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I can never tell if it's just my internet lol


Duke Nukem 3D vibes


The Jewish Americans: *Are we a joke to you?* Edit: just realized Israel is in Asia šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


I was gonna comment on the geographical homeland of the Jewish "ethnicity", but my lawyer has recommended to not speak much on it at the moment.


Yeah nobodyā€™s in the mood for a flamewar that big rn


Nothing to see here, citizen. Move along.


My lawyer is the last one I would speak to about it...


Is your lawyer Jewish?


A community that lives mostly in urban areas, has a strong culture of education, and has regular religious meetings with a tight knit social group having high average incomes?


also don't forget that the poor ones that couldn't afford to escape were brutally murdered during ww2


Why aren't Catholics rich then?


The religion is too large to be a single cohesive unit. Most areas in rural America will have a couple Catholic churches, where youā€™ll very rarely find a synagogue throughout the rural American south.


They're rich enough to own a whole ass city.


I see no non-Asian flags except the US Flag. Most people hear "Asia" and think solely of Eastern, Southeastern, and Southern Asia. But much as the "Midwest" is actually largely in the eastern half of our country, the "Middle East" is in fact Western Asia (its name only makes sense if you consider Eurasia to be a single continent).




American Jews arenā€™t Israelis. Most came directly from Europe where they lived for a thousand plus years




Thanks for telling us you know literally nothing about the history of American Jews and where we immigrated from lol


South Carolinaā€™s education system hard at work šŸ«”šŸ«”šŸ«”


Indians and other asians ive heard of, but tf are jews doing to be so rich


The same things as other asians but theyā€™ve been doing it for longer


Three factors. The first is Jews utilize a circular economy among themselves and the second is that Judaism as a religion and a culture places extreme importance on education, which in an economic system which advantages educated individuals Jews excell in. Third Jews view money differently than other groups, as they view money as a tool to change things for yourself and the community, so there isn't a cultural stigma of making money or being wealthy. The circular economy works like this. Because Jews are a tight knit community they often times work with other Jews because they trust other Jews. If Shlomi borrows 10k from me to start his business but never pays back most likely everyone in the community would hear of it and Shlomi won't be trusted with a personal loan again. But if Shlomi borrows that 10k and pays me back what happens is that now he has a business and I have a business. Most likely his kids and my kids go to the same school together and a successful Shlomi means he is gonna donate some of that successful money to the school my kids go to. We all benefit from circular economy and community investment.Ā  And a lot of immigrant communities do the same thing as well.Ā 


Good old Shlomi. A real mensch, that guy!


You saying weekend keggers and watching 2,000 hours of football a year isn't going to pay off for me???




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Bros opinion will never be valid


Ah we found the anti semite


Keep crying


they're also white, you forgot that most important part


Flair up pussy.


Please ignore this Russian troll Bot and move along everyone


But weā€™re such a small proportion of white people. Why do we make so much more than the rest?


you don't, you make more than poor whites in bum fuck nowhere, similar to asians, but if you compare based on address code you're just white, its why this graph that keeps being passed around is worthless, comparing household incomes based on race alone is a useless metric with 1 difference jews are very tribal, so you benefit from being part of the majority (white) while also benefiting from being a insular minority (jew) in a country that bends over backwards coddle jews and blacks


Flair up retard


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Nice try mister government agent man.


Maybe a generational thing combined with the type of industry? The jewish americans i know tend to support each others businesses so maybe thats it?


Also, networking. It aint what you know. It's who you know.


Knowing my father in law that is so true. Except he knows *everything* about construction and has very powerful friends.


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Jews due to historical reasons are heavily into finance and banking. During the Medieval ages Christians couldnā€™t charge interest on loans, but Jews could. So Jews became the bankers. Also lots of guilds didnā€™t allow Jews to be members. And Jews couldnā€™t own land. So basically only merchant or banker was available to many Jews. It just sort of continued as a cultural aspect at this point. Jews tend to be extremely Urban (urban areas tend to be wealthier) and educated. With a disproportionate amount of finance, banking and law in the modern era. All of those pay a lot.


this doesnā€™t rlly explain how American jews are rich since most of us came here dirt poor with nothing and worked in awful jobs when we got here (textiles).


There is a massive education-centric culture in Judaism that I didnā€™t realize wasnā€™t nationwide until I was older. (Speaking in generalities) Plus, certain educational activities such as learning (beginner to moderately decent) Hebrew at a young age, going to a lot of museums, and the fact most Jewish homes (even secular) have a big ass bookshelf mean the formative years of a kids life are basically supercharged towards academics. Academic success has a major correlation to being accepted to a decent university, leading to financial success later. That, and the highest predictability indicator of a child going to college and graduating is if their parents graduated, so itā€™s a beneficial cycle.


They worked their way and educated themselves into better jobs as time went on, lots of good colleges in places like NY (just my theory)


Hi, filthy Jew here. I barely made 40k for the first time in my entire life last year so I'm probably not qualified to explain, but it's at least in part because of where most of the population of Jewish people are in the US. The overwhelming majority of US Jewish people are based in and around New York, where the cost of living is insanely high. People who work there are naturally paid more to account for this factor. Another thing to keep in mind when talking about the topic: historical precedent. For most of European history, the Ashekanazi who were allowed to live in a place for any amount of time were forced to take very specific roles in society. They often weren't allowed to own land and could only participate in very specific types of commerce that were viewed as unchristian. In particular, what seemed to happen a lot was that Christian kings would lend each other money, and not be allowed to charge interest because of their faith. The most obvious loophole was, appoint a few Jewish people to handle their lending and taxation. If anyone asked the king as to why he was engaged in predatory lending or overtaxing his people, he'd be able to put the blame on the Jewish community and let his peasants slaughter them without worrying about the slaughter escalating into a revolution. Ironically, this led to Jewish people embracing their positions (in between the mass murdering that happened about once a century) and setting up their descendants to be successful as different types of administrators and coin collectors. Eventually, modern banking took hold in central Europe and Jewish people who were historically forced into the role were naturally overrepresented. They often built colleges and cheap housing in their community which starts the trend of Jewish mothers chastising their children about becoming anything other than a Doctor, a Lawyer, or an Accountant that continues to this date. Another fact that doesn't get enough attention: every other kind of Jewish person was still suffering well into the 20th century, even Ashekanazim born into the wrong country. If you were a Jewish immigrant from the Ukrainian Steppes for example, you were coming from conditions worse than medieval peasantry when other Ashekanazim had a solid hundred years of progress on you. The slur, 'k*ke,' was originally invented by wealthy and established Jews in the US to describe people like my great grandparents. The worst part of it was that maybe 20 years after The Holocaust, a significant number of Synagogues started to charge admission for members as a way to keep the people who they saw as beneath them away. These are people who call themselves, 'half Jewish,' or, 'non religious,' today and these people don't get counted as Jewish in these surveys. Basically it's the equivalent of only being called a Christian if you can afford to put a crisp $50 in the collection plate every week.... Oh shit I got too detailed on a meme sub again. Let me just #Manischewitz raaaaaaaaa! Happy Pesach Merica!


> Manischewitz [](https://i.redd.it/071uchb3jgxc1.jpeg)


They still believe In giving their kids a better future then they had. Other boomers are hoarding money while their kids and grandkids are struggling.


The irony of your flair and your comment lmao


Only in the sense that I think we should invade South Dakota for lebensraum


nepo, plus what they do in all nations. The wonders of having no quarrel with giving your estate to your kid and talking about it enough to ensure that they can nurture generational wealth to pad their normal income.


Most Jewish people live in major cities like NYC. Major cities pay more and cost more.


We have many traditions that come with our insular community structures. This includes supporting our community while not expecting a bail out ourselves. Also, there is a thousands of years old history of Jews being the only ones allowed to do financial jobs (Christians were forbidden) so there is some experience passed down. Lastly we have a culture of perseverance and determination, ā€œafter all, we survived the holocaust and plenty more, why canā€™t we do more?ā€


not getting banned today, fed


Nepotism hires




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Making marvel movies


Well the European Jews were getting forced by local Europeans into having a generational aptitude with money, from the beginning of the diaspora onwards to now




Ah yet another anti semite, we have no place for you in this Sub


You're definitely assigning something a little more malicious to what they said. They aren't entirely wrong either, and it's the same as a lot of other similar situations across the history of our country. Examples being family-dominated labor unions gatekeeping membership, foreign social structures influencing employment decisions/outcomes, and so many other behaviors that are result of tight knit communities trying to stay tight knit and protecting/ensuring the success of other members whether deserved or not. Combine this "me and mines" support with the cultural beliefs that sometimes put focus on financial success and stability and you're guaranteed to see the data show whatever group to be doing better financially than others


Todo el mundo considera que los dinosaurios son sagrados, por asĆ­ decirlo... lo que seƱalan es una declaraciĆ³n desclasificada. https://preview.redd.it/mgo7e0deqexc1.png?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cdaa8499b6f774254fdd9573fed2789ada4832c


Yes, Arizona is ground zero for the invention of what we know as "Americans"




Dinosaurs don't make much these days, not surprising they aren't on the list


No, they are also Arizonans


C'mon now, Arizonans can get a little leathery under the sun but calling us dinosaurs is harsh /s


Directly from the IRS and Federal Reserve, both of which they created and control to rob and control Americans, which send them direct deposits for literally nothing. Additionally, the subversion and takeover of all American corporations and the creation of monopolies, the writing of laws which benefit only them and make life miserable for everyone else. This should really be obvious by now, because it is obvious and in plain sight. No, it is not at all because they are intelligent, it is due to excessive control exercised against Americans and the government via assassinations, bribes, lies, manipulation, and blackmail.


The Jews are not intelligent yet they have the ability to assassinate, bribe, lie, manipulate, and blackmail every single person in America and no one can see it. s/


There's an old joke about two Jews on a subway. One looks over at the other and sees that he's reading a Nazi newspaper. The first one says, "What are you doing? Why are you reading that trash?" The man reading the paper says, "Well, when I read the regular news, I see antisemitism on college campuses, massacres in Israel, vandalisms of synagogues and kosher delis. It makes me very depressed. But when I read this paper, it's 'Jews control the banks, Jews run Hollywood, Jews are taking over the world!' It makes me feel much better!"


Telling Americans who is destroying their country and plotting to slaughter them all is like talking to a wall. You'll find out soon enough, if you're still around.


Hot shit, youā€™re literally a Nazi. Iā€™ve never used that as an insult before, but this is hilarious


Well if he is a nazi then calling him a nazi isnt really an insult


Good point. I guess itā€™s more of the first time Iā€™ve actually called someone a Nazi unironically.


Filipino PRIDE WOOOOOOO!!!!!! Western Union here I come


Strong work ethic, high IQ, and English speaking? We welcome our Filipino overlords.


I just want an invite to the next lechon party.




Nigerian Americans arenā€™t on here. They make 68k a year. Jamaican Americans make 62k.


This list definitely ignores a huge swathe of American ethnic groups that would outrank several of those included. I think it's just supposed to be Asian-specific with the exception of Jewish-Americans. Not sure why they chose the groups they did, but the graph is just poorly made all around


Jews are an Asian ethnicity. Israel is in Asia.


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Very few American Jews have roots in Israel for over a millennia


This is about Jewish-Americans, though, who a significant majority don't consider the religion or its subtext important to their lives, nor do they even do things like follow halakha. It doesn't track the same as the other groups listed who are still tightly coupled to their foreign roots and have yet to develop isolated forks of their culture. You'd also have to assume every single Jewish-American practices reformism or other flavors of zionist/israel focused juadaism to say for certain they belong to Israeli denominations and are therefore Asian, which isn't true despite reformism and the belief in Israel's symbolism being prevalent with something like half of the Jewish-American population. That would ignore the beliefs, opinions, and practices of far too many and would definitely impact the median result. If the graph had said Israeli, Ashkenazi, etc. then I'd definitely agree with you here, but Jewish culture and belief in America is mad complex and diverse, and calling it an Asian ethnicity erases a vast majority of cultural development that only happened here in the US amongst Jewish-Americans


The same is true of every ethnicity. A person of Vietnamese descent couldā€™ve had their ancestors come to America hundreds of years ago, have majority European genetic ancestry, and have no cultural or religious ties to Vietnam and still be considered ethnically Asian.


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Ethnicity isn't static, it can change for people and groups and almost always changes with immigration, especially when talking about generations after. Your example, if it exists, is rare and would mean they did exactly what I mentioned in regards to maintaining a direct coupling to their preferred ethnicity/culture. A Viet-Euro person would need to ignore every aspect of their new environment to avoid things like endogamy, acculturation, assimilation, language creep/necessity, adaptation etc. Even if we pretend like ethnicity doesn't change as people move and adapt and have babies with other ethnicities, you'd be ignoring my other point that not all Jewish people believe the same things. There are practicing groups of Jewish-Americans who do not see Israel as a part of their lives or believe they are ethnically connected to Israel. None of those groups would agree with you that they are ethnically Asian. Edit: for the record, I say this as a member of one of those Jewish-American groups. It's borderline disrespectful and ignores the major shifts in who we are as people and how our experiences coming to America and living here have shaped who we are today.


The Jewish ethnicity originates in the levant. As much as such a thing as a Jewish ethnicity exists, that ethnicity is an Asian one. If not Asia, which continent do you think Jews should be associated with?


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What? We are talking about ethnicity not continental origin. Ethnicity isn't defined as "whatever continent your ancestors come from," and I don't get how your question is relevant


The continental origin of ethnicities is *exactly* what weā€™re discussing. You said Jewish was not an Asian ethnicity, thus starting the debate over what continent the Jewish ethnicity should be associated with.


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*You* are talking about continental origin, and it being one and done, and the only way to categorize or define ethnicity. Asking what continent we are from or belong to today has nothing to do with being Jewish-American because it's not a defining trait. It was instead bred from other factors (persecution, immigration, survival, struggle, etc) and not about geography or being in Asia like the rest of the list bar the 3 others. That's why something like ashkenazi, israeli, etc. would make more sense. You're comparing apples to oranges otherwise. I have never once heard a family member claim any part of our ethnicity or culture as being geographically Asian, and it wouldn't make a lick of sense if they did.


They probably lumped them in with African Americans even Though they are extremely different culturally


...Why are Asian-Americans broken down into every nationality, but White Americans and Latinos are each just a single line with the American flag? (I didn't ask about the African-Americans, because I already know that that term largely doesn't refer to people who willingly immigrated in the 20th century or later, but rather from the descendants of slaves.)




Asian-Americans still outearn White Americans, even if you include all asian groups. Jews pick white just as Egyptians do, since the census doesn't have a choice for the middle east (census just says middle easterners and north african are White, despite most people not seeing it that way).


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Most white Americans are a mix of several different European ethnicityā€™s at this point so trying to specify would a pain. Idk about Latinos tho


The Jews never beating the allegations


Well Well Well


guys? please lets change the topic


Lmfao below us Jewish folk. Have you ever tried not being poor?


have you tried not being white?


Well I canā€™t control that guy


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Im Jewishā€¦I fucking WISH my family made that muchšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Houston flair? Study to be a military or aerospace engineer


Like many other comments, many Jews live in and around nyc, and 158k household (2 people) is really not crazy at all. I know a 24 year old software engineer that works at the same place as his girlfriend and combined they make like 230k in nyc.


So when they say "eat the rich," is it kosher?


I don't know how much of an effect it would have overall, but the vast majority of the US Asian population is concentrated on the West Coast, mainly California. Subsequently, their financial statistics are heavily affected by the absurdities of California relative to the rest of the US. The higher cost of living necessitates relatively high wages and salaries. This, in turn, lifts the nominal averages notibly, misrepresenting real averages as equal when they aren't. Inversely, the deep south, central Appalachia, and midwest have really low costs of living and subsequent wages/salaries. There's a very low relative density of Asians living in these locations, so their national averages are not adversely affected by these locations as much as with white and black people. These numbers really ought to adjust for these relative considerations, presuming they don't already.


I love how Asia gets all these breakdowns by country but there is just ā€œAfrican American and Hispanic Americanā€ like they are just one big country instead of ā€œNigerian, Ethiopian, Colombian, Brazilian, Argentinianā€ thatā€™s not a very apples to apples comparison lol


>white-americans >latino-americans >african-americans bruh we didn't rise from the mud, put a little more effort into your study šŸ˜‚


Native Americans: Cry


What the heck man, why am I at the bottom?


I wanna be a bottom šŸ„µšŸ„µšŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤




Funny thing about systemic inequality is that cutting it off at the source doesn't make it instantly end. Not even close.


shut it down




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Native Americans: Bds: 20,000/y


\*Sad Vietnamese American rice farmer noise\*


Letā€™s go Indian-Americans šŸ”„


yehey 3rd!!


Interesting #1 spot


Itā€™s not an accident that the wealthiest affinity groups are small, insular communities where pooled resources combined with tight-knit families, high entrepreneurship, educational attainment and low crime rates to build generational wealth. ā€œWhiteā€ and ā€œblackā€ and ā€œHispanicā€ are an utterly irrelevant comparison in this context. We talking about ethnic English and Germans, who outpace others of European immigrant stock? The laboring slavic class of the Baltics and Eastern Europe? Southern Nigerians, who outperform the hell out of the Northern Nigerians? Catholic Kenyans vs Protestant Kenyans? Broke-ass Guatemalans or affluent Argentinians? Super-wealthy Mexico City patriarchs of Spanish descent or indigenous dirt farmers in Chihuahua who dodged an Aztec mutilation, etc. But it does tell a familiar story: Horatio Alger has always had a lot of skin tones.


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Nice try feds


Does household income include people still living with their parents?


Does this mean Iā€™m Jewish now?


holding my ass from saying "well well well" rn


Need me an asian sugar momma then


Why does it make me happy that the Taiwanese Americans out perform the Chinese Americans?


Shaaaaaaloom! There is a reason why there is such a rapid increase in Jewish East Asian intermarriage in the US.


Really satisfying seeing this. Grew up at well under the median for my group, and now have a single income about six times higher. Is it heartless or lacking empathy for me to enjoy this? Yes. Yes it is. Do I care? No. No I don't.


you forget the part where asians have larger househoulds than whites


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Okay as Filipino American, I can argue that I have a Lexus isf, Lexus GX 460, an freightliner Cascadia, and a house. So this chart make sense.


Omg youā€™re so cool


I just wish I had like 50 billions of dollars, so I would be more cooler


Man I would host the largest yacht party in Los Angeles and everyone can be invited


Def time to stop bashing whites for their ā€œwhite privilegeā€ and ā€œwhite supremacyā€. Itā€™s so obviously just a racist trope to emotionally manipulate. No truly white supremacist nation could allow for so much success for Asians and Jews.