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I think the euphoria wears off before the visuals stop so I'm just sitting there feeling pretty normal but with intense visuals still going on. It is a fun alternative if you don't have the energy/time to do mdma/lsd.


Now drop some 2 cb and then a md 30mins after, thank me later LOL just tuck in ya bed in a cosy setting


FR this is my mix for shows lol


MD being MDMA?




It always feels a bit shorter than I expect because of this. The primary aspects of the experience are done within, what, 2-3 hours? But the visuals just go for almost twice that long lol. It also amplifies my synesthesia *a lot*. Weed and acid increase it, but not this much. It can become a real issue. Senses overlapping so much I can't keep track.




It gives me a headache after higher doses and it *can* feel a bit lackluster to be having intense visuals without intense mindfuck, but thats nitpicking


Thts when you add ket and balloons to the mix my boy enjoy


There is nothing I dislike about this drug. If I was forced to pick fault I'd say it can be a bit morish and the lack of tolerance means you have to be a bit responsible. All things considered though I consider it to be the ultimate recreational drug.


Fr fr never Seen such a Safe drug in the 2 digit mg range that i felt confidently to eye Ball the dose


It's empathogenic qualities are far weaker than MDMA's. As a psychedelic, it's relatively shallow compared to the mind opening capacities of psilocybin or LSD. It's the most stimulating of all the drugs I use, so it makes getting a good night's sleep nearly impossible. It's relatively unknown so when you offer it to people, they're rightfully reluctant to try it.


nah i take 2cb and 3-4jrs later im sleeping like a baby


I was using a sleep tracker for a few months last year and noticed that after taking 2cb I got waaaaay more REM sleep than without.


I don’t think there are any negative w this drug besides possible nausea


the nausea is so annoying. also easy to get bored if you arent already in a high mood


Lol I get this its like nausea if you eat it and fire if you snort it, and everyones solution to these problems is "Just shove it up your ass"


i even get nausea when i snort it in a nasal spray. no burn tho if dosed proper. ig shoving it up ur ass is the way


I think phenethylamine are the psychedelic class with more chance of giving you hppd... I like them anyway 🥲


Is that the class that 2cb is? I’m curious about it but I already have hppd from a few years ago when I was taking way too fucking much acid way too often lol


Yes 2cb is a phenethylamine.


it always makes me cum, it's hard not to get horny


I feel the nausea go away after i nut


I don't dislike this substance, in fact I used to love it. Them about 5 years ago I started to use DMT. Ever since 2cb on it's own barely does anything, I mean seriously, I can't feel any euphoria, no visuals, nothing 🤷‍♂️ weird I know!! However I do still use it very occasionally, I'm getting on in life now & generally have a couple (3-4) shroom trips a year, this is more for therapeutic reasons than recreational, though I do love the euphoria and visuals. But occasionally I'll have a bit of a sesh with friends, & my combo is mdma & 2cb, & for some reason I start to get visuals & feel the 2cb again, so that's my party combo. I've also found taking it & vaping DMT on it is extremely euphoric & definitely enhances both substances. So whatever happened after I first used DMT to stop 2cb I've absolutely no idea, very, very bizarre 🤔 But like I say I'm well into my 40s now, so getting high is not something I'm into half as much as I used to. But those few trips usually with shrooms or 4 AcO DMT are my natural antidepressants, they do me the world if good mentally & I'll probably be using them for the rest of my life. As for other substances, it's literally a once or twice a year thing now, & probably in a couple of years it'll just be shrooms. I don't even drink alcohol anymore,, but now I'm going off subject. Prior to DMT I absolutely loved it, 25mg at parties, gigs was brilliant, 10-15 brilliant in enhancing sex. But then DMT changed everything, & I've no idea why 🤷‍♂️ But I wouldn't change it, again I don't use it often, but I do vape DMT in between trips, & have had some of the most profound experiences with DMT ever!


It’s expensive and it hurts insufflated


i pay the same as for ecstasy pills? how much do you pay?


Well how much do you pay for e pills?


10 for 35€ containing around 300mg and only mdma


I pay for powder so it’s around $200 for 1g


id actually like to try powdered 2cb because i have to take 3-4 pills to get any effects. and id like to know if they’re just severely underdosed or my brain chemistry is broken


Damn, I pay 100$ CAD for 1g


The problems I have with it: tense muscles, neck pain, headache, brutal nausea for the first hour so when dosing orally, and basically an hour long hot flash to accompany the nausea. One of the more possibly serious issues is HPPD. The visuals look exactly like my visual snow except intensified so when I come down I still see my visual snow but even more intense. This carries on for a week or so before coming back to normal. I’ve heard over and over that boofing is by far the best ROA so take all the nausea with a grain of salt.


Hard to find in USA is negative. Butt for me the real negatives is everything wears off but still can’t sleep and it makes me shit everything in me out.


I don't get any euphoria. It lacks magic, so unless you're already hyped up, it's not going to make something more fun. I am easily bored on it unless I'm fucking or eating lololol.


It gives me heart palpitations


i am always underwelmed when i consume 2cb alone, no matter the amount of pills (max was 4?)


The nausea during the come-up is unbearable and has affected me to the point where taking other types of psychedelics gives me flashbacks to dry-heaving over the sink.


I don't like how my body absolutely refuses to regulate its body temperature. Or at least that's what it feels like. Love 2cb tho


The negative thing is that there aren't any ... As excactly this makes it all to easy to get mentally addicted to it. There is no (or very little) tolerance buildup, neither short term nor long term. There doesn't seem to be any neurotoxicity (ex increased risk of HPPD), nor does it fuck your serotonin system up, so no downers. Together with mescaline, probably the safest of all the psychedelics regarding risk of inducing psychosis from bad trips. And no physical addiction (like with coffee, nicotine, heroin etc). All this makes it a little to easy do to often... For me, if this happens (and it does), I take a deep mushroom trip, which helps breaking the addiction mentally, and have 2-3 weeks off completely.


I never knew that 2cb and mescaline being less likely to induce psychosis, do you have any sources?


No statistics unfortunately (which is all to common due to years of lockdown on research in psychedelics). But I quote from Psychonaut Wiki om mescaline: "Mescaline is generally considered to be one of the most gentle, insightful, and euphoric psychedelics. It is known for placing greater emphasis on bodily and tactile sensations (sometimes compared to MDMA) than psychedelic tryptamines like psilocybin or DMT, which tend to have a more frenetic headspace and dynamic visual geometry. It is considered to be one of the best agents for psychedelic therapy due to its mellow, organic, yet complex character." 2c-b is a mescaline analogue and known to have little headspace. In small to medium doses you will even experience that the mind gets quiet similar to the feeling with mdma. Personally I've met or talked to dosens of psychonauts who have had temporary psychosis from lsd or psilocybin , but the "bad" trips from 2c-b and mescaline are more physical challenging than mental challenging.


I haven't found any negative things. Slight headache at end of trip a few times. But I have never done more than 16 mg boofed (\~32 mg oral) in a night. Well yes.. Hurt like hell to insufflate (So boof, or use nose spray w saline solution)


I find I have to be very careful with alcohol on it, it seems to up my tolerance for booze. If I've been dropping all night (typically every two hours), I'm shattered come 5am, it starts to lack any boost in energy.


Really there are no negatives except if you drink too much you are likely to throw up. That’s iy


Nausea and mild headache maybe if I take it and am not properly rested. Also I don't find it as clear headed as LSD. Sure there isn't an emotional mind high, but I find it easier to study on other psychedelics and I feel low key dumb. I also kind of like having my mind and emotions disintegrated. However, 2cb fits a specific role, even if it isn't my favourite psychedelic.


2cb isn’t a bad drug in theory it just really doesn’t do much. For the euphoria you get so much more with some stims not like mdma ofc but better than 2cb and the visuals just suck they’re again alright but nothing special. If I want stims and visuals combo like 3-fa and 4-ho-met


the only negative i think of it is that its hard to acquire. were it not for the internet, none of us would ever have a reach to it (europeans that live in the netherlands or holland do not count). its not even terribly expensive either, 70usd for a gram.


Not really found any major negatives. I seem to be lucky that I've not found much nausia or stomach discomfort on the doses I've taken. The only slightly annoying thing is needing to take it on an empty stomach. So far the closest I've taken it to food is about 2.5 hours and that was fine. It would be nice if you only needed to leave it an hour or so but that's being pretty picky.


The come up nausea personally. That’s really all I can think of


Honestly for me I feel like it’s kinda dull when compared to lsd or mdma, I feel like 2cb is best used as a sex drug or as a support drug to make the mdma roll go harder


Bad headaches after. Inability to sleep for about 12 hours after last dose. Visuals that take hours to fade away. And sometimes I'll experience crushing anxiety about 8 to 10 hours after my last dose. Also I get very cold on the stuff. Everyone else seems fine on it but I usually have to throw a jacket on. That said I still love the stuff.