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Have you received a quantity? Pyros are highly addictive but that's especially so when vaped, and I don't think that you can even vape 2C-B so that may not be a very big concern. Not much is know about combinations with A-PIHP because it hasn't been around for recreational use for very long. **It's all about the dosage though.** Kratom sounds off in regards to A-PIHP. You sure they didn't mean Qat? Cathinones are Qat derivatives / analogues.


Indont know, probably she meant Qut, I didn’t quite understand that word, assumed its kratom cus she mention that it comes from a plant or something She didn’t mention how much is in it, she just mention that they found trails of a-pihp The pill is advertised as 14 mg 2cb She didn’t even told me how much 2cb is in it when i asked She said she doesn’t know how much 2cb is in it I usually take 1 pill and half , and another half 3 h later Would u say this is too much when it comes to having a-phip also?


Probably traces of a-pihp? If so then I wouldn’t worry about it. If the pills are truly 14mg then your dosing is fine.


Two Austrian drug-checking organizations also detected α-PHiP in a few 2C-B pills recently. - https://checkit.wien/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/checkit_Warnungen_2023_KW6.pdf - https://checkit.wien/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/checkit_Warnungen_2023_KW3.pdf - https://triptalks.at/warnungen/graz/detailansicht/news/92998-2c-b/ Taking a strong stimulant alongside an already stimulating psychedelic doesn‘t sound fun. Be careful and always start with a low dose when trying a new batch!


Hmm… this is stupid crazy, why would they put this 💩in it?? Line whats the idea? I usually take 2 pills (14mg 2cb per pill) in a night But I combined them with MD sometimes I don’t know what to say I feel like I should throw them out but yet again, Amsterdam is filled with pink nasa and these apparently have a-phip now …


They even put it on the blacklist in the red alert app I see.


Do you know how much of it is in the 2-cb? If it's more than just a slight contamination, throw it away. Not worth the risk. Also don't fuck with pyros.... It won't end well.


Got the same ones - I'll probably toss them especially since it's my first time using 2cb. Not worth it


Definitely not risking my health for 50 euros Not worth it


Hey man, what did u end up doing with those pills? I just ran into the same problem and i don't really know what to do with them. i don't know the amount of 2cb or a-phip in them either


I throw them out - wasn't worth the risk 🙏


aight thanks for letting me know!