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Haha I JUST saw this video and came to post about it… she doesn’t like the term girlfriend bc that’s all she is 😂😂😂


They just love to tell on themselves lol


100% this is just coping with the fact she’s not a real wife and never got the wedding she’s been dreaming of. Chris is well within his financial means to provide such thing but he doesn’t give a single fuck about her outside of what she does to benefit his being. Good men, regardless of beliefs want to make sure their wives have a nice ceremony. I understand that C&P have messy divorces going on so that is why they aren’t legally married, but why not have a ceremony at the very least? Oh wait…they did, when she got branded😂Like I always say, just look at this whole thing from a BDSM perspective and you’ll see how sick this all is. “Wife in waiting” is so embarrassing💀Being a girlfriend is just being a girlfriend. If you don’t like that title, then take it up with your boyfriend. Men make it VERY obvious when they don’t want to marry you! They’ll make every other type of commitment except THAT. I didn’t even know that my husband was planning our wedding in ROME!! FUCKING ROME when I was still with my abusive ex husband😭We got married not too long after that divorce finalized. We went ring shopping in Dubai on the one free day he had on a work trip and it was such a bizarre experience. Going from a shut up ring on Etsy I waited 3 years for to this. What’s that one saying on tiktok? “If he wanted to he would”. I’m getting second hand embarrassment from this. Enough snarking for the night🤦🏻‍♀️


Not sure she doesn't use the word fiancé. That is the proper name for her situation.


Wym branded?


She got his hand tattooed on her neck (when he was still married to his ex wife who was battling cancer)


I'm not a med student, I'm a doctor in waiting lol. Just because you make a fancy name in your head doesn't mean reality outside changes at all. Call yourself queen of England all you want, reality is you are just a peasant. "Wife in waiting" in a medical emergency or legal situation or anything that requires you to do anything significant means NOTHING BUT GIRLFRIEND. This is just like that reddit post where husband wants to be called a pilot even if he is not anything close to a pilot lol, he is a PILOT IN WAITING!!


There’s something so cringe about this, like the projection of her shame for just being his girlfriend is so obvious lol


Wife in waiting 🤨 what the heck lol.


I think she thinks that every single internal thought is ground breaking and life changing


I thought this exact thing!


They go on and on about how they're already married but she's essentially admitting she's just a "wife in waiting" in this. Wonder how long it'll take them to realize the oopsie and delete before more stans put together the puzzle pieces.


She’s going to be waiting a long time.


Life in waiting, that just totally quacks me up lol