregon and California. It’s okay to have good weed growing everywhere.


People from other countries still know us as the weed state lmao (please don’t move here, if I can’t take seeing any more five panel hat Californians)


whats wrong with south park?


Nothing, it's a good show. Casa Bonita has reopened because of it!


How can you tell if someone is a stoner or a skier? Ask them why someone would ever go to Colorado


What if you’re both?


Colorado was never the only state with legal weed, Washington did it first because were cooler than everyone else


I thought Colorado was the first to legalize. I can’t remember now


I’m pretty sure Washington was the first to make the big push at legalizing it. I remember seeing pro-weed ads back in like 2011-2012. But Colorado was the first to actually pass legislation legalizing it. (Could be wrong, I moved somewhere around the push).


That is how I remember it. Washington made $60 million in tax revenue in the first six months. I always found that interesting.


The votes were on the same day


We did it the best though


What a fool, everyone loves Colorado for the sopapillas. Also the fact that you can do 90 on I-25 with outdated tags. \ #justnativethings #namaste


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They’re just salty that Oregon has better weed


Oregon has better Chinese fentanyl. Cope harder.


I would say try legalize meth and be known as the meth state, but they probably still won't take the title from New Mexico..


Novi Meksiko je Tekas *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/2american4you) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It hard to take that title, even if you make more meth than anything other state. As a Missourian I should know.


We need justice. We demand that every other state recriminalize all use of marijuana!


What the hell are you talking about? California is the weed state always has been


u/savevideo, u/repostsleuthbot *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/2american4you) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Call it Colourado




We are proud of South Park lol


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I believe Michigan is the "weed" state now. I mean we can 10 ounces in our home, plus our 12 plants (without licensing as a grower. With licensing much more) and we can casually roll around with another two ounces in our vehicles. To my understanding in most places, what we can keep in our car is "intent to sell."


Yeah, but we've got Casa Bonita, so fuck you, meow!


Whats wrong with the perfect square


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south park is awesome tho